Messages from the President and the Vice Presidents

In accordance with our educational philosophy of “Do for Others,” Meiji Gakuin University offers a Christian-based education in the tradition of our founder, James C. Hepburn.

Makoto Imao

Learner-centered education in the spirit of “Do for Others”

Guided by the principles of Christian education and academic freedom, Meiji Gakuin University upholds the vision of its founder, Dr. J.C. Hepburn, who lived the philosophy of “Do for Others.” These values are needed more than ever in a world that faces numerous challenges: the rapid development of technology, worldwide pursuit of profit and efficiency, and the worsening of social inequalities, conflicts, and global warming.

In these unpredictable times, it is difficult to find solutions to complex social issues through compartmentalized study in individual faculties and departments. At Meiji Gakuin University, we are dedicated to helping our students develop diverse and flexible thinking skills that transcend discipline and specialty. We offer a learner-oriented education in an environment that enables students to set clear educational goals and achieve real academic success.

Right now, our society needs people capable of thinking from multidisciplinary perspectives. As the recent global pandemic made clear, a general education must encompass digital literacy so that students can learn how to use qualitative data to find solutions to problems for which there is no right answer. Accordingly, we have collaborated with the new Faculty of Mathematical Informatics to make AI and data science programs available to all students. As a result, students of the humanities and social sciences can now experience firsthand the importance of attaining competence in mathematics, AI, and data science as they study these topics. Conversely, students in the Faculty of Mathematical Informatics can also study areas of interest in the humanities and social sciences.

In addition, we must also think about values that are not apparent in numbers and data alone. A true general education must help students learn to think about people and society, what it means to lead a fulfilling life, and how to be open and tolerant. People continue to learn throughout their lives. It is my hope that students will view their general education as the basis of their whole four years of study at the university, rather than something that concludes after just one or two years.

In this way, Meiji Gakuin University is using its strengths as a university to prepare students to contribute to society in the spirit of “Do for Others.”

Hidehiko Yuzawa
Vice President(Professor, Faculty of Letters)
Responsibilities: Expanding and enhancing AI/data science education, university academic reform, Alumni Association, Center for Teacher Education
Azumi Tsuge

Aiming for academic reforms in the post-covid era

I will continue to serve in my capacity as Vice President, carrying on in my duties from the previous Executive Board. Looking back on the term of office of the previous Executive Board from academic year 2020, the first half of the period was taken up with the university’s response to the global pandemic, while the latter half was a period during which a post-covid renewed Meiji Gakuin University gradually took shape, including the establishment of the Faculty of Mathematical Informatics and the introduction of AI and data science education across the entire university. What will be required of the Executive Board in the future is to drive further academic reforms linked to digital transformation of the university. There is an urgent need for mutual cooperation between liberal arts education and specialized education, as well as the introduction of a dynamic cross-faculty educational curriculum, not to mention the important point of developing a supportive ICT environment on campus. Already various universities are leveraging the experiences of the pandemic years to create renewed teaching systems. Rather than simply following suit, Meiji Gakuin University should aim to ensure that our two campuses become even more vibrant through the implementation of fresh and innovative academic reforms. Although the road ahead may be long, I will do everything I can to help the university progress.

Aoi Mori
Vice President (Professor, Faculty of International Studies)
Responsibilities: Yokohama campus facility management, international programs, university academic reform, Volunteer Center, Christian Education Promotion Council (MG Foundation)
Satoko Nakano

Serendipity at Meiji Gakuin University

I wonder if you have heard of the word “serendipity.” It refers to the ability to make unexpectedly fortunate discoveries and is associated with the story of three princes of Serendip (the ancient name for Sri Lanka) who possessed just such a gift. If you constantly hone your sensibilities, even without being consciously aware of doing so, the meaning of chance encounters can become apparent, and this realization can bring good fortune in your life. Meiji Gakuin University began life as the Hepburn Academy, founded by Dr. James C. Hepburn, who came to Japan in the waning years of the Shogunate. During his time here, he made tremendous contributions to the modernization of the this nation through Christian missionary work, educational activities, medical services, and the compilation of Japanese-English dictionaries. It is at this institution where you have the opportunity to make so many unexpected discoveries. I invite you to use and sharpen all five senses as you explore the Shirokane Campus, with its grand historical buildings, and also the environmentally themed Yokohama Campus, in a rich natural setting. The library, standing as a symbol of knowledge, the chapel, with gentle light streaming through its stained glass windows, and the sound of conversations among faculty, staff and students that can be heard throughout our campuses will surely be a source of inspiration for you. Perhaps you already have a feeling that great discoveries await at Meiji Gakuin University?

Miaki Kuroda
Vice President (Professor, Faculty of Law)
Responsibilities: Entrance exams and high school outreach, public relations, Career Center, university academic reform, community engagement, Shirokane campus facility management
Shigehiro Nagano

Building a foundation for your future working life

Welcome to Meiji Gakuin University. During your time here at Meiji Gakuin University, your studies will help you cultivate a deeper understanding of society and its workings. You will also have many opportunities to enhance your people skills through extracurricular and volunteer activities undertaken in the spirit of “Do for Others.” Your studies, encounters, and experiences here will shape your character. The self-insight that you gain will, in turn, serve as a basis for understanding others and finding fulfillment in your future professional life. As you will come to see, problems do not always have a single answer. This can be confusing, but it is important to face such challenges proactively, for the fearless pursuit of challenge is the foundation for success in any field. It is the springboard from which you will contribute to our increasingly complex and global society. You will meet various people during your time here, including professors, administrative staff, friends, and fellow students. Together, you will learn and have new experiences. Now that you have enrolled at Meiji Gakuin University, I hope that you will make the most of your time here and build a foundation for your future working life, which will be much longer than your student life. All of us here at Meiji Gakuin University are here to support you as you take on new challenges.

Hiroaki Ono
Vice President (Professor, Faculty of Economics)
Responsibilities: Financial affairs, university academic reform, Shirokane campus facility management, research support, internal quality assurance
Hidehiko Yuzawa

Having a dialogue with my future self

According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, 32.3% (approx. one in three) of new college graduates who graduated in March 2020 left their jobs within three years. How should we perceive this figure and what does it tell us? There may be no need to make too much fuss about it if we perceive it as being part of labor market fluidity, as many people are likely to gain the opportunity to transfer to a better working environment. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for the university to receive requests for advice from recent graduates who have found that their post-graduation company or job is totally unsuited to their needs and that they are unable to continue in employment. In the case of the latter, such situations could likely have been addressed by considering the type of environment that a student would be suited to at an early stage. At university the process of acquiring knowledge in each field and also dialogue with faculty members and fellow students can serve to enhance students’ abilities to both identify and solve problems. It is through this process that students should be able to gain a better understanding of their own patterns of thinking and what distinguishes them from those of others, because everyone is different and unique in their own way. A deeper insight into oneself could provide an opportunity for career development. As you engage in your studies at Meiji Gakuin University, I hope that you will give thought to how you will integrate into society in the future.