明治学院大学 物理学教室 素粒子論セミナー


2019/12/10(火) 15:00〜

講師:横山修一 氏 (京都大学基礎物理学研究所)

題目:Holography via Flow Equation for non-relativistic conformal field theory

要旨:Recently the method of a (gradient) flow equation attracts more attention for the purpose of the study of lattice QCD and holography as well. I will speak about my latest result of the application of the flow equation method to non-relativistic conformal field theory (NRCFT). This technique provides a new geometry called a non-relativistic hybrid geometry, which interpolates the Schrodinger and Lifshitz spacetimes, and also generates a gravitational system which supports this non-relativistic hybrid geometry. Our results have 2 important implications: 1. The flow equation method correctly generates a dual gravity theory from a boundary field theory. 2. A particular gauge choice of diffeomorphism in a bulk gravity theory corresponds to a particular smearing of quantum field theory at boundary. 参考文献 arXiv:1902.02578 arXiv:1910.11032

2019/11/19(火) 15:00〜

講師:横倉諒 氏 (高エネルギー加速器研究機構)

題目:From 3d dualities to hadron physics

要旨:When one of the space-time dimension is compactified on S^1, the QCD exhibits the chiral phase transition at some critical radius. When we further turn on a background theta term which depends on the S^1 compactified coordinate, a topological ordered phase appears at low energy via the winding of theta. We discuss what kind of theories can describe the physics near the critical point by requiring the matching of topological field theories in the infrared. As one of the possibilities, we propose a scenario where the rho and omega mesons form a U(N_f) gauge theory near the critical point. In the phase where the chiral symmetry is restored, they become the dual gauge boson of the gluon related by the level-rank duality between the three dimensional gauge theories, SU(N)_{N_f} and U(N_f)_{−N}.

2019/11/12(火) 15:00〜

講師:吉田豊 氏 (Kavli IPMU)

題目:SUSY localization for Coulomb branch operators in omega-deformed 3d N=4 gauge theories

要旨:We perform SUSY localization for Coulomb branch operators of 3d N=4 gauge theories in R^3 with omega-deformation. For the dressed monopole operators whose expectation values do not involve non-perturbative corrections, our computations reproduce the results of the so-called abelianization procedure. For the expectation values of other operators and the correlation functions of multiple operators in U(N) gauge theories, we compute the non-perturbative corrections due to monopole bubbling using matrix models obtained by brane construction. We relate the results of localization to algebraic structures discussed in the mathematical literature, and also point out a similar relation for line operators in 4d N=2 gauge theories. For U(N) (quiver) gauge theories in 3d we demonstrate a direct correspondence between wall-crossing and the ordering of operators.

2019/10/23(水) 14:30〜

講師:上床隆裕 氏 (立命館大学)

題目:Argyres-Douglas Theories and Liouville Irregular States

要旨:We study irregular states of rank-two and three in Liouville theory, based on an ansatz proposed by D. Gaiotto and J. Teschner. Using these irregular states, we evaluate asymptotic expansions of irregular conformal blocks corresponding to the partition functions of (A_1, D_4) and (A_1, A_3) Argyres-Douglas theories for general \Omega-background parameters. In the limit of vanishing Liouville charge, our result reproduces strong coupling expansions of the partition functions recently obtained via the Painleve/gauge correspondence. We also find that our partition functions are invariant under the action of the Weyl group of flavor symmetries once four and two-dimensional parameters are correctly identified. We finally propose a generalization of this parameter identification to general irregular states of integer rank.

2019/07/30(火) 10:30〜

講師:木村太郎 氏 (慶應義塾大学)

題目:Super instanton counting and localization

要旨:We study the super instanton solution in the gauge theory with U(n+| n-) gauge group. Based on the ADHM construction generalized to the supergroup theory, we derive the instanton partition function from the super instanton moduli space through the equivariant localization. We derive the Seiberg-Witten geometry and its quantization for the supergroup gauge theory from the instanton partition function, and study the connection with classical and quantum integrable systems. We also argue the brane realization of the supergroup quiver gauge theory, and possible connection to the non-supergroup quiver gauge theories. This talk is based on [arXiv:1905.01513].


2019/03/08(金) 13:30〜

講師:礒野裕 氏 (Chulalongkorn 大学)

題目:Inflation from Supersymmetry Breaking

要旨:We introduce our recent work on the possibility that inflation is driven by supersymmetry breaking with the superpartner of the goldstino as the inflaton. The inflation models we propose are in the framework of small field inflation and avoid the eta problem. A tuneable global minimum can also be accommodated in the models. A key role is played by Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) terms together with the gauged U(1) invariance.

2018/09/18(火) 13:30〜

講師:秦泉寺雅夫 氏 (北海道大学)

題目:K_Fn の局所ミラー対称性におけるピカール-フックス方程式の拡張とB模型の湯川結合

2018/07/25(水) 13:30〜

講師:吉田豊 氏 (Kavli IPMU)

題目:Equivariant U(N) Verlinde algebra from Bethe/Gauge correspondence

要旨:We compute the topological partition function (twisted index) of $\mathcal{N}=2$ U(N) Chern-Simons theory with an adjoint chiral multiplet on $\Sigma_g \times S^1$. The l ocalization technique shows that the underlying Frobenius algebra is the equivariant Verlinde algebra which is obtained from the canonical quantization of the complex Chern-Simons theory regularized by U(1) equivariant parameter t. Our computation relies on a Bethe/Gauge correspondence which allows us to represent the equivariant Verlinde algebra in terms of the Hall-Littlewood polynomials with a specialization by Bethe roots of the q-boson model. We confirm a proposed duality to the Coulomb branch limit of the lens space superconformal index of four dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ theories for SU(2) and SU(3) with lower levels.

2018/06/06(水) 13:30〜

講師:本間良則 氏 (明治学院大学)

題目:Local B-model Yukawa couplings from A twisted correlators