alphabetical list of classical
Japanese AUTHORS
translations - studies - electronic texts
I have uploaded this page to the pmjs
site, but it is still very much under construction. When finished,
it will cover authors through to the Edo period.
links on romanized titles lead to details of available
links on Japanese titles lead to Japanese electronic
texts (or information about available e-texts, if more than
one text exists)
Concerning format, conventions, etc. see opening note on the
translation page. See Abbreviations
section there for explanation of shortened references like "Herail
1968" or "GSRJ."
WORK IN PROGRESS. Feedback appreciated. Contributions
Michael Watson <>
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Abutsu (Abutsu-ni) ˆ¢•§ (ˆ¢•§“ò) d. 1283
Ionushi ‚¢‚Ù‚Ê‚µ (e-text
ed. A. Okajima)
Izayoi nikki \˜Z–é“ú‹L
(tr. McCullough; Reischauer; e-text
ed. M. Shibata from GSRJ)
Utatane ‚¤‚½‚½‚Ë (tr.
Wallace; e-text
ed. M. Shibata; e-text
ed. A. Okajima)
Yoru no Tsuru –é‚Ì’ß (e-text
ed. M. Shibata from GSRJ)
Menoto no fumi “û•ê‚Ì‚Ó‚Ý (e-text
ed. M. Shibata from GSRJ)
Akazome Emon Ôõ‰q–å fl. 976-1041
Akazome Emon Shu (personal poetry collection)
poetry in Shuishu and later collections
possible author/editor of Eiga
monogatari ‰h‰Ô•¨Œê (tr. McCullough and McCullough)
Arai Hakuseki Vˆä”’Î 1657-1725
Oritaku shiba no ki Ü‚½‚ŽÄ‚Ì‹L (Told Round a Brushwood
Fire, ca. 1716-7)
Tokushi yoron
/ Dokushi yoron “ÇŽj—]˜_ (A Reading of History, 1712)
Hankanpu (Hankanfu)
Arakida Moritake r–Ø“cŽç• 1473-1549
renga and haikai poet
Ariwara (no) Narihira —LŒ´‹Æ•½ 825-80
18 tanka tr. Watson in Sato and Watson 1981:108ff.
Ariwara (no) Yukihira —LŒ´s•½ ?818-?893
Asai Ryoi óˆä—¹ˆÓ d. 1691
kanazoshi writer
Inu hariko ‹ç’£Žq
(The Toy Dog, 1692)
Otogi boko ‰¾›XŽq
(The Protective Doll, 1660)
(links on Japanese titles lead to e-texts at Yamaguchi Univ.
Asukai Masaari (Gayu) ”ò’¹ˆä‰ë—L 1241-1301
poet, scholar, writer of travel accounts
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Basho, see Matsuo Basho
Ben no naishi: see Gofukakusa In Ben
no naishi
Bontoan ž“•ˆÁ 1349-1427
renga and waka poet
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Chikamatsu Hanji ‹ß¼”¼“ñ (1725-83)
joruri dramatist
Honcho nijushiko –{’©“ñ\ŽlF [1767]
Imoseyama Onna Teikin –…”wŽR—’ëŒP [1771]
Chikamatsu Monzaemon ‹ß¼–嶉q–å (1653-1724)
joruri and kabuki dramatist
Kokusen'ya kassen ‘©–ê‡í
Meido no hikyaku –»“y”ò‹r
Shinju Ten no Amijima S’†“V–Ô“‡
Sonezaki shinju ‘\ªèS’†
Meido no hikyaku –»“r‚Ì”ò‹r
Onnagoroshi abura jigoku —ŽE–û’n–
Kokusen'ya gassen ‘©–ê‡í
Heike nyogo shima •½‰Æ—Œì“‡
(links give further information about available e-texts)
Daikaku Zenji 1213-1278
Zazen-ron À‘T˜_ (tr. Leggett)
Daisaiin Senshi
Hosshin wakashu ”S˜a‰ÌW (tr. Kamens)
Dogen (Kigen Dogen) “¹Œ³iŠóŒº“¹Œ³) 1200-53
Fukan zazengi
("General Advice on the Principles of Zazen") •ŠÏÀ‘T‹V
("The Eye Treasury of the Right Dharma") ³–@Šá‘
Shobogenzo zuimonki
("Gleanings from Master Dogen's Sayings"--a compilation
of sayings by a disciple)³–@Šá‘ •·‹L
For other works see Herail 1986: 23-25.
