Basic list of noh plays in aiueo order.The gojûon order facilitates cross-checking with Japanese collections and reference works.
       The list includes all plays that has been translated in full in English, whether or not the play is currently performed by any of the five schools. Also listed are all older plays forming part of the modern repertoire of at least one of the schools. (Shinsaku or new works are excluded.)
       Non-canonical works listed here include Akechi uchi translated by Steven Brown and the rare plays based on the Tale of Genji  translated by Janet Goff. Bangai kyoku 番 外曲 such as these can be recognized by their titles in bold italics. They also lack the number in parentheses that indicates the play type of plays in the repertoire. Plays no longer in the performance repertoire which have only been partially translated or just summarized are not included here. An example is Mari 鞠 for which Waley only gave a summary. This play and others like it omitted here can be found in the more detailed list at noh-trans. You will also find information there about online Japanese texts, print editions, authorship, and schools performing a given work.
        Translations in English are listed by author/date. Translations of titles are given whenever they exist, in square brackets when the play itself has not been translated. Bibliographical references are explained on the alphabetically ordered noh-trans page. This includes references to many more prewar publications in English as well as to translations into other languages. Here if a play has not been translated into English, then a simple reference like "[French]" is added. Journal references are abbreviated. Those with institutional access can read some translations online through JSTOR. See noh-trans for more details, and explanation for other matters not explained here.

Also on this site noh-trans (alphabetical) | noh-list (including many more bangai kyoku),

Aisomegawa 藍 染川 (4/5)
Aoi no ue 葵上 (4) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b; Waley 1921; NGS II 1959; Goff 1991;
        Bethe and Emmert 1997; Brown 2001.
Akechi uchi 明智討 Brown 2001.
Akogi 阿 漕 (4)
Ashikari 芦刈 (4) James A. O'Brien in Keene 1970 ("The Reed Cutter").
Ataka 安宅 (4) Sansom 1910, NGS III 1960, Yasuda 1974 [JSTOR]; Yasuda 1989.
Atago Kûya 愛宕空也 (5) [French]
Adachi ga hara 安達原 (2) [French]
Atsumori 敦盛 (2) Waley 1921; Shimazaki 1987 (2/1); Yasuda 1989; Tyler 1992;
        Bethe and Emmert 1995 (trans. Karen Brazell); Brazell in Brazell 1998.
Ama 海 女 (海士) (5) NGS III 1960 ("Woman-Diver"); Tyler 1992 ("The Diver").
Aya no tsuzumi  綾鼓 (4)  Waley 1921 (also in Keene 1955) ("The Damask Drum"); Tyler 1992.
Arashiyama 嵐山 (1) [French]
Aridôshi 蟻通 (4) Suzuki 1932.
Awaji 淡路 (1)  [French]
Ikari kazuki 碇潜 (5) J. Philip Gabriel in Brazell 1988 ("The Anchor Draping").
Ikuta Atsumori [Ikuta] 生田敦盛 (2) Waley 1921.
Ikenie 生贄 Waley 1921 ("Ikeniye (the Pool-Sacrifice)"). 
Ikkaku sennin 一角仙人 (5) [French]
Izutsu 井筒 (3) NGS I 1955 ("Well-Curb"); Shimazaki 1977 (3/2); Hare 1986 ("The Well Curb");
    Tyler 1978b ("The Well Cradle"); Yasuda 1980 [JSTOR] ; Yasuda 1989; Tyler 1992 ("The    
    Well-Cradle"); Brazell in Brazell 1998.
Iwafune 岩船 (1) Sadler 1934 ("Iwabune").
Ukai 鵜飼 (5) Waley 1921 ("the Cormorant-Fisher").
Ukifune 浮舟 (4) Goff 1991 ("A Drifting Boat").
Ugetsu 雨月 (4) Noguchi 1918.
Ukon 右近 (1) 
Utaura 歌占 (4) [French]
Utsusemi 空蝉 Goff 1991 ("The Cicada's Shell").
Utô 善知鳥 (4) Weatherby & Rogers 1947 (also in Keene 1955)
Uneme 釆女 (3) 
Unoha 鵜羽 Jeanne Paik Kaufman in Brazell 1988 ("Cormorant Plumes").
