pmjs logs for August 2001. Total number of messages: 28

previous month

list of logs

pmjs index

next month

caution with "Ariel Unicode MS" font! (Nobumi Iyanaga) 

palm pilots etc. (David Pollack) 

preventing vengeful ghosts (Jacqueline Stone) 

new members: Haruko Nakamura, David Pacun, Kazuko Suzuki, and Rokuo Tanaka 

new web pages on bungo (Anthony J. Bryant) 

Library Position Available (Laurel Rasplica Rodd) 

cross postings: pre-modern Japanese Women poets, H-Buddhism, Call for Dissertation Manuscripts (Michael Watson) 

new member: Walter Edwards; revised profile: Keller Kimbrough 

Request for input from users of primary sources in Japanese studies (Philip C. Brown) 

Confucian ritual (Emanuel Pastreich) 

profiles for Adam L. Kern; Sarah Thal 

emaki (Barbara Nostrand) 

Lightly edited (see "principles"). Editorial comments in italics.

Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 22:32:16 +0900
From: Nobumi Iyanaga <>
Subject: Fwd: caution with "Ariel Unicode MS" font!


Some days ago, I posted a message with info about some Windows Unicode fonts that Mac users can use.

After that, I received the following message from the person who informed me about these fonts:

Hi -

everyone please be caution with "Ariel Unicode Ms" font!
For Office2000 and OfficeXp or Publisher2000 users only!
We better forget about download link I offered - sorry.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Chris Pratley" <>
Date: Wed Aug 01, 2001 05:41:34 AM Europe/Berlin
To: "Magda Danish (Unicode)" <>, <>
Subject: RE: microsoft font link

The font Arial Unicode MS is not free for download. You must be a
licensed user of an Office Family product from the 2000 or XP
generation. If you have Office2000 or OfficeXp, Arial Unicode MS comes
on the CD of the product. If you have Publisher2000, you can go to and download the font as an update to
Publisher 2000.

Sent with OfficeXP final release

-----Original Message-----
From: Magda Danish (Unicode) []
Sent: July 31, 2001 11:25 AM
Subject: FW: microsoft font link

Can someone from Microsoft answer this.

-----Original Message-----
From: J Grant []
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 3:40 AM
Subject: microsoft font link

that page links to 2 microsoft fonts

But there is no link to download them on that page, can you host the
files on your site directly.



Hypermedia Research Centre
Sanyo R&D Headquarters
3-10-15 Hongo Bunkyo-ku
TOKYO 113-8434, JAPAN
Tel: +81 (0)3 5803 3566
Fax: +81 (0)3 5803 3640

So, please be cautious about the use of this font. If you don't own the Microsoft products listed above, please don't use it!

I am sorry for all the trouble you may have because of what I have done in all this affair!

Best regards,

Nobumi Iyanaga

Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 11:02:50 -0400

From: David Pollack <>

Subject: palm pilots etc

Apologies if this is not strictly speaking PMJS content, but I have a query about using PDAs (personal digital assistants) with Nihongo:

I've been thinking about eventually getting a newer/better/lighter laptop, but also watching colleagues type away on their tiny PDAs equipped with the folding keyboard that collapses into wallet size, and rethinking the whole laptop thing as overweight, overpriced and overkill. I'm still not convinced the PDA is the way to go for taking a
lot of text notes - you could go blind staring at that tiny screen - but it could eventually save me from serious spine and shoulder injury. If the PDA + keyboard combo can be used with Japanese, that's one more argument in its favor.

I assume that such devices are available in Japan with both Japanese- and English-language capability. Do those sold in the US have Japanese capability, or is it easily available? If so, from what sources? And how well/easily does it work?

Does anyone have personal experience with these things they'd care to share?

David Pollack

From: "Paul S. Atkins" <>
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2001 13:53:49 -0600
Subject: Re: [pmjs] palm pilots etc

A few months ago I acquired a Handspring Visor Deluxe, which uses the Palm operating system and therefore has good compatibility with Apple computers. It came loaded with a Japanese operating system (and will stay that way, because you can't change or upgrade the OS on this machine).

Personally, I find it extremely useful. I believe that there are patches available to allow English OS users to use Japanese, but I suspect that they have glitches here and there. I have all sorts of addresses and bibliographic information in Japanese on my machine. I input through my home computer or directly onto the Visor, but have not used an attached

There are a number of Japanese sites that cater to Palm users, so I managed to pick up a few short stories, for example Ogai's "Takasebune" and Soseki's "Yume juya." Also, I downloaded a text file with the entire contents of Teika's "Shui guso," (which a scholar in Japan had transcribed from the Shiguretei bunko manuscript), converted it to a Palm file, and installed it on the Visor. Of course, there isn't nearly as much available
in Japanese as in English, but it's a start.