Ejima Kiseki ]“‡‘´× 1666-1735
Seken musuko katagi ¢ŠÔ‘§Žq‹CŽ¿
Seken musume katagi ¢ŠÔ–º‹CŽ¿ (1.2 tr. by H. Hibbett in
Keene 1955; Hibbett, Howard. The Floating World in Japanese
Fiction. OUP, 1959.)
Ennin ‰~m 793-864
Nitto guho junrei gyoki “ü“‚‹–@„—çs‹L
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Fujiwara Akihira “¡Œ´–¾t 989-1016
compiler of collection of Chinese prose and poetry Honcho
monzui –{’©•¶ˆ
Fujiwara Fuyutsugu
compiler of Heian kanshi collection Bunka shureishu
Fujiwara Hamanari “¡Œ´•l¬ 724-790
Kakyo hyoshiki ‰ÌŒo•[Ž®
(tr. Rabinovitch)
Fujiwara Kinto “¡Œ´Œö”C 966-1041
Shinsen zuino
Vï‘”] ("Essentials of Poetry, Newly Compiled," tr.
Waka kuhon ˜a‰Ì‹ã•i (tr. Teele)
Wakan roei shu
˜aŠ¿˜N‰rW (tr. Rimer and Chaves)
Benl, Oscar. "Fujiwara Kinto: Dichter und Kritiker der
Heianzeit." MN 7 (1944): 311-18.
Fujiwara Kiyosuke “¡Œ´´•ã1104-1177
Bokuteikishu –q“JW
Fujiwara Michinaga “¡Œ´“¹’· 966-1027
Mido kanpakki Œä“°ŠÖ”’‹L
(tr. Herail 1987-91)
Poetry (tr. Herail 1993)
see also account of Michinaga in Okagami and Eiga
Fujiwara Michitsuna no haha “¡Œ´“¹j•ê
Kagero nikki
å‘åx“ú‹L (tr. Arntzen; Seidensticker)
Fujiwara Mototoshi “¡Œ´Šîr ?-1142/3.
Fujiwara Shunzei (Toshinari) “¡Œ´r¬ 1114-1204
compiler of Senzaishu
Korai Futeisho ŒÃ—ˆ•—‘Ì´ ("Poetic Styles Past and
30 tanka tr. Watson in Sato and Watson 1981:163-8
Fujiwara Shunzei (Toshinari) no musume “¡Œ´r¬— ?1175-?1250
sometimes said to be author of Mumyozoshi
–³–¼‘Žq (tr. Marra)
of ‰z•”‘T“òÁ‘§ ed. M. Shibata (GSRJ)
Fujiwara Tameie “¡Œ´ˆ×‰Æ 1198-1275
Eiga ittei ‰r‰Ìˆê‘Ì ("The Style of Composition,"
1274). Brower, Robert H. The Foremost Style of Poetic Composition:
Fujiwara Tameie's Eiga no Ittei. MN 42 (1987):
compiler of Shokugosenshu
compiler of Shokukokinshu
Fujiwara Teika (Sadaie) “¡Œ´’è‰Æ 1180-1235
Kindai shuka ‹ß‘ãG‰Ì
(tr. Brower and Miner; tr. Sato as A Compendium of Good Tanka
in Sato and Watson 1981:205-218)
Maigetsu sho –ˆŒŽ´ [Monthly Notes, 1219]
Matsura no miya monogatari
¼‰Y‹{•¨Œê (tr. Lammers 1992 as The Tale of Matsura)
Meigetsuki –¾ŒŽ‹L [The Record of the Clear Moon]
Ogura hyakunin isshu
¬‘q•SlˆêŽñ (tr. Mostow)
Shoji ninen in shodo onhyakushu
³Ž¡“ñ”N‰@‰“xŒä•SŽñ (tr. Brower)
Shogaku Hyakushu. (tr. Bundy, MN 45: 157-88).
Eiga taigai
(Eika taigai) ‰r‰Ì‘åŠT (An Outline for Composing Tanka,
1216, tr. Sato in Sato and Watson 1981:202-43)
84 tanka tr. Sato in Sato and Watson 1981:192-201
Fujiwara (Kujo) Yoshitsune “¡Œ´—ÇŒo ( “¡Œ´‹ãð—ÇŒo)1169-1206
79 poems selected for Shinkokinshu
private collection: Akishino gesseishu HŽÂŒŽ´W
Fujiwara Yorinaga (1120-1156)
Taiki (one norito from diary entry for year 1142 tr.
