pmjs logs for October - December 2005. Total number of messages: 91.

This is an open version of the log. Email addesses have been hidden.
For recent discussions of this list, see the new PMJS listserve.
Return to: log index | pmjs index

* Availability of a recording of "original" for "Miya-sama, Miya-sama" (Scott Langton, Naoko Yamagata, Alison Tokita, Robert Borgen, Michael Watson, William Malm via Aileen Gatten)
* Ryokan? (David Pollack, Bill Higginson, Kai Nieminen, Sean Somers)
* Kabuki question (Hitomi Tonomura, Alan Cummings, Robert Borgen, Jeremy Robinson, Michelle Li)
* studies on smell in Japanese culture (Amanda  Stinchecum)
* MS Office 2003 & Japanese input (Karl Friday, Stephen Miller, Amanda  Stinchecum)
* Iga no Tsubone 伊賀局 (Joshua Mostow, Sybil Thornton, Gary Gross)
* Kyoozoo (Gail Chin, Keller Kimbrough, Royall Tyler)
* recent publications on Japanese religion (Michael Watson)
* kishu ryuritan  --> Origuchi Shinobu [Orikuchi Shinobu] (Christian Hermansen Douglas Lanam, Sybil Thornton, Hank Glassman, Michelle Li, Naoko Yamagata, Matthew Stavros, Michael Watson)
* Orikuchi - translation and name (Christian Morimoto Hermansen, Lee Butler, Anthony Chambers, Hank Glassman, Michelle Li, Iyanaga Nobumi)
* help with planning a course (Lewis Cook, Thomas Howell, Rein Raud, Ivo Smits, Morgan Pitelka, Gian Piero Persiani, Rein Raud, Stephen Forrest, Mikael Adolphson, Noel Pinnington)
* mirrors/Tendai/Hokke (Cynthea Bogel, Thomas Howell)
* Kyogen articles solicited (Jonah Salz)
* falcons --> birds --> tobi: black kites (Morgan Pitelka, Thomas Howell, Lewis Cook, Lawrence Marceau, Ronald Toby, Elizabeth Oyler, Barbara Nostrand, Robert Khan, Michelle Li)

Position announcements: Univ. of British Columbia;  Waseda Univ.; Curator position, The Ruth and Sherman Lee Institute for Japanese Art; Univ. of California, Irving; Univ. of Virginia; Monash Univ. (Melbourne); Univ of Hawai'i; Univ. of Oxford; Univ. of Sydney
Other announcements: ASCJ conference call for papers; Globalization Conference, Freemantle, Western Australia; Sino-Japanese Studies Summer Course at Columbia Univ.; Graduate Programmes, Univ. of Alberta; USC Graduate Fellowship; Need for Area Studies Field Readers, US Department of Education, International Programs ; 2006 USC Kambun Workshop; AJLS 2006 Call for Papers; Kyoto Lecture-- Donald Harper on Spirits; Change in URL for Publications at Michigan

Subject:  [pmjs]  Availability of a recording of "original" for "Miya-sama, Miya-sama"
From: "Scott Langton" <>
Date: October 1, 2005 12:18:55 GMT+09:00

A colleague in the English department has asked me about the availability of a recording of the original Japanese song "Miya-sama, Miya-sama" that was adapted by Gilbert & Sullivan for "The Mikado." Does anyone on the list know about the existence and accessibility of such a recording?

The lyric as presented in "The Mikado" is as follows.

Miya-sama, Miya-sama
On-uma no mae ni
Pira-pira suru no wa
Nan ja na
Toko tonyare tonyare na

Any insights anyone can provide will be much appreciated.

Scott Langton
Assistant Professor of Japanese
Dept of Classical & Modern Languages
Austin College
900 North Grand Avenue
Campus Box 61600
Sherman, TX  75090-4400
Tel: (903) 813-2569 / FAX: (903) 813-2011

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Availability of a recording of "original" for "Miya-sama,  Miya-sama"
Date: October 2, 2005 20:01:31 GMT+09:00

I do not know of any recording of the song, but a book in my possession
called 'Omoide no aishoukashuu', 5th edition (Nobarasha 1984) has the
full lyrics as well as the musical notes. It goes 'Miyasan,
miyasan on-ma no mae ni hirahira suru no wa nan jai na etc.'.  Will a
copy of that help?


Dr. Naoko Yamagata
Lecturer in Classical Studies
The Open University in London
1-11 Hawley Crescent
London NW1 8NP

 Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Availability of a recording of "original" for "Miya-sama,  Miya-sama"
 Date: October 2, 2005 20:54:01 GMT+09:00

Miyasan Miyasan is available on two recordings:


There are also several internet sites referring to it, including downloadable midi sound files of the song.

Alison Tokita

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Availability of a recording of "original" for "Miya-sama,  Miya-sama"
From: Robert Borgen <>
Date: October 2, 2005 22:55:57 GMT+09:00

Years ago, when I was a graduate student at the University of Michigan, I discovered an interesting version of the song in the library.  In was on a miniature LP recording (youthful members of this list can find "LP" in the dictionary) that was inserted in a supplementary volume to one of those 28-volume histories of Japan.  The recording was called something like "The Sounds of Japanese History" ("Oto ni yoru Nihon rekishi?") and began with the sound of a doutaku.  At the time, used to tell people it was like someone kicking a trash can, but that was when American trash cans were metal.  I'm not sure how to characterize it now.  Anyhow, toward the end of the recording, a chorus sang "Miya-sama, Miya-sama," with the words being as Dr. Yamagata records them.  I've long wondered how the Japanese "hira-hira" became Gilbert's "pira-pira."  It was sung to a jaunty dotted rhythm, although not being a musician I may have the description of the rhythm wrong.  Also, it added a verse satirizing current fashions of the Meiji period, something about "bunmei-kaika haircuts" as I recall, although again I could be wrong.  Japanese friends have told me it also has sexually explicit verses, which I haven't heard.  Anyone on this list who is in Ann Arbor can go to the library and try to find it.  I suspect the book is still there, although I wonder about the inserted LP's chances of survival.


Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Availability of a recording of "original" for "Miya-sama,  Miya-sama"
From:    Michael Watson <>
Date: October 2, 2005 23:05:10 GMT-09:00

Many sites quote only as far as the following lines ("chouteki seibatsu se yo"!), but here is one that has all six stanzas, as well as information about its composition, lyricist, and composer.

Here is a page where the midi sound file can be played directly without downloading:

Michael Watson

Subject: Availability of a recording of "original" for "Miya-sama,  Miya-sama"
From: "Aileen Gatten" <>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 21:43:09 -0400

Here is another response to the "Miya-sama" question, this time from Bill Malm.

Aileen Gatten

From: "William P. Malm" <>
Date: October 2, 2005 3:19:45 PM ED

Miyasan can be heard on the Columbia LP record  Nihon kayo shi, available in the University of Michigan music library. I believe it was a marching song for early Meiji troops, but I am not sure. It may  show up in the Japanese Music and Drama in the Meiji Era, but I no longer have a copy. The notes for the LP may give more information. Notes on it are found on page 180 of Nihon Kunka . It places the tune as April 2 Keio 4 derived from folk songs.  W.P. Malm

Subject: [pmjs]  Position announcement
From:  Joshua Mostow <>
Date: October 3, 2005 11:44:18 GMT+09:00

Japanese & East Asian Art History
Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory
University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Japanese and East Asian Art History at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning July 1, 2006.

UBC, one of the largest and most distinguished universities in Canada, has a particularly strong commitment to Asian studies and excellent resources for scholarly research.  Located on the Pacific Rim, Vancouver is a young, vibrant and ethnically diverse city contributing to the unique opportunities associated with this position.

The candidate must possess a PhD and demonstrate serious engagement with contemporary issues and debates within the discipline, and involvement with innovative research approaches. Specialty may be in any historical period including the modern era.  Familiarity with the historical span of Japanese and East Asian art is required for teaching as our department offers degrees in Art History at all levels including the PhD.

For a listing of current courses taught in our department please consult our department website:  Course development will be aligned with the successful candidate's specialty.

Please submit a CV, a statement concerning teaching and research methods, significant publications, and three letters of reference to: Dr(s) Marvin Cohodas and Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe, Co-Chairs Japanese and East Asian Search Committee, Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory, University of British Columbia, 403-6333 Memorial Road, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z2 Canada.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity.  We encourage all qualified persons to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.  Deadline: October 31, 2005.

Subject:   [pmjs]  Ryokan?
From:   Bill Higginson <>
Date:  October 3, 2005 12:37:57 GMT+09:00

Dear David,

A quick web search on key words and phrases turned up some 24 instances of your quotation. The following is more complete:

(The poem is quoted at the beginning of an essay in this Harper Canada book. There is no attribution of the translation--I guess Ryokan wrote in English! Seriously, though, this translation is at the end of the Chinese poems in John Stevens's 1977 Weatherhill book, One Robe, One Bowl: The Zen Poetry of Ryokan* p. 56. See more below.)

Burton Watson's version of the poem, a bit more fulsome than Stevens's, is on p. 102 of his Ryokan: Zen Monk-Poet of Japan (Columbia UP, also 1977). I'm citing the paperback, but I believe that the pagination is the same as for the hardcover that probably resides in a library near you.

Watson says the poem is #185 in Tougou Toyohara's Ryoukan Shishuu*(Osaka: Sougensha, 1962), apparently the standard source for his Chinese verse, though there's probably a more recent scholarly edition by now. Neither Watson nor Stevens includes the originals in any form. (The poem does not appear in Stevens's 1993 Dewdrops on a Lotus Leaf: Zen Poems of Ryokan, Shambala.)

Hope this helps,
Bill Higginson

Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: Ryokan?
From: Kai Nieminen <>
Date:  October 3, 2005 22:17:44 GMT+09:00

Dear colleagues,

Unfortunately I don't have the original with me here in my "hermitage", but
I do have my translation of Ryoukan's poems. The quoted poem is indeed #185
in Tougou's Ryoukan shishuu. Ryoukan is not using the word "south" but
instead the province name Etsu (Koshi-no-kuni) -- as in Echigo, Etchuu,
Echizen -- while composing the poem he was residing on the Northern side of
Etsu.... The name may also be an allusion to some earlier Chinese
poem/proverb, there was a ancient Chinese state of the same name, moreover
it was used of Vietnam as well, and of the river Zhejiang in South China --
all these point to South. To translate the meaning of the whole Ryoukan
poem from my Finnish into English would render it like:

The mind itself becomes Buddha.
The Way is not a result of acts.
I say: understand this and believe it,
do not step from the road.
If you want to go to Etsu
    but turn your carriage shafts to point North,
when do you think you'll reach your goal?

I can send the kanji, but it'll take a few days to get the text in my

Best regards,

Kai Nieminen

Subject:  [pmjs]  kabuki question
From:  Hitomi Tonomura <>
Date:  October 7, 2005 2:07:51 GMT+09:00

Dear members:
I wonder if someone can help.
 A colleague of mine who teaches Japanese performance arts would like to find a  DVD or  Video-formatted one  entire kabuki piece  with English subtitles or audio aid. This is important to her because she believes  that true appreciation comes by participating in the narrative progression of the whole.  (She  has segments of a few titles  but not a complete piece.)  Where might she be able to purchase one? (any title)  Thank you for your suggestions.

Hitomi Tonomura
Department of History
The University of Michigan
1029 Tisch Hall, 435 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1003
office tel: 734-647-7943; fax: 734-647-4881

Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: kabuki question
From:  Alan Cummings <>
Date:  October 7, 2005 2:41:43 GMT+09:00

Shochiku and NHK have released 16 DVDs of kabuki performances, at fairly
reasonable prices. I believe that at least some of them contain English
commentary, though I would need to check to be sure.
The series is called Kabuki Meisakusen, and includes relatively complete
versions (at least the most often performed scenes) of Kanjincho, Yoshitsune
senbon zakura, Shiranami gonin otoko, Terakoya, etc. There's a full list

They are also carried by Amazon.

Alan Cummings
SOAS, London

Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: kabuki question
From:  Robert Borgen <>
Date:  October 7, 2005 3:12:58 GMT+09:00

These DVD's sound very promising, but I wonder if they're somehow "coded" to insure that they don't work outside Japan.  Isn't this a problem with DVD's?

Robert Borgen

Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: kabuki question
From:  Jeremy Robinson <>
Date:  October 7, 2005 4:28:27 GMT+09:00

According to the website for Marty Gross Films (<>), the encoding of the DVDs they are selling is for everywhere EXCEPT Japan. Perhaps the decided to have separate releases for Japanese domestic and international release. I have ordered several of these DVDs in the US (from a different distributor), and had no problem viewing them on a US-region-encoded DVD player. They do not have English subtitles, but the ones I've seen do have a separate language track with commentary in English speaking over the Japanese language track, which is audible but at a reduced volume.  In general, the quality was far superior to most similar offerings I've seen. Unfortunately, none of those I saw featured an entire play, though some of the descriptions on the website would make one thing that they are complete.

Jeremy Robinson
Dept. of Asian Languages and Cultures
University of Michigan

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: kabuki question
From: Alan Cummings <>
Date:  October 7, 2005 8:14:39 GMT+09:00

I bought mine in Japan, and they have no region encoding on them. Which
basically means you can play them anywhere. There does not seem to be
separate foreign and domestic releases.