U no matsuri 鵜祭 (1) [French]
Ume 梅 (3)
Umegae 梅枝 (4)
Urashima 浦島 (1) 
Urokogata 鱗形 (1)
Unrin'in 雲林院 (3) Earl Jackson, Jr., in Brazell 1988 ("The Unrin Temple").
Eguchi 江口 (3) NGS I 1955; Shimazaki 1977 (3/2); Tyler 1978a ("Mouth-of-Sound"); Tyler 1992.
Enoshima 江島 (江野島) (1)  [French]
Ebira 箙 (2) Suzuki 1932; William Ritchie Wilson, MN 24: 4 (1969) [JSTOR].
Eboshi ori 烏帽子折 (5) Waley 1921; Shimazaki 1998 (4/2) ("The Eboshi Maker").
Ema 絵馬 (1) Shimazaki 1972 (1) ("The Votive Tablet"); Bethe and Emmert 1996.
Oimatsu 老松 (1) Ueda 1962 ("The Old Pine"); Shimazaki 1972 (1).
Ômu Komachi 鸚鵡小町 (3) Teele 1993 ("Komachi's Parrot-Answer Poem").
Ôeyama 大江山 (5) H. Mack Horton in Brazell 1988 ("The Demon of Oeyama").
Ohara gokô 大原御幸 (3) Lombard 1928; ("An Imperial Visit to Ohara"), Carol Hochstedler in                 Keene 1970 ("The Imperial Visit to Ohara"); Shimazaki 1987 (3/3).
Ôyashiro 大社 (1) Sadler 1934 ("Oyashiro or the Great Shrine").
Okina 翁 (-) Lombard 1928, 92-94.
Oshio 小塩 (3)
Ochiba 落葉 (Ochiba no miya 落葉宮) (3) Goff 1991("Fallen Leaves"). See next.
Ochiba 落葉 ( Darani Ochiba 陀羅尼落葉) (3) Goff 1991 ("The Magic Spell and the Fallen
Obasute 姨捨 (3) Stanleigh H. Jones, MN 18 (1963) [JSTOR], Jones in Keene 1970
        ("The Deserted Crone"); Shimazaki 1977 (3/2); Yasuda 1989.
Ominameshi 女郎花 (4) Smethurst 2003 (translations by Steven T. Brown and by Mae J. Smethurst).
Orochi 大蛇 (5) 
Kakitsubata 杜若 (3) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b, Sadler 1934, Shimazaki 1977 (3/2); Susan Blakeley
        Klein in Brazell 1988 ("The Iris").
Kagekiyo  景清 (4) Stopes and Sakurai 1913; Fenollosa/Pound 1916b; Waley 1921; NGS II 1959;
        Shimazaki 1998 (4/2).
Kagetsu 花月 (4)  Richard 2004 ("Kagetsu [Florimund]").
Kasa sotoba 笠卒塔婆 (Shigehira 重衡) Paul S. Atkins (forthcoming).
Kashiwazaki 柏崎 (4) Suzuki 1932.
Kasuga ryûjin 春日龍神 (5)  Robert E. Morrell, MN 37 2 (1982) [JSTOR]; Morrell, Early
        Kamakura Buddhism A Minority Report
(1987); Tyler 1992 ("The Kasuga Dragon God").
Kappo 合浦 (合甫) (5)
Kazuraki 葛城 (3) Shimazaki 1994 (4/1).
Kanawa 鉄輪 (4) Eileen Kato in Keene 1970 ("The Iron Crown"); Shimazaki 1998 (4/2) ("The Iron Tripod").
Kanehira 兼平 (2)  Stanleigh H. Jones, MN 18 (1963) [JSTOR], also in Keene 1970; Shimazaki 1993 (2/2); 
        Richard 2004 ("Imai's End").
Kamo 賀茂 (1) Shimazaki 1972 (1); Monica Bethe in Brazell 1998.
Kamo monogurui 賀茂物狂 (4)
Kayoi Komachi 通小町 (4) Keene 1970, Teele 1993
Kantan 邯鄲 (4) Chamberlain 1880 ("Life is a Dream"); Waley 1921; NGS II 1959; Tyler 1992.