Philippi [ref])
Fun'ya Yasuhide •¶ŽºNG (late 9th century)
Fushimiin no nakatsukasa naishi •šŒ©‰@’†–±“àŽ˜ (late Kamakura)
Nakatsukasa naishi nikki ’†–±“àŽ˜“ú‹L (years 1280-92)
Genshin Œ¹M 942-1017
Ojoyoshu ‰¶—vW "Essentials of Deliverance"
(tr. Andrews; Reischauer)
Gofukakusa In Ben no Naishi Œã[‘‰@•Ù“àŽ˜ (Kamakura)
Ben no naishi nikki •Ù“àŽ˜“ú‹L (tr. Hulvey).
Gofukakusa In Nijo Œã[‘‰@“ñð b. 1258
‚Æ‚Í‚¸‚ª‚½‚è(Origlia 1996, Brazell 1973; Krempien 1973)
also known as: ’†‰@‰ë’‰— (Nakanoin Masatada no musume)
Gotoba Œã’¹‰H 1180-1239 (r.1183-98)
Gotoba no in gokuden Œã’¹‰H‰@ŒäŒû“` ("Secret Teachings...")
Gusai (Kyuzai, Kyusei, Kasei) ‹~Ï 1294-1378
Bunna senku (*) "Highly Renowned" tr. by
Sato in Sato and Watson 1981:239-240 (partial trans. of renga
senquence led by Gusai).
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Hakuin ”’‰B 1685-1768
Rinzai Zen master, poet
Hayashi Razan —Ñ—…ŽR 1583-1657
Hino Tamemuki “ú–ì’|Œü‚« fl. ca. 1330-1350
Takemuki ga ki “ú–ì’|Œü‚«‚ª‹L ("The Diary of
Hiraga Gennai •½‰êŒ¹“à 1728-1779
Furyu shidoken-den •——¬Žu“¹Œ¬“` ("The Dashing Life
of Shidoken")
?????, Histoire galante de Shidoken : traduction du Furyu
Shidoken-den de Furai Sanjin; suivi de "Attractions foraines
au Japon sous les Tokugawa" et de "Les voyages fictifs
dans la litterature japonaise de l'epoque d'Edo." Paris
: L'Asiatheque, 1979. // Boscaro, Adriana. La bella storia
di Shidoken. Venice: Marsilio editori, 1990 (ISBN: 8831753320).
Delprat, Adriana. "Gesaku...Hiraga Gennai." Ph.D.
dissertation, Princeton University, 1985. [*Confirm details]
Hirata Atsutane •½“c“Ĉû 1776-1843
Honen –@‘R 1133-1212
Senchaku [hongan nenbutsu] shu ‘I‘ð–{Šè”O•§W (tr. Senchakushu
English Translation Project 1998; Augustine and Kondo 1997)
Hosokawa Yusai ×ì—HÖ 1534-1620
[Ikeda-Yuba, Janet. Triumphant survivor on Japan's cultural
battlefield of the sixteenth century. Hosokawa Yusai, 1534-1610:
warrior, Nijo poet and guardian of the Kokin denju. Ph. D.
Princeton, 1993.]
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Ichijo Kanera (Kaneyoshi) ˆêðŒ“—Ç 1402-1481
Carter, Steven D. "Ichijo Kaneyoshi and
the Literary Arts," in Carter, Literary Patronage,
Ihara Saikaku ˆäŒ´¼’ß
*add links to e-texts (M. Shibata)
Buke giri monogatari •‰Æ‹`—•¨Œê (tr. Callahan, Caryl Ann,
ed. Tales of Samurai Honor, Buke giri monogatari. Tokyo,
Honcho niju fuko –{’©“ñ\•sF (tr. Sieffert, Rene. Ihara
Saikaku. Contes des Provinces suive de Vingt parangons d'impiete
filiale de notre pays. Paris, 1985.)
Koshoku gonin onna DFŒÜl— (tr. de Bary, Wm. Theodore.
Ihara Saikaku. Five Japanese Love Stories. Tokyo, 1955.
// Bonmarchand, Georges. Cinq amoureuses par Ihara Saikaku.
Paris, 1959.
Koshoku ichidai otoko DFˆê‘ã’j (tr. Hamada, Kengi. The
life of an amorous man. Tokyo, 1964.)
Koshoku ichidai onna DFˆê‘ã— (tr. Morris, Ivan. The
Life of an Amorous Woman and Other Writings. New York, 1963.
// Bonmarchand, Georges. Ihara Saikaku: Vie d'une amie de
la volupte. Paris, 1975. // selection in Hibbett, Howard.
The Floating World in Japanese Fiction. London, 1959.)
Nihon eitaigura “ú–{‰i‘ã‘ (tr. Sargent, G. W. The Japanese
family storehouse or the millionaire's gospel modernized (Nippon
Eitaigura). Cambridge, 1959.// selection in Morris 1963.
