Daisuke Kadohassociate professor
(university) degree
PhD (Science)
field of research
particle physics
Research Keywords
The fundamental theory of elementary particles, known as quantum field theory, is studied using numerical approaches such as the tensor network method to investigate the fundamental laws of nature.
Possible graduation research topics
- Quantum simulator configuration using the tensor network method.
- Applications of the tensor renormalisation group method to particle physics and materials science.
- Image restoration using tensor decomposition.
- Computing quantum mechanical systems using stochastic process quantisation methods.
You can start by making your own programmes and doing things as far as you can tell, such as
Hobbies, skills and likes
I am an indoor person: travelling, wine, chess, classical music, films.
Message to candidates and students
Quantum theory, which governs physical phenomena in the microscopic world, is gaining importance in the cutting-edge field of information science. This quantum theory is quite a tricky one, and there are many aspects that are difficult to understand intuitively. Why not try your hand at this cutting-edge field by first setting up a topic that is within your reach and then programming it through trial and error? I believe that what you have directed your passion towards will be a great source of inspiration for your life.