Texts and translations of kyôgen 狂言

The following is a list in alphabetical order of title of kyôgen plays included in standard Japanese collections. Translations into English as well as French and some other Western languages are noted. Please refer also to the "kyôgen" section in the main pmjs translation bibliography. Of related interest: page listing translations of noh plays.

Michael Watson. Last revised 2007.04.22

Plays titles are listed below in romanization and in Japanese characters. Both modern and older kanji forms are given where these differ. Note is made also to alternative forms of Japanese titles. Many romanized titles could be written as a single word (Bôshibari), hyphenated (Bô-shibari), or as two words (Bô shibari). In each case I have chosen the form that seems most natural, but give some alternatives to help in web searches.   
        This is followed by the reading in kana to aid in searching, and an abbreviated reference to one or more modern Japanese editions. References to Western-language books and articles have also usually been abbreviated. [Japanese references] [Western references]   
        I will add translations as I learn of them--and would much appreciate hearing of more. Help is also needed for Japanese characters for certain titles and for information about published editions. [Acknowledgements][Details needing confirmation.]
        Recent changes: addition of information about plays translated by Keeny (1969), McKinnon (1968), Noguchi (1916-17) and Shimoi et al. (1920).  Addition of JSTOR links to journals online.            Many more play titles are translated in the "Categorical List of Classical Plays" by Don Kenny (The Kyogen Book, pp. 235-243).

Reference to works in Japanese (text editions, handbooks)

NBZ = Furukawa Hisashi and Nomuro Kaizô, ed. Kyôgenshû. 3 vols. Nihon bungaku zensho. Asahi Shinbunsha, 1953-1956. *Listed by vol. number only when play is not included in more modern edition. Full contents below.

Kyôgen shûsei = Nonomura Kaizô and Andô Tsunejirô, eds. Kyôgen shûsei (1931; reprint Nôgaku Shorin, 1974). 野々村戒三 ADD.

NKBT 42, NKBT 43 = Koyama Hiroshi, ed. Kyôgenshû. 2 vols. Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei, vol. 42-43. Iwanami shoten: 1960-61. (小山弘志校注『狂言集』上下)

SNKZ 60 = Kitagawa Tadahiko and Yasuda Akira, eds. Kyôgenshû. Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshû, vol. 60. Shôgakukan, 2001. 574 p. *original text with accompanying modern Japanese translation. **ed. note to self: check edition for remaining 14 plays not listed online.

To confirm Japanese titles and readings, I have referred to:
Hashimoto, "Zenran"Hashimoto Asao, "Kyôgen sakuhin zenran," pp. 121-161 in Takemoto Mikio and Hashimoto Asao, eds., Nô kyôgen hikkei. Bessatsu Kokubungaku no. 48. Gakutôsha, 1995. 橋本朝生編「狂言作品全覧」(『能・狂言必携』).

Bibliographical references for translations and studies

Many translations from the 1880s-1920s  appeared in periodicals that few libraries hold. As anyone interested can find full details in the backmatter of Sakanishi's The Ink-Smeared Lady (1938, repr. 1960, 1967), I have noted simply the English (or French) titles of older translations and their date, giving the name of translators only in the case of  well-known figures like Umeko Tsuda (founder of Tsuda College, who published some translations in Eigo Seinen, an English-education journal that is still going strong.)

The abbreviation "n.s." means that the editor of this page has not seen a particular translation. This is true also in all cases where I note that a translation (or summary) is "...cited by Sakanishi 1938."

Brazell, Traditional Japanese Theater, 1998 = Brazell, Karen. Traditional Japanese Theater: An Anthology of Plays: Columbia UP, 1998. [Kaminari 神 鳴 tr. Royall Tyler, Futari daimyô 二人大名 tr. Richard McKinnon, Busu 附子 tr. Don Kenny, Kusabira くさびら tr. Carolyn Anne Morley, Kagyû 蝸牛 tr. Kenny, Kamabara 鎌腹 tr. Ayako Kano, Kanaoka tr. Carolyn Haynes, Semi tr. Haynes]]