Giô 祇王 (3) Susan Matisoff (forthcoming).
Kikujidô 菊慈童 (4) (Kanze school name for Makura jidô 枕慈童)
Kinuta 砧 (4) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b; NGS III 1960 ("Cloth-beating Block"); Eileen Kato, MN 32: 3 (1977)
        [JSTOR]; Tyler 1978a ("The Block"); Tyler 1992 ("The Fulling Block")
Kiso 木曽 (4) Ivan Grail (forthcoming).
Kiyotsune 清経 (2) NGS I 1955; Shimazaki 1987 (2/1); Carolyn Morley (forthcoming).
Kirikane Soga  切兼曽我 (4)
Kinsatsu 金札 (1) Tyler 1978b ("The Golden Tablet").
Kusanagi 草薙 (4)
Kusu no tsuyu 楠露 (4) [title tr. as "Camphor Tree in Dew"]
Kuzu 国栖 (5) Yasuda 1989.
Kuse no to 久世戸 (1)
Kumasaka 熊坂 (5) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b; Waley 1921;  Minagawa 1927/1934.
Kurama tengu  鞍馬天狗 (5) [French]
Kurikara otoshi 倶利伽羅落 - Michael Watson (forthcoming) (“The Fall from Kurikara”).
Kurumazô 車僧 (5) [French]
Kureha 呉服 (1) Tyler 1992.
Kurozuka  (as Adachigahara) 黒塚 [French]
Gekkyûden 月宮殿 (1) Kita school name for Tsurukame 鶴亀
Genzai shichimen 現在七面 (4) [French]
Genzai Tadanori
現在忠度 (4)
Genzai Tomoe 現在巴 (4)
Genzai nue 現在鵺 (5)
Genji kuyô 源氏供養 (3) Janet Goff in Brazell 1988 ("A Memorial Service for Genji"); Goff 1991.
Kenjo 絃上 (Kanze school: Genjô  玄象) (5) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b (as "Genjo").
Gendayû 源太夫 (1)
Genpuku Soga 元服曽我 (4)
碁 - Goff 1991 ("A Game of Go")
Koi no omoni 恋重荷 (4) O'Neill, MN 10.1/2 (1954) [JSTOR].
Koi no Matsubara 恋の松原 (4)
Kôu 項羽 (5)
Kôtei 皇帝 (5)
Kôya monogurui 高野物狂 (4) ["The Madman of Kôya"]
Goô 護法 (4)
小鍛冶 (5) Sadler 1934; C. K. Parker & S. Morisawa, MN 3:2 (1940) [JSTOR]. 
Kogô 小督 (4) Watson 1998 [online]; Shimazaki 1998 (4/2) ("Lady Kogô").
Kosode Soga 小袖曽我 (4) [French]
Kodama Ukifune 木玉浮舟 - Goff 1991 ("The Wood Spirit Ukifune").
Kochô 胡蝶 (3) Shimazaki 1976 (3/1).
Komachi uta arasoi [--] Teele 1993.
Komachi sôshi [--] Teele 1993.
Saigyô zakura 西行桜 (3) Eileen Katô in Brazell 1988 ("Saigyô and the Cherry Tree"); Yasuda 1989; Tyler
        1992 ("Saigyô's Cherry Tree"); Shimazaki 1994 (4/1).
Saoyama 佐保山 (1)
Sakahoko 逆鉾 (1)
Sagi 鷺 (3) [French]
Sakurai no eki (Sakurai) 桜井駅 (桜井) (4)
Sakuragawa 桜川 (4) Robert N. Huey MN 38:3 (1983) [JSTOR] ("Cherry River").
Sanemori 実盛 (2) NGS I 1955; Smethurst 1989; Mae Smethurst (new translation, forthcoming).
Sanshô 三笑 (4) ["Three Men Laugh"]
Shiga 志賀 (1) [German]
Shigehira 重衡 (aka Kasa soboba 笠卒塔婆) - Paul S. Atkins (forthcoming).