This model goes for about $200 in the US; however, to increase its market share in Japan, Handspring dropped the price of the Japanese version the other day from Y25,000 to about Y10,000. Of course I bought it at the higher price, but it was still worth it.

Paul Atkins

From: Yasuhiro Kondo <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 23:12:09 +0900
Subject: Re:palm pilots etc


A few month ago ,I also acquired a Visor Deluxe Japanese OS version and Targus stowaway portable keyboard. They work very well with ATOK pocket for Palm OS (Kana Kanji Input Method, you know).

I think this PDA is very useful for me.

I heard that there are ( E-PalmOS to J-OS ) patches which are made by famous Mr. Yamada.

But I'm sorry that I don't know much about the patches( shareware, the price is maybe \7000).

Yasuhiro Kondo
Aoyama Gakuin University

The "famous Mr. Yamada" is Tatsushi Yamada:
etc. [Editor]

From: "Denise O'Brien" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 13:48:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: palm pilots etc

I have been using a Handspring Visor with a small folding keyboard for almost a year now in lieu of a laptop. It's great for library or archival research---just take notes and then download to the hard drive of a bigger machine.The keyboard is comfortable to use & batteries last a long time. I don't find the small screen a problem (maybe because my first computer was an Osborne whose sceen was about the same size).
Visors come with an expandable slot to which you can attach devices that will turn them into cell phones and e-mail transmitters but I haven't explored any of that stuff yet.
Regards, Denise O'Brien
Denise O'Brien
Dept. of Anthropology, Temple University
Philadelphia, PA, 19122, USA
Tel:215-204-1204 Fax:215-204-1410

From: Jacqueline Stone <jst...@...nceton.EDU>
Subject: preventing vengeful ghosts

Dear Colleagues:

I am hoping some one can give me a precise reference to a story (I would guess, Muromachi or early Tokugawa period, though I could be wrong) that I vaguely recall reading in translation more than two decades ago. To the best of my recollection, it goes as follows:

A notorious brigand has been captured by several warriors and threatens to become a vengeful ghost and haunt them if they execute him. The leader of the warriors expresses disbelief that his captive really has sufficient resolve to do this and challenges him to prove his strength of will by biting a nearby stone after he has been beheaded. When the brigand is decapitated, his head does indeed leap a few feet and bite
the stone. The warriors are terrified, but their leader explains that he has actually tricked the brigand into discharging, in this harmless way, his strength of purpose that would otherwise have produced a formidable vengeful ghost.

Anyone know the source of this?

Thanks in advance,
Jackie Stone <>

From: Haruko Wakabayashi <>
Subject: Re: preventing vengeful ghosts

Dear Jackie,

It sounded REALLY familiar, and I just looked through Lafcadio Hearn's "Kwaidan." Sure enough, it was one the stories in the book. Your memory is quite accurate. The title, in Japanese, is "kakehiki." It could be based on some Tokugawa ghost stories like "Ugetsu monogatari," but I am not sure about that.

I'll continue looking to see if I can find the source.


From: Michael Watson <>
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2001 12:28:53 +0900
Subject: list announcements, new members

We welcome four new members: Haruko Nakamura, David Pacun, Kazuko Suzuki, and Rokuo Tanaka. Profiles below. With the fall semester fast approaching in North America, some of you have changed affiliation. New addresses for "pmjs regulars" Hank Glassman and Keller Kimbrough are given below. Contact me if your address will be changing.

Rokuo Tanaka was one of the participants in the discussion about "no" in names initiated by Susan Klein. This "thread" is one of those recently made available in the public archives:

As of tomorrow, August 20th, the old "listbot" archives disappear for good. This prompted me to finish uploading the password-protected logs of messages from September, 1999, when the list began, to the present. There is now a one-page index to these monthly logs:

As I explain on that page:
>The main purpose of password protection is to keep out the "robots" that
>harvest e-mail accounts for spamming. The necessary log-on name and
>password name are shared by all pmjs members. Non-members are welcome to
>browse if they can solve the following simple quiz.
>One of the names for a month in the traditional Japanese calendar is also
>a name for a period of Japanese history. Use this name both for log-on and
>for password.