Brazell, Twelve Plays, 1998 =
Brazell, Karen, ed. Twelve Plays of the Noh and Kyôgen Theaters. Ithaca, New York: 1988. [Bôshibari 棒縛 tr. Eileen Kato, Semi 蝉 tr. Carolyn Haynes, Hoshigahaha  法師が母 tr. Carolyn Haynes]

Haynes, "Comic Inversion," 1988
=  Haynes, Carolyn. "Comic Inversion in Kyôgen:  Ghosts and the Nether World." The Journal of the Association of Teachers o Japanese 22.1 (April, 1988), 29-40. [Discussion with quotations from Asaina, Bakuchi Jûô, Bakurô, Hamaguri, Nushi, Seirai, Semi, Yao.] For fuller treatment, see: Carolyn Haynes,"Parody in the Maikyôgen and the Monogurui Kyôgen," Diss. Cornell University, 1988. [JSTOR]

Kenny, Kyogen Book, 1989 = Don Kenny, The Kyogen Book: An Anthology of Japanese Classical Comedies. Tokyo: Japan Times, 1989. [30 plays, here given in the romanization of the anthology, which omits macrons: Akutagawa, Bo Shibari, Busu, Cha Tsubo, Ebisu Daikoku, Fukuro Yamabushi, Fumi yamadachi, Futari-Bakama, Hikkukuri, Hone Kawa, Inabado, Kagami Otoko, Kaki Yamabushi, Kakushi-Danuki, Kaminari, Kane no Ne, Kawakami, Kenbutsu Zaemon, Mizu Kumi, Mizu Kake Muko, Nabe Yatsu Bachi, Niwatori Muko, Oni-Gawara, Rokunin So, Sanbon no Hashira, Setsubun, Tsuki-Mi Zato, Utsubo-Zaru, Yase Matsu, Yuzen.] *The titles of other plays in the repertoire are translated in the "Categorical List of Classical Plays" (pp. 235-243).

Lombard, Outline History, 1928 = Frank Alanson Lombard, The Outline History of the Japanese Drama, London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1928.

McKinnon, Selected Plays, 1968 = Richard McKinnon, Selected Plays of Kyôgen (Tokyo: Uniprint, 1968, also Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Books on Demand, 1968) [Webcat] [Bôshibari, Tsurigitsune, Kusabira, Busu, Kamabara, Kubihiki, Futari Daimyô, Kani Yamabashi, Utsubozaru]

Morley, Transformation, Miracles, and Mischief, 1993 =
Morley, Carolyn Anne. Transformation, Miracles, and Mischief: The Mountain Priest Plays of Kyôgen. Ithaca, N.Y., 1993. [Kani yamabushi 蟹山伏, Tsuto yamabushi 苞山伏, Kusabira くさびら, Fukurô yamabushi 梟山伏, Kaki yamabushi 柿山伏, Koshi inori 腰祈, Negi yamabushi 禰宜山伏, Kagyû 蝸牛]

Noguchi, Ten Kiogen, 1907 = Noguchi, Yone. Ten Kiogen in English. Tokyo, 1907. [Dobu-katchiri 丼礑, Kitsune-zuka 狐塚, Miyage no kagamiNiô 仁王, NukegaraOba ga sake 伯母が酒 Oni-gawara 鬼瓦, Oni no tsuchi, Suminuri onnaUri nusubito 瓜盗人]

Noguchi, Yôkyokukai, 1916-1917 = Publications in "The Yôkyokukai: A Magazine of the Japanese Lyrical Drama" (Tokyo), included in the "Eibunran" 英文欄, an "English column" in the monthly noh journal Yôkyokukai 謡曲界. I have seen all Noguchi's publications in this journal, but have not yet compared the journal translations with those in Ten Kiogen (1907).
    ["The Melon Thief"( Uri nusubito 瓜盗人), Yôkyokukai 5:3 (Sept. 1916); "The Demon's Mallet" (Oni no tsuchi), Yôkyokukai 5:4 (Oct. 1916); "The Bussu" (Busu 附子), Yôkyokukai 6:4 (April 1917); "Two Blind Men" (Dobu katchiri  丼礑). Yôkyokukai 6.1 (Jan. 1917); "The Monkey" (Utsubozaru 靱猿) Yôkyokukai 7:1 (July 1917); "The Souls Exchanged" (Ise monogatari (?), unidentified), Yôkyokukai 7:2 (Aug. 1917).]