Having checked, the DVDs do indeed have the English commentary track. They
are very similar to what you would hear on the earphone guides at the
Kabuki-za or Kokuritsu gekijo, i.e. a mixture of commentary and translation.
They are by Paul Griffiths, one of the most accomplished commentators at the
Kabuki-za. Griffith's masterly commentaries also feature on the more
dance-orientated set of six DVDs of Bando Tamasaburo in action:

As to them including an "entire play", with a genre like kabuki in which
plays were always substantially rewritten each time they were performed, how
do you quantify completeness? The DVDs I have seen generally show you the
versions you see most often on the kabuki stage today. So, Shiranami gonin
otoko gives you the Hamamatsuya scene (minus its second half), the Inasegawa
seizoroi scene, and the final scene at Gokurakuji. The rest of the play is
rarely performed anyway - and in fact, most productions leave out the
Gokurakuji scene due to its technical demands.

Alan Cummings

Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: kabuki question
From: Michelle Li <>
Date:  October 7, 2005 19:08:34 GMT+09:00

It is possible now to purchase inexpensive DVD players in the US that play
all DVDs, even those coded for Japan. Try

Subject:  [pmjs]  ASCJ conference call for papers
Date: October 10, 2005 13:36:17 GMT+09:00

The tenth Asian Studies Conference Japan will be held at International Christian University (ICU) in Tokyo on 24-25 June 2006. Please note the change of venue.

The ASCJ Executive Committee invites proposals for panels, roundtables, and individual papers. The deadline for applications is November 25, 2005.

Panels are proposed by individual scholars around a common subject. Panels are composed of three or four paper presenters and one or more discussants. Panel proposals should include a 250 word (maximum) abstract from each participant as well as a 250 word (maximum) statement that explains the session as a whole.

For details about roundtable applications and individual proposals, as well as about the application process in general, please see the website.


If you are considering making a proposal, you will find it useful to examine the onlines forms now, in order to see exactly what information you need to provide, and how it should be formatted.

Members of pmjs who are interested in forming a panel or roundtable but are still looking for co-panelists should  feel free to write to this list, giving a short description of the topic.

Michael Watson
(ASCJ webmaster)

Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: H-JAPAN (E): studies on smell in Japanese culture
From: Amanda Stinchecum <
Date: October 13, 2005 4:57:05 GMT+09:00

Dear Ms. Axelson-Chidsey:

Although I am a textile historian working particularly in the history of
Ryukyu/Okinawa, I have at times written about food and tea (not the tea
ceremony) in Japan for the popular press in the U.S.

My impression is that smell (kaori, fragrance) is much more important, or at
least much more discussed, in the preparation and appreciation of tea
(sencha and other varieties) than it is in cuisine.  Sense of smell is key
to an appreciation, understanding and identification of tea.  Some tea
professionals of my acquaintance (in Japan as well as in China) also seem to
have an interest in incense, although this is not necessarily the case.  I
can't at the moment come up with any sources about this, but will try to
give it some thought.  Offhand, I cannot think of a modern writer of fiction
who pays particular attention to smell, but I suspect someone else in the
list will come up with some names.

There are many references to incense and fragrance in the 11-century work of
narrative fiction, the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari) (refer to the
translation by Royall Tyler).  The Heian-period practice of scenting clothes
and writing paper by exposing them to incense smoke is also referred to many
times.   Incense is also an important offering in Buddhist ritual; I believe
the quality and source of the incense is also a consideration.  If you are
interested in pre-modern sources, I suggest you get in touch with another
listserve, pmjs (Pre-Modern Japanese Studies), to which I have sent a copy
of this email and your query.  The director of the list is Professor Michael

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly if I can be of
further help.

Yours sincerely,
Amanda Mayer Stinchecum

-----Original Message-----

From: H-NET/KIAPS List for Japanese History [mailto:H-__@__-NET.MSU.EDU]
On Behalf Of H-Japan Editor
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 3:07 PM
Subject: H-JAPAN (E): studies on smell in Japanese culture

From: Jilly Traganou <>

                              October 12, 2005

A student at the New School University would like to ask H-Japan members
the following questions. Please respond directly to her private email
address (

**Editor's note:  Since this may be a subject of interest for others on
the list, feel free to send a copy of your answers to H-Japan as well.**

My name is Eliza Axelson-Chidsey. I am an undergraduate student of product
design and general liberal studies at The New School University in New
York embarking upon an examination of smell/scent/odor/fragrance in
Japanese culture. Smell is the least studied of all the senses in all
cultures so the material on the subject tends to be scattered between
psychology, sociology and anthropology as well as cultural locations such
as literature, religious practice and consumer trends making this a both
difficult and interesting undertaking as I do not speak Japanese nor am I
particularly invested or familiar with the culture. Smell has been given
some attention in the West (particularly in France), but I'm interested in
understanding smell in Japan in light of the great value of harmony in
traditional aesthetic practices as well as in terms of the unique
contemporary culture of consumerism.

Is there a Japanese artist (writer, musician, visual) particularly well
known for the attention paid to the sense of smell?

Has any there been any psychology, sociology or anthropology studies on
smell in Japan?

Is there a body of literature or study around the practice of kodo either
contemporary or traditional?

Have there been any examinations of the language around describing smells
in Japanese?

Are there locations where smell is of particular focus in an established
tradition, for example culinary or bathing practices?

Thank you for your help.

Eliza Axelson-Chidsey

Subject:  [pmjs]  MS Office 2003 & Japanese input
From: Karl Friday <>
Date: October 13, 2005 6:03:51 GMT+09:00

Hi all!

I hope you'll forgive a decidedly non-academic inquiry, but this list represents the largest group of Japanese-using computer users I have contact with.

I'm just wondering if anyone out there has been experiencing problems with the Japanese IME when running Word or any of the other programs from the 2003 version of Office?  I'm now working with two new computers (one in my regular office and one in my administrative office) that are doing very strange things indeed--problems I've never had before with XP or earlier versions of Word.

Most frequently, the IME switches unbidden to Japanese input after most applications of the right mouse button--such as spell checks, use of the thesaurus, and the like.  It also frequently simply locks up in Japanese mode, and refuses to let me get back to English input--the only way out is a complete reboot of the computer.  I've gone through the options and tools menus for the IME several times, and can't find any switches or settings that explain either problem.

The two computers were both cloned from the same master disks at about the same time, so the culprit may simply be a faulty copy of the IME or some other piece of XP Pro installed.  But before I try reinstalling Windows, I thought it would be prudent to check to see if this problem is unique to my system(s), or a more common glitch.  Since the problem involves the Japanese input mechanism, the computer service people here on campus are pretty much clueless..

Anyone out there have any ideas?


Karl Friday
Instructional Coordinator & Associate Head
Dept. of History
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
ph. 706-542-2537

Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: 20A0 MS Office 2003 & Japanese input
From: Stephen Miller <>
Date: October 13, 2005 8:59:17 GMT+09:00

I too have had the same problems, but I just assumed it was because I hadn't yet read the manual!

Stephen Miller
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: MS Office 2003 & Japanese input
From: Amanda  Stinchecum <>
Date: October 13, 2005 21:02:04 GMT+09:00

I have been using Office 2003 with full Japanese capability for four or five
months without any problem--so far.  I use the thesaurus and spell check
occasionally with English-language documents, but have not tried using them
in Japanese.  I have not had any problem switching from English to Japanese
and back.

Amanda  Stinchecum

Subject: Ryokan
From: Sean Somers <>
Date:  October 12, 2005 8:00:35 GMT+09:00

Dear List,

A small follow-up, with thanks to Kai Nieminen, whose
message helped me to track the verse down in my own
library.  I have Tanikawa Toshirou's _Ryoukan
Zenshishuu_, and in this volume the poem is number
164.  The first two kanji from this nice example of
Ryoukan-san's Chinese verse are 'butsu - ze[kore]':
thus rendered into modern Japanese as 'Hotoke wa kore
. . ."

Nieminen's point concerning the geography, if also
thecartography, of this poem is interesting, and the
curious functions of direction and destination are
very striking in the original.

Tanikawa glosses "etsu" with the following:
"Kodai chuugoku no nanpou no kuni" (190).

Much appreciation,
Sean Somers-
University of British Columbia

Subject: [pmjs]  art/architecture job opening at Waseda
From: Melanie Trede <>

Apologies for cross-postings.

Dear Colleagues,
A friend asked me to post the below call for applications:

The School of International Liberal Studies of Waseda University is
looking for two part-time lecturers.   He or she will be expected to
teach one or two sets of  twice a week (or once a week) 90-minute
lectures on art history or history of architecture.  The salary will  be
according to the university pay scale.  (The approximate salary  per
anum is at present \360,000 for one 90 minute weekly lecture.)   The job
is subject to renewable contract. Teaching will commence in  April, 2006
We require from candidates Ph. D. or its equivalent academic
qualifications and prefer candidates who have good teaching
experience.  As all lectures are in English, candidates must be able  to
give theirs in English.  Candidates must also have a good  publication
record in the fields relevant to the courses they may teach.
Please contact Prof. Morita Norimasa at

Cheers from sunny Heidelberg,
melanie trede

Dr.  Melanie Trede,  Professor of Japanese Art Histories
University of Heidelberg
Center for East Asian Studies, Institute of East Asian Art History
Seminarstr. 4   69117 Heidelberg     GERMANY
Tel. +49-6221-543969       Fax:+49-6221-543384

Subject: [pmjs]  Iga no Tsubone
From:  Joshua Mostow <>
Date: October 17, 2005 3:31:00 GMT+09:00

Apologies for the cross-listing.

I am working on a print by Hiroshige that depicts Iga no Tsubone confronting a ghost. The same motif is included in Yoshitoshi's One Hundred Aspects of the Moon, as well as his Wakan Hyaku monogatari.

Edmunds, W.H., Pointers and Clues to the Subjects of Chinese and Japanese Art, Genève: Minkoff Reprint, 1974 [orig. publ. 1934].  pp. 403 / 443-4 , gives the following story in reference to Sasaki no Kiyotaka (paraphrase):

One of the Kuge at the court of Emperor Go-Daigo who chafed under the military yoke but were too incompetent to be of any real use to the Emperor in his desire for the restoration of Imperial power. At the time when Kyoto was in danger from the advancing troops of Ashikaga no Takauji, the Emperor called his court and generals together in a  council of war. Kusunoki no Masashige, advised him to retreat while another, Sasaki no Kiyotaka, against better judgement, argued they should stand and fight. The retired emperor followed Kiyotaka's advice but in the resulting battle of Minatogawa (1336) they were decisively defeated. Because of his ill-considered advice Kiyotaka was ordered to commit suicide. From that moment his spirit hovered every night over the emperor's palace in Yoshino, cursing and tormenting the courtiers. No one dared to face the angry spirit until one night the Iga Lady-in-Waiting came out into the garden and was able to persuade the spirit to give up his nocturnal visits.

However, on the Hiroshige print, the accompanying text by Ryukatei Tanekazu reads as follows:

The Iga Lady-in-Waiting was the daughter of [Iga no] Shinozuka, one of the 'Heavenly King' warriors of Nitta [Yoshida], and she was a powerful consort who served in the palace of Yoshino. One summer night when she went out into the yard to catch the breeze, there was a mysterious bird on the top of a pine-tree. It called her and when she asked, "What creature are you?" the monster replied, "I am what remains of Fujiwara no Nakanari, and I have a deep resentment towards the retired empress (mon'in)." "If that's the case, I will make sure that you receive the proper treatment - now go!" The ghost heard this and flew away. For the next day, she had a continuous recitation of the Lotus Sutra performed, and finally the spectre no longer appeared. Later, she became the wife of Kusunoki Masanori.

Much the same is repeated in the text on Yoshitoshi's Wakan print.

The late Yoshida Koichi identifies Iga no Tsubone as a lady-in-waiting to Retired Emperor Go-Toba (1180-1239, r. 1183-1198) during his exile on the island of Oki. However Tanekazu's inscription clearly places her in the service of Retired Emperor Go-Daigo (1288-1339, r. 1318-1339) and his southern court in Mt. Yoshino.

However, in the Taiheiki, if I am reading it correctly, Sasaki no Kiyotaka appears as the Oki no Hogan, is essentially Go-Daigo's jailor on Oki, pursues the emperor when he flees, and whose troops are wiped out at the battle of Funanoe. After the rout, Kiyotaka eventually commits suicide.

More problematic yet, Tanekazu identifies the ghost as Fujiwara no Nakanari, who was executed in 810 for his part in the plot with his sister Empress Kusuko, to restore Heizei to the throne.

I have been assuming that Edmunds' tale and/or Tanekazu's must come from a kabuki play. Yoshida suggests that it might be Yukimo Yoshino Kigoto no Kaomise, written by Tsuruya Nanboku IV (1755-1829) and staged at Edo's Morita Theatre during the kaomise performances of 1812. However, in the e-banzuke from that performance, it is Iga no Tsubone who is depicted as a ghost ("Iga no Tsunone boukon"), haunting a man and his nursing wife! There is no sign of either Kiyotaka or Nakanari.

If anyone could provide me any information that would lead out of this mess, I would be enormously grateful.

Joshua Mostow

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Iga no Tsubone
Date: October 17, 2005 4:41:45 GMT+09:00

I presume that what you have is a typical example of "crossing narratives"
(there is also a Japanese term for it) seen everywhere--in Noh plays, Kabuki
plays, and even modern narrative.  Ze'ami referred to the process of matching
up suitable people, places, and things--much like punning--to create new
plays.  It is "traditional."  I am not sure what it is you want help with, but
a good example of the attempt to follow a narrative like this is Yanagita
Kunio's study of Izumi Shikibu legends.  Keller Kimbrough has followed up on
Yanagita in his dissertation and other works.


Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: kabuki question
From:  Hitomi Tonomura <>
Date: October 20, 2005 5:40:01 GMT+09:00

Dear Alan:
Thank you very much for your very useful information. My colleague also thanks you.
tomi tonomura

On 10 6, 2005, at 13:41, Alan Cummings wrote:
Shochiku and NHK have released 16 DVDs of kabuki performances, at fairly
reasonable prices. I believe that at least some of them contain English
commentary, though I would need to check to be sure.
The series is called Kabuki Meisakusen, and includes relatively complete
versions (at least the most often performed scenes) of Kanjincho, Yoshitsune
senbon zakura, Shiranami gonin otoko, Terakoya, etc. There's a full list

They are also carried by Amazon.

Alan Cummings
SOAS, London

Subject: [pmjs]  CFP:  Globalization Conference, Freemantle, Western Australia
From: Philip Brown <>
Date: October 21, 2005 9:44:05 GMT+09:00
Forwarded by Philip Brown:

My name is Mark Dupuy, and I am part of a committee organizing a conference dealing with Perspectives on Globalization: Indian and Pacific Oceans, to be held at Fremantle, Western Australia, in December of 2006.   We have just put out our first call for papers, and thought some of your list members  might have an interest in attending.  CF The link for the call is here
 and the conference’s home page is here
If you need the call in other formats, such as plain text, I will be happy to supply it.

Mark Dupuy

Subject:  [pmjs]  Job announcement, Japanese language
From:  Elizabeth Oyler <>
Date: October 21, 2005 12:16:34 GMT+09:00

Dear Colleagues,

Apologies for the cross-posting.  Please pass the following (corrected) announcement along to potential candidates.

Thank you,
Elizabeth Oyler



Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for two full-time Lecturer positions in Modern Japanese Language beginning fall 2006.  Responsibilities will include teaching or co-teaching Japanese language at all levels in a setting which integrates technology and language teaching.  Requirements include an M.A. or higher degree in Japanese language pedagogy, linguistics, second-language acquisition or related fields.  Candidates must possess a native or near-native command of Japanese, and must have a commitment to college-level language teaching.  All methodologies considered.  A complete application consists of a letter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, video of teaching, and sample syllabi or Teaching Portfolio; send to Dr. Rebecca Copeland, Chair, Japanese Lecturer Search Committee, Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, Washington University in St. Louis, Campus Box 1111, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO  63130-4899.  The deadline for the receipt of applications is November 14, 2005.  Email inquiries should be directed to; telephone inquiries to (314) 935-5110.  Washington University in St. Louis is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and actively encourages applications by women and members of minority groups.
Elizabeth Oyler
Assistant Professor, Japanese
Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
Campus Box 1111
One Brookings Drive
Washington University
St. Louis, MO 63130

Subject:  [pmjs]  Kyoozoo
From:  Gail Chin <>
Date: October 22, 2005 11:30:45 GMT+09:00

Dear Colleagues,

I am working on a small section dealing with Japanese Tendai bronze mirrors created under Hokke (Lotus) beliefs that began in the late 10th century.

The mirrors were apparently used to invoke the real bodies of Indian Buddhist deities in the _honji suijaku_ system of beliefs, which the author Nakano Seiju (?), says was a muddled Japanese interpretation (Kyoto National Museum, _Kyoozoo_, 1970, p. 109).

I was wondering if anyone had encountered such mirrors.

I also encountered another reference to it in : Nanbata Tetsu, _Kyoozoo to Senbutsu_, _Nihon no bijutsu_, # 284 (Tokyo: Shibundo, 1990), 24.

I just find this strange!  Am I reading this wrong?

Thank-you very much.  Any help would be appreciated.

Gail Chin
Dept. of Visual Arts
University of Regina
Regina, SK
S4S 0A2
fax: 306-585-5526

From: Randle Keller Kimbrough <>
October 22, 2005 12:41:24 GMT+09:00

Dear Gail,

While I have never heard of mirrors actually used in Tendai ritual contexts
to summon or invoke Indian (or other) deities, the mythology of mirrors in
Buddhist and Japanese secular sources is rich.  In his sixth-century _Mohe
zhiguan_ (Great Calming and Contemplation), the Tendai patriarch Zhiyi
(Chih-i) employs a metaphor of an image reflected in a mirror to explain the
three truths of emptiness, provisionality, and the middle.  Kegon
philosophy, on the other hand, maintains that the mutual interpenetration of
all phenomena can be understood by the model of a single lamp infinitely
reflected in a circle of ten mirrors.  Enma-o (the king of the underworld)
is traditionally said to use the Johari Mirror as a VCR- or television-like
device for displaying the former crimes of the dead, and in the otogizoshi
_Kacho Fugetsu_, the sisters Kacho and Fugetsu (two miko) use a mirror to
summon the "ghosts" of Genji and Suetsumuhana (as unlikely as that may be,
considering that Genji and Suetsumuhana are fictional characters).  So,
given the importance of mirrors in Japanese and Buddhist culture, I wouldn't
be at all surprised if some monks somewhere were trying to use them to
summon Indian Buddhist deities.  If you find any more information on this,
please let me know.

Best wishes,

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Kyoozoo
From:  Royall Tyler <>
Date: October 22, 2005 13:57:13 GMT+09:00

Bronze mirrors inscribed with images of the honji deities (to call these deities specifically Indian is rather an exaggeration) were common appurtenances at shrines, where they often hung from the sanctuary eaves. Lawless persons might occasionally even steal them. Many were "flower shaped" (hanagata), to recall the form of an eight-petaled lotus. They were by no means limited to shrines associated with Tendai temples. It is many years since I was last concerned with such things, but you might find something useful in the works of Kageyama Haruki.

Royall Tyler

Subject:  [pmjs]  recent publications on Japanese religions
Date: October 23, 2005 18:49:42 GMT+09:00
From:  Michael Watson <>

Dear All,

This seems an appropriate moment to introduce two recent publications on Japanese religions.

Richard Bowring. The Religious Traditions of Japan 500–1600. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 463 pages. 75 pounds sterling

Paul L. Swanson & Clark Chilson, eds. Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2005, xii+466 pages. $35 cloth

I have included Amazon links and other information on:

Details below are excerpted from the web pages of Cambridge University Press and Nanzan University Insitute for Religion and Culture, respectively.

Richard Bowring. The Religious Traditions of Japan 500–1600.
Richard Bowring describes in outline the development of Japanese religious thought and practice from the introduction of writing to the point at which medieval attitudes gave way to a distinctive pre-modern culture, a change that brought an end to the dominance of religious institutions. A wide range of approaches using the resources of art, history, social and intellectual history, as well as doctrine is brought to bear on the subject in order to give as full a picture as possible of the richness of the Japanese tradition as it succeeded in holding together on the one hand Buddhism, with its sophisticated intellectual structures, and on the other hand the disparate local cults that eventually achieved a kind of unity under the rubric of Shinto. An understanding of this process of constant and at times difficult interaction is essential to a deeper appreciation of Japan's history and its cultural achievements.


Introduction; Part I. The Arrival of Buddhism and Its Effects (c.538–800): 1. The introduction of Buddhism; 2. Creating a dynasty; 3. Buddhism and the early state; 4. Monuments at Nara; Part II. From Saicho to the Destruction of Todaiji (800–1180): 5. The beginnings of a 'Japanese' Buddhism: Tendai; 6. The beginnings of a 'Japanese' Buddhism: Shingon; 7. Buddhism and the state in Heian Japan; 8. Shrine and state in Heian Japan; 9. The rise of devotionalism; 10. A time for strife; Part III. From the Destruction of Todaiji to the Fall of Godaigo (1180–1330): 11. For and against exclusive practice of the nenbutsu; 12. Religious culture of the early 'middle ages'; 13. Chan Buddhism; 14. Zen Buddhism; 15. Reform from within and without; 16. The emergence of Shinto; 17. Taking stock; Part IV. From the Fall of Godaigo to the Death of Nobunaga (1330–1582): 18. Two rival courts; Muromachi Zen; 20. The end of the medieval; 21 Appendix: reading Shingon's two mandala.


Paul L. Swanson & Clark Chilson, eds. Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions.

The "Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions" has been prepared as an aid for
students and scholars engaged in research on Japanese religions. It is the
first resource guide to encompass the entire field of Japanese religions and
provide tools for navigating it.

In the nearly forty years that have elapsed since the appearance of Joseph
Kitagawa's "Religion in Japanese History" (1966), there has been a large
amount of new scholarship on the role of religion in Japanese history. What
general summaries there are of Japanese Buddhism and Shinto have tended to
rely on scholarship from the 1960s and 1970s. In the intervening years, the
field has seen considerable development and given rise to a host of new
questions, leaving a great deal of earlier work outdated and out of focus. The
“Nanzan Guide” offers the latest scholarship on a wide range of issues.

It is neither simply a comprehensive introduction to Japanese religions nor
a mere collection of research sources. It aims rather to combine (1) a broad
outline of Japanese religious traditions, (2) a closer look at scholarly views
on a number of subfields, time periods, and selected themes, and (3) practical
techniques for accessing and evaluating relevant data. As such, the book
should prove useful as a supplement to texts introducing undergraduates to
Japanese religions and as a reference for graduate students undertaking
specific research projects. For scholars specializing in one or another aspect
of Japanese religions, the book offers a generous inventory of the current
state of the field by representative authors. Finally, historians and social
scientists whose work brings them into contact with Japanese religions will
find that the clear design, incisive overviews, selective bibliographies, and
detailed index make this volume an invaluable reference work.

The Editor's Introduction and Table of Contents can be read online in PDF format.

Here is the table of contents from a posting by Clark Chilson to  H-BUDDHISM.

Japanese Religions (Robert Kisala)
Shinto (Norman Havens)
Buddhism (Jacqueline I. Stone)
Folk Religion (Ian Reader)
New Religions (Trevor Astley)
Japanese Christianity (Mark R. Mullins)

Ancient Japan and Religion (Matsumura Kazuo)
Religion in the Classical Period (Yoshida Kazuhiko)
The Medieval Period: Eleventh to Sixteenth Centuries (William M. Bodiford)
Religion in Early Modern Japan (Duncan Williams)
Religion in the Modern Period (Hayashi Makoto)
Contemporary Japanese Religions (Shimazono Susumu)

The Ritual Culture of Japan: Symbolism, Ritual, and the Arts (Richard K.
Literature and Scripture (Robert E. Morrell)
State and Religion in Japan (Helen Hardacre)
Geography, Environment, Pilgrimage (Barbara Ambros)
History of Thought in Japan (Thomas P. Kasulis)
Gender Issues in Japanese Religions (Kawahashi Noriko)

Japanese Reference Works, Sources, and Libraries (Makino Yasuko)
Using Archives in the Study of Japanese Religions (Brian O. Ruppert)
Conducting Fieldwork on Japanese Religions (Scott Schnell)

A Chronology of Religion in Japan  (William M. Bodiford)


Subject: [pmjs]  Iga no Tsubone
Date: October 24, 2005 6:31:41 GMT+09:00

Members may be interested to see a different illustration of Iga no Tsubone encounter with the ghost.

From: Gary D Gross <>

I am a read-only member, who has little to no
background, but I am trying to put a book together
about the oevre of Toyohara Chikanobu (with help from
Kyoko Selden).
I noticed in the last PMJS a note from Joshua Mostow
re Iga no Tsubone and would like to refer him to my site,
where I hope to confuse the issue even further.
The site is:
He should look under the heading:

# 32 Lady Iga.

Gary D. Gross, DDS, FACD, FICD

Follow the links to ukiyoe #32. For quick access, see
for the whole picture and
for a close-up of the cartouche (the text).

Michael Watson

Subject: [pmjs]  Curator position, Japanese art
Date: October 24, 2005 6:31:52 GMT+09:00

Apologies for the cross-posting. Please submit any inquiries directly to the Lee Institute contact listed within the posting.

Thank you,
Maiko Behr
Graduate student
University of British Columbia


The Ruth and Sherman Lee Institute for Japanese Art at the Clark Center in Hanford, CA invites applications for the position of Curator of Collections.

The Curator of Collections will oversee the general operations of the Lee Institute and serve as the primary liaison to the Board of Directors and Art Advisory Committee. Primary responsibilities will include:

•     Organizing and mounting exhibitions, including targeting funding to support exhibitions
•     Maintaining and expanding gallery and collections records, including seeking funding for collections maintenance projects
•     Researching and publishing on the collection and representing the institution within the academic and museum community
•     Supervising curatorial interns
•     Supervising cultural and educational programming
•     Overseeing research library staff and volunteers

The Lee Institute is a small, active museum focused on the arts and culture of Japan in a rural California setting. Established in 1995 around the collection of Willard and Elizabeth Clark, featuring Edo period paintings and Kamakura period Buddhist sculpture, the collection has expanded through major gifts and on-going acquisitions to include contemporary ceramics, modern shin-hanga prints, and a significant combination of paintings and research materials related to the literati tradition of the Edo and Meiji periods. For more information, please see the website at

Applicants with a graduate degree with specialization in the area of Japanese art or a related degree and equivalent prior curatorial experience preferred. The successful applicant will have near-native level fluency in Japanese and English with strong English writing skills. Familiarity with Microsoft Access or comparable database management systems, Japanese-language word processing and email required. Working within a highly multi-task environment, strong organizational skills and prior experience as a supervisor an asset.

