Jeff Coulter with Garfinkel, Lynch and Rawls   [Japanese Site]
(c) Jeff Coulter with Harold Garfinkel, Mike Lynch and Ann Rawls

Professor Jeff Coulter's Visit to Japan in March 2008

All these lectures/seminars have already been finished.

What's New

Professor Jeff Coulter, from Boston University, will visit Japan in March 2008 and hold seminars at Meiji Gakuin University. These seminars will be sponsored by the Institute for Sociology and Social Work at Meiji Gakuin University. He will also hold some additional lectures during the visit. The topics of the seminars and lectures will be more or less related to his recent book, Brain, Mind and Human Behavior in Contemporary Cognitive Science, co-authored with Professor Wes Sharrock. Anybody interested is welcome. (Aug Nishizaka)


■ Monday, March 24, 2008, 10:30 -- 12:30
  Lecture 1 "Fetishizing 'Syntax'"
  Venue: Room #1457 (on the 4th floor), Main Building (Bd #1)
  Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo

■ Monday, March 24, 2008, 14:30 -- 16:30
  Seminar 1 "The Concept of 'Science' in the Social Sciences 1"
  Venue: Room #1457 (on the 4th floor), Main Building (Bd #1)
  Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo

■ Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 10:30 -- 12:30
  Seminar 2 Discussion on Syntax and 'Science'
  (Professor Coulter will elaborate some points made in Monday's talk using Harvey Sacks' ideas.
  Then, we will discuss some topics from Monday sessions to deepen our understandings
  ofProfessor Coulter's arguments.)

  Venue: Room #1457 (on the 4th floor), Main Building (Bd #1)
  Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo

■ Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 10:30 -- 12:30
  Seminar 3 "Rule-Following, Rule-Governance and Rule-Accord: Reflections on Rules After Rawls"
  Venue: Room #1457 (on the 4th floor), Main Building (Bd #1)
  Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo

■ Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 14:30 -- 16:30
  Lecture 2 "Revisiting 'The Unconscious'"
  Venue: Room #1457 (on the 4th floor), Main Building (Bd #1)
  Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo

■ Thursday, March 27, 2008, 14:30 -- 16:30
  Lecture 3 "Twenty-five Theses Against Cognitivism"
  Venue: Room #1457 (on the 4th floor), Main Building (Bd #1)
  Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo

■ Friday, March 28, 2008, 10:30 -- 13:30
  Discussion Session on Topics related to the Seminars/Lectures
  Venue: Room #1457 (on the 4th floor), Main Building (Bd #1)
  Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo


It would be very helpful for us to know in advance the approximate numbuer of prospective participants. If you are interested in addending, please send a note to Tomone Komiya at the follwoing address by February 20, 2008:

(Please replace (α) in the above address with @ when you send your message to the address. This is to avoid spams coming in.)

Do not forget to specify which slot(s) you intend to attend. We will try to accommodate as many people as the capacity of the room allows. If you have any questions about the seminars and lectures, please address them to Aug Nishizaka.


We may ask you to contribute the amount for the materials and other necessary things to organize the seminar/lecture series. Not so much, 1000 yen for each and up to 5000 yen for all, perhaps.

About Professor Jeff Coulter   Jeff Coulter

Professor Coulter received Ph.D. from the University of Manchester in 1975. He has been teaching sociology at Boston University sicne 1974.

Professor Coulter's interest is in the reconstruction of the conception of mind from the sociological, particularly Wittgensteinian-ethnomethodological point of view. He combines the linguistic-philosophical approach, advanced by Ryle and Wittgenstein, and the ethnomedological perspective, by Garfinkel, to investigate the actual uses of mental concepts, sensitive to all the particularities of each current situtation. He conducted long-term fieldwork at psychiatrical sites in UK and Sudan when he was young. His publications include many articles based on the analysis of the actual interaction taperecorded during the fieldwork.

You may want to visit his website:

Professor Jeff Coulter's main publications

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