Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 16:07:43 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: [pmjs] international symposium at Waseda

An international symposium will be held in Tokyo this weekend, 29-30 September, at Waseda University, organized by the Waseda daigaku kodai bungaku hikaku bungaku kenkyusho.

会場 早稲田大学14号館 604教室        

第一日 2001929日(土)
   司余 田中隆昭(早稲田大学)丹羽 季(中央学院大学)
   題 目                      講 師
        北女大学教授・比較文学比較文也研究所長 厳 紹
未     定                 
漸江大学教授・日本文化研究所長   王 勇
       台湾大学教授・台湾日語教育学会理事長   陳 明姿
                 韓国外国語大学教授   金 鐘徳
早稲田大学教授   新川登亀男
                    早稲田大学教授   吉原浩人

懇親会  18時~20
     会現 地下鉄早稲田駅近く  中華料理 北京
     会費 4000円  (学生 2000円)

第二日 930日(日)  ・
  発表会    会場 早稲田大学14号館 604教室
      題目                 溝師

平安朝物語文学の中の輸入文物     早稲田大学非常勤講師    菊地 真
枕草子の中国故事受容         埼材大学校専任講師     鄭 順粉
古代日本の留学生-勝鳥養に関する考察-     札幌大学専任講師 泉 敬史

    12時~13時、 食事休憩
百済と古代日本の文化交流   北イリノイ州立大学助教授 ジョン・R・ペントレー
                    国際基督教大学助教授 ケネス・ロビン ソン
韓国の時網の起源と中国六体詩の関係  北京師範大学副教授     張 哲俊
唐朝における新藤詩人 北京大学教授        韋 旭昇
代助、オネーギンおよぴその他    上海師範大学教授     揚 國華
未定               二松学舎大学教授      戸川芳郎

Wang Yong ( )

Professor, Zhejiang University


Author or co-author of numerous books in Japanese including

_Chugokushi no naka no Nihon-zou_

中国史のなかの日本像 (2000)

_Shoutoku Taishi jikuu chouetsu - rekishi wo ugokashita Eshi [Hui Si] koushin-setsu_

聖徳太子時空超越歴史を動かした慧思後身説 (1994) -->return to log

Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 12:32:48 +0900

From: Tim Kern <>

Subject: [pmjs] you vs.arare

It is a little early to sharpen my ski edges but I found this very popular
children's song on the net. If you want the melody please check it out.



1 雪(ゆき)やこんこ あられやこんこ
降(ふ)っては 降っては  ずんずん つもる
山(やま)も野原(のはら)も 綿帽子(わたぼうし)かぶり
枯(か)れ木(き)のこらず 花(はな)が咲(さ)く

2 雪やこんこ あられやこんこ
降っても 降っても  まだ 降りやまぬ
犬(いぬ)はよろこび 庭(にわ)かけまわり
ねこはこたつで まるくなる

--> return to log

from 2001.09

An international symposium will be held in Tokyo this weekend, 29-30 September, at Waseda University, organized by the Waseda daigaku kodai bungaku hikaku bungaku kenkyusho.

会場 早稲田大学14号館 604教室        

第一日 2001929日(土)
   司余 田中隆昭(早稲田大学)丹羽 季(中央学院大学)
   題 目                      講 師
        北女大学教授・比較文学比較文也研究所長 厳 紹
未     定                 
漸江大学教授・日本文化研究所長   王 勇
       台湾大学教授・台湾日語教育学会理事長   陳 明姿
                 韓国外国語大学教授   金 鐘徳
早稲田大学教授   新川登亀男
                    早稲田大学教授   吉原浩人

懇親会  18時~20
     会現 地下鉄早稲田駅近く  中華料理 北京
     会費 4000円  (学生 2000円)

第二日 930日(日)  ・
  発表会    会場 早稲田大学14号館 604教室
      題目                 溝師

平安朝物語文学の中の輸入文物     早稲田大学非常勤講師    菊地 真
枕草子の中国故事受容         埼材大学校専任講師     鄭 順粉
古代日本の留学生-勝鳥養に関する考察-     札幌大学専任講師 泉 敬史