Salary dependent on experience. This position receives full benefits and moving costs will be covered. Applications, accepted until the position is filled, should include a cover letter, a current curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference (including at least one professional) to be sent preferably via email to Barbara McCasland, Administrative Supervisor, at mccasland*at* Hard-copy materials may be sent directly to: Lee Institute for Japanese Art, 15770 Tenth Avenue, Hanford, CA 93230; Attn: Curator of Collections Search.

Subject: [pmjs]  kishu ryuuritan
Date: October 26, 2005 0:38:25 GMT+09:00

Dear friends,
I am looking for a standard or the best English/ German translation of Origuchi Nobuo's concept of "kishu ryuuritan" (lit: Tales of the Noble in Exil). Any help you may have will be appreciated.


Christian M. Hermansen

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: kishu ryuuritan
Date: October 26, 2005 3:34:59 GMT+09:00
From: Douglas Lanam <>

Dear Christian,
Don't know about the translation, but I think the name is read Orikuchi Shinobu.
Best, --Douglas

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Origuchi Shinobu
Date: October 26, 2005 8:08:46 GMT+09:00

NACSIS Webcat has it Origuchi Shinobu.

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Origuchi Shinobu
Date: October 27, 2005 1:14:37 GMT+09:00
    From: Hank Glassman <>

Hi All,

I am not aware of an English or German translation of Orikuchi's writings on this, but rereading Christian's email, I think it is just the term itself he is asking about.

Here's what I did with it in one article, though I cannot recommend it as the standard rendering:

"The great folklorist Orikuchi Shinobu identified the wayfaring of the fallen noble, or kishu ryuuri as a principal motif of Japanese literature of the medieval period and noted that this role was especially associated with women.  Orikuchi called this folklore type the 'wandering princess,' sasurai himegimi. "

citation: Glassman, Hank. "'Show me the Place Where my Mother Is!' Chuujouhime, Preaching, and Relics in Late Medieval and Early Modern Japan." In Approaching the Pure Land: Religious Praxis in the Cult of Amitabha, edited by Richard Payne and Kenneth Tanaka. Honolulu: Kuroda Institute/University of Hawaii Press, 2003.

As to the name, it's Orikuchi, whatever NACSIS says --  on this topic see the essay "Orikuchi to iu myouji" by the man himself.

「折口といふ名字] 折口信夫全集 3 古代研究(民俗学篇2)



Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Origuchi Shinobu
Date: October 27, 2005 7:16:51 GMT+09:00
From: Michelle Li <>

Hello Everyone,
This name has been bothering me. Is it Origuchi or Orikuchi? Awhile back, I
used a book that gave the furigana on the title page as Origuchi. I didn't
question it until I read Tom Howell's dissertation, which has Orikuchi. If
one does a quick search on Google Japan, Origuchi in hiragana comes up on
many sites. However, the historical dictionary I'm using gives Orikuchi and
scholars writing in English often use Orikuchi. Do we know which is correct?
Michelle Li

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Origuchi Shinobu
Date: October 27, 2005 9:44:55 GMT+09:00
    From: Naoko Yamagata <>

I am a native Japanese who lived in Japan till I was 27, and always
heard his name as 'Origuchi Shinobu'.  But Kojien (5th ed) has his name
as Orikuchi.  Maybe 'Origuchi' is a popular name which grew out of
misreading, a little like the case of 'Doi Bansui' and 'Tsuchii Bansui'
which I understand are both in common currency.

Best wishes,

Naoko Yamagata

P.s. Those who were into Japanese baseball from 60's to 80's would have
noticed that the player formerly known as Kawakami Tetsuji became
Kawakami Tetsuharu as he became a commentator and the same happened to
Kaneda Shouichi who became Kaneda Masaichi as a commentator.  I suspect
that the former names were popular misreadings which did not get
corrected until they  themselves were given a voice in media to correct
their names.  That is only my theory, but I am sure this sort of
misreading of celebrity names used to be quite common until furigana
became more common for unusual names.

Subject: [pmjs]  help with planning a course
Date: October 27, 2005 10:29:23 GMT+09:00
From: Lewis Cook <>

Dear pmjs members,

Allow me to post a vague but earnest call for assistance with the reading list for a new course.

The idea is to offer a course that encompasses, broadly, topics such as utopia, escapism, pastoral, ecology, etc., and to design it for undergraduates (many but not all of them with minors in Japanese or Chinese) -- under the tentative, somewhat overloaded title "Nostalgia for Place: topophilia and the utopian imagination in East Asia."

The only requirement is that some portion of the syllabus include (by popular demand) anime, which is fine since several works by Miyazaki Hayao fit in very well with the theme.

I expect I'll begin with Lao-tzu and work my way across the millenia from there to anime. But am groping around for relevant materials, and would welcome any suggestions for readings, visual artefacts, references to pertinent syllabi, whatever.

In particular, I am wondering if there is anything comparable to Mark Elvin's _The Retreat of the Elephants -- an environmental history of China_ for the case of Japan.

This is out of my field, so any suggestions will be news to me and very welcome.

Lewis Cook

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: help with planning a course
Date: October 27, 2005 14:52:53 GMT+09:00
From: Thomas Howell <>


Early modern and modern:

Paul Anderer. Literature of the Lost Home, Kobayashi Hideo Literary Criticism
-----Other Worlds. Arishima Takeo and the Bounds of Modern Fiction

Conrad Totman Green Archipelago, Forestry in pre-modern Japan
-----The Origins of Japan's Modern Forests,
---- The Lumber Industry, etc, other books

Seiji M Lippit, Topographies of Japanese Modernism

Text and the City -- Maeda Ai

LaFleur's chapter in Karma of Words, "Inns and Hermitages."

I would definitely do -- perhaps start with, Tanizaki's In Praise of Shadows. Has both utopian and escapism tendencies, broadly construed.

Tom Howell

Subject: [pmjs]  Re: help with planning a course
Date: October 27, 2005 16:26:54 GMT+09:00

Dear Lewis,

Tao Yuanming, his "Peach Blossom Spring", and his general problem whether to participate in the political situation of the day. As a background to that, zhaoyin (hermit literature, both Confucian criticism and nostalgia to get out of the politically messy life). The imaginary figure of Han Shan in China, Ren'in (Kamo no Choumei) in Japan, also nostalgia in the Tsurezuregusa. But the hermit problem goes back to Zhuangzi and the problem of the dead turtle, of course.

Historical utopianism: for example the Shirakaba group and their Tolstoyan Atarashiki mura. But also Oe Kenzaburo and M/T. I haven't read the Jashuumon by Takahashi Katsumi, but I'm told it is a good novel on sectarian utopianism. Of course, the Aum Shinrikyou project was utopian as well. But this sectarian trend is probably beside your point.

There is a lot of pastorality in the wenren/bunjin mentality, but pastorality in the Arcadian sense of the word, as constructed by queen Kristina's entourage in Italy in the 17th century, i e without any pretentions to have actual contact with the stinking rural reality. The story of how to construct an adorable Nature out of the chaotic mess goes back at least to the Lanting banquet of Wang Xizhi, and the Dark Teachings of the 6 dynasties era. For a later example, a contrasting reading of Buson and Issa might be interesting in this sense.
A student of mine tells me of the currently fashionable "furusato" product in Japan, where you can sign up to be a virtual descendant of a certain village with which you have no real connections, and you'll receive packages of meibutsu, news from "back home", discounts on hot springs if you actually decide to visit etc.

I hope this helps a bit, I'll write more when I think of something.



Subject: [pmjs]  Re: help with planning a course
Date: October 27, 2005 18:07:21 GMT+09:00
From: Ivo Smits <>

Dear Lewis,

I would have a look at:

Stephen Dodd, _Writing Home: Representations of the Native Place in Modern Japanese Literature_ (Harvard University Asia Center, 2005)

Unrelated to (East) Asia, but still a golden oldy, as far as I am concerned, is:

Raymond Williams, _The country and the city_ (London : Chatto and Windus, 1973).

    Ivo Smits

Subject:  [pmjs]  Re: help with planning a course
Date: October 27, 2005 18:43:48 GMT+09:00
From: Matthew Stavros <>


I would stick to primary sources:
Both Sei Shonagon and Yoshida Kenko give elaborate descriptions of "ideal" or "proper" residential settings, among other things. I find that the Pillow Book and Tsurezuregusa both provide an excellent context for discussing aesthetic sensibilities, real and perceived.

Also, you might want to include something about the cosmological and geomantic prescriptions that influenced the design of early imperial capitals in northeast Asia. I'll see if I can dig up a useful citation for you.

All the best,

Matthew Stavros

Matthew Stavros, Ph.D.
Department of Japanese and Korean Studies
School of Languages and Cultures
The University of Sydney
Tel: [country code: 61] (02) 9351-4805 Fax: (02) 9351-2319

Subject: [pmjs]  kishu ryuuritan
Date:  October 27, 2005 21:20:16 GMT+09:00
From: Michael Watson <>

Returning to Christian Hermansen's original question about a translation for the term "kishu ryuuritan" 貴種流離譚, one should not forget the references in Genji scholarship. "Exile of the young noble" is the translation used by Haruo Shirane (_The Bridge of Dreams_, p. 3ff), while "tale about the wanderings of one of noble blood" is Norma Field's literal rendering, subsequently abbreviated as "noble exile" (_The Splendor of Longing in the Tale of Genji_, p. 33ff).

I heard Inoue Eimei give a good paper dealing with the subject at last May's Toho Gakkai, now published as "TheTruth in Patterns of Oral Tradition,"   _Acta Asiatica_ 89 (2005). The English issue contains five other interesting papers on the general topic of "Japanese Literature of Wandering and Itinerancy."

"Tales about the wanderings of people of high birth" is how the term is rendered by the uncredited but very competent translator of Inoue's article. This includes an brief summary of Orikuchi's various articles discussing the historical and fictional figures that fit this pattern, followed by more extended discussion of Toshikage in _Utsuho monogatari_ and Hikaru Genji. Inoue makes wide-ranging  comparisons with exile legends from other cultures. There is also explanation of Yanagita Kunio's "nagasare-oo" ("banished king") concept, which leads nicely to the following article in the special issue, a discussion of Yanagita' s marebito thesis by Ogawa Naoyuki.

Michael Watson

Subject: [pmjs]  Job Announcement: Tenured Position at UCI
Date: September 30, 2005 5:30:01 GMT+09:00
From: Susan Klein <>
Hi folks --

Here's another job announcement to pass along (or consider for yourself). UCI is looking for an associate or full professor (newly tenured is okay) in premodern Japanese lit and/or cultural studies. This is NOT a chair search. If you have any questions about the position, please feel free to contact me directly off list. Apologies for cross-posting!

Susan Klein
Associate Professor of Japanese Studies
Director of Religious Studies

The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the University of California, Irvine, invites applications for a tenured position in Japanese literature and culture, and looks forward to reviewing candidates with distinguished publication records and strong familiarity with cultural theory and critical Asian Studies.  Especially welcome are scholars whose fields of specialization (critical theory, intellectual history, performance, popular culture, [post]colonialism, gender studies, religious studies, and visual studies, to name a few) complement and/or intersect creatively with those of the current faculty, and whose work accommodates diverse geographical and disciplinary interests.  Although its preference is for someone in pre-Meiji, the department would consider applicants from other periods (including modern).  It is very interested in applicants who are committed to enhancing its programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  Finally, the department values interdisciplinary approaches to research and teaching, and it would welcome applicants whose interests overlap with other units in UC Irvine's School of Humanities, including Asian-American Studies, Comparative Literature, History, Visual Studies, and Women's Studies.

Please send any inquiries and letters of application, complete CV, and at least three letters of recommendation to:

Chair, Senior Position Search Committee
University of California, Irvine
Department of EALL
HIB 443
Irvine, CA 92697-6000

Preference will be given to applications that are received in complete form by November 14, 2005.  UC Irvine is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity, and has a National Science Foundation Advance Gender Equity Program.

From: Morgan Pitelka <>
Date: October 27, 2005 22:59:25 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  planning for new course


I know you were asking for Japan-related references, but I've been excited to read Fredric Jameson's new book, _Archaeologies of the Future_, which explores the link between utopianism and science fiction. It might prove useful when analyzing SF themes in postwar Japanese popular culture.


Morgan Pitelka
Swan Hall S115
Occidental College
1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041
OFFICE: 323-259-1421
FAX: 323-341-4940

From: Gian Piero Persiani <>
Date: October 27, 2005 23:32:10 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: help with planning a course

Dear Prof. Cook,

Two or three tangentially related suggestions, for lack of more
pointed ones:

Marco Polo, Travels.
Fantastic animals and imaginary places of the Far East...