// selection in German in Naumann, Zauberschale, 1973,
Saikaku oridome ¼’ßD—¯
(tr. Hammitzsch, Horst, and E. May. Saikaku Oridome. Szenen
aus dem japanischen Volksleben im 17. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart:
Reclam, 1974.)
Saikaku shokoku banashi ¼’ß”‘‚΂Ȃµ
(tr. Sieffert, Rene. Ihara Saikaku. Contes des Provinces suive
de Vingt parangons d'impiete filiale de notre pays. Paris,
Seken mune san'yo / Seken munazan'yo ¢ŠÔ‹¹ŽZ—p
(tr. Befu, B. Worldly Mental Calculation. Berkeley, 1976;
selection in Morris 1963)
Ikkyu Sojun ˆê‹x@ƒ 1394-1481
Kyounshu ‹¶‰_W (tr. Arntzen 1973; 1979; 1986)
five poems tr. Watson in Sato and Watson 1981:232-3
Imagawa Ryoshun ¡ì—¹r b. 1326
Ise ˆÉ¨ ?877-?940 ("Lady Ise")
Heian waka poet.
11 tanka tr. Watson in Sato and Watson 1981:127-9
Izumi shikibu ˜aòŽ®•”
Izumi shikibu nikki ˜aòŽ®•”“ú‹L (tr. Cranston; Miner)
Izumi shikibu shu ˜aòŽ®•”W (tr. Hirshfield)
51 tanka tr. Sato in Sato and Watson 1981:142-8
[*cross-check with Princeton Companion to be continued from
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Gukansho ‹ðŠÇ´ (tr. Brown)
Jojin azari no haha ¬qˆ¢è‹—œ•ê
Jojin azari no haha no shu / Jojin ajari no haha no shu
¬qˆ¢è‹—œ•êW (
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Kaibara Ekiken ŠLŒ´‰vŒ¬ (1630-1714)
Ekiden Archive (Nakamura Gakuen Univ.)
Yojokun —{¶ŒP
Kamo no Chomei Š›’·–¾ (1155-1216)
Hojoki •ûä‹L (tr. McCullough, Sadler, etc.)
Hosshinshu ”SW (tr. Ury, Seiffert, etc.)
Mumyosho –³–¼´ (tr. Kato)
See individual entries in translation
e-text of
poetry collection (’·–¾W)
Pandey, Rajyashree. Writing
and Renunciation in Medieval Japan. The Works of the Poet-Priest
Kamo no Chomei. Michigan Monograph Series in Japanese Studies,
21. Ann Arbor, 1999.
Kenreimon'in ukyo no daibu Œš—ç–å‰@‰E‹ž‘å•v
Kenreimon'in ukyo no daibu shu Œš—ç–å‰@‰E‹ž‘å•vW (tr. Harries1980)
Ki no Tsurayuki
Tosa nikki “y²“ú‹L (tr. McCullough; Miner; Aston).
Sieffert, Rene. Kino Tsurayuki: Le Journal de Tosa ; Poemes
du Kokin-shu. Paris: P.O.F., 1993. 95 p.
35 tanka tr. Watson in Sato and Watson 1981:130-136
Kitabatake Chikafusa –k”©e–[ (1293-1354)
Jinno shotoki _c³“‹L (tr. Varley)
Kobayashi Issa ¬—шꒃ
Ora ga haru ‚¨‚炪t
(tr. Yuasa, Nobuyuki. The Year of My Life: A Translation of
Issa's Ora ga Haru: University of California Press, 1973.
// + German trans.)
Kogon'in (Emperor)
Wilson, William Ritchie. "Three tanka Chains
from the Private Collection of the Emperor Kogon'in." MN
24 (1969): 21-29.
Komparu Zenchiku ‹àt‘T’| b.1405
noh plays Basho; Tamakazura; Ugetsu; ...
possibly author of noh plays Kogo; ... ; Teika
(tr. Sato in Sato and Watson 1981:241-253)
Rokurin ichiro no ki
"A Record of the Six Rings and the One Word" ˜Z—Öˆê˜I”V‹L
( tr. Nearman1996).
Kukai ‹óŠC
Hakeda, Yoshito S. Kukai. New York: Columbia UP. 1972.
Bunkyo hifuron •¶‹¾”é•{˜_ (tr. Bodman 1978).
ishi, Shio. The Ink Smeared Lady and Other Kyogen. Tokyo,
Kyogoku Tamekane ‹ž‹Éˆ×Œ“
Tamekane kyo wakasho ˆ×Œ“‹¨˜a‰Ì´ (ca. 1287), "Notes
on Poetry," tr. Huey, Robert N. & Susan Matisoff, MN
40 (1986): 127-46.