    12時~13時、 食事休憩
百済と古代日本の文化交流   北イリノイ州立大学助教授 ジョン・R・ペントレー
                    国際基督教大学助教授 ケネス・ロビン ソン
韓国の時網の起源と中国六体詩の関係  北京師範大学副教授     張 哲俊
唐朝における新藤詩人 北京大学教授        韋 旭昇
代助、オネーギンおよぴその他    上海師範大学教授     揚 國華
未定               二松学舎大学教授      戸川芳郎

[return to log]

From: Michael Watson <>
Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 12:00:43 +0900
Subject: [pmjs] Japanese courtliness

I have an hour's headstart in thinking about this as Lewis Cook sent me a
copy of the MedText posting before sending it to pmjs. We were wondering
off-list about Jim Marchard's use of the word "ayashi"--surely he means
"iyashi" (卑し) I thought, as that is the usual CJ word for

Lest anyone else wonder about this, I have been humbled by the resident
Genji consultant here, reminded that in GM "ayashi" can mean both "strange"
and by extension (from Hikaru Genji's point of view) "humble" in passages
such as these from "Yugao":

ayashiki shidu no wo (onoko) no koegoe (Yugao, Zenshu 1:229)
...for he heard uncouth men in the neighbouring houses hailing one another
as they awoke. (Seidensticker 47)

hana no na wa hito mekite, kou ayashiki kakine ni nan saki-haberikeru
(Zenshu 1:210)
The name makes it sound like a lord or lady, but here it is blooming on this pitiful fence! (S. 13)

Michael Watson <>

return to log

The clearest example I can cite occurs in Komachi's poem "iro miete utsurou mono wa yo no naka no hito no kokoro no hana ni zo arikeru" (KKS No. 797).


Fukutake is the publisher, and the title is also part of the title. The
authors are Inoue Muneo and Nakamura Yukihiro. Webcat gives
福武古語辞典 / 井上宗雄,中村幸弘編. -- 福武書店, 1988

本体2571円  19cm 1735p
分類:R813.6 件名:古語-辞典 97043529
ISBN 4-8288-0442-0 / 1997.11
 対象:高 般

From: Michael Watson <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 11:33:16 +0900
Subject: [pmjs] announcements

(2) Many of the historians on this list have been attending the first meeting of the "Japan Memory Project" at the Hensanjo (the Historiographical Institute at Tokyo University). More information about this important project will be forthcoming from members more directly involved. Apropros of the original name of this list, however, I found it interesting that the Japanese title is "Zenkindai nihon no shiryo isan project" 前近代日本の史料遺産プロジェクト.
An introduction to the project can be read online (with some effort) at

(3) One of the speakers at the Hensanjo on Friday 12 Jan. was Francine Herail, discussing problems in translating terms for offices (kanshoku) in the kanbun nikki SHUNKI. Those of you in Tokyo who missed it can hear a related talk, this time in French with consecutive Japanese translation, on Tuesday 16 January from 6 p.m.
[Accents omitted]
" La societe japonaise au milieu du XIeme siecle a travers les notes journalieres de FUJIWARA no Sukefusa (Shunki)"
Maison franco-japonaise (salle 601), 3-9-25, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku Tel. 03-5421-7641
For a map see
Japanese information:

(4) There has been much interest recently in "yuujo/yuukaku" (Janet Goodwin's monograph in MN 55.3, also one of our earliest threads). Those in Tokyo may be interested to hear Jacqueline Pigeot on the subject. Again at the Maison franco-japonaise: 26 Jan. (Friday), from 6 p.m.
* Conference: Les courtisanes japonaises avant la creation des quartiers de plaisirs (epoque ancienne et Moyen Age)
* Jacqueline PIGEOT (Professeur honoraire a l'Universite de Paris VII)

(5) Japanese information about those two talks:
* 1
問い合わせ先:日仏会館フランス事務所/TEL. 03-5421-7641

Grammar of Japanese), Hituzi Syobo Publishing, Tokyo, 2000
『日本語記述文法の理論』(ひつじ書房) ISBN4-89476-122-X

From: "Paul S. Atkins" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 11:52:14 -0600
Subject: Kanbun--Japanese primer

Someone asked for a Japanese introduction to kanbun. I have enjoyed using
this one:

Tobata Shigenao. Kabun no kiso. Nikken, First printing 1985, 8th printing 1997
515 yen.

