Some materials for the story of Kogô in book 6 of Heike monogatari and its reception in nô theatre and art.

(1) downloadable versions of an article of mine containing a translation of the nô play Kogô

(2) Illustration of the Kogô episode by Ogata Gekko (1896). Includes explanation in English and Japanese of scene.

(3) characters (kanji) of name Kogô

I have re-edited for web distribution an article published in 1998 in the departmental journal of the Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan.

Michael Watson, "Modes of Reception: Heike monogatari and the Nô play Kogô," International and Regional Studies [Kokusaigaku kenkyû ], No. 16 (March, 1997), pp. 275-303.

In preparing this electronic version, errors have been corrected and other minor changes have been made. All Japanese characters have been omitted, and the circumflex has been substituted for the macron in romanized words such as Kogô. The original version contains a full romanization of the Japanese text facing the translation. This has been omitted here. [2000.10.14]

Microsoft Word 1998 (Mac/Windows) version: watson1997.doc
Adobe Acrobat version: watson1997.pdf

These electronic version may be cited provided that the original publication data is given. In references to or quotations from this document, please add reference to the url of this page:

If you have trouble with any of these files, or note any errors, please contact me
at watson[at]

Versions with kanji may be added at a future date.

Characters read "Kogô" are given below (graphic):



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page added: 2000/10/14
Michael Watson <watson[at]>