The "open sesame" password will also work. These logs have been tidied up (reformatted) for web viewing in only the simplest of ways, but I hope they will be useful as they are. Let me know (off list/on list as appropriate) if you have any comments or suggestions.

Hank Glassman <>
Randle Keller Kimbrough <>

Haruko Nakamura < >
Japanese cataloger and subject librarian at Washington University in St. Louis.

David Pacun <>
Assistant Prof. of Music Theory, Ithaca College
Currently researching the music Yamada Kosaku performed, published and composed (for Michio Ito) during his visit to the US (1917-1919).

Kazuko Suzuki <>
I taught at a university in Tokyo until I retired in 1999, specializing in contemporary British fiction. Publications: Japanese translations of novels by Penelope Lively and Bernice Rubens, and short stories by other writers; several books of reviews of novels by British writers. Along with literature, I have been greatly interested in the history of my own country, Japan--especially in its prehistoric periods. I would like to introduce Japanese culture to people in other countries and exchange ideas with them.
(English website on the Jomon Period)

Rokuo Tanaka <ro...@...nix2>
Rokuo Tanaka is a doctoral candidate at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, in Department of East Asian Language and Literatures. He has a particular interest in in traditional satiric humour and parody in Japanese literature and his thesis aims to complete a comprehensive history of comic verse in the Edo period, examining its spirit, forms and intertextuality, as well as its origins and traditions, so as to promote its accessibility to
an international audience

Regards from an already autumnal Tohoku,

Michael Watson <>

Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2001 00:51:50 -0500
From: "Anthony J. Bryant" <>
Subject: New web pages on bungo

Calling all bungo lovers!

I'm trying a new experiment... a series of web pages serving as a basic intro to Classical Japanese.

I'd love to hear any commentary (brickbats and praise are both welcome) on version 1.0, so here's the URL:

Please note that it's not finished yet, so if you have any ideas (I'm hoping to try to straighten out the tables, for one thing), let me know!


pmjs footer

Ancient East Asia, a new independent website devoted to the archaeology and
prehistory of China, Japan and Korea.

Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 14:12:40 -0600 (MDT)
From: Laurel Rasplica Rodd <>
Subject: Library position available

Please post:

The University of Colorado, Boulder, Libraries seek a temporary Head of
the East Asian Library for immediate appointment. The position will be for
nine months, between 20 and 40 hours per week (to be negotiated).
Applicants with library experience will receive preference.

Requirements: Requires a command of Japanese and Chinese languages with
an emphasis on Japanese. MLS or advanced degree in East Asian studies.

Duties will include faculty liaison and collection development work,
possible copy cataloging and reference work, and supervision of one
library technician and several student assistants.

Application Process: Send letter of application specifically addressing
qualifications for the position; resume; and name, addresses and telephone
numbers of three references to Susan Anthes, Associate Director for Public
Services, University Libraries, 184 UCB, University of Colorado, Boulder,
CO 80309-0184.

The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to diversity and
equality in education and employment.

Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 00:36:56 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: Cross postings

Announcements of two new mailings lists--heaven forbid that I should tempt
you away from pmjs, of course.

I included brief mention of H-BUDDHISM already in a pmjs footer, but give
you now the long version that appeared on H-NET. Charles Muller who will be
running H-BUDDHISM has done sterling work on the web already. Note, however,
the stern reminder:

> Membership is restricted, being limited to those who hold an
> advanced degree in Buddhist studies, or who are currently enrolled in an
> advanced degree program.

So let's hear it first from the other end of the spectrum. A list on
"pre-modern Japanese Women poets" consisting of enthusiastic
non-specialists. A message came to me from the founder. I skimmed through
the 30 messages exchanged so far in August to see if it was worth passing on
to you. Perhaps someone with a missionary zeal could lend a professional
hand from time to time? (A little worrying to learn that Omori and Doi's
_Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan_ has been digitized and placed online,
luring unsuspecting readers away from more recent translations.)

Michael Watson


Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 09:13:50 -0400
From: "Sarah L. Whitworth" <>
Subject: Japanese Women Poets Group

Dear pmjs member,

A general announcement to let you know of the recent
formation of a new discussion group focusing on pre-modern
Japanese Women Poets. Please visit us at:

Early Japanese Women Poets Group

The list has open archives so that you can read posts even
without joining. However, we are hoping for and very much
need the support of scholars, as well as poets and
non-academic poetry-lovers, to make the group a truly
informative and lively learning space. Please pass this
announcement along to anyone you feel might be interested.