Shichiki ochi 七騎落 (4) Smethurst 1998. ["Seven Warriors in Flight"]
Jinen koji 自然居士 (4) Ueda 1962 ("Jinen the Preacher"); Tyler 1978a ("Layman Selfsame"); Shimazaki
        1998 (4/2).
Shakkyô 石橋 (5)
Shari 舎利 (5)
Shunkan 俊寛 (4)  [Waley 1921, 229-235]; C.K. Parker and S. Morikawa, MN 4:1 (1941) [JSTOR]; NGS III
        1960; Eileen Kato in Brazell 1998.
Shunzei Tadanori 俊成忠度 (2) Stephen D. Miller and Patrick S. Donnelly (forthcoming).
Shunnei 春栄 (4) Smethurst 1998 (Shun'ei).
Shôki 鍾馗 (5)
Shôkun 昭君 (5) Carl Sear in Keene 1970.
Shôjô 猩々 (5) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b.
Shôzon 正尊 (4)
Shirahige 白髭 (1)
Shironushi 代主 (1)
Suma Genji 須磨源氏 (5) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b; Goff 1991 ("Genji at Suma Bay").
Sumizomezakura 墨染桜 (3) [German]
Sumidagawa  隅田川 (角田川) (4) Stopes 1909; Stopes and Sakurai 1913; NGS I 1955; Tyler 1992. (All
        use the title"The Sumida River.")
Sumiyoshi môde 住吉詣 (3) Goff 1991 ("The Pilgrimage to Sumiyoshi").
Seiôbo 西王母 (1) Carl Sesar in Keene 1970 ("The Queen Mother of the West"); Shimazaki 1972 (1).
Seiganji 誓願寺 (3) James H. Foard, MN 35: 4 (1980) [JSTOR].
Zegai 善界 / 是界 / 是我意 (5)
Sekidera Komachi 関寺小町 (3) Karen Brazell in Keene 1970 ("Komachi at Sekidera"); Tyler 1978a
        ("Komachi at Gateway Temple"); Tyler 1992 ("Komachi at Seki-dera"); Teele 1993 ("Komachi at Seki
Sekihara Yoichi 関寺与市 (4)
Sesshôseki 殺生石 (5) Chamberlain 1880 ("The Death-Stone); Waley 1921.
Settai 摂待 (4) NGS II 1959 ("Hospitality").
Semimaru 蝉丸 (4) Susan Matisoff in Keene 1970; Matisoff 1978; Tyler 1992; Shimazaki 1998 (4/2).
Zenji Soga 禅師曽我 (4) ["The Priest Soga"]
Senju 千手  (3) Shimazaki 1987 (3/3).
Sôshi arai Komachi 草紙洗小町 (3) Teele 1993 ("Komachi Clears Her Name"), originally pub. 1955. 
Sotoba komachi 都婆小町 (4) Waley 1921; Sam Houston Brock in Keene 1955; NGS III 1960 ("Komachi
        on the Stupa"); Tyler 1978b ("Komachi on the Gravepost"); Teele 1992 ("Komachi on the Stupa").
Daie 大会 (5) [French]
Taisanbukun 泰山府君 (4) ["Archdemon Taisan"]
Taisei Taishi -- Lim 1997 [in Cornell dissertation].
Taiten 大典 (1)
Daibutsu kuyô 大仏供養 (4) ["Dedication Rite for Great Buddha"].
Taihei shôjô 大瓶猩々 (5) Sadler 1934 ("The Shojo and the Big Jar").
Dairokuten 第六天 (5)
Taema 当麻 (5) Thomas Rimer, MN 25. 3/4 (1970) [JSTOR]; Yasuda 1989.
Takasago 高砂 (1) Dickins 1906; NGS I 1955; Shimazaki 1972 (1); Tyler 1978a; Hare 1986; Tyler 1992;
        Quinn 2005.
Take no Yuki 竹雪 (4) ["Snow on the Bamboos"]
Tadanobu 忠信 (4)
Tadanori 忠度 (2) Sadler 1934; NGS II 1959; Hare 1986; Shimazaki 1987 (2/1); Yasuda 1989; Tyler 1992.