Abe Kobo, Inter Ice Age 4.
“a future inhabited by water breathing creatures engaging in
undersea colonization”‾jmcd/book/revs2/iia4.html

Susan Napier, Escape from the Wasteland.
Modern dystopias in Abe, Mishima, and Oe


Gian Piero

From: Cynthea Bogel <>
Date: October 28, 2005 0:53:34 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  response to Gail Chin re mirrors/Tendai/Hokke

Response to Gail Chin:

There are several examples of mirrors that may be of interest in an exhibition catalogue featuring Siddham script on objects in temples and shrines, Shinpi no monji, pub. by Shiga kenritsu biwako bunkakan 2000. There is also a description of mirrors and senbutsu in the essays section therein.
I’m not an expert but the kakebotoke hanging plaques/mirror-derived forms with figures in relief that Royall Tyler mentions are fairly well covered in the Kyozou to senbutsu of Nihon no bijutsu volume that you note. There are, however, several more recent catalogues published in Japan on “Shinto arts” that discuss kakebotoke if your interests go as far as that.
I don’t know of any Japanese monograph that discusses Buddhist mirrors or mirror  forms more recent than the Nihon no bijutsu volume.

Of possible interest:  I presume you know the so-called Hokke Sessozu owned by Hasedera, a bronze relief plaque showing Sakyamuni delivering a sermon, said to have been commissioned by Domyō and dated I believe to the 780s or 90s.

References to mirroring in Zhiyi’s texts (mentioned by Randle Kellar Kimbrough) are discussed by Eugene Wang in his recent book Shaping the Lotus Sutra: Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2005; he has a chapter on reflection and mirroring that takes up Dunhuang cave paintings and the Great Goose Pagoda relative to reflective imagery and metaphor. Although not Japan, of particular relevance to your question may be his discussion of Mirror Halls, eg. cave 31 at Dunhuang. Wang published an essay on the same subject in the UK  journal Art History
Eugene Wang “Oneiric Horizons and Dissolving Bodies: Buddhist Cave Shrine as Mirror Hall.” In Art History 27, no. 4 (2004): 494-521. Special issue on Visual Culture.

See also

Eugene Wang “Mirror, Moon, and Memory in Eighth Century China: From Coiling Dragon to Lunar Landscape.” In Clarity and Luster:  New Light on Bronze Mirrors in Tang and Post-Tang Dynasty China, 600-1300. Special issue of Cleveland Museum Journal of Art History. 2004.

One of the Buddhist texts about “mirroring” that Wang discusses features Indra. Specific to Japan, Wang mentions the use of a mirror centerpiece on the ceiling of the eighth-century installation of the Sangatsudō (Hokkedō) of Tōdaiji as part of the decorative apparatus above the altar of statues and the connection of the altar to Indra/Taishakuten.

I hope someone will come up with more specific Japanese Tendai/ Lotus mirror references for you.

Cynthea J. Bogel
Japanese Art and Architecture
Division of Art History
University of Washington

 From: Thomas Howell <>
Date: October 28, 2005 14:41:56 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  mirrors/Tendai/Hokke

On Oct 27, 2005, at 8:53 AM, Cynthea Bogel wrote:

One of the Buddhist texts about “mirroring” that Wang discusses features Indra. Specific to Japan, Wang mentions the use of a mirror centerpiece on the ceiling of the eighth-century installation of the Sangatsudō (Hokkedō) of Tōdaiji as part of the decorative apparatus above the altar of statues and the connection of the altar to Indra/Taishakuten.

I have had a question in the back of my mind about mirrors in the account of the founding of Daianji, which appears in Konjaku 11.16 and whose source is Sanbou-e 3.17.( See the Edward Kamens translation 307-8, which I follow here.) Monmu wants to copy the image in the temple, which is of "the real Buddha of Vulture Peak" but before he can order it made he has a dream, in which a monk informs him the statue was made by an avator(ke-nin), and cannot be reproduced (by a human being). Instead, he should place "a large mirror in front of the image and pray to it." The text goes on to describe the particular efficacy of the reflected image. The buddha image now is taken as the body of expedience, the reflection the body of recompense, and "when you understand the emptiness of these, you will possess his Dharma body." In other words, the mirror image works as one that is a perfect likeness of the image, better than any that could be carved or drawn, but which is also insubstantial, empty.

Are there other examples of a reflected copy of a Buddha image in a mirror as being significant in this way? Tom Howell

From: "Rein Raud" <>
Date: October 28, 2005 2:06:56 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: help with planning a course

Since nobody has mentioned Dazai's Tsugaru yet, I'm doing this now. However, it seems we all might be getting carried away with our own topophiliae, which may not be so useful for Lewis's course.
By the way, as far as anime goes, I have recently had a fairly pleasant experience watching, with my children, Watanabe Shin'ichiro's Samurai Champloo. Certainly not bad side material for any course dealing with the historical imagination and images of the Edo period in contemporary popular culture.
Rein Raud

From: "Christian Morimoto Hermansen" <>
Date: October 28, 2005 13:36:04 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Orikuchi - translation and name

Dear Douglas Lanam, Sybil Thornton, Hank Glassman, Michelle Li, Naoko Yamagata, Matthew Stavros, Michael Watson and some who replied off list,

Thank you for sharing with me your wisdom on the "kishu ryuuritan" translation. Also thank you for correcting my slobby reading of Orikuchi's name. It is no excuse, but even my misread version gave a few hits when using Google.

Speaking of names, can someone explain to me, why the National Diet Library lists the katakana reading of the name of Oomoto kyou's co-founder as "Deguchi Wanisaburou" whereas most instances I have seen in Western languages refer to him as Deguchi Onisaburo? (I will spare you the bakemoji that hotmail produces for me right now). The kanji are the same, so why the alternative reading here?


Christian Hermansen

Associate Professor
Kwansei Gakuin University
Hyogo-ken, Nishinomiya-shi
Uegahara 1-1-155
Tel: (+81) 798-54-6974 (Direct)
Fax:(+81) 798-54-0951 (Secretariat)

From: Lee Butler <>
Date: October 28, 2005 22:39:38 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Orikuchi - translation and name

The idea that names and terms are correctly read or pronounced only one way appears to be something that we of the 20th and 21st centuries seem particularly concerned about.  We'd like the names to match the items, without deviation.  Perhaps other peoples at other times felt the same way, but there are also many examples of those who were less concerned about it.  With Japanese, the issue gains added complexity because of the possibilities of multiple readings for characters.  Incorrect readings obviously exist (I've made up more than a few in my time), but it is more difficult to say whether a term or name was the only one used.  For more on these issues, you might take a look at my article, "Language Change and 'Proper' Transliterations in Premodern Japanese." Japanese Language and Literature: Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese 36:1 (April 2002), pp. 27-44, which includes a discussion of the main problems and includes some interesting examples of "correct" readings--for example, evidence strongly suggests that Oda Nobunaga's name was originally (and probably during his life) Ota rather than Oda.

Lee Butler

From: Anthony Chambers <>
Date: October 28, 2005 23:32:31 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Orikuchi - translation and name

Lee Butler's message reminds me of an experience I had recently when the roster
for one of my classes included the name "Tanisaki."  The student turned out to
be a grandson of Tanizaki Seiji, and so a grand-nephew of Tanizaki Jun'ichiro.
When I asked him about the "s" in his name, he replied that the family name was
read "Tanisaki" in their honseki and always had been.
There's also the case of the late Mizukami/Minakami Tsutomu/Ben, who pronounced
his own name differently at different stages of his life.
Tony Chambers

From: Hank Glassman <>
Date: October 29, 2005 0:44:39 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Orikuchi - translation and name

Hi Christian and all,

I agree with Naoko and Lee on this -- the misreading is probably more common than the "correct" reading in this case (as the presence of the former in the NACSIS database, Michelle's book, and the Diet Library database testify).  I did not mean to imply that to render it Orikuchi is a dumb mistake (although I felt that way when corrected many years ago by a Japanese folklorist colleague).  Of course, Origuchi is the standard reading of the name in general, but in this case (as in the case of the baseball commentators), Orikuchi himself weighed in on the subject in an essay about the origins of his family name.  I did not mean to pass the experience of being embarrassed by my own "mistake" on to others!

As to Wanisaburo vs. Onisaburo -- the Omoto site has Onisaburo, so we have to figure that is correct.  Since his given name was "Kisaburo" - albeit 喜 (yorokobi) not 鬼 (oni) -- perhaps there is a connection?  No doubt it is another of these cases, though, where the misreading is common enough to lend it a certain authority.

I think that this also shows us that the places we depend upon to get the correct readings of scholars' names -- NACSIS-Webcat, the ReaD data base (, the Diet Library Site (, and elsewhere -- may not give the reading preferred by specialists in the field.  It would be wrong to call such authoritative sources wrong however, as Lee points out.  (I look forward to reading his article.)

One might note that this is also very much the case with temple names -- Kiyomizudera, for instance, is often glossed as Shimizudera or as Seisuiji in premodern texts.

best regards,

Hank          m (_ _) m

From: Michelle I Li <>
Date: October 29, 2005 1:07:13 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Orikuchi - translation and name

The responses to the Orikuchi/Origuchi question and the reading of names in
general are all very informative . . . and fun to read. Also, I will read
Lee Butler's article. Thanks!
Michelle Li

From: Michelle I Li <>
Date: October 29, 2005 6:09:59 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Orikuchi - translation and name

Hi Hank,
The error is my dissertation. I'll be sure to change the name to Orikuchi
before my book's published.

From: Iyanaga Nobumi <>
Date: October 29, 2005 11:52:59 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: Orikuchi - translation and name


What Lee says is very true.  This makes me remember a conversation between my professor, Bernard Frank, and my uncle, Teizo Iyanaga, who was a historian of ancient history of Japan.  My professor asked my uncle about the pronunciation of some Japanese scholars names, and my uncle replied "Well, these things don't matter so much..."  After this conversation, I met Mr. Frank, and he complained that for Japanese, who write kanjis, these things may "not matter so much", but for "foreign" scholars like him, who must "spell out" the pronunciations, the correct pronunciation of names matter very much...

The same thing is true for us, Japanese, who must "spell out" in katakana the pronunciation of European or other names...  For example, I translated with a friend a French book "Rites de passage" by Arnold Van Genep in Japanese; just before the publication of our translation, another translation of the same book has been published, and the author's name was rendered "Arunorudo Fan Heneppu" in katakata; we published our translation with the same name read as "Arunorudo Van Jeneppu".  I think both are "correct", but as Van Genep lived most of his life in France, I think "Van Jeneppu" would be more "usual"...  When we see the name, for example, Marcel Granet, read as "Maruseru Guranetto", we laugh, thinking the author is uncultured, but in fact, who cares...  I may make many mistakes of this kind for English names or German names.  By the way, most of French people (at least older people) pronuonce English (or other) names in French way, while English or American people pronounce French (or other) names in English/American way...

Best regards,

Nobumi Iyanaga

From: Lewis Cook <>
Date: October 31, 2005 20:45:16 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: replies to query 'help with new course'

Many thanks, belatedly, to the several respondents to my query about utopianism, escapism, etc., on and off list.

One inescapable impression: the topic as described turns out to be even vaguer or more expansive than I'd suspected, though the idea is to leave the syllabus open to accommodating a wide range of interests, so just as well.

That said, I was a little surprised by the preponderance of modern titles and references suggested, given that this is "pmjs" after all. It is easy enough to locate a tradition of anti-urbanist / anti-'modernist' utopianism in early Chinese texts -- notably Tao-Chi'en (granted that his idea of escapism was moving to the suburbs) and his Taoist precursors, as noted by Rein Raud. Is the relative absence of anything fully comparable in early Japanese classical lit (Kamo no Chomei stays well within the vicinity of the capital) explainable by the "miyabi" ethic and its horror vacui vis a vis 'the hinterlands' which pervades Heian aristocratic culture? The 'tonsei" 遁世 ideal in Heian and medieval Japan seems to have been strictly a matter of individualized and asceticist renunciation, quite different, for example, from the esthetic of wilderness that becomes a theme in Chinese poetry as early as the Six Dynasties, and doesn't seem to have any close counterpart in Japan -- perhaps not until the importation of European "Alpinism" some time in the Meiji era. Just musing aloud here, but would appreciate any further comments, of course.

I still have to reply to some off-list responses and will do so very soon.

Thanks again,

Lewis Cook

From: "Stephen M. Forrest" <>
Date: November 1, 2005 4:42:27 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: replies to query 'help with new course'

Hi Lewis,

It promises to be a fascinating course, I think, if daunting to prepare for given the scope and also the lack of chronological boundaries; there's a lot to cover in a semester.  Still, it's a subject I've done some work on and have tried incorporating into several courses, one way or another.  I'm intrigued too by the gap in coverage you notice among the responses -- isn't there more going on in premodern, and especially the Heian era?

As you note re Ch^omei, there's no need to get far from the capital to escape; you can see this more dramatically in the two _Chiteiki_ texts (set inside the capital, rather like the medieval Sakai wealthy men's ideal of escape within the their own homes, the "retreat in the garden" idea*).

Therefore the provinces are not an obvious or necessary receptacle for this particular identity, and the center-periphery dichotomy does not neceessarily lead to utopian visions.

Still, it does leave us with the related question of how Heian writers treated the culturally empty space that gave them such horror.   I've compared Ōe no Yoshitoki and his friend Nōin (988-1052?) and found that there are two different but complementary ways to address the vacuum, both relying on the typical miyabi-based center-periphery contrast.   Yoshitoki names the space generically (i.e. winaka) and builds on older texts to allow his readers to relate to it.  Nōin follows e.g. Tsurayuki and Zōki by enculturating--if you'll allow the neologism--the space: he names it specifically, bit by bit, adding stories to give significance to particular scenes as he goes.  A contemporary who took a similar non-utopianist but expansive (colonizing?) approach to the problematic space was the author of Sarashina nikki.

