list of bungo texts

Thirteen texts for the teaching of classical Japanese prepared by Royall Tyler.
Edited by Kyoko Selden, Janice Kande, Michael Watson.

on this page
file types available | links to files | information about downloading | memo

Each of the following texts is available at least one of a variety of formats

  • Microsoft Windows without readings (--plain.doc)
  • Microsoft Windows with readings in parentheses (--kakko.doc)
  • Microsoft Windows with readings as rubi (--rubi.doc)
  • Adobe PDF file. (--.pdf). (Selected files only.)
  • Royall Tyler's J/E vocabulary notes for students are available in these formats:

  • Microsoft Windows file (--words.doc)
  • HTML webpage --links below.
  • These pages also contain the text with readings in parentheses
  • 01 1941 Oboegaki (覚書) Secret memorandum by Japanese government

    02 Nihon shoki (日本書紀) [Excerpt]

    03 Kokinshu preface (古今和歌集 仮名序)

    04 Toson shishujo (藤村詩集 序)
    * Text is the preface to Shimazaki Touson's poetry collection: 合本藤村詩集 序
    This file was earlier called Wakanashu.

    05 Ise monogatari (伊勢物語)
    * sections 1-4

    06 Makura no soshi (枕草子) [Opening

    07 Genji monogatari (源氏物語) [Opening]

    08 Hojoki (方丈記) [Opening]

    09 Heike monogatari (平家物語 [Opening]

    10 Oku no hosomichi (奥の細道) [Opening]

    11 Uchiharai rei (文政の打払令) *Bunsei era 1818-1830

    12 Chohei kokuyu (徴兵告諭)

    13 Kyoiku chokugo (教育勅語)

    information about downloading

    File names ending in .doc are Microsoft Word files. They were edited on Word 2001 for Mac, but can be read in Windows. There are two ways of downloading them:
    (1) You can open the directory
    and click on an individual file name. This will download the file to your computer.

    On Windows with Microsoft Office installed, the file appears in the Internet Explorer browser. Choose "Save as..." to save to your hard disk.

    On Mac the files will download to your hard disk. With Internet Explorer they will open automatically with Microsoft Word. (Check "Window" menu- -> "Download Manager" to see where the file is saved.) With earlier versions of Netscape, a dialog box opens to save the file, and it must then be opened manually.

    (2) Alternatively you can download all files in a single archive. Updated 2002.04.01

    These are compressed (faster to download) and self-expanding. Open the directory mentioned above and choose 00-all-docs-win.exe for Windows or
    00-all-docs-mac.sea for Macintosh. Just follow the instructions when downloading the Windows archive. In the case of Mac, check your download folder for a file called "Archive.sea" and double-click to expand.

    If you have trouble opening them, you might find it easier just to refer to the html versions of the pages (see list), and copy/paste into the word processor of your choice. The html versions contain the complete text of the plain texts (plain.doc), texts with readings in parentheses (.kakko.doc), and word lists (.words.doc). The only formatting you will lose are some tabs in the word lists.

    Versions in rtf format were previously offered but now removed.

    reminders about uploading (webmaster's memo)

    Microsoft Word files must be uploaded in binary mode, not in ASCII mode as are html files. The "bungo" folder currently supports the following file types:

    AddType application/ms-word msw
    AddType application/ms-word rtf
    AddType application/octet-stream sea
    AddType application/octet-stream exe
    AddType application/mac-binhex40 hqx

    Stuffit Deluxe has been used to self-expanding archives for Windows (00-all-docs-win.exe) and Macintosh (00-all-docs-mac.sea.hqx). The reason to use binhex for Mac is to include the resource fork, preserving the application identity and icon so that the file can be double-clicked open. A simple .sea file worked when tested on a Mac, but needed to be dragged/dropped onto the Stuffit Expander icon.

    With self-expanding archives (sea), users should not need the free software Stuffit Expander. Mac users may need it to expand hqx (binhex) files, however.