Best regards,

Sarah L. Whitworth


Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 14:21:12 -0400
From: H-Japan Editor <>

August 17, 2001

From: H-ANNOU...@...ET.MSU.EDU


Sponsored by
H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences On-line, Michigan State University


The Buddhist Scholars Information Network has been created to
serve as a medium for the exchange of information regarding resources,
events, projects, publications, job listings, and so forth, among the
worldwide Buddhist scholarly community. The primary purpose of the list is
to serve as a means for accredited scholars to keep in touch with each
other regarding the most recent developments. Therefore, it is not a
"discussion" list, but is instead, a bulletin board oriented information
service. Membership is restricted, being limited to those who hold an
advanced degree in Buddhist studies, or who are currently enrolled in an
advanced degree program.

The H-BUDDHISM list is edited by Charles Muller,

Like all H-Net lists, H-BUDDHISM is moderated to edit out material that,
the editors' opinion, is not germane to the list, involves technical
matters (such as subscription management requests), is inflammatory, or
violates evolving, yet common, standards of Internet etiquette. H-Net's
procedure for resolving disputes over list editorial practices is Article
II, Section 2.20 of our bylaws, located at:

Message logs and more information about H-BUDDHISM may be obtained at its
website, linked from the H-Net website:


H-BUDDHISM is owned by H-Net, an international society of scholars in the
humanities and social sciences that creates and coordinates electronic
networks, using a variety of media, and with a common objective of
advancing humanities and social science teaching and research. H-Net was
created to provide a positive, supportive, equalitarian environment for the
friendly exchange of ideas and scholarly resources. H-NET sponsors dozens
of e-mail lists and Web sites for them in a variety of disciplines and
fields, publishes reviews of scholarly books and articles on the internet,
and provides a weekly Job Guide and events database. Our host is Michigan
State University. More information can be obtained by sending an e-mail
message to or by browsing our Web site at


To subscribe, send the following line as the only text of an e-mail message
(no styles, fonts, or signature files - turn off word wrap if you expect
your command line to wrap) from the account you wish subscribed to

SUBSCRIBE H-BUDDHISM firstname lastname, institution
Example: SUBSCRIBE H-BUDDHISM Jane Smith, Pioneer State U

Follow the instructions you receive in reply.

For additional information please write one of the editors at:

For technical assistance please contact the H-NET help staff at:

H-BUDDHISM is a moderated internet discussion forum

Logs and more information can also be found at the H-Net Web Site,
located at

To join H-BUDDHISM, please send a message from the account where you wish to
receive mail, to:

(with no signatures or styled text, word wrap off for long lines) and
only this text:

sub h-buddhism firstname lastname, institution
Example: sub h-buddhism Leslie Jones, Pacific State U

Follow the instructions you receive by return mail. If you have
questions or experience difficulties in attempting to subscribe, please
send a message to:

H-Net is an international network of scholars in the humanities and
social sciences that creates and coordinates electronic networks, using
a variety of media, and with a common objective of advancing humanities
and social science teaching and research. H-Net was created to provide
a positive, supportive, equalitarian environment for the friendly
exchange of ideas and scholarly resources, and is hosted by Michigan
State University. For more information about H-Net, write to, or point your web browser to

We look forward to hearing from you!

Charles Muller


Watson again (if you are still with me). One final cross-posting from


Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 16:13:29 -0400
From: H-Japan Editor <>
Subject: H-Japan (E): Call for Dissertation Manuscripts

August 24, 2001

From: Edward Beauchamp <>
Subject: Call for Dissertation Manuscripts

Dear Colleagues,

I am editing a "no frills" East Asia dissertation series for Routledge
Press and would be interested in considering strong dissertations from
doctoral graduates who wish to see their work in print, but are reluctanty
to spend a great deal of time refocusing and rewriting. If interested in
exploring the possibilities please contact me at

Best regards,

Ed Beauchamp
Series Editor

Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 23:50:37 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: new member, new profile

We welcome Walter Edwards to pmjs:

Walter Edwards <>

Institution: Tenri University, Department of Japanese Studies
Field of Research: Ancient Japan, Japanese archaeology
Publications include: "Event and Process in the Founding of Japan: The Horserider Theory in Archeological Perspective." Journal of Japanese Studies 9 (1983):265-295 / / "Buried Discourse: The Toro Archaeological Site and Japanese National Identity in the Early Postwar Period." Journal of Japanese Studies 17 (1991):1-23 / / "In Pursuit of Himiko: Postwar Archaeology and the Location of Yamatai." Monumenta Nipponica 51 (1996):53-79 / / "Mirrors on Ancient Yamato and
Its Relation to Yamatai: The Kurozuka Kofun Discovery." Monumenta Nipponica 54 (1999):75-110 / / "Contested Access: The Imperial Tombs in the Postwar Period." Journal of Japanese Studies 26 (2000):371-392.

