Chiaki Itoh

Who's Who

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@@C. Itoh et al., Unified Gauge Theory of Weak, Electromagnetic and@Strong Interactions, Meiji-Gakuin University, 1973.

@@This is the source of the unified gauge theory of weak, electromagnetic and strong interactions. A part of citations of this paper is here.

@C. Itoh et al., Physical Review D 40, 3660(1989), ibid, 61, 057502(2000).

@After our paper of 1989, ƒ¬c+c{su}, ƒ¬c0c{sd}, ƒΆc0c{ss}, ƒ°c*++{cuu}, ƒ°c*0{cdd}, ƒ¬c*+{csu}, and ƒ¬c*0c{sd} was discovered just at the masses of our computation. We computed again including these data and have got better results, and have given in the paper of 2000. The computer program baryon2000.c is here, down load now, which was used to compute baryon masses in this paper. After then, ƒ°c*+{cdu} and ƒΆc0{css} was discovered experimentally.

There are no papers in the world except for ours, which fit all 32 low lying baryon masses to the experimental values@within }15 MeV. We did it before the discovery of these 9 baryons. They became within }8.5 MeV in the paper of 2000. Moreover, experimental values of baryon masses came closer to our computations after it. Now, they are within }8.3MeV, including 10 bottom baryons. baryon2021@

Who and when exceeds these world records?

C. Itoh et al., Nuovo Cimento, 107A, 263(1994).

@We computed bottom baryon masses, and found that ƒ°b > ƒ¬b. This fact has been proved experimentally after it. Recent computed values and experimental values are in baryon2021.

C. Itoh, Quantum Transitions of Brain States, Kiyo, MGUY, 10, 9, 1986.

@@Cosmic rays may be able to induce quantum transitions of brain states!!

cern@Particle Data Group

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