no hosomichi (opening)
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過客 passing guest
行かふ go in one direction and another, cross paths
生涯 life
うかぶ set afloat
老 old age
むかふ greet
予 I
片雲 a bit of cloud
さそふ invite, entice
漂白 wandering
海濱 shore of the sea
さすらふ wander
江上 beside the river (in Edo)
破屋 broken down shack
蜘の古巣 old spiderwebs
はらふ sweep away
やゝ soon enough
年も暮る the year comes to an end
春立つ spring begins
霞 mist
白川の関 the Shirakawa Barrier (in northern Japan)
越ゆ cross
そゞろ神 (Basho made this word up)
物につく be possessed by a spirit
狂ふ rave, be mad
道祖神 gods of the road, of travel
招く invite
もゝ引 a kind of trousers
破 tear, rent
つゞる sew up
笠 broad straw hat
緒 cord
付かふ change (the cord)
三里 shin
灸 moxa
すゆ place, put
松嶋 a place in northern Japan, near Sendai
譲る cede, give
杉風 a disciple of Basho
別墅 (the place where Sanpuu lives)
移る move
面八句 the first eight links (of a linked very sequence)
庵 hut, humble dwelling
柱 pillar
懸置く hang and leave
弥生 3rd month
明ぼの daybreak
朧々として dim
在明 moon in the sky at dawn (late in the lunar month)
不二 Fuji
峯 peak
幽かに dimly
上野 Ueno
谷中 (also a place in Edo)
梢 branches
むつまじきかぎり everyone close to me
宵 evening, early night
つどふ gather together
千住 (place name)
前途 the road ahead
三千里 three thousand leagues
胸にふさがる stick in one's chest, be painful
幻のちまた this illusory world
離別 parting
泪をそゝぐ shed tears
矢立の初 first arrow (poem) of the journey
後かげ form seen from behind
Notes by Royall Tyler