Currently working on aspects of the interpretations taken of Jimmu in Japanese history up to the present.

Let me also include a revised profile with new bibliography:

Keller Kimbrough <>

I am an assistant professor at Colby College, in Waterville, Maine. I completed my Ph.D. at Yale University in 1999. My dissertation is titled "Imaging Izumi Shikibu: Representations of a Heian Woman Poet in Medieval Japan" [Dissertation abstract online]. I am most interested in the Buddhist literature of medieval Japan, including setsuwa, otogizoshi, and
illustrated temple and shrine histories, and I am currently revising my dissertation for publication as "Izumi Shikibu and the Literature of Medieval Japan." I have an article (titled "Voices from the Feminine Margin: Izumi Shikibu and the Nuns of Kumano and Seiganji") coming out in vol. 12:1 #23 of _Women and Performance_, and I am now finishing up the
revisions for a second article, tentatively titled, "Forging Identity: Sei Shonagon and the _Matsushima Diary_."
I'm happy to receive news of recent and forthcoming publications like this. I know of one pmjs member who has completed a Ph.D. dissertation recently. There may have been more. Let me hear from you--and do send me off-list your abstracts so that they can be circulated and placed on line.

Michael Watson <>

Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 18:16:55 -0400
From: "Philip C. Brown" <>
Subject: Request for input from users of primary sources in Japanese studies

I would like to ask you to participate in an on-line survey of primary
source users in Japanese studies. This survey is in preparation for a
conference of primary source users and Japanese librarians and archivists to
be held in Japan in December. The purpose of the conference is to bring
users and providers of primary source materials together to try to exchange
ideas with an eye to facilitate the provision of service to those of us in
Japanese studies. The conference organizers intend to publish the
procedings and to prepare recommendations for librarians and archivists.

This presents a terrific opportunity for those of us who use Japanese
primary sources to affect the provision and accessibility of these
materials. I would like to have as large a pool of respondents as possible.
(I am beginning the process of soliciting participants with smaller networks
such as PMJS and will expand over the next several days. My apologies in
advance for those of you who may receive duplicate solicitations.)

The survey is on-line and consists of 35 multiple choice questions, two
short answer questions, and one optional, open-ended question. My handful
of Beta-testers indicated that the survey takes about 10-12 minutes to
complete. The survey is designed to cover all fields and periods of
Japanese studies. (I regret that I only had time to prepare an
English-language version of this survey.)

The instructions for the survey follow my signature. Please completely read
the instructions below before attempting to use the system.

I would like to complete the survey by late September, so even if you are
busy with start-of-term business now, I hope you will save this message and
return to it when convenient..

Please contact me directly at if you have any
difficulties. Thanks very much for your assistance.

Philip C. Brown
Associate Professor
Department of History
Ohio State University
230 West 17th Avenue
Columbus OH 43210
(614) 292-0904 (direct)
(614) 292-2282 (History FAX)

1. Log into the following URL by pressing or copying it into your browser
address window and pressing RETURN:

2. Enter your e-mail address as both login name and password (the latter
must be all lower case) and press RETURN.

3. Press "HISTORY Surveys - Online"

4. You may skip the initial boilerplate and press the LIBRARY SURVEY button
at the bottom of the page. The procedures for completing the survey are
explained in the introductory boilerplate, followed by the questions

Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2001 18:05:44 -0500
From: Emanuel Pastreich <>
Subject: Confucian ritual

I wonder what recommendations there might be for an article [book] in Japanese [or English] on the subject of the degree to which Confucian rituals were integrated into everyday life (birth, marriage, death, ancestor worship, human interactions) in Japan between the 17th and 19th centuries. I had samurai families in mind. It would be particularly interesting to see
comparisons with Korea and China, if they exist.


Emanuel Pastreich
University of Illinois

Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 08:37:24 -0700

From: "Luke S. Roberts" <>

Subject: Confucian ritual

I don't think I've ever seen such a book, but I'm not sure what Confucian rituals are. I've thought of it more as a philosophy which influences attitudes. Anyhow, it has always struck me as being very difficult to define what is Confucian and what not in most actions and beliefs in Japan. Are there books on the subject of Confucian rituals in daily life for Korea or China?

