Michael Lynch's Publications
April 2000
Publications - Books, Edited Volumes & Special Issues
- Lynch, Michael, Art and Artifact in Laboratory Science: A Study of Shop Work and Shop Talk in a Research Laboratory)'. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985.
- Lynch, Michael and Steve Woolgar (eds.), Representation in Scientific Practice. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press, 1990. Previously published as a guest-edited special issue of Human Studies, 1 1(2/3), 1988.
- M. Peyrot and M. Lynch (guest eds.), Ethnomethodology: Contemporary Variations, special issue of Qualitative Sociology, Volume 15(2 & 3), 1992.
- Lynch, Michael, Scientific Practice and Ordinary Action: Ethnomethodology and Social Studies of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
- Lynch, Michael and David Bogen, The Spectacle of History: Speech, Text, and Memory at the lran-Contra Hearings. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996.
- Garfinkel. Harold, Michael Lynch and Eric Livingston, "The work of a discovering science construed with materials from the optically discovered pulsar," Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1 1(2): 131-158, 1981.
- Lynch Michael "Technical work and critical inquiry: investigations in a scientist"re laboratory," Social Studies of Science, 12(4):499-533, 1982.
- Lynch, Michael, "Closure and disclosure in pie-trial argument," Huwan Studies, 5(4): 15-33, 1982.
- Lynch. Michael. Eric Livingston and Harold Garfinkel, "Temporal order in laboratory work," pp. 205-238 in K. Knorr-Cetina and M. Mulkay (eds.), Science Observed. London: Sage, 1983. Reprinted in J. Coulter (ed.), Ethnomethodological Sociology.
London: Edward Elgar, 1990, pp. 416-449; and (in Spanish translation) in J.M. lranzo. J.R. Blanca, T. Gonzalez de la Fe. C. Tortes and A. Cotillo (Compiladores), Sociologia de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1995, pp. 163-185.
- Lynch, Michael, "Accommodation practices: vernacular treatments of madness," Social Problems, 31(2): 152-164, 1983. Reprinted in E. Rubington and M. Weinberg, Deviance: The Interactionist Perspective (5th Edition). New York: Macmillan, 1987, pp. 33-43. Also reprinted in J. Stimson and A. Stimson. Sociology, Contemporary Readings (2nd Edition). Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock, 1987, pp. 169-180.
- Lynch, Michael, "Turning up signs in neurobehavioral diagnosis," Symbolic Interaction, 7(1): 67-86, 1984.
- Lynch, Michael, "Discipline and the material form of images: an analysis of scientific visibility," Social Studies of Science, 15(1): 37-66, 1985.
- Lynch, Michael, "La retine exteriorisee: selection et mathematization des documents visuels," Culture Technique, 14 (Juin): 108-123, 1985.
- Brannigan, Augustine and Michael Lynch, "On bearing false witness: perjury and credibility as interactional accomplishments," Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 16(2): 115-146, 1987.
- Lynch, Michael, "Ethnomethodologie et pratique scientifique: la pertinence du detail," Cahiers de Recherches Sociologiques, 5(2): 47-64, 1987.
- Lynch Michael "Alfred Schutz and the sociology of science " pp 71-100 in L. Embery (ed.), Worldly Phenomenology: The Influence of Alfred Schutz on Human Science. Washington, D.C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1988.
- Lynch, Michael, "Sacrifice and the transformation of the animal body into a scientific object: laboratory culture and ritual practice in the neurosciences," Social Studies of Science, 18(2): 265-289, 1988.
- Lynch. Michael and Steve Woolgar, "Introduction: Sociological orientations to representational practice in science," Human Studies, 11(2/3): 99-1 16, 1988.
Reprinted in M. Lynch and S. Woolgar (eds.), Representation in Scientific Practice. Cambridge, MA: The MIT press, 1990, pp. 1-18.
- Lynch, Michael, "The externalized retina: selection and mathematization in the visual documentation of objects in the life sciences," Human Studies, 11(2/3): 201-234,
1988. Reprinted in M. Lynch and S. Woolgar (eds.), Representation in Scientific Practice. Cambridge, MA: The MIT press, 1990, pp. 153-186.