My dissertation on Nōin touches on some of this, but I'm still at work on Yoshitoki and related issues.  There's one other Heian approach to space which may tend to approach utopianism better, and that's the in-between (as I see it) category "yama," which is distinct from winaka but is obviously not the capital either.  The person to ask about that is Tom Rohlich, but you've probably made that connection already.

I'll stop here, but I look forward to hearing how the course shapes up and what else you find.

        Steve Forrest

*--which came to mind when someone showed me the Yamaha  "My Room" product line:


Stephen M. FORREST,  Ph. D.
Chief Undergraduate Advisor -- Japanese Language and Literature
Dept. of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
University of Massachusetts Amherst

office: Herter Hall 441              phone: (413) 545-4950

         * Classical and Manuscript Japanese at UMass Amherst *

From: Mikael Adolphson <>
Date: November 1, 2005 5:27:14 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: replies to query 'help with new course'

If I may be so bold, a multi-author volume, entitled _Heian Japan, Centers and Peripheries_, will address many of the issues raised below. In particular, the essays by Edward Kamens and Ivo Smits may be of some interest. The reader may draw his or her own conclusions from the essays in the volume, but they seem to indicate that 1) there were in fact more than one center in various spheres 2) although centers and peripheries may appear distinct, there was important middle ground, where the distance could be negotiated.

Alas, the volume will not be available until October of next year, but it is in production.


Mikael Adolphson

Associate Professor, Japanese History
Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
Harvard University
2 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138

Ph: 617-495-8363
Fax: 617-496-6040

From: Noel Pinnington <>
Date: November 1, 2005 12:06:52 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: 'help with new course'

Some of these may be mentioned before, but it seems to me that there is a
stream of ideas that links sections of the following works - the making of
spaces within an oppressive social reality, where people can pretend for a
short time to be living ideal lives (Chinese / ancient/ pastoral).

In the Heian:

Ivo Smits: The pursuit of loneliness: Chinese and Japanese nature poetry in
medieval Japan, ca. 1050-1150, later chapters.

We see Japanese poets pretending to be Chinese recluses in a parallel
universe. Surely some connection to those flatliner groups Richard Bowring
describes in:

Bowring, Richard, 1998. “Preparing for the Pure Land in Late Tenth-Century
Japan” in Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, (25:3-4), pp. 221-257.

Here aristocrats try to imagine their way into the Pure Land.

In the 15th century a similar phenomenon can be seen in the inscriptions on
Chinese style paintings in the 15th century, described in

Parker Joseph D. “Attaining Landscapes in the Mind: Nature Poetry and
Painting in Gozan Zen.” Monumenta Nipponica 52.2 (Summer 1997) 235-57
Parker, Joseph D. Zen Buddhist Landscape Arts of Early Muromachi Japan, SUNY
press, 1999.

These are a bit like Ivo's poets, they pretend they are living within the
Chinese-style paintings and then write poems, as an escape from their urban
surroundings. The inscriptions are records of the imagined world.

There is a connection in these groups to the fostering of classless meeting
places often described in relation to "renga under the flowers" (but no good
reference in English). It emerges in Sen no Rikyu as described in Ueda
Makoto's chapter in

Ueda, Makoto 1967. Literary and Art Theories in Japan, Center for Japanese

An interesting embodiment of this idea (non mibun societies) in the
eighteenth century is the new article by Drew Gerstle, about Kabuki fan
clubs in:

Gerstle and Clark, Kabuki : Heros on the Osaka Stage, 1780-1830 (Paperback),

(This also of course bears comparison with Basho's recovery / recreation of
the history of the countryside seen in Shirane's Traces of Dreams.)

The present Japanese fashion for dressing up and taking each others
photographs would seem to be a similar phenomenon.

Noel Pinnington

From: jonah salz <>
Date: November 1, 2005 17:48:02 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Kyogen articles solicited

Proposals are now being accepted for submissions to a spring 2007 issue
of Asian Theatre Journal dedicated to Kyogen, the Japanese comic
entr'acte which has established itself as a vital and experimental
genre since 1950. Guest editors will be Jonah Salz (Ryukoku
University) and Julie Iezzi (University of Hawaii).  Articles,
translations of plays or essays, and/or interviews should relate to one of the
following topics: 1) Translating kyogen; 2) Kyogen and the West; 3) Production history of new, revived and adapted kyogen; 4) Aspects of Performance 5) Kyogen Families today; 6)
Reviews of productions, books, and media. Deadline for submission of accepted articles will be Dec. 30, 2005.
Please direct inquiries and proposals (approx. 500 words) as early as possible to:
Julie Iezzi
Jonah Salz

From: Elizabeth Leicester <>
Date: November 16, 2005 17:18:41 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  USC Graduate Fellowship Announcement

The Department of History and
the Project for Premodern Japan Studies at the
University of Southern California

Pre-Doctoral Merit Fellowships for 2006-2007

Students holding a bachelor’s degree may apply for a fully funded course of graduate study in pre-1600 Japanese History, leading to the conferral of the Ph.D. degree. Successful candidates will have funding opportunities for five or more years, and receive support for needed summer language study and research travel. Because there are no teaching responsibilities for the first two years, students can devote themselves to the language and disciplinary training required to conduct independent dissertation research on topics in premodern Japan’s history.

At USC students will have the opportunity to work closely with Japan and East Asia specialists in a wide variety of fields including history, literature, religion, geography, linguistics, art history, and anthropology. USC hosts the Summer Kambun Workshop for intensive study of premodern historical texts. The graduate experience is enhanced throughout the academic year by an ongoing Kambun reading group; a visitor series with guest speakers, workshops, and symposia; and research and exchange opportunities through the LA-Osaka Urban Studies Project. The East Asian Library holds a research collection of over 10,000 volumes pertinent to the premodern Japan specialist. The vibrant East Asian presence in the greater Los Angeles community also provides a rich array of East Asia-based cultural events and institutions, and students are encouraged to take full advantage of this dynamic urban setting. USC is a member of the consortium that operates the Inter-university Center for Advanced Japanese Language Training in Yokohama, Japan, where students can pursue advanced language work. Application deadline: December 15, 2005.

For further information contact:

Professor Joan Piggott
in the History Department at USC,
Social Sciences Building 153,
Los Angeles, California 90089-0034.
Phone: 213-740-1657.

Information on doctoral study in history at the University of Southern California is available on the world wide web at

Visit the websites for the Project for Premodern Japan Studies at, and the Kambun Workshop at

From: Roberta Strippoli <>
Date: November 17, 2005 18:19:40 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  KYOTO LECTURES November 25 -- Donald Harper on Spirits

Dear friends and colleagues,
Here is another interesting talk brought to us by the joint efforts of ISEAS and EFEO.
If you have questions, please contact the organizing Schools (addresses and phone numbers below).

Scuola Italiana di Studi sull'Asia Orientale ISEAS
 École Française d’Extrême-Orient EFEO


Friday November 25th 18:00h

Professor Donald Harper will speak on:

Medieval Chinese Demonography and Spirit-protectors in Japan:
 The Case of Baize 白澤 "White Marsh"

 Baize "White Marsh" is identified in early medieval Chinese sources as a spirit who explained to Huangdi, the Yellow Thearch, the identity of all spirits and demons. The 10th century Dunhuang manuscript entitled "White Marsh’s Diagrams of Spectral Prodigies" identifies demons and weird events around the typical elite household; and the manuscript provides our best evidence of a popular medieval demonography that records the knowledge of White Marsh. The demonography itself as magical icon mutated into a "Diagram of White Marsh" – an icon of the deity to hang in the household. This "Diagram of White Marsh" has not survived in China, but can be studied in paintings and block prints of White Marsh still surviving in Japan.

Donald Harper is Professor of Chinese in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. He is the author of Early Chinese Medical Literature: The Mawangdui Medical Manuscripts (London: Kegan Paul, 1998). Recent publications include: “Iatromancie,” in Divination et société dans la Chine médiévale: Etude des manuscripts de Dunhuang de la Bibliothèque nationale de France et de la British Library, ed. Marc Kalinowski (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 2003); and “The Nature of Taiyi in the Guodian Manuscript Taiyi sheng shui: Abstract Cosmic Principle or Supreme Cosmic Deity?” Chūgoku shutsudo shiryō kenkyū 5 (2001). Recent research concerns comparative studies in ancient and medieval Chinese magic, religion, and science based on manuscript sources.

Italian School of East Asian Studies (ISEAS)
 École Française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO)
 4, Yoshida Ushinomiya-cho, Sakyo-ku Kyoto     606-8302 JAPAN

 Phone: 075-751-8132
 Fax: 075-751-8221

 Phone: 075-761-3946

From: Bruce Willoughby <>
Date: November 18, 2005 1:23:04 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Change in URL for Publications at Michigan

The URL for the Publications Program of the Center for Japanese Studies at the
University of Michigan has changed to:

In addition, we have two new electronic publication now online:

Concerned Theatre Journal, edited by David G. Goodman, with a new introduction.
Originally published in 1969-73.

The Social Democratic Movement in Prewar Japan, by George O. Totten III.
Originally published in 1966.

You can access these publications at

Bruce Willoughby
Executive Editor

From: Michiko N. Wilson <>
Date: November 19, 2005 11:01:29 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Fwd: Position Annoucement

The Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures at the University of Virginia invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Pre-Modern Japanese Literature, Language and Culture, starting August 25, 2006. We seek outstanding candidates with a focus in Pre-Modern or early modern poetry, prose, or drama. Teaching experience beyond Ph.D, demonstrated theoretical or interdisciplinary interests, and evidence of scholarly potential and/or accomplishment, are desirable. The successful candidate will be expected to help enhance the department's growing B.A. program in Japanese, and perform appropriate university, professional, and community service. The department values interdisciplinary approaches to research and teaching, and it would welcome applicants whose interests overlap with other programs in Comparative Literature, History, and Studies in Women and Gender. The teaching load is 4 courses per year, including Classical Japanese (bungo) teaching. Salary will be commensurate with education and experience, with strong support for faculty research. Applicants should have a Ph.D in hand at the time of appointment and excellent command in English and Japanese. Send a letter of application and complete CV along with at least three letters of recommendation and a short writing or publication sample to: Chair, Japanese Pre-modern Search Committee, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, P.O. Box 400781, Charlottesville, VA 22904

An electronic application may be sent to the following address:

Review of applications will commence on November 30, 2005, and the position will remain open until filled.  The University of Virginia is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

Michiko N. Wilson
Coordinator, Japanese Language Program
Department of Asian & Middle Eastern
Languages and Cultures
University of Virginia
P.O. Box 400781
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Tel:  434-924-4642
Fax:  434-924-6977

From: Wiebke Denecke <>
Date: November 19, 2005 6:11:37 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Sino-Japanese Studies Summer Course at Columbia University

Qualified graduate students, faculty, and library professionals are
invited to participate in a three-week-long summer course to be held
at Columbia University, August 7-25 2006, cosponsored by Wiebke
Denecke (Columbia Society of Fellows/Barnard College) and David Lurie
(Columbia University).  Under the theme "Japanese Appropriations of
Chinese Culture, 800-1950: Philology, Literature, Thought," it will
provide a survey of the role of the Chinese impact on cultural,
literary and intellectual developments in Japan from the Heian Period
until the Modern Era.

The course will be co-taught by three prominent kanbun scholars, Satō
Michio (Professor, Keiō University), Horikawa Takashi (Professor,
Tsurumi University), and Sumiyoshi Tomohiko (Special Lecturer, Shidō
bunko Library, Keiō University). Through a combination of formal
lectures, informal presentations, and practical tutorials involving
materials from the C.V. Starr East Asian Library, the course will
provide a firm grasp of the major kanbun genres in their historical
development, the major anthologies and sources for each period, the
most important reference works for traditional philology, and the
sociohistorical conditions of the importation, reception,
preservation, and circulation of kanbun materials, situated in
comparison to contemporary developments in China. The course will be
taught entirely in Japanese; additionally, familiarity with either
kanbun or Literary Chinese is required. China scholars with a good
command of Modern Japanese are especially encouraged to apply.

The course is made possible by support from Barnard College, the C.V.
Starr East Asian Library, the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for
International Scholarly Exchange, the Department of East Asian
Languages and Cultures, the Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture,
the Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies, and the Weatherhead East
Asian Institute. Small stipends to defray travel and lodging costs
will be available to graduate students, and possibly to junior
faculty, but participants are strongly encouraged to apply for
additional funding from their own institutions.

Please send application materials (For students: CV, transcript,
brief statement of purpose explaining previous work and current
interest in the field. For faculty: CV, brief statement of purpose)
to the address below by February 1 2006. Funding and space
restrictions force us to limit the course to 20 participants.

ATTN: Sino-Japanese Studies
Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture
507 Kent Hall, MC 3920
Columbia University
New York, New York 10027

For inquiries regarding the course, contact Wiebke Denecke
( or David Lurie ( Further information will be available at

From: "Anne Commons" <>
Date: November 22, 2005 2:33:53 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Graduate Programmes, University of Alberta

Dear All,

We would like to announce that the Department of East Asian Studies at
the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) offers MA programs
in the following areas:

Chinese literature

East Asian Studies

Japanese linguistics (including college-level Japanese pedagogy)

Japanese literature

Some of the research projects and events hosted by the department and
its associated Prince Takamado Japan Centre for Teaching and Research
may be found at:

Ph.D. programs focusing on one of the above areas may be created in
conjunction with other programs on campus.  The department hopes to
start its own Ph.D. program in the near future.