Tatsuta 竜田 (龍田) (3) Tyler 1992.
Tanikô 谷行 (5) Waley 1921 ("The Valley-Hurling"); Royall Tyler in Keene 1970 ("The Valley Rite").
Tamakazura 玉葛 (玉鬘) (4) Goff 1991 ("The Jeweled Chaplet").
Tama no i (Tamanoi) 玉井 (1) NGS II 1959 ("Jewel-Well").
Tamura 田村 (2) Stopes and Sakurai 1913; Fenollosa/Pound 1916b; Sadler 1934; NGS I 1955. 
Darani Ochiba 陀羅尼落葉 see Ochiba 落葉
Tankai 湛海 (4)
Tango monogurui 丹後物狂 (4) [Waley 1921, 241-44]. ["The Madman of Tango"]
Danpû 檀風 (壇風) (4/5) Smethurst 1998.
Chikubushima 竹生島 (1) Lombard 1928; Tyler 1992 ("Chikubu-shima").
Chibiki 千引 (5)
Chôbuku Soga 調伏曽我 (4) Laurence Bresler, MN 29: 1 (1974) [JSTOR].
Chôryô 張良 (5) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b (as "Chorio").
Tsuchigumo 土蜘蛛 (5) Suzuki 1932.
Tsuchiguruma 土車 (5) ["The Wheelbarrow"]
Tsurugaoka 鶴岡 - Michael Watson, PAJLS no. 6 [Landscapes Imagined and Remembered] (2005).
Tsunemasa 経政 / 経正 (2) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b; Waley 1921 [JTI]; Shimazaki 1987 (2/1).
Tsurukame 鶴亀 (1) Roy E. Teele, "Tsurukame, The Crane and the Tortoise." The Husk (Spring, 1955).
Teika 定家 (3)  Sato in Hiroaki Sato and Burton Watson, From the Country of Eight Islands (Seattle:
        University of Washington Press, 1981), pp. 241-253.
Tenko 天鼓 (4) Shimazaki 1994 (4/1) ("Heavenly Drum"); Bethe and Emmert 1994.
Tôei 藤永 / 藤栄 (4)
Tôgan koji 東岸居士 (4)
Dôjôji 道成寺 (4) Sadler 1934; Donald Keene in Keene 1970 (reprinted with changes in Brazell 1998].
Tôsen 唐船 (4) ["Chinese Ship"]
Tôbôsaku 東方朔 (1)
Tôboku 東北 (3) NGS I 1955. ["The Northeastern Hall"]
Dômyôji 道明寺 (1) [French]
Tôru 融 (5) Yasuda 1989.
Tokusa 木賊 (4) ["The Scouring Rushes"]
Tomoakira 知章 (2) Shimazaki 1993 (2/2).
Tomoe 巴 (2) Sadler 1934; NGS III 1960; Shimazaki 1993 (2/2).
Tomonaga 朝長 (2) Shimazaki 1987 (2/1)
Tori-oi bune 鳥追舟 ( Torioi 鳥追) (4) Royall Tyler in Keene 1970 ("The Bird-scaring Boat").
Nakamitsu 仲光, see Manju 満仲
Naniwa 難波 (1)
Nara môde 奈良詣, see Daibutsu kuyô 大仏供養
Nishikigi 錦木 (4) Fenollosa/Pound 1916b; Calvin French in Keene 1970 ("The Brocade Tree").
Nishikido 錦戸 (4) Smethurst 1998.
Niwatori Tatsuta 鶏竜田 (5)
Nue 鵺 (5) Tyler 1978b ("Nightbird"); Yasuda 1989.
Nezame 寝覚 (1)
Nonomiya 野宮 (3)) Paul Varley in Keene 1970 ("The Shrine in the Fields") [JTI]; Shimazaki 1976 (3/1);
        Yasuda 1989 ("The Meadow Shrine"); Goff 1991 ("The Shrine in the Fields"); Tyler 1992 ("The
        Wildwood Shrine").
Nomori 野守 (5) Tyler 1978a ("The Watchman's Mirror").
Hakurakuten 白楽天 (1) Waley 1921; (Sesar 1971); Susan Blakeley Klein (forthcoming).