- Law, John and Michael Lynch, "Lists, field guides, and the descriptive organization of seeing: birdwatching as an exemplary observational activity," Human Studies, 11(2/3): 271-304, 1988. Reprinted in M. Lynch and S. Woolgar (eds.), Representation in Scientific Practice. Cambridge, MA: The MIT press, 1990, pp. 267-299.
- Lynch, Michael and Samuel Y. Edgerton, "Aesthetics and digital image processing: representational craft m contemporary astronomy " pp. 184-22O in G. Fyfe and J. Law (eds.), Picturing Power: Visual Depiction and Social Relations. London Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988.
- Bogen, David and Michael Lynch, "Taking account of the hostile native: plausible deniability and the production of conventional history in the Iran-contra hearings, Social Problems, 36(3): 197-224, 1989.
- Bogen, David and Michael Lynch, "Social critique and the logic of description: a response to McHoul." Journal of Pragmatics, 14(3): 505-521, 1990.
- Lynch, Michael, "Laboratory space and the technological complex: an investigation of topical contextures." Science in Context, 4(1):81-109, 1991. Reprinted in S.L. Star (ed.), Ecologies of Knowledge: Work and Politics in Science and Technology. Albany State University of New York Press, 1995, pp. 226-56.
- Lynch, Michael, "Pictures of nothing? Visual construals in social theory." Sociological Theory, 9(1): 1-22, 1991.
- Lynch, Michael, "Method: Ordinary and scientific measurement as ethnomethodological phenomena" Pp. 77-108 m G Button (ed.), Ethnomethodology and the Human Sciences: A Foundational Reconstruction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
- Lynch, Michael, "Science in the age of mechanical reproduction: contextual uses of diagrams in contemporary biology." Biology and Philosophy, 6: 155-76, 199 1.
- Bjelic, Dusan and Michael Lynch, "The work of a scientific demonstration: respecifying Newton's and Goethe's theories of color." Pp. 52-78 in G. Watson and R. Seiler (eds.), Text in Context: Contributions to Ethnomethodology. London and Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1992.
- Lynch, Michael, "Extending Wittgenstein: the pivotal move from epistemology to the sociology of science." Pp. 215-265 in A. Pickering (ed.), Science as Practice and Culture . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
- Lynch, Michael, "From the 'will to theory' to the discursive collage: a reply to Bloor's 'Left-and right-Wittgensteinians'" Pp. 283-300 in A. Pickering (ed.), Science as Practice and Culture . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.
- Jordan, Kathleen and Michael Lynch, "The sociology of a genetic engineering technique: ritual and rationality in the performance of the plasmid prep." Pp. 77-1 14 in A. Clarke and J. Fujimura (eds.), The Right Tools for the Job: At Work in 20th Century Life Sciences. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992. Republished in translation: "Rituel et rationalite dans l'execution de la 'preparation des plasmides'." Pp. 107- 153 in A. Clarke and J. Fujimura (eds.), La Materialite des Sciences: Savoir-faire et Instruments dans les Sciences de la Vie. (Paris: Sythelabo, 1997).
- Lynch, Michael and Mark Peyrot, "A reader's guide to ethnomethodology," introduction to M. Peyrot and M. Lynch (guest eds.), "Ethnomethodology Contemporary Variations," Special Issue of Qualitative Sociology, Volume 15(2 & 3): 1 13-22, 1992.
- Bogen, David, and Michael Lynch, "Do we need a general theory of social problems?" Pp. 2 13-37 in G. Miller and J. Holstein (eds.), Reconsidering Social Constructionism. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter, 1993; simultaneously published, pp. 83-107 in G. Miller and J. Holstein (eds.), Constructionist Controversies: Issues in Social Problems Theory. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter, 1993.
- Jordan, Kathleen and Michael Lynch, "The Mainstreaming of a Molecular Biological Tool: A Case Study of a New Technique " Pp 160-80 in G. Button (ed.), Technology in Working Order: Studies of Work, Interaction and Technology. London: Routledge, 1993.