Peri, "Farces japonaises," 1924 = Peri, Noël. "Farces japonaises." Japon et Extreme Orient, 1924. [Busu 附子, Hanako 花子, Hone-kawa, Kama-ppara 鎌腹, Niô 仁王, Rokunin sô [六人僧], Sôhachi [惣八・ 宗八], Suminuri onna, Tsuri kitsune 釣狐, Yao jizô [八尾地蔵?]]

Sadler, Japanese Plays, 1934 = Sadler, A. L. Japanese Plays: Nô-Kyôgen-Kyôgen. Sydney: Angus & Robertson Limited, 1934. [Akutarô 悪太郎, Asahina 朝比奈, Busshi 仏師, Dontarô 鈍太郎, Ebisu Daikoku [夷大黒], Esashi jûô 餌差十王, Hi no sake 樋の酒, Ishigami 石神, Itoma-bukuro, Kaki uri, Kasa no shita, Ko susubito, Koyaku-neri, Mizukumi shinbochi [?=水汲], Oni-gawara 鬼瓦, Rakuami 楽阿弥, Rokunin [?=六人僧], Shibiri しびり, Shika-gari, Shuyo, Surigai koto, Tako, Tsûen 通円]

Sakanishi, Ink Smeared Lady, 1938 = Sakanishi, Shio. The Ink Smeared Lady and Other Kyôgen. Boston, 1938, repr. Tokyo, 1960. [Suminuri onna, Hone-kawa, Buaku 武悪, Koji-dawara, Kitsune-zuka 狐塚, I-moji 伊文字, Oni no tsuchi, Oni-gawara 鬼瓦, Esashi jûô, Uri nusubito 瓜盗人, Dontarô 鈍太郎, Busu 附子, Fumi yamadachi 文山立, Niô 仁王, Sarugai koto, Hojo no tane, Dobu katchiri, Oba ga sake 伯母が酒, Itoma-bukuro, Teoi yamadachi, Mizu-ron muko, Kaminari 神鳴]
Sakanishi 1938 refers to the bibliography (139-142) and "List of Translations of Kyôgen" (143-150).

Shimoi et al, Kyôgen, 1920 = Kyôgen: XV [i.e. quindici] antiche farse giapponesi, traduzioni di H. Shimoi, R. Vingiani, N. Maciariello; con introduzione di Harukichi Shimoi [下位春吉]. Collana dei rami fioriti di Sakurà (Napoli: Sakurà, 1920), 177 pp. [Italian translations of: Cha-tsubo 茶壺 (Vaso di the), Kaki-yamabushi 柿山伏 (Il frate dei kaki), Dobu Katchiri 丼礑 (Dob!  Cacciri!), I-ro-ha 伊呂波 (A – B – C), Kawa-kami Jizô 川上地蔵 (Il Jizô sul fiume), Ko-nusubito 子盗人 (Ladro di bimbo), Mune-tsuki 胸突 (Pugno nel petto), San-nin katawa 三人片輪 (Tre deformi), Shidô hôgaku 止動方角 (“Ubicumque domate”), Sue-hirogari 末広がり (Allagara-punta), Sumi-nuri-onna 墨塗女 (La donna d’inchiostro), Uba [sic] ga sake 伯母ヶ酒 (Il sake della zia), Uchi-zata 内沙汰 (Causa privata), Uri-nusubito 瓜盗人 (Ladro di meloni), Utsubo-zaru 靭猿 (Scimmia per faretra)]

Sieffert, La tradition secrète, 1960 = Sieffert, René. Zeami, La tradition secrète du nô, suivie de Une journée de nô. Paris: Gallimard / Unesco, 1960. [Ishigami 石神, Buaku 武悪, Kagyû 蝸牛, Oba ga sake 伯母が酒]

