Takayuki Miyaderaprofessor

(university) degree
PhD (Academic)
field of research
Quantum information theory, quantum fundamental theory, mathematical physics
Research Keywords
I investigate the universal properties of quantum theory. In particular, I conduct mathematical research focusing on what can be done with these properties. I am also interested in finding physical phenomena unique to quantum theory, e.g. in multi-degree-of-freedom systems.
Possible graduation research topics
With regard to processes in quantum information, such as quantum computation and quantum cryptography, we aim to improve and generalise existing schemes by identifying how they use the unique properties of quantum theory. We also intend to investigate the difficulties that arise in implementation, using quantum open systems methods.
Hobbies, skills and likes
Wine and music
Message to candidates and students
The microscopic world is described by a theory called quantum theory. This is a strange but very beautiful theory, seemingly incompatible with the classical theory describing the world we experience. Explore the world of quantum theory with mathematics as your weapon of choice.