- Lynch, Michael, "Representation is overrated: Some critical remarks about the use of the concept of representation m science studies," Configurations, 2(1), 1994: 137-49.
- Lynch, Michael and David Bogen "Harvey Sacks's primitive natural science," Theory, Culture and Society, 11(4), 1994: 65-104.
- Lynch, Michael, "Springs of action or vocabularies of motive?" pp. 94-1 10 in P. Gouk (ed.), Wellsprings of Achievement: Cultural and Economic Dynamics in Early Modern England and Japan. Aldershot: Valarium, 1995.
- Lynch, Michael and Kathleen Jordan "Instructed actions in, of, and as molecular biology," ' Human Studies, 18, 1995: 227-44.
- Lynch, Michael and Kathleen Jordan, "L'atffaire Williams: un exercice de sociologie de la connaissance," Reseaux, No. 71 (Mai/Juin), 1995: 31-54.
- Lynch, Michael, and Samuel Y. Edgerton, "Abstract painting ,and astronomical image- processing " Pp. 103-24 in F. Tauber (ed.), The Elusive Synthesis Aesthetics and Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
- Lynch, Michael, "Detoxifying the 'poison pen effect'" Pp. 238-58 in A. Ross (ed.), Science Wars. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996.
- Lynch, Michael and David Bogen, "Reinventing cognitive sociology." Pp. 11-24 in A. Marcarino (ed.), Analisi della Conversazione e Prospettive di Ricerca in Etnometodologia (Urbino, Italy: Quattro Venti, 1997).
- Lynch, Michael and David Bogen, "Lies, Recollections, and Categorical Judgments in Testimony." Pp. 99-121 in S. Hester and P. Eglin (eds.), Culture in Action: Studies in Membership Categorization Analysis. Washington DC: International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis and University Press of America, 1997.
- Lynch, Michael and David Bogen "Sociology's asociological core': An examination of textbook sociology in light of the sociology of scientific knowledge." American Sociological Review, 1997: 481-93.
- Lynch, Michael "A so called fraud moral modulations m a literary scandal." History of the Human Sciences, 10(3), 1997: 11-23.
- Lynch, Michael "A sociology of knowledge machine" Ethnographic Studies, No. 2 (Autumn) 1997: 16-38.
- Lynch, Michael, "Preliminary notes on judges' work: The judge as a constituent of courtroom hearings." Pp. 99-130 in M. Travers & J. Manzo (eds), Law in Action:
Ethnomethodological & Conversation Analytic Approaches to Law. Aldershot, UK: Dartmouth Publishing Co., 1997.
- Lynch, Michael and Doug Macbeth, "Demonstrating physics lessons," pp. 269-97 in J. Greeno and S. Goldman (eds.), Thinking Practices in Mathematics and Science Learning. Marwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998.
- Lynch, Michael, "Towards a constructivist genealogy of social constructivism," pp. 13-32 in Irving Velody & Robin Williams (eds.), The Politics of Constructionism. London: Sage, 1998.
- Jordan, Kathleen and Michael Lynch, "The dissemination, standardization, and routinization of a molecular biological technique," Social Studies of Science, 28 (5/6), 1998: 773-800.
- Lynch, Michael, "The production of scientific images: Vision and re-vision in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science," Communication & Cognition, 31 (2/3), 1998: 213-28.
- Lynch, Michael and H.M. Collins, "Introduction: Humans, Animals, and Machines," Science, Technology & Human Values, 23(4), 1998: 371-83. (Introduction to Special Issue guest edited by M. Lynch & H.M. Collins).
- Lynch, Michael and Sheila Jasanoff, "Contested identities: Science, law, and forensic practice," Social Studies of Science, 28(5/6), 1998: 675-86. (Introduction to Special Issue guest edited by M. Lynch and S. Jasanoff).
- Lynch, Michael, "The discursive production of uncertainty: The O.J. Simpson 'dream team' and the sociology of knowledge machine," Social Studies of Science, 28 (5/6), 1998: 829-68.
- Lynch, Michael and David Bogen, "The struggle between testimony and evidence at the Iran-contra hearings," pp. 53-76 in P. Jalbert (ed.), Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches. Lanham, MD & Oxford: International Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis and University Press of America, 1999.