Sieffert, Nô et Kyôgen, 1979 = Sieffert, René. Nô et Kyôgen. 2 vols. Paris: P.O.F. 1979. [Reprint 2000] [Vol. 1: Fuku no kami 福 の神, Nariagari 成上り, Narihira mochi 業平餅, Jishaku 磁石, Setsubun 節分, Fumi-ninai 文荷, Dondarô 鈍太郎, Shûron 宗論, Sado-gitsune 佐渡狐, Bô-shibari 棒縛, Nushi 塗師, Naki-ama 泣尼, Tô-zumô 唐相撲, Ka-zumô 蚊相撲, Inaba-dô 因幡堂, Sannin katawa 三人片輪, Naru kami 鳴神, Tsûen, Mizukake-muko 水掛聟, Asahina 朝比奈. Vol. 2: Suehirogari 末広, Utsubo-zaru 靱猿, Oni-gawara 鬼瓦, Roku jizô 六地蔵, Nabe yatsubachi 鍋八撥, Keimyô 鶏猫, Uko Sako [=Oko Sako] 右近左近, Tsukimi-zato 月見座頭, Suô otoshi 素袍落, Bôbô-gashira 茫々頭, Kintôzaemon 金藤左右衛門, Fumi yamadachi 文山立, Kuriyaki 栗焼, Chidori 千鳥, Susugi-gawa [ ], Kusabira くさびら, Niwatori muko 鶏聟, Ki rokuda 木六駄, Hige yagura 髭櫓, Makura monogurui  枕物狂.]

Tuck, "Comic Medieval Plays," 1928 = Oswald G. Tuck, "Some Comic Medieval Plays of Japan," Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society, London, 1928. [Summaries only? n.s.]

Tyler, Granny Mountains, 1978 =
Tyler, Royall. Granny Mountains: A Second Cycle of No Plays. Ithaca, N.Y., 1978. [Hanago 花子, Asaina 朝比奈, Shibiri しびり, Tsûen 通円, Jizô-mai 地蔵舞]

Tyler, Pining Wind , 1978 =
Tyler, Royall. Pining Wind. A Cycle of Nô Plays. Ithaca, N.Y., 1978. [Matsuyani 松脂, Kaminari 神鳴, Oni-gawara 鬼瓦, Kani yamabushi 蟹山伏]

See also the "kyôgen" section of the main translation bibliography. For other abbreviations--like "MN" for  the journal Monumenta Nipponica--see the introductory information to the same bibliography.

For more early translations see Sakanishi, Ink Smeared Lady, 1938:139-150. For summaries of the 257 currently performed plays see Don Kenny, A Guide to Kyôgen (Tokyo: Hinoki Shoten, 1968 [4th revised edition 1990]).

Many thanks to the following correspondents. Joshua Young (Cornell) confirmed that Martin Neumann's 5 Nô, 3 Kyôgen (Vienna: Rhombus, 1995) is not a collection of translations, but rather an orginal avant-garde work in German. Micah Auerback (Princeton) kindly sent details about the 1920 Italian collection by Shimoi et al
    Many thanks to Heekyung Keum (Harvard) for sending me information about Richard McKinnon's Selected Plays of Kyôgen.
Incomplete entries for which information is needed:
Entries with [kanji] and/or [edition] above are incomplete. Japanese characters are needed for the following titles not listed in Hashimoto's "Zenran": Itoma-bukuro, Kasa no shita,  Koyaku-neri, Miyage no kagami, Mizukumi shinbochi (=Ochanomizu?), Mizu-ron muko, Shika-gari, Shuyo [Shujyô?], Surigai koto, Susugi-gawa, Tako. Publication information is also needed. The following were listed by Hashimoto, but are not contained in kyôgen collections checked so far: Ebisu Daikoku 夷大黒, Fukurô yamabushi 梟山伏 (= Fukurô), Hi no sake 樋の酒, Hôjô no tane 謀生種, Hone-kawa 骨革, Kaki uri  柿売, Keimyô 鶏猫, Koshi inori 腰祈, Narukami [鳴神], Nukegara 抜殻 , Teoi yamadachi 手負山賊, Tôzumô 唐相撲, Tsuto yamabushi 苞山伏.

Can anyone identify the Japanese title of the following play?

It is very helpful when library catalogues list the contents of collections. Waseda's WINE OPAC is one of the best in this respect. The "NKZ" edition is cited above only in cases where a play is not available in more modern editions, but it might be helpful to give here