漢文の基礎 [Kanbun no kiso]
鳥羽田 重直
日験 [Nikken]
First printing 1985, 8th printing 1997

From: Lawrence Marceau <.....rc...@...l.Edu>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 10:20:10 -0400
Subject: Japanese math

Another book that is aimed for the general readership, but still might
be helpful is:

Kawamoto Ko^ji. Edo no Su^gaku bunka. ("Iwanami Library of Science" 70)
Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1999. ISBN: 4-00-006570-X. \1000+consumer tax.


From: Ivo Smits <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 01 11:52:19 +0200
Subject: Re: Kanbun


(2) The gist of the remarks by Wayne Farris and David Pollack is that
here is a vast difference between 'wenyan' 文言 (classical Chinese
proper) and 'kanbun' 漢文. But even if one defines 'kanbun' as "(more or
less) Chinese texts by Japanese authors," it still remains a very
comprehensive term, ranging from kanshi that earnestly try to pose as
proper wenyan (but, as Professor Wilt Idema, now of Harvard, always
lectured me, "This is not Chinese") to David Pollack's' "kana-majiri
souroubun no kanbun" of later ages. In between there are such diaries as
Joan Piggott's "Teishinkou ki" but also Heian and Kamakura legal texts
and other documents (komonjo). All these texts are 'kanbun', but some are
more kanbun than others, so to speak.


My experiences are basically limited to Heian and early Kamakura kanbun,
specifically poetry (kanshi) and diaries (kanbun nikki). As for the
poetry, I certainly benefited tremendously from first having learnt
wenyan. Even so, Japanese kanshi are littered with expressions that you
can only understand when having learnt classical Japanese. The problem
with kanshi usually isn't the grammar, but the words. As for the kanbun
nikki, well that took much longer and knowledge of wenyan wasn't always
helpful. The comparison with the neo-Latin of the medieval and
renaissance Europe has often been made in this respect. On the side, it
would have been helpful had someone explained to me early on the use of
kanji such as REI and SHOKU in passive constructions, etc.


From: Michael Watson <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 23:27:45 +0900
Subject: Re: [pmjs] Plant & Animal Dictionary?

Japanese titles
日本の野鳥―A field guide to the birds of Japan

From: Lawrence Marceau <.....rc...@...l.Edu>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 15:06:24 -0400
Subject: Re: syphilis treatment

Tatsukawa Shoji has a great study of all kinds of diseases and their treatments in the early modern period, in his _Edo - Yamai so^shi_ (Chikuma Gakugei Bunko, 1998, originally published in 1979 as _Kinsei - Yamai so^shi_, Heibonsha Sensho). Adam Kern's 54% figure does not seem unrealistic, judging from the fact that Sugita Gempaku said that some 70-80% of all of his patients who visited him (over 1000 a year) nearly every day for 50 years suffered from syphilis (p. 176).

I haven't studied the book carefully, but Tatsukawa mentions treatments that include mercury, as well as those that feature rhinoceros horn (犀角). He mentions "catheters" カテイテル, but I'm not sure how they were used. (pp. 178, 192) It seems that patients' throats were so swollen and covered with pox that they couldn't take food or medicine, so perhaps the catheters played a role there.

With regard to prayer, Miyata Noboru has a book, _Edo no hayari-gami_, which discusses various kami who come into play during, among other crises, epidemics. Smallpox epidemics generated interest in such kami, and while they were at it, the kami also were asked to help out with those suffering from syphilis.