We would like point out that tuition costs at the University of Alberta
are very reasonable compared to those at other North American
universities.  In addition, financial support including teaching
assistantships is available on a competitive basis.

For further information, please visit our website:

or contact: (Yoshi Ono, Graduate Coordinator)

From: Alison Tokita <>
Date: November 22, 2005 8:58:49 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Position in Japanese Studies at Monash University Melbourne

Position available in Japanese Studies at Monash (Lecturer / Senior Lecturer).
A strong research record and demonstrated teaching excellence in an area of Japanese Studies (e.g. Cultural Studies, Social Sciences, Applied Linguistics or Interpreting/Translation), a PhD and a high level of competence in both Japanese and English are essential. (Candidates with extensive professional experience and qualifications in the field of Interpreting/Translation may be considered with an MA). Appointment will be made at a level appropriate to the successful applicant’s qualifications, experience and in accordance with classification standards for each level.
The details can be found at: [link].

From: Michael Watson <>
Date: November 22, 2005 14:56:50 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  2006-07 Visiting Position in Premodern Japanese Literature, Univ of Hawai'i

Forwarded from jlit-l

From: Joel Cohn <>

The Department of East Asian Languages and
Literatures, University of Hawai’i at Manoa,
announces a full-time, one-year replacement position
in premodern Japanese literature for the academic
year 2006-2007.  Rank is open (Assistant, Associate,
or Full Professor); specialization may be in any
area of premodern Japanese literature.  Duties: to
teach courses in readings in classical Japanese
literature, premodern Japanese literature in
translation, and one or two graduate seminars in the
candidate’s area of specialization.  Salary to be
determined based on qualifications and experience.
Minimum qualifications: Ph.D. in Japanese literature
or related field, in hand by August 1, 2006.
Desirable qualifications: college-level classroom
teaching experience in Japanese literature.  To
apply, send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and
names of three references to Dr. Joel Cohn, Chair,
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures,
University of Hawai’i at Manoa, 1890 East-West Road,
Moore Hall 382, Honolulu, HI 96822-2318.  Review of
applications will commence on January 2, 2006 and
continue until the position is filled.  The
University of Hawai’i is an AA/EEO Employer.

From: Morgan Pitelka <>
Date: November 24, 2005 5:35:36 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  falcons


This is not really a scholarly question, but I'm hoping someone can illuminate an experience I had two weeks ago in Kyoto. I was walking along the Kamogawa between Marutamachi and Oike when I saw a group of three young men eating lunch and feeding scraps to some pigeons. Suddenly a huge, powerful bird of prey swooped down onto the food, ignoring the pigeons and the men. Stupidly, they kept throwing food, and soon the first bird of prey was joined by three more. An old man walking by yelled to the young men to stop feeding the hawks (taka) because they were dangerous. Sure enough, the birds took off and started swooping back and forth over the heads of the now frightened young men, who left in a hurry. Looking up, I noticed even more of these predator birds in the trees and circling high up in the sky. Their distinctive cries were piercing.

I have uploaded some pictures of this event, which I have to admit I found completely thrilling. My grandfather, Frank Pitelka, was a pioneering ornithologist at Berkeley and I have always been fascinated by (but ignorant on the topic of) birds. I'm also doing some research on falconry (takagari) in the context of my new project on the material culture associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu, but I have no particular skills when it comes to identifying birds in situ.

So, I'm wondering, what were these birds of prey? I'm almost positive they were not vultures or some other scavenger bird.  More importantly, what were they doing taking handouts in a city when they should have been in the Higashiyama hills, or in the mountains of Nagano, hunting rabbits and thrushes? I know peregrine falcons sometimes live in cities, and of course the red-tailed hawks that occasionally make their homes on balconies in Manhattan are well known. I've read some news about recent Japanese attempts to deal with the huge populations of crows in the cities, but this was my first encounter with taka in Kyoto.


Morgan Pitelka
Swan Hall S115
Occidental College
1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041
OFFICE: 323-259-1421
FAX: 323-341-4940

From: Thomas Howell <>
Date: November 24, 2005 8:10:20 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: falcons

Probably a black kite.(tobi)

This site has a recording of its cry which you can verify:

This one is also good:

I'm not an expert either, but my father was an ornithologist. Tom Howell

From: Lewis Cook <>
Date: November 24, 2005 9:47:06 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: falcons

Dear Morgan,

Very interesting pictures.
Comparing these to illustrations and description in _A Field Guide to the Birds of Japan_ (1982, Wild Bird Society of Japan),  the most likely candidate seems to be Tobi, or Black Kite (Milvus migrans). According to the Guide, these are common throughout Japan, have a long somewhat forked tail with distinctive white markings at tip of the tail and base of the primaries (outermost wing feathers). Both of these markings are visible in your 3rd photo.  Length of male is 59.5 cm, female 68.5 cm, wingspread 150cm. Were these birds of about that size?The tobi is described as a scavenger which fees on carrion and dead fish.  I don't know if the above is enough to make a positive identification, but the only somewhat similar birds shown in this guidebook are eagles rarely seen south of Hokkaido.

Best regards,
Lewis Cook

From: Lawrence Marceau <>
Date: November 24, 2005 10:03:26 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: falcons--black kites

I agree with Tom Howell that the birds Morgan has photographed are indeed tobi (also, tonbi).  The fact that they were referred to by the "old man" as "taka" may be a case of the kotowaza "Tobi ga taka wo umu" ("Average" parents giving birth to a superior child.)

    Kites are quite commonly observed, especially around drained rice paddies where many rodents tend to eat discarded rice.  I've never observed the scene Morgan mentions, though.

    Lawrence Marceau

From: Ronald Toby <>
Date: November 25, 2005 8:42:43 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: [birds]

My guess, from your photos and your description of their behavior, is that the birds are neither 'hawks' nor 'falcons,' but 鳶 tonbi/tobi (kite/kestrel), denizens of
the skies over the Kamogawa.  Kites can often be seen circling in the skies over harbors and inlets.  The cry you hear is rendered in Japanese as 'pii-hyorohyoro.'

Ronald Toby

From: Elizabeth Oyler <>
Date: November 29, 2005 4:59:27 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: falcons


The USGS crowd at Fort Collins, CO concurs with the PMJS-ers that it's a kite, and I'm forwarding the link they like for bird IDs, which someone already may have posted (I've deleted some of the responses):
The grumpiest of the bunch of them expected you to be able to ID anything with wings by virtue of your genetic heritage, which I interpret as a tribute to your grandfather's stature.

Best wishes,
Elizabeth Oyler
Assistant Professor, Japanese
Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages and Literatures
Campus Box 1111
One Brookings Drive
Washington University
St. Louis, MO 63130

From: Morgan Pitelka <>
Date: December 4, 2005 1:14:57 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  tobi: black kites


Thanks for the erudite and fun responses to my question about the raptors I saw on the banks of the Kamogawa in Kyoto. Rachel Saunders of the Boston MFA, who has been working on takagari for some time now, made contact with the former Head of the National Birds of Prey Centre in the UK. His seems to be the definitive answer, and it supports, I might note, many of the answers I received from individual PMJS members:

"Yes you are right it will undoubtedly be Black Kites, they are not in the slightest bit dangerous but great klepto parasites (thieving buggers!!!!) They will snatch food from peoples hands, but they are although quite large, possessed  of tiny feet and do no damage. They are superb flyers and very accurate with their feet. I love them and we fly them here. They are also very nervous so they will just grab food and then fly off with it. They do it in India, Africa and I have seen them take food of picnic tables in Japan. Its an honour to have it happen! This (see picture) is a yellow-billed kite, a subspecies of the black kite but from Africa. Gareth has a tiny piece of meat on the top of his finger - for a bit!!!"

I uploaded the picture referenced in this message here:

To compare with my original photos:

Many members have apparently had experiences similar to mine in Kyoto and other locations in Japan, particularly near bodies of water.



Morgan Pitelka
Swan Hall S115
Occidental College
1600 Campus Road
Los Angeles, CA 90041
OFFICE: 323-259-1421
FAX: 323-341-4940

From: Michael Watson <>
Date: December 8, 2005 6:40:12 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  University Lecturership in Japanese - University of Oxford


Faculty of Oriental Studies in association with Pembroke College

University Lecturership in Japanese with Tutorial Fellowship at Pembroke College
Salary up to £47,078 [pounds sterling]

The University proposes to appoint a University Lecturer in Japanese in association with Pembroke College. The appointment will run from l October 2006 or as soon as possible thereafter. The person appointed may be offered a tutorial fellowship at Pembroke College.

The Lecturer will be required to give lectures, classes and tutorials in modern Japanese literature and in Japanese language; to carry out research, examine, supervise graduate students; and to play a part in the administrative work of the Faculty of Oriental Studies. The successful candidate will have a primary expertise in modern Japanese literature, as well as a competence to teach both modern and classical Japanese language. Applicants should hold, or expect to hold by the start of the appointment, a doctorate in the field of modern Japanese literature, and be able to provide evidence of their ability to teach at University level. The successful candidate must also have substantial publications, or evidence of forthcoming substantial publications.

Further particulars, including details of how to apply, should be obtained from or from the office of The Faculty Board Secretary, Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford, OX1 2LE, tel. +44 1865 288200; fax no. +44-(0)1865-278190; e-mail, to whom applications and references should be sent not later than Thursday 19 January 2006. Interviews will be held as early as possible thereafter.

The University is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

From: Matthew Stavros (gmail) <>
Date: December 8, 2005 9:10:10 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Full Professorship in Asian Studies (Japanese or Chinese) at the University of Sydney

Creation of a new academic position at the University of Sydney. Open to all qualified candidates regardless of citizenship.

Please pass the word on:

The University of Sydney is now conducting a search to fill a newly-created chair in Asian Studies. It's a fully-tenured professorship with good pay, a generous research stipend, and excellent benefits.  The appointee would automatically be made the department chair of Asian Studies (a position that doesn't have nearly the administrative responsibilities it does in the US). The University of Sydney has a thriving Asian Studies program with about 100 undergraduate majors and more than a dozen graduate students. Our Japanese Studies major attracts more than 250 new students each year, most of whom have studied Japanese for more than 3 years in secondary school. The Chinese program too is gaining in momentum lately. Sydney University is Australia's oldest university and with the most number of research grants from the Australian Research Council, it is arguably among its best.  The teaching faculty in our department are intellectual, interesting people who are fun to be around. Relations are collegial and constructive. Our building is modern and comfortable and the classrooms all implement cutting-edge technology. Teaching load would not be heavy and the summer break is for 4 whole months from November to March. Another month is off in the winter: June. Sabbatical leave is granted for 6 months every 6 semesters.

Besides the merit of the job itself, Sydney is an amazing place to live. People are relaxed and happy. We have the sun, endless beaches, and wide-open spaces in a thriving and remarkably cosmopolitan city. The climate is not unlike central California. We have dozens of world-class museums, the famous Sydney opera house, the harbour, and all kinds of cultural events happening throughout the year. Japan is 9 hours away and there's only a 1 or 2 hour time difference (It's amazing to leave Sydney in the morning and arrive in Tokyo in the early evening of the same day). Australia has a a remarkably progressive and liberal society. Taxes are higher than in the US but the public libraries, parks, roads, playgrounds, public services, etc. are generally in much better shape. The cost of living is considerably lower than a comparable city of the same size (4.5 million) in the US.

Note that the successful candidate and her family will be sponsored for permanent residency, which is generally approved by the date of arrival.

Formal announcement posted below. The deadline in 20 January.


POSITION: Professor of Asian Studies
DEPARTMENT: Faculty of Arts
AVAILABILITY: Internal & External
REF NO: B45/006504
The Faculty of Arts wishes to appoint a distinguished academic to a Chair in Asian Studies. The successful applicant will provide key academic leadership for the field within the Faculty of Arts and collaborate with colleagues across the Faculty and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences to develop and sustain innovative programs in Asian Studies at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level. A proven capacity to attract and supervise to completion higher degree research students will be essential.

The Asian Studies program is situated in the School of Languages and Cultures, one of three academic units within the Faculty. In addition to interdisciplinary programs in Asian Studies, European Studies and International and Comparative Literature, the School consists of the departments of Chinese and Southeast Asian Studies, Japanese and Korean Studies, Indian and Sub-continental studies, French Studies, Germanic Studies, Italian Studies, Spanish Studies, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies, and Modern Greek. Within Asian Studies the School has expertise in the history, culture and society of China, Japan, Korea, South Asia and Indonesia. The person appointed to this Chair of Asian Studies will work with other senior colleagues in the School to develop and convene the interdisciplinary Asian Studies program and will report to the Head of School. The person appointed will be responsible for the broader faculty and College-wide development of Asian Studies.

The successful applicant will have an outstanding national and international reputation for excellence in the field of Asian Studies, a PhD in Asian Studies or related discipline, extensive research experience and a proven record of external research grant success. Expertise in one culture and society in Asia will be expected but the capacity to teach across various regions in Asia will be essential. The position is open as to geographic area of expertise. Preference may be given to scholars with a capacity to engage with leading social science researchers in the Asia-Pacific region. Near native speaker competence in at least one Asian language is essential. It is desirable that the successful applicant be able to provide evidence of the ability to develop high level contacts with academics, diplomats, business leaders and politicians in Australia and the region.

