Question raised by: Susan B. Klein
Discussants: Hank Glassman, Eric Rath
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Hi Folks --
I have a graduate student interested in the topic of distraught/mad mothers in Noh. It seems to me a book was published in English on thistopic in the last year or so, but I can't remember the title or author and a general search turned up nothing in the library. Since she's interested in the wider issues of mad women in medieval society, I'm sending this query to PMJS first, rather than J-Lit (but I may follow up with a query there). Thanks for any leads in either English or Japanese!
Susan Blakeley Klein
Associate Professor of Japanese Literature,
Director of Religious Studies
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
University of California, Irvine
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 16:42:10 -0500
From: Hank Glassman
Subject: Mad women in medieval Japan
Hi Susan (and all),
Here's a start in English:
Bainbridge, Emiko Ohara. Women's Madness in Three Major Dramatic Traditions.Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois,Urbana-Campaign, 1991.
Bainbridge, Emiko Ohara. "The Madness of Mothers in Japanese Noh Drama." In U.S.-Japan Women's Journal: English Supplement No. 3 (1992): 84-110.
There are also some interesting perspectives in:
Baba Mitsuko. Hashiru onna: uta no chuusei kara. Chikuma Shobo, 1992.
Hank Glassman
East Asian Studies Program
Haverford College
370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA
Dear Susan,
One book in Japanese that deals with mad women in medieval literature including noh is Baba Mitsuko, Hashiru onna: Uta no chusei kara (Chikuma Shobo, 1992). Hosokawa Ryoichi's book, Itsudatsu no chusei (JICC, 1993) includes a chapter on madness that focuses on madwomen in noh.
Hope this is helpful.
- Eric
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