Wim Lunsing

Personal Data
Ph.D. in Anthropology:
Oxford Brookes University, 1995
Japanese Society; Sexuality, Gender, Lifestyles, Discrimination, Irregular Employment, Sustainable Development
Islam and Discrimination
Free Scholar
Research Professor of Japanese Studies, University of Copenhagen, 1997-1998
Japan Foundation Special Research Fellow, University of Tokyo, 2001-2002

1) Beyond Common Sense: Sexuality and Gender in Contemporary Japan, Kegan Paul, 2001.
2) gThe politics of okama and onabe: uses and abuses of terminology regarding homosexuality and transgender,h in Genders, transgenders and sexualities in Japan, Mark McLelland and Romit Dasgupta eds, Routledge 2005: pp.81-95.
3) gJapanese sex workers: between choice and coercionh, Sexual Cultures in East Asia; the Social Construction of Sexuality and Sexual Risk in a Time of AIDS, Evelyne Micollier ed., RouledgeCurzon, 2004: pp.54-75..