Arai Hakuseki I think tried very consciously to insert Confucian ritual (rei--concretely what I do not know) into the Tokugawa court so reading about him (books by Kate Nakai and Joyce Ackroyd) might help. Then again, as rulers, the Tokugawa led lives so different from most other samurai. The Tosa scholar statesman Nonaka Kenzan (1615-1663) buried his mother's body rather than cremating it, for explicitly Confucian reasons. However this later was used as (false) evidence that he was a Christian! At least this is what I have read. Still the story is a bit suspicious in that body burials were rather common in Tosa anyhow.

There are books on "everyday life" of samurai etc. that you could glean. I can send you a long list of titles if you wish. I am currently researching daily life of common samurai of the 18th century.

Luke Roberts

Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 17:54:24 -0700

From: William Bodiford <>

Subject: Re: Confucian ritual

If memory serves me correctly (and it might not), the following book contains a brief chapter on Confucian temples in Japan and the rituals performed there. It does not provide many details, though, since the rituals have all but died out in Japan.

PA Palmer, Spencer J.
MT Confucian rituals in Korea /
PL Berkeley, Calif. : Seoul :
PU Asian Humanities Press ; Po Chin Chai,
DP 1984
DE 270 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cm.

Good luck,

..............William Bodiford

Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 02:54:02 +0100

From: Morgan Pitelka <>

Subject: Confucianism and daily life

The following article is more focused on texts than on practice, but might give some sense of the spread of Confucianism in the late 17th and 18th centuries:

Unoda Shoya "Hankou jusho no fukyuu to kinsei jugaku," Edo no shisou henshuu iinkai, eds., _Dokusho no shakaishi_, vol. 5 of _Edo no shisou_ (Perikansha, 1996).

[ADD link for Japanese title]


Morgan Pitelka

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Sainsbury Institute for the Study of
Japanese Arts and Cultures
SOAS, University of London

Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 09:17:38 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: new profiles

Two members who have been with us for some time have kindly sent me their profiles.

Adam L. Kern <>

Assistant Professor of Japanese Literature, Harvard University

I am fascinated by popular and visual culture, as well as literature, of the early modern period. My current project focuses on the nexus of advertising, woodblock printing, mass media, and literary Nonsense in the gesaku of Santo^ Kyo^den.

*_Blowing Smoke: Tobacco Pipes, Literary Squibs, and Authorial Puffery in the Kibyoshi of Santo Kyoden_ (Ph.D. thesis, 1997, UMI)
*_New Directions in the Study of Meiji Japan_, ed. Helen Hardacre with Adam L. Kern (Brill, 1997).

Sarah Thal <>

I am Assistant Professor of History at Rice University. While most of my
work is on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, I am interested in the
role of religious practices in historical processes in any period -- e.g.,
the writing of the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki myths, or the redefinition of the
gods at particular sites over time. I am currently revising my dissertation
for publication as _Rearranging the Landscape of the Gods: The Powers of the
Sacred in Modern Japan._

If anyone else would like to send me a profile--new or updated--please send it to me at

To edit your profile, find the current version at

and send a revised version to me. Recent bibliography is especially welcome. If possible avoid deictic expressions that date ("this year" etc.)

Michael Watson

Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 13:39:45 -0400
From: Barbara Nostrand <>
Subject: emaki


I am now partially relocted and can start thinking about stuff again.
Several months ago, I asked about emaki especially those of food, and
several people responded with titles. The problem is that I have
been having a hard time laying hands on them. One particularly
interesting title was:

No. 71 of the Kokuritsu Rekishi Minzoku Hakubutsukan kenkyu nenpo

Does anyone know how to obtain a copy? I looked all over the web
site for the museum and didn't find a general email address, just
a response form for their web page. Thank you very much.

Best Wishes

For convenience the following answer is included in the August logs.

Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2001 09:19:41 +0900

From: Mark Hall <>

Subject: emaki

Kokuritsu Rekishi Minzoku Hakubutsukan

Their web page is

In the US, the East Asian Library at UC Berkeley has most issues of
their journal.

Best, Mark Hall

::::: pmjs footer:::::

For our last discussion of Confucianism see

Participants included Michel Vieillard-Baron, David Pollack, Ivo Smits,
Wayne Farris, Michael Jamentz, Richard Bowring, William Bodiford, Steven G.
Nelson, Andrew Gordon, Rein Raud

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