- Lynch, Michael and John Law, "Pictures, texts, and objects: The literary language game of birdwatching," pp. 317-341 in M. Biagioli (ed.), Routledge Science Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 1999.
- Lynch, Michael, "Archives in formation: Privileged spaces, popular archives, and paper trails," History of the Human Sciences, 22, 1999: 65-87.
- Lynch, Michael, "Silence in context: Ethnomethodology and social theory," Human Studies, 12 (2), 1999.
- Lynch, Michael and Ruth McNally, "Science, common sense, and common law: Courtroom inquiries, and the public understanding of science," Social Epistemology, 13(3), 1999: 183-96.
- Lynch, Michael and Ruth McNally, "Aprisionando um monstro: a producao de representacoes num campo impuro" ("Enchaining a monster: the production of representations in an impure field"), pp. 159-86 in Fernando Gil (ed.), a Ciencia tal qua se faz. Lisbon, Portugal: Ministry of Science & Technology/Edicoes Joao Sa da Costa, Lda., 1999.
- Lynch, Michael, "Against reflexivity as an academic virtue and source of privileged knowledge," Theory, Culture, and Society 17(3), 2000: 27-53.
- Lynch, Michael, "Ethnomethodology and the logic of practice," to appear in K. Knorr-Cetina, E. von Savigny, and T.R. Schatzki (eds.), The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory. London: Routledge (in press).
- Lynch, Michael, "The living text: Written instructions and situated actions in telephone surveys," to appear in D.W. Maynard, H. Houtkoop, N.C. Schaeffer, and H. vander Zouwen (eds.), Standardization and Tacit Knowledge: Interaction and Practice in the Survey Interview (New York: John Wiley & Sons, forthcoming).
- Lynch Michel, "Horizons pratiques et artistiques de l'observation scientifique," Bulletin de Psychologie Tome XLI No 386 571-575, 1988.
- Lynch, Michael, "Allan Franklin's transcendental physics." Pp. 47 1-85 in A. Fine, M. Forbes, and L. Wessels (eds.), PSA 1990, Proceedings of the 1990 Biennial Meeting
of the Philosophy of Science Association, Volume II. E. Lansing, MI: Philosophy of Science Association, 1991.
- Lynch, Michael and David Bogen, "In defense of dada-driven analysis." Sociological Theory, 9(2): 269-276, 1991.
Lynch, Michael, "Going full-circle in the sociology of knowledge: Comment on Lynch and Fuhrman," Science, Technology, and Human Values, 17(2): 228-33, 1992.
- Lynch, Michael, "Epistemic cleansing: Puritan critic disrupts catholic meeting at Oxford," The Achievement Project Newsletter, 3(2): 2-4, 1993.
- Lynch; Michael, "Representing reference, or how to say 'fish'," Social Epistemology, 7(4): 355-58, 1993.
- Lynch, Michael, "Collins, Hirschauer and Winch: Ethnography, exoticism, surgery, antisepsis and dehorsifircation," Social Studies of Science, 24(2), 1994: 354-69.
- Bjelic, Dusan, and Michael Lynch, "Goethe's 'Protestant Reformation' as a textual demonstration: Comment on Jackson," Social Studies of Science, 24(4), 1994:
- Lynch, Michael, "Collaboration and scandal: A comment on Labinger," Social Studies of
Science, 25(2), 1995: 324-29.
- Lynch, Michael, "On making explicit," Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol. 3, 1995: 65-68.
- Lynch Michael "Ethnomethodology " In A. Kuper and J. Kuper (eds.), The Social Science Encyclopedia, Second Edition: London: Routledge, 1995.
- Lynch, Michael, "Ethnography and textual authority: Comment on Dauber," Current Anthropology, 36(1), 1995: 86-87.
- Lynch, Michael, "DeKanting agency: Comments on Bruno Latour's 'On interobjectivity'," Mind, Culture, and Activity, 3(4), 1996: 246-5 1.