Hagoromo 羽衣 (3) Chamberlain, Things Japanese, 1890 ("The Feather Mantle"); Fenollosa/Pound 1916b;
        Waley 1921; NGS III 1960 ("Feather Robe"); Kenneth Yasuda,  HJAS 33 (1973) [JSTOR]; Yasuda
        1989; Tyler 1978a ("The Feather Mantle"); Tyler 1992 ("The Feather Mantle").
Hajitomi 半蔀 (3) Janet Goff, HJAS 42.1 (1983) [JSTOR]; Shimazaki 1976 (3/1); Goff 1991 ("The Lattice
Hashi Benkei 橋弁慶 (4) Waley 1921 (Hashi-Benkei, "Benkei on the Bridge").
Bashô 芭蕉 (3)
Hachi no ki 鉢木 (4) Waley 1921; Etsuko Terasaki, Journal of the Asssociation of Teachers of Japanese 13.2
        (1978) [JSTOR] ("The Potted Trees").
Hatsu yuki 初雪 (3)
Hana ikusa 花軍 (4)
Hanagatami 花筐 (4) ["The Flower Basket"]
Hanjo 斑女 (4) Royall Tyler in Keene 1970 ("Lady Han"); Tyler 1992 ("Lady Han").
Hiun 飛雲 (5)
Higaki 桧垣 (3) Ueda 1962 ("The Woman within the Cypress Fence"); Yasuda 1989; Ochi 1984.
Hitachi-obi 常陸帯 (4/5)
Hibariyama 雲雀山 (4) Monika Dix (forthcoming).
Himuro 氷室 (1) Lombard 1928; Yasuda 1989.
Hyakuman 百万 (4) Tyler 1978b ("Million").
Bukan 豊干 (4)
Fuji 藤 (3) Lombard 1928 ("The Spirit of the Wisteria").
Fujisan 富士山(不二山) (1)
Fuji taiko 富士太鼓 (4) [Fuji's Drum"]
Fujito 藤戸 (4) W. R. Wilson, MN 29: 4 (1974) [JSTOR]; Bethe and Emmert 1992.
Fushimi 伏見 (1)
Futari Giô 二人祇王 (3) Kita name for Giô 祇王, see entry.
Futari Shizuka 二人静 (3) Suzuki 1932 ("The Two Shizukas"); Jacqueline Mueller, MN 36.3 (1981)
        [JSTOR]  ("The Two Shizukas"); Shimazaki 1987 (3/3).
Funabashi 船 橋 (4) Tyler 1978a ("The Boat Bridge"); Shimazaki 1994 (4/1) ("Bridge of Boats").
Funa Benkei 船弁慶 (5) Sansom 1910 ("Benkei=in=the=Ship"); NGS I 1955 ("Benkei in the Boat"); Yasuda
        1989 ("Benkei of the Boat"); Tyler 1992 ("Benkei aboard Ship").
Fumigara 文がら - Teele 1993 ("The Love Letters").
Hôka zô 放下僧 (4) Waley 1921 ("The Hoka Priests").
Hôjôgawa 放生川 (1) ["The River for Setting Things Free"]
Hôso 彭祖 (4)
Hotoke no hara 仏原 (3) Shimazaki 1987 (3/3); David Bialock (forthcoming).
Makiginu 巻絹 (3) [French] ["Rolls of Silk"]
Makura jidô 枕慈童 (Kanze: Kiku jidô 菊慈童) (4) ["Jidô and the Pillow"]
Matsukaze 松風 (3) NGS III 1960; Royall Tyler in Keene 1970; Shimazaki 1977 (3/2); Yasuda 1989; Bethe
        and Emmert 1992; Tyler 1978a ("Pining Wind"); Tyler 1992 ("Pining Wind").
Matsunoyama kagami 松山鏡 (5) Ueda 1962 ("The Mirror of Pine Forest").
Matsu no o 松尾 (1)
Matsumushi  松虫 (4) Richard 2004 ("Matsumushi [Pinus Erectus]").
Matsuyama kagami 松山鏡 (5) Ueda 1962 ("The Mirror of Pine Forest").
