Kazutoshi Ohtaprofessor

(university) degree
PhD (Science)
field of research
Theoretical physics (particle theory)
Research Keyword
My research focuses on the field of mathematical sciences originating from theoretical physics (particle theory), which reveals the origin of matter and the origin of the universe. I am interested in the interpretation of concepts in mathematics, especially geometry, using D-branes in string theory. Recently, I have been investigating quiver (quiver) gauge theory from the standpoint of lattice gauge theory and analysing it by applying graph theory, and as there are many results suggesting a connection with information science, I would like to expand my research in this direction in the future.
Possible graduation research topics
In the graduation project, students will take up introductory textbooks and literature on discrete mathematics, geometry and quantum computation, which are closely related to the field of information science, in a round-table format. Students are asked to choose a topic from those presented by us or of their own interest, and to summarise it in the form of a review at the end of the course.
Hobbies, skills and likes
PC games, guitars
Message to candidates and students
Recent developments in the field of information science, such as AI and quantum computing, have been tremendous, and the fundamental research that has been developed in mathematics and physics has been of great use in this field. In cutting-edge fields, new progress cannot be made if you are stuck in existing values. When you learn something, unexpected knowledge can help you to understand it, so while you are interested in one thing and deepen your studies, remember to learn from a broad perspective that is not restricted to any one field.