- Lynch, Michael, Ruth McNally & Patrick Daly, "Fragile espace de la Preuve Exportees hors de leur lie d'invention, Ies pratiques scientifiques sont vulnerables," Special Issue "300 ans de Science," La Recherche, No. 300 (July-August), 1997: 1 12-
1 15.
- Lowe, Adam. Gordon Findlater, and Michael Lynch, "An anatomical atlas: Printed in relief from intaglio plates produced directly from sections of plastinated cadavers and combined with digital imaging," art project, in Sci-Art: Partnerships in Science and Art, Top 40 Entries. London: The Wellcome Trust, 1997.
- "Harvey Sacks' philosophical investigations," review essay of Harvey Sacks, Lectures 1964-65, G. Jefferson (ed.). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989, in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 23(3): 395-402, 1993.
- "Building a global infrastructure," review essay of G. Bowker, Science on the Run: Information Management and Industrial Geophysics at Schlumberger, 1920-1 940 (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1994), in Studies in History and Philosophy of
Science, 26: 167-72, 1995.
- "The idylls of the academy," review essay of S. Turner, The Social Theory of Practices: Tradition, Tacit Knowledge, and Presuppositions (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994) and S. Chaiklin & J. Lave (eds.), Understanding Practice: Perspectives on Activity and Context (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), in Social Studies of Science, 25: 582-600, 1995.
- "Narrative hooks and paper trails: The writing of memory," contribution to review symposium on Ian Hacking, Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995), in History of the Human Sciences, 8: 1 18-130, 1995.
- Lynch. Michael, "Theorizing practice," contribution to review symposium on Stephen Turner, The Social Theory of Practices: Tradition, Tacit Knowledge, and Presuppositions (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994). Human Studies, 20, 1997: 335-44.
- Lynch, Michael, "Ethnomethodology without indifference," contribution to review symposium on David Goode, A World Without Words (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1994), in Human Studies, 20, 1997: 371-76.
- Review of A. Brannigan, The Social Basis of Scientific Discoveries, in Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, 5(1): 136- 140, 1983.
- Review of G.N. Gilbert and M. Mulkay. Opening Pandora's Box, in Sociological Review, 33(3): 625-628, 1985.
- Review of J. Heritage, Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology, in Sociological Review, 34(1): 203-205, 1986.
- Review of H. Collins. Changing Order, in Contemporary Sociology, 15(4): 619-620, 1986.
Review of D. Porush. The Soft Machine, in Philosophy and Literature, 11 (1): 202-204, 1987.
- Review of S.J. Hekman, Hermeneutics and the Sociology of Knowledge, in Philosophy and Literature, 13(1): 178-179, 1989.
- Review of D.J. Hilton (ed.), Contemporary Science and Natural Explanation: Commonsense Conceptions of Causality, in Isis, 8 1(306): 150-5 1, 1990.
- Review of M.J. Shapiro, The Politics of Representation: Writing Practices in Biography, Photography, and Policy Analysis, in Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 20(4): 5 12-15, 1990.
- Review of B. Barber, Social Studies of Science. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1990, in Sociological Inquiry , 63(2): 250-54, 1993.
- Review of Wiebe Bijker and John Law (eds.), Shaping Technology/Building Society: Studies in Sociotechnical Change. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1992, in Contemporary Sociology, 22, 1993.
- Review of Stephen Cole, Making Science: Between Nature and Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992, in Philosophy of Science.
- Review of Steve Fuller, Philosophy, Rhetoric, and the End of Knowledge. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1993, in Contemporary Sociology, 23: 3 12-14, 1994.
- Review of Harry Collins & Trevor Pinch, The Golem: What Everyone Should Know About Science. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1993, in Contemporary Sociology, 24: 114-15, 1995.
Review of Michael Redclift and Ted Benton (eds.), Social Theory and the Global Environment. London and NY: Routledge, 1994, Industrial and Environmental Crisis Quarterly, 9: 564-67, 1996.
- Review of Andrew Pickering, The Mangle of Practice: Time, Agency & Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. Contemporary Sociology, 25: 809-1 1 , 1996. Review of Colin Campbell, The Myth of Social Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. To appear in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.
- Review of Paul Rabinow, Making PCR: A Story of Biotechnology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996. To appear in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.