Research on Richard Wagner’s Early Works: The Origin of His Work Principle in Relation with the External Influence and His Germination of Creativeness
Shin'ichi Suzuki and Talent Education: On the Formative Period and its Principles of his Philosophy
The Meiji Era and Hymns: Aspects of Protestant Christian Hymns in the Meiji Era
アーノルト・シェーンベルク オペラ 《モーセとアロン》:集合体という人格の表象 ―合唱による表現の可能性―
Opera Moses und Aron of Arnold Schoenberg : representation of a character as the mass ―possibility of the expression by a chorus―
Urban Comedy and Postwar Democracy: An Examination of Japanese Romantic Comedy Films During the US Occupation Period(1945-1952)
Reexamining Gender Politics and Spatial Representations of Women in Films of Imamura Shohei
Representational Tendencies in the Films of the Fleischer Brothers: An Exploration of an Alternative Mode in Animation