In addition to a demonstrated capacity to conduct teaching and outstanding research in Asian Studies, the successful applicant will have a capacity to supervise and teach postgraduate students from a variety of cultural backgrounds, develop research and professional education programs in the field of Asian Studies and establish and maintain effective teaching and research relationships with colleagues and staff in the Faculty, the College and externally, both nationally and internationally.

The appointee will have demonstrated leadership qualities, the ability to communicate effectively with academics and the broader community and a demonstrated capacity for effective administration.

This position is full-time continuing, subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation and/or confirmation period for new appointees. Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new appointees.

For a copy of the selection criteria and information booklet for candidates, please contact Ms Anne Campbell on (+61 2) 9351 2206 or e-mail: Enquiries may be directed to the Dean, Professor Stephen Garton on (+61 2) 9351 2206 or e-mail:


Remuneration Package: $145,800 p.a. (which includes a base salary Professor Level E $123,646 p.a., leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation)

Closing Date: 20/1/2006

General Application Information

An asterisk (*) in front of the position title indicates that the position is not available for external applicants. Casual staff who have been employed continuously by the University for a period of more than six months at the time of advertisement, are eligible to apply for these positions. They must provide payslips demonstrating that they have been employed during six pay-periods in six months or more as evidence, along with their application.

Intending applicants are encouraged to seek further information from the contact person before submitting a formal application.

Academic positions: Applications (five copies for levels A-D and ten copies for level E) should quote the reference no, address the selection criteria, and include a CV, a list of publications, the names, addresses, e-mail, fax and phone number of confidential referees (three for levels A-D and five for level E).

General Staff positions: Applications should quote the reference no, address the selection criteria, and include a CV, the names, addresses, e-mail, fax and phone number of two confidential referees.

Forwarding Applications:

For Reference No A: The Personnel Officer, College of Sciences and Technology, Carslaw Building, (F07), The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

For Reference No B: The HR Assistant, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Old Teacher's College, (A22), The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

For Reference No C: The Personnel Officer, College of Health Sciences, Cumberland Campus (C42), The University of Sydney, PO Box 170, Lidcombe NSW 1825

For Reference No E: The Personnel Officer, Corporate Personnel Services, Margaret Telfer Building, (K07), The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

For Reference No F: The University Librarian (Attention: Administrative Officer, Fisher Library), The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006

For Reference No R: The Personnel Officer, The University of Sydney, Faculty of Rural Management, PO Box 883, Orange, NSW, 2800
The University is a non-smoking workplace and is committed to the policies and principles of equal employment opportunity and cultural diversity. The University reserves the right not to proceed with any appointment for financial or other reasons. See

The University's positions vacant website will be updated each Friday.

From: Elizabeth Leicester <>
Date: December 11, 2005 20:23:02 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  2006 USC Kambun Workshop

The Department of History and The Project for Premodern Japan Studies at the University of Southern California announce the

Third Summer Kambun Workshop
July 10 – August 4, 2006

The Project for Premodern Japan Studies in the History Department of the University of Southern California announces the third annual summer Kambun Workshop for graduate students and faculty in premodern Japanese studies. We are pleased to announce that Professor Eiichi Ishigami of the University of Tokyo Historiographical Institute, who specializes in the history of the Nara and Heian periods, will lead the workshop with Professor Joan Piggott of the USC History Department. The 2006 workshop will focus on Heian-period (794-1180) materials. The workshop will consist of training in the reading, analysis, annotation, and translation of Heian-period historical material. The primary language of the workshop will be Japanese, but translation into English is also emphasized. Sessions will be held Monday through Friday from July 10 to August 4 in the USC East Asia Library. Applicants must be fluent in Japanese and they must have completed basic course work in classical Japanese as well as an introductory course in either classical Chinese or kambun.

Cost of the workshop, including lodging, is $2470.  Some fellowhip assistance will be available to lessen tuition costs. However, applicants are encouraged to seek financial assistance from their home institutions. Applications may be downloaded from the USC Kambun Workshop website at Applications are due March 15, 2006, and registration deposits are due May 3, 2006.

For further details contact

Professor Joan Piggott
University of Southern California
Department of History, Social Science Bldg.
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0034
Phone: (213) 821-5872
Fax: (213) 740-6999

From: Barbara Nostrand <>
Date: December 13, 2005 8:32:09 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: tobi: black kites

All of this talk about birds of prey reminds me of our encounter with an eagle which was sitting in the middle of a rural road on Sado Island. Of course, Sado and rural is pretty synonymous, but I think this happened in Ogi. Regardless, the bird was huge. Sadly, I don't have a picture to share. Thank you for posting the pictures, although I think that maybe they should have been cropped first. I had a bit of difficulty finding the birds at first, because they were scrolled off the page.

From: Robert Khan <>
Date: December 13, 2005 9:49:15 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: tobi: black kites

Just to connect this 'birds of prey' thread to our PMJS focus, I would like to draw the list's attention to the excellent setsuwa on the 'Falconer's Dream' in Konjaku monogatari (XXV.8; p. 121 in Marian Ury's fine translation, 'Tales of Times Now Past', (Berkeley: University of California, 1979; rpt. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Center for Japanese Studies, 1993)).

I have always found this an excellent teaching text, whether from the perspective of Buddhist views on ethical treatment of animals, or that of the development of narrative realism. The evocation of over-identification with one's work, of dream perception, spiritual awakening, and family dynamics are quite masterly, together with a wealth of information on the accoutrements and techniques of falconry in the twelfth century or so. Even after many readings and explications in bungo and koten bungaku classes over the years, I still find it deeply moving.

Robert Khan
University of London, SOAS

From: Michelle I Li <>
Date: December 13, 2005 17:30:35 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Re: tobi: black kites

I also find the story mentioned by Robert extremely moving. I kept thinking
of falcon tales in setsuwa when reading the "birds of prey" thread but was
shy about making the connection here.

In the Chu-gai sho-, Fujiwara no Tadazane (as supposedly recorded by a
retainer) mentions this story or a similar story as one reason why he gave
up falconry himself. He heard it from a lady-in-waiting, making the tale
(or a related tale) one of the few concrete references we have to the oral
transmission of setsuwa in the late Heian period. So, that story has
historic significance as well.

In other tales, some early tengu are kites.

Michelle Li

From: eiji sekine <>
Date: December 22, 2005 13:19:19 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  AJLS 2006 Call for Papers

Dear Netters,
Our apologies for cross-listing.
The Association for Japanese Literary Studies will hold its 2006 annual
meeting in the summer in Japan. Here is the call for papers
announcement. Please plan to participate in this special occasion.
An electronic version of our newsletter including a shorter English
version of the call for papers will follow shortly.

eiji sekine

Travel in Japanese Representation Culture: Its Past, Present and Future

Call for Papers:
The 2006 AJLS annual meeting will be held, for the first time, in the
summer (July 1-2, 2006) in Japan (at the new Tokyo campus of Josai
International University). The conference will be chaired by Professor
Mizuta Noriko and organized by Professor Miki Sumito and will feature
the theme of travel in Japanese literature and in Japan’s representation
culture as a whole. From religiously charged pilgrimages to
leisure-oriented tourism, traveling has impacted people’s lives on
various levels from ancient days to the present. With drastic
technological changes, the notion of travel today expands itself both in
terms of space and time: We can travel to the universe, travel to the
micro-cosmos of our own body, and even take a trip to the future. What
can and should we discuss about the current expansion of the notion of
travel in relationship with its representational tradition?

The mythological image of traveling gods, expressed through the
folkloric term of “kishu ryūri,” is recurrently recaptured in classical
stories focusing on socio-politically motivated transfer of important
characters. Traditional visits to temples and shrines were visitors’
expressions of religious faith; literary pilgrimages, visiting
well-known places rich in poetic associations, were great literary
inspirations for travelers. At the same time, these experiences allowed
travelers to discover the joy of traveling itself. From Meiji period on,
people took a trip to individually explore new “scenery” so as to
appreciate its previously unnoticed beauty. Modern literature was an
inspiration for the development of tourism culture.

Today, literature has become an integral part of media culture (together
with painting, photography, TV shows, and cinema), which by
mass-producing images of fashionable scenes, serves to further enhance
the institution of modern tourism. When the government claims that
tourism is one of the key areas of Japan’s national promotion, and when
travel agencies and the media industry work together so as to sell
literature as a part of the travel experience, concepts of both travel
and literature demand redefinitions as necessary players of today’s late
consumerist economy.

From this broad interest in the concepts and representations of
traveling in Japanese literature, the conference organizers solicit
paper/panel proposals, which can shed new light on this theme. Please
consider, in particular, exploring concepts listed in the following as
key components constituting this theme:

. Traveler’s expressive selfhood: i) narrator’s points of view and
awareness of readers’ eyes; ii) gender and travel; iii) oral narrative
and strolling minstrels; iv) representations of michiyuki ; v) travel
and poetic expressions (waka, renga, and haikai)
. Traveler’s search for inner self: i) religious journeys (monomōde,
junrei, shugyō, kanjin); ii) travel in coming-of-age novels with the
pursuit of a true self; iii) travel literature as a genre of fiction;
iv) travel in the genres of utopian literature, fantastic literature,
and children’s literature
. Traveler’s experiences of otherness (transfer and border
transgression; contact and communication with foreign cultures): i)
travel by gods in the Origuchi concepts of “kishu ryūri” and
“marebito,” as well as political exiles (rural position appointment by
the government, demotion, refugee, etc.); ii) expression of borders
between past and present, between city and country, between home and
abroad, and between dailiness and fantasy; iii) approaches to foreign
cultures (acceptance, appropriation, and denial); iv) superior/inferior
observer’s standpoint (tour of a colonial inspection, accounts by
seasonal workers and immigrants); iv) discovery of a traveler’s own
cultural identity through trips to foreign lands; v) culture shock
through school trips, study abroad, international internship, etc.
. Travel in contemporary culture: i) media and travel literature; ii)
current trend of tourism and literature (sightseeing, search for
healing, and eco-tourism); iii) an aging society, traveling, and literature

The proposal deadline is March 1, 2006. A 250-letter proposal, together
with the proposal form, should be mailed to: AJLS 2006, Josai
International University (Tokyo Kioi-cho Campus), 3-26 Kioi-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 102-0094. For inquiries, contact conference
administrators (Professors Kawano Yuka, Okada Miyako, or David Luan) by
e-mailing at: or by faxing to: 03-6238-1299.

Travel in Japanese Representation Culture
DEADLINE: March 1, 2006





Address: __________________________________________________________________


Telephone: ______________________________

Fax: ________________________________

E-mail: ______________________________
Please attach your 250-letter proposal to this form and send to: AJLS
2006, Josai International University, 3-26 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,
Japan 102-0094.

2006年7月1〜2日 城西国際大学東京紀尾井町キャンパス
大会議長 水田宗子、大会運営委員長 三木紀人


・ 視点の所在、読み手の存在
・ ジェンダーと旅
・ 語り、吟遊
・ 道行文
・ 和歌・連歌・俳諧と旅
・ 信仰の旅(物詣、巡礼、修行、勧進)を記すこと
・ 成長小説としての旅文学、旅の文学における自己発見
・ 虚構としての漂泊文学
・ ユートピア・ファンタジィ・童話
・ 神々の旅(貴種流離、まれびと)や政治的漂流(地方赴任、左遷、亡命)な
・ 現在と過去、都会と田舎、故郷と外国、日常性と非日常性
・ 異文化へのまなざし—享受、順応、拒絶
・ 優位者、観察者としてのまなざし−植民地視察、出稼ぎ・入植者の記録
・ 異文化接触の反転としての自文化発見、自己相対化
・ 修学旅行、留学、研修におけるカルチャーショック
・ メディアおよび発達と旅文学
・ ツーリズムの変化(観光、癒し、環境)
・ 高齢化社会の旅と文学

記のメールアドレス、またはファックスで受け付けます。E-mail:; Fax: 03-6238-1299. 大会運営委員(川野有佳、岡田美也

From: Philip Brown <>
Date: December 31, 2005 13:31:28 GMT+09:00
Subject: [pmjs]  Need for Area Studies Field Readers, US Department of Education, International Programs

Dear Colleagues:

Contacts at the US Department of Education asked me to help alert my
fellow scholars to their need for our professional assistance:

The US Department of Education, International Programs, needs field
readers for a number of its programs (Fulbright-Hays Programs, Title VI
of the Higher Education Act Programs).  Field readers review
applications to the department for funding, evaluating which are of
highest quality.  A few programs bring field readers to Washington for
evaluations and discussions with other review panelists; other programs
send out application copies to field readers who read them at home and
then consult in conference telephone calls.  Reviewers receive a modest

I can say, based on personal experience over a number of years and
reviewing for a number of programs, that this is a very interesting
experience for panelists at the same time that this work provides an
extremely valuable service to the profession. In order for these
programs to work effectively, participation of qualified area studies
experts is essential!  Specialists in any field of Latin American,
African, Eastern European, and Asian (including West Asia) area studies
are needed.

If you are interested in becoming a field reader for these programs,
please visit the Department's Field Reader System web site at  After the welcome page, first time
users can create a log-in by clicking on the button just UNDER the LOGIN
button for already registered users.  You will be asked to provide a
variety of information over a SECURE web site, e.g., contact
information, employment history, publications, etc., so you might want
to have a CV handy.

Philip Brown
Department of History
The Ohio State University

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