Matsuyama tengu 松山天狗 (5)
Manjû 満仲 (aka Nakamitsu 仲光) (4) Chamberlain 1880; Lombard 1928; Smethurst 1998.
Miidera 三井寺 (4) NGS III 1960; Eileen Kato in Brazell 1998; Bethe and Emmert 1993.
Michimori 通盛 (2) William Ritchie Wilson, MN 24: 4 (1969) [JSTOR]; Shimazaki 1993 (2/2).
Mitsuyama 三山 (4) ["Three Mountains"]
Minase 水無瀬 (4) [Italian]
Minazukibarae 水無月祓 (4) ["The Lustrations of Early Fall"]
Minobu 身延 (3) [French]
Mimosuso 御裳濯 (Mimosusogawa 御裳濯川) (1) [French]
Miwa 三輪 (3) Monica Bethe in Brazell 1988 ("Three Circles").
Murogimi 室君 (4) ["Courtesans of Muro"]
Murozumi 室住 - Sadler 1934.
Mekari 和布刈 (1) [French]
Mochizuki 望月 (4)
Motomezuka 求塚  (aka Otomezuka) (4) Stopes and Sakurai 1913 ("The Maiden's Tomb]; NGS II 1959
        ("Sought-for Tomb"); Barry Jackman in Keene 1970 ("The Sought-for Grave"); Yasuda 1989.
Momijigari 紅葉狩 (5) NGS II 1959 (Autumn-Leaves Viewing");  Meredith Weatherby in Earle Ernst, Three         Japanese Plays from the Traditional Theatre (Oxford UP, 1959) ("The Maple Viewing").
Morihisa 盛久 (4) Shelley Fenno Quinn (forthcoming). 
Yashima 八島 (屋島) (2) Ueda 1962 ("The Battle at Yashima"); Tyler 1978a; Tyler 1992; Shimazaki 1993    
Yamamba (Yamanba) 山姥 (5) NGS II 1959 ("Mountain-Hag"); Tyler 1978b ("Granny Mountains"); Tyler
        1992 (Yamamba, "The Mountain Crone"); Karen Brazell in Brazell 1998.
Yûgao 夕顔 (3) Shimazaki 1976 (3/1); Janet Goff, HJAS 42.1 (1982) [JSTOR]; Goff 1991 ("Evening
Yuki 雪 (3) Suzuki 1932.
Yugyô yanagi 遊行柳 (3) Janine Beichman in Keene 1970 ("The Priest and the Willow").
Yumi Yawata 弓八幡 (1) Ross Bender, MN 33: 2 (1978) [JSTOR].
Yuya 熊野 (3) P.G.O'Neill, MN 10.1/2 (1954) [JSTOR]; NGS II 1959; Shimazaki 1987 (3/3); Tyler 1978b.
Yôkihi 楊貴妃 (3) Carl Sesar in Keene 1970.
Youchi Soga 夜討曽我 (4) Laurence Kominz, MN 33: 4 (1978) [JSTOR].
Yôrô 養老 (1) Shimazaki 1972 (1). ["Nurturing the Aged"; "Fostering Long Life"]
Yoshino Shizuka 吉野静 (3)) Etsuko Terasaki in Brazell 1988 ("Lady Shizuka in Yoshino"); Tyler 1978b
        ("Shizuka at Yoshino").
Yoshino tennin 吉野天人 (3)
Yorimasa 頼政 (2) Tyler 1978b, Shimazaki 1993 (2/2).
Yoroboshi 弱法師 (4) NGS III 1960 ("The Stumbling Boy"); Richard 2004, ("The Beggar and his Saviour").
Raiden 来殿 (5)
Raiden 雷電 (5)
Rashômon 羅生門 (5)
Ryôko 龍虎 (5)
Rinzô 輪蔵 (1)
Rô Giô  籠祇王 (3) Michael Watson (forthcoming).
Rôdaiko  籠太鼓 (4) ["Prison Drum"]

Revised 2000/04, 2003/03. Major revision: 2006/11/02 (Unicode, addition of kanji, etc.)
Michael Watson <watson[at]>