Lawrence Marceau

From: "Sato/Wakabayashi" <>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 08:20:27 +0900
Subject: "Japan Memory Project" and a Conference on Historical and
Buddhist Sources in Medieval Japan

International Symposium on Historical and Buddhist Sources in Medieval Japan
Nihon chusei shiryou - bukkyou shiryou no kokusai riyou"

Date: July 6-7, 2001
Place: 東京大学史料編纂所大会議室 
Tokyo daigaku shiryo hensanjo taikaigishitsu

Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 17:39:38 -0400
From: Lawrence Marceau <.....rc...@...l.Edu>
Subject: [pmjs] Re: Shushokuron

If this is the same emaki/otogi zoshi that also goes by the titles
"Shuhanron" (酒飯論), "Sankoron" (三戸論), "Sanron ekotoba" (三論絵詞),
"Geko jo^go ekotoba" (下戸上戸絵詞), "Jo^go geko no maki" (上戸下戸之巻),
with text by Ichijo^ Kanera and illustrations by Tosa Mitsunobu, dating from
about Tenbun 19 (1550), then you might find both text and illustrations in
Waseda Daigaku Kyoiku Gakubu Gakujutsu Kenkyu (早稲田大学教育学部学術研究),
number 35 (1986), under the title "Shuhanron emaki." I haven't checked, so
I'm not sure. It might have text only...

Perhaps someone with ready access to this journal can help out.

Lawrence Marceau

Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 18:14:11 -0400
From: Lawrence Marceau <.....rc...@...l.Edu>
Subject: [pmjs] Re: Shushokuron

After I sent the last message, I did a quick Google search, and found three articles (one in English) by Namiki Seishi of Kyoto Kogei Sen'i Daigaku. I'm sure they're illustrated.

19 酒飯論絵巻考-原本の確定とその位置付け- 平成65月『美
学』(美学会学会誌)177号 pp.64-74

21 酒飯論絵巻と狩野元信 平成6年9月『美術史』(美術史学会
学会誌)137 pp.79-94

26 A Study of the Shuhanron emaki-Identification of the Original Kano version within the History of Muromachi painting- 平成93月『AESTHETICS』(The Japanese Society for Aesthetics8 pp.37-50

Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 12:04:06 -0400
From: Lawrence Marceau <.....rc...@...l.Edu>
Subject: Re: "Iconoclasm" in Premodern Japan


The 18th-century writer Baba Bunko^ (馬場文耕, d. 1718-58) was one of
the few writers put to death for his writings critical of the regime.

Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 12:45:13 +0000
From: Peter Kornicki <>
Subject: Union Catalogue of Early Japanese books in Europe


Thanks to the efforts of Professor Ito Tetsuya and with the kind cooperation of the Kokubungaku Kenkyuu Shiryoukan, a preliminary searchable version is now available on the Kokubungaku Kenkyuu Shiryoukan website at the following address:
You will need to click on 欧州所在古書 [oushuu shozai kosho] to access the catalogue.

Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 21:16:36 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: [pmjs] Re: female heir?

The formal name of the law in question would appear to be koushitsu tenpan of 1947
An online text can be found here
This replaces the original koushitsu tenpan of Meiji 22 (1889)

A study of these documents will impress our colleagues on Monday.

Less informally, you will also see the expression "koui keishou seido"
with genealogy


... kouson (皇孫) "imperial grandchild"-- an expression that was new to me
... kouson denka
... o-ko-sama
and even
all followed by ...gotanjou omedetou gozaimasu.

In the media, the infant is being referred to as Nai Shinnou [Denka] orShinmiya-sama.
内親王殿下、 新宮様


Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 12:37:10 -0500
From: Matthew Stavros <.....av...@...nceton.EDU>
Subject: [pmjs] Re: female heir?

I'm curious:

Yomiuri quoted former prime minister Nakasone as saying, 「今度の事とはかか わりなく、検討しなくてはいけない課題だ」。

"Regardless of the current circumstances, it is necessary to examine this topic [of female succession].

Then went on to say that Nakasone felt both houses of parliament should (must) convene an "investigation committee." 衆参両院の憲法調査会などで検討 すべきだとの考えを示した。