23 tanka tr. Watson in Sato and Watson 1981:224-8.
Kyokutei Bakin ‹È’à”n‹Õ = Takizawa Bakin ‘ê‘ò”n‹Õ@(1767-1848)
Kumo no taema ama no yo no tsuki ‰_–ŠÔ‰J–錎 (1804). Edward
Greey, A Captive of Love... (Boston/New York, 1886; London
and Glasgow, 1911, 119 pp.) is "founded" on this work.
German tr. by A. Pfizmaier, Die Einkehr in der Strasse von
Kanzaki..., Vienna, 1876, 76 p.
Sanshichi zenden nanka no yume ŽOŽµ‘S“`“ìžh–² (1808) in abridged
tr. by J. Ingram Bryan and Shinichi Takaki, The Japan Magazine,
7-8, 1916-8.
Musobyoe kocho monogatari –²‘z•º‰qŒÓ’±•¨Œê (1809-1810) in
abridged tr. by L. Mordwin as "Glimpses of dreamland,"
Chrysanthemum II, 1881-2.
Chinzsetsu yumiharizuki ’Öà‹|’£ŒŽ (The Crescent Moon),
Otoshibanashi ambai joshi —Ž”¶c ?? (1799), Nimaze
no ki [n-ŠÛ]ŽG‚Ì‹L, Aoto Fujitsuna moryo-an
“u“¡j–Í—ÅˆÄ (1811), extracts tr. in Adam Gowans, Two wives exchange
sprits and other tales, London and Glasgow, 1930.
Itozakura shuncho kien ãN÷t’±Šï‰(1812) tr. T. Wakameda,
The Japan Magazine 11-12, 1920-1922.
Hachijo kidan ”ªðŠï’k?? (1813) tr. as "Okama"
by F. Regamey, Paris: Plon, 1883.
Nanso Satomi hakkenden “ì‘—¢Œ©”ªŒ¢“` (The Story of Eight
Virtuous Hiroes), 1814-32. Excerpt from book 25 tr. by Donald
Keene as "Shino and Hamaji" in Keene, Anthology,
Kiryo manroku ã²—·–Ÿ˜^ (1802). E-text [seems to have
Zolbrod, Leon. Takizawa Bakin. New York: Twayne Publishers,
Kataki-uchi Nomitori Manako “G“¢”aŽæŠá (1801) tr. Leon
Zolbrod, MN 20 (1965): 121-34.
[I have not personally seen the earlier items with the exception
of A Captive of Love (a lucky Kanda discovery). Citations
are from Herail, Bibliographie Japonaise, 105, with addition
of Japanese titles from NKBD 501-3. Can anyone help with
the missing titles?]
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Matsuo Basho ¼”ö”mÔ
e-texts (links on Japanese titles)
Basho haikuzenshu ”mÔ”o‹å‘SW ("complete haiku")
Basho shokanshu ”mÔ‘ŠÈW (letters)
Genjuan no ki Œ¶ZˆÁ‚Ì‹L (1690)
Kashima mode Ž“‡Œw (1687)
Nozarashi kiko –ì‚´‚炵‹Is (1687)
Oi no kobumi ‹ˆ‚̬•¶
Oku no hosomichi ‰œ‚Ìד¹
(other e-texts available)
Yuasa, Nobuyuki. The Narrow Road to the Deep North, and
other Travel Sketches. Penguin, 1966.
Saga nikki µ‰ã“ú‹L (1691)
Sarashina kiko X‰È‹Is
many other texts available. See koten
page for links to following:
H‚Ì’©Q // –¾’q‚ªÈ‚̘b // ‰LM // ‰_’|Ž©‰æ‘œ‚ÌŽ] // Š[œ‚ÌŠGŽ] // Š_•ä‚Ì”~ // Š}‚Ì‹L //
Œ˜“c\˜Z–é‚Ì•Ù // Ž†å΂̋L // Š¦–é‚ÌŽ« // ²‹Ž‚Ì•Ù // ŽlŽR‚Ì•Z // Žlð‚̉͌´—Á‚Ý // Ž©“¾‚Ìâ¼ //
ŽÄ‚ÌŒË // “‡“c‚ÌŽž‰J // ŽðŠy“°‚Ì‹L // \”ª˜O‚Ì‹L // ŒŽ˜ÌÖ // Š÷‚Ì–Á // ‰Ä–ì‚̉æŽ^ // ”mÔˆÁ\ŽO–é
// ”mÔ‚ðˆÚ‚·ŽŒ // ”mÔ‹åW // [ì‚Ìá‚Ì–é // [씪•n // •ÂŠÖ‚Ìà // ŠŽÉ‚ÌŠ´ // á‚͔̌ö‰Ô
// áŠÛ‚°
Michitsuna no haha (“¡Œ´)“¹j•ê
Kagero nikki å‘åx“ú‹L (tr. Arntzen; McCullough; Seidensticker)
Minamoto no Sanetomo Œ¹ŽÀ’© 1192-1219
24 tanka tr. Watson in Sato and Watson 1981:219-223
Minamoto no Shitago Œ¹‡ 911-983
Song of the Tailless Ox tr. Watson in Sato and Watson
Minamoto no Tamenori
Sanboe ŽO•óŠG
(tr. Kamens)
Miura Baien ŽO‰Y”~‰€ (1723-89)
Morikawa Kyoroku Xì‹–˜Z (1656-1715)
compiler of haibun collection Fuzoku monzen
{•—‘•¶‘I} (1706)
two essays annotated and tr. in Daniels, Selections from
Japanese Literature, 1953, 52-64146-151.
Motoori Norinaga –{‹é’·
Wehmeyer, Ann. Kojiki-den, Motoori Norinaga, Book 1,
Cornell University East Asia Series, Number 87. Ithaca, N.Y.:
Cornell East Asia Program, 1997.
Kanji san'on ko Š¿ŽšŽO‰¹l
Tamakushige ‹Ê‹ùy
Muju Ichien
Shasekishu ÎW (tr. Morrell; Rotermund; other)
Murasaki shikibu Ž‡Ž®•”
Genji monogatari Œ¹Ž•¨Œê (tr. Seidensticker; Sieffert;
Benl; Waley...)
Murasaki shikibu nikki Ž‡Ž®•”“ú‹L (tr. Bowring; Sieffert)
Murasaki shikibu shu Ž‡Ž®•”W (tr. Sieffert)
Myoe –¾Œb 1173-1232
10 tanka tr. Watson in Sato and Watson 1981:190-1
subject of noh Kasuga ryujin t“ú—´_ (tr. Tyler, JND,
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Yampolsky, Philip B., ed. Selected Writings of Nichiren,
Transl. by Burton Watson and others. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1990.
Nijo (Lady) see Gofukakusa In Nijo Œã[‘‰@“ñð
Nijo Yoshimoto
participant in Gusai's renga sequence Bunna senku (*)
"Highly Renowned" (partial trans. by Sato in Sato and
Watson 1981:239-240)
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Oe no Asatsuna
Rhyme-prose on the Marriage of Man and Woman tr. Watson
in Sato and Watson 1981:137-9
Oe no Masafusa
Honcho shinsen den (*) (tr. Bohner)
Ury, Marian. "The Oe Conversations." MN
48 (1993): 359-80.
Ury, Marian. "A Heian Note on the Supernatural,"
JATJ 22.2 (*?), 189-194. ["A Record of Fox-Magic,"
"Kobi no ki" ]
Borgen, Robert. "Oe no Masafusa and the Spirit of Michizane."
50 (1995): 357-84.
Ogyu Sorai
Linden, O. G. Ogyu Sorai's Journey to Kai in 1705, With
a translation of the Kyochukiko. Scandinavian Institute of
Asian Studies Monograph Series, No. 48. London and Malmo: Curzon
Press, 1983.
Lidin, Olof G. The Life of Ogyu Sorai, A
Tokugawa Confucian Scholar. [**] REV. Goedertier, MN
30 (1975).
Ono no Komachi ¬–쬒¬
poems (tr. Hirshfield; Weber-Shafer)
19 tanka tr. in Sato and Watson 1981:113ff.
Teele, Roy E., Nicholas J. Teele, and H. Rebecca Teele. Ono
no Komachi: Poems, Stories, No Plays. New York & London:
Garland Publishing, 1993
Otomo Yakamochi ‘唺‰ÆŽ
| info]
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Rai San'yo —ŠŽR—z (1780-1832)
Nihon gaishi,
11 kanshi tr. by Watson in Sato and Watson, Anthology,
1981, 403-9.
Ryokan —ÇŠ°
Yuasa, Nobuyuki. The Zen Poems of Ryokan: Princeton
University Press, 1981. REV: LaFleur, JJS 11,1 (1985)
Watson, Burton. Ryokan, Zen Monk-poet of Japan. New
York: Columbia University Press, 1977.
7 tanka, 3 choka, 1 sedoka, 10 kanshi
tr. by Watson in Sato and Watson, Anthology, 1981,
Titus-Carmel, Joan. Les 99 Haiku de Ryokan. Paris:
Verdier, 1986.
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Saigyo ¼s
Sanka shu ŽR‰ÆW (tr. Watson; LaFleur)
Watson, Burton. Saigyo. Poems of a Mountain Home.
New York: Columbia University Press, 1991.
64 tanka tr. Watson in Sato and Watson 1981:169-180
Heldt, Gustav, tr. "Saigyo's Traveling Tale: A Translation
of Saigyo Monogatari." MN 52 (1997): 467-522.
Saikaku, see Ihara Sakaku
Sanuki no suke nikki Ž]Šò“TŽ˜“ú‹L
Brewster, Jennifer, trans. The Emperor Horikawa Diary
by Fujiwara no Nagako, Sanuki no Suke Nikki. Honolulu: The
UP of Hawaii, 1977.
Sei Shonagon ´”[Œ¾
Makura no soshi –‘Žq (tr. Morris; Beujard; Waley; other)
Shikishi naishinno (Shokushi naishinno) Ž®Žq“àe‰¤ ("Princess
Shikishi naishinno shu Ž®Žq“àe‰¤W (tr. Sato)
78 tanka tr. Sato in Sato and Watson 1981:181-9
Shinkei SŒh (1406-1475)
renga poet
Esperanza Ramirez-Christensen, Heart's
Flower : The Life and Poetry of Shinkei (1994)
Shohaku Ñ” (1443-1527)
Muromachi poet. Participant in renga sequences with Sogi
and Socho.
Shoko ³L (1412-93)
Muromachi poet
Tsurusaki Hiro tr. Steven D. Carter, "The
Poet Shoko and the Salons of Sakai" in Carter, Literary
Patronage, 1993.
Socho @’· (Saiokuken Socho) (1448-1532)
excerpts from many works tr. in H. Mack Horton,
"Saiokuken Socho and Imagawa Daimyo Patronage" in Carter,
Literary Patronage, 1993.
Sogi @‹_ (1421-1502)
Minase sangin hyakuin …–³£ŽO‹á•S‰C (tr. Miner; Yasuda)
with Shohaku and Socho
Kato, Eileen, tr. "Pilgrimage to Dazaifu: Sogi's Tsukushi
no Michi no Ki." MN 34 (1979): 333-67.
Carter, Steven D. "Sogi in the East Country: Shirakawa
Kiko." 42 (1987): 167-209.
Kaneko Kinjiro, tr. H. Mack Horton, "Sogi
and the Imperial House" in Carter, Literary Patronage,
* Chikurinsho (Bamboo Grove Notes, by
Sogi, 1476)
Sugawara no Michizane ›Œ´“¹^
Kanke bunso ›‰Æ•¶‘ (tr. Borgen)
8 kanshi tr. in Sato and Watson 1981:121-6
Sugawara Takasue no Musume ›Œ´F•W—
(b. 1008)
Sarashina nikki X‹‰“ú‹L (tr. Morris)
Hamamatsu chunagon monogatari •l¼’†”[Œ¾•¨Œê (tr. Rohlich)
(Yowa no nezame has
also been attributed to her)
PCCJL, pp. 238-242.
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Tachibana no Hayanari
Bohner, Hermann. "Tachibana no Hayanari-den." MN
5 (1942).
Takebe Ayatari Œš•”ˆ»‘« (1719-74)
at JALLC of following: ÜX‘ // ‰Ì•¶—vŒê // ŒÃ¡•¨–Y‚ê // ‚·‚¸‚Ý‘ // ¼ŽR•¨Œê //
‚Í‚µ‚ª‚«‚Ô‚è // ”mÔ‰¥“ª‘É•¨Œê // –{’©…Ÿõ“` // —R—Ç•¨Œê
Takeda Izumo ’|“co‰_
Kanadehon chushingura ‰¼–¼Žè–{’‰b‘
Yoshitsune senbonzakura ‹`Œoç–{÷
Takizawa Bakin ‘ê‘ò”n‹Õ = Kyokutei Bakin ‹È’à”n‹Õ
Tamenaga Shunsui ˆ×‰it… (1790-1843)
(Shunshoku) Umegoyomi (tF) ”~Ž™—_”ü ("The
[Love-Tinted] Plum Calendar," 1832-3)
Eiri kyokun chikamichi (?) ŠG“ü‹³ŒP‹ß“¹
Tsuga Teisho “s‰ê’ëà (1718-94)
yomihon writer
Hanabusa soshi ‰p‘Ž† (1749)
Shigeshige yawa ”É–ì˜b (1750)
Hitsujigusa 事åû (1786)
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Ueda Akinari ã“cH¬ (1734-1809)
e-texts available of following works: u‰JŒŽ•¨Œêvu‹æŽÄX•›”÷vuŽ©“`vu‘‰‹@Œ™ŠCvut‰J”~‰Ô‰Ì•¶Šªvut‰J•¨Œêvu”“¹’®Ž¨¢ŠÔ‰Žvu¢ŠÔ¨Œ`‹Cvu’_‘å¬S˜^vu’ƒ‚©ŒŒ¾vu“¡âËûŽqvu•¶”½ŒÃvu‚Ü‚·‚ç‚𕨌êvu–ƒ’m•¶v(list
thanks to: koten
page of
Ugetsu monogatari ‰JŒŽ•¨Œê (JALLC). Also: (2) (3)
Zolbrod, Leon. Tales of Moonlight and Rain. Vancouver:
University of British Columbia Press, 1974. REV: Mills,
MN 30 (1975). // Hamada, Kengi. Tales of Moonlight
and Rain: Univ. of Tokyo Press, 1971. // Benl, Oscar. Unter
den Regenmond: Klette Cotta, 1980 (extract reprinted in Benl,
Der Kirschbluetenzweig, 1985).
Harusame monogatari t‰J•¨Œê
Jackman, Barry. Tales of the Spring Rain. Tokyo: Univ.
of Tokyo Press, 1975.
Urabe Kenko see Yoshida Kenko
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Yamanoue Okura ŽRã ‰¯—Ç (660?-733?)
Man'yo poet
see Man'yo
entry in translation database
Yo Yodai (Yoo Yoodai) —e—k‘á
Kagamiyama kokkyo no nishikie ("The Women's Chushingura"),
bunraku play, written 1783. Etext: ‰Á‰êŒ©ŽR‹Œ‹ÑŠG
(ed. ŽRãpŒ³Žj
trans. forthcoming see kabuki51
Yokoi Yayu ‰¡ˆä–ç—L (1702-1783)
Uzuragoromo ("Rags and Tatters"). Selections
tr. into German as "Das Wachtelkleid" in Naumann, Zauberschale,
1973, 349-371.
Yosa Buson äoŽÓ•“‘º
Buson kushu •“‘º‹åW
Yoshishige no Yasutane ŒcŽ •Ûˆû
Chiteiki ’r’à‹L˜^ (982) (tr. Watson; Dong)
Yoshida Kenko / Yoshida Kaneyoshi / Urabe
Kenko Œ“D (ca. 1283-ca. 1352)
Tsurezuregusa “k‘R‘ (tr. Keene; Grosbois and Yoshida)
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Zeami ¢ˆ¢–í (1363-1443)
Hare, Thomas Blenman. Zeami's Style. The Noh Plays of
Zeami Motokiyo. Stanford UP, 1986. Includes translations
of Takasago, Izutsu, Tadanori, and of passages
from several other plays.
Treatises Zeami juroku bushu ¢ˆ¢–í\˜Z•”W (tr. Rimer and
Yamazaki; see link for more).
De Poorter, Erika. Zeami's talks on sarugaku : an annotated
translation of the Sarugaku dangi: with an introduction on Zeami
Motokiyo. Amsterdam: J.G. Gieben, 1986. 303 p. (\Šy’k‹`E‰ŽŠy’k‹`j
Matisoff, Susan. "Images of Exile and Pilgrimage: Zeami's
Kintosho." MN 34 (1979): 449-65.
for noh plays see separate bibliography
under titles: Aridoshi, Atsumori, Hanagatami, Higaki,
Izutsu, Kiyotsune, Koi no omoni, Koya monogurui, Nishiki, Nomori,
Nue, Oimatsu, Saigyozakura, Sakuragawa, Sanemori, Sekidera Komachi,
Semimaru, Suma Genji, Tadanori, Taema, Takasago, Toru, Tsuchiguruma,
Ukon, Unoha, Yashima, Yoro, Yumi Yawata. (for more plays possibly
written or revised by Zeami see Hare 1986:44-47 [Table 1])
Rokurin ichiro no ki ˜Z—Öˆê˜I”V‹L (tr. Nearman)
Many thanks to Kenneth J. Bryson for pointing
out numerous errors and omissions.
Note (1) The Japanese title for Bakin's Nimase
no ki cannot be written in the limited JIS character set.
The first kanji is n without the element ŠÛ. I'll add a
mojikyo link sometime. -->return to entry
This page added 99/12/19. Updated 2001/02/13
Michael Watson <>