Dialogue series Vol.5
The Power of Information Mathematics to Open the Door to a New World
Diversity is key to being able to respond to fast-paced, changing times
Information is currently attracting a great deal of attention in society. As the University creates a science department from scratch at this point in time, what direction should it develop in to create a uniqueness that other universities do not have?
I believe that following trends is short-lived, so it is important to firmly establish the essentials and then respond to the diverse world. In this respect, I understand that the Faculty of Information and Mathematical Sciences was designed by Professor Murata based on the idea of using mathematics as a foundation and expanding from there into information. For example, if you call it the Department of Data Science, people tend to think that it is just about analysing data, but in order to analyse data, you need programming, you need to study probability and statistics, and you also need to study other information fields such as AI. The name of the department has a surprisingly large impact and tends to be closed within it. The Faculty of Information and Mathematical Sciences has a basic and universal name, but I think this is what makes diversity possible.
So it is not only the name, but also the curriculum that needs to be designed to protect diversity. What does protecting diversity in the curriculum mean?
In terms of the three courses mentioned earlier, the first one, the Mathematical and Quantum Information Course, is supposed to teach everything about information, from the most basic mathematical aspects to the quantum position. At present, there is a shortage of human resources for quantum computers, but I think the course will play a role in filling the gap. The AI and Data Science Course will be learning things that will be directly useful in the near future, but I think it is important for the future that students acquire a variety of mathematical backgrounds in this course as well. The 'Information Systems and Security Course' is also essential, given the fact that information systems run society. In this way, the Faculty of Information and Mathematical Sciences offers a basic range of courses that can be adapted from the present and into the future, so that students can acquire a solid foundation of information and mathematical skills with a relative perspective, while at the same time being as diverse as possible. The courses are scattered with mathematical and logical thinking, how to find knowledge from data based on what information is, how to use computers for this purpose, how to protect security in doing so, etc., while not being overstuffed and orderly I think it is well designed.

The more AI has a personality, the more important it is for us to be 'human'
The University has conducted education and research in the six faculties of the humanities and social sciences. In a nutshell, we have been pursuing the question of what it means to be human from the standpoint of the humanities and social sciences. Nowadays, AI is rapidly evolving and some of its capabilities are approaching those of human beings, but if this happens, it may happen that AI will enter the interest in human beings that has been cultivated in the existing faculties of the University. If this is the case, how should the Faculty of Information and Mathematical Sciences share issues with existing faculties to do this? Furthermore, if AI is going to become more like personality, how should our university, which has been focusing on personality education, face and tackle "AI ethics"?
I think it is very important for humanities professors and students to understand society through research on human beings. Although there are various opinions on AI (Artificial Intelligence), I consider it to be an "artificial" intelligence, although there are slight differences in nuance between English and Japanese. As you said, the more AI is finally trying to realise something close to a personality, the more it is necessary to have a clear understanding of 'human beings'. In this context, it is essential to properly consider how humans and personalities should be formed. In envisioning a new society of humans and AI, I think the key point is to make research and studies on humans more useful in society.
If approved as planned, the Faculty of Information and Mathematical Sciences will start in April 2024. Until now, our university has been seen by prospective students as a liberal arts university, but we hope that more prospective students will be interested in studying information if they can do so. What do you expect from young people aged 18 or so who want to study information?
We expect people of both sexes who want to participate in creating new information to come. Information is perceived in many different ways, and in some universities with a strong science background, there are many male students and few female students. However, information in the future will develop on the basic premise that many people will use smartphones as information devices. If this is the case, we must not just use information as something that is given to us, but use it to improve our society and participate in the creation of newer things. As mentioned in the fourth dialogue, this requires a broad perspective, regardless of gender, which has not yet become apparent in ChatGPT, but in the past, computers have learned from biased data and output clearly wrong or biased statements, which should not be the case. This is something that should not happen. Diversity and inclusion are the keywords for the future, and everyone will support each other as a team to create new information. I would like students who share these ideas and are interested in learning about them to study here. In fact, the senses and perspectives that women have are extremely important when promoting information, and men need to learn these senses and perspectives too. I believe that this will lead to the creation of an information system that will improve society.

The common language of the natural sciences, mathematics, is the foundation, which allows us to transcend language and national barriers.
It is only a matter of motivation to create something new, but if it is, for example, the smartphone at hand that arouses this motivation, it may no longer be just a matter of gender, but also of moving away from aspirations in science or the humanities.
The so-called sciences are, in essence, a proper understanding of systems and being trained in mathematical thinking. However, I think there are actually a lot of people who have been interested in such things in their studies from primary school to high school. Young people today, in particular, live their lives with information devices always close at hand, with some of them probably picking up their smartphones as soon as they wake up and putting them next to them when they go to bed. Creating information is something that starts from ideas such as "Why don't we have this kind of service?", "I want this kind of thing to be created" or "If it doesn't exist, I'll create it myself", and it doesn't matter whether you have a science or humanities background. I believe that if you can become familiar with information equipment and information systems and acquire mathematical thinking skills at the Faculty of Information Mathematics and Science, you will be able to enrich your life.
The Faculty of Information and Mathematical Sciences has four features of education in addition to the "mathematical comprehension", "use of advanced ICT" and "connection with society" that I have mentioned in my previous talks: "active in international society". Students of the Faculty of Information Mathematics and Science learn mathematics, the "lingua franca" of the natural sciences, so the barriers to being internationally active are not so high. They can understand each other by presenting a single mathematical formula. However, I don't want people to fall into the trap of thinking that because they can use a smartphone to interpret, they can communicate in Japanese alone. I want them to hone their senses and ideas for communicating in some form to others.
As is evident from the fact that ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology, communication is at the heart of the information world and the internet is already a social infrastructure shared by the whole world. Studying information mathematics is the same as learning about the world already on the ground. I hope that you will make use of advanced information and communication technology (advanced ICT), acquire international leadership skills and hone your attitude to actively communicate with the world.

List of articles in dialogue

Dialogue Series Vol.2 A future is coming that not even Einstein could have imagined. ― The world of "information" changed by quantum mechanics. From there, the Faculty of Information and Mathematical Sciences learns from a future perspective.

Dialogue Series Vol.3 Updating the humanities and social sciences with the power of information mathematics! ― Information mathematics is a communication and hub that connects disciplines and people.

Dialogue Series Vol.4 A background in informatics and mathematics is the foundation of all science. ― Great Expectations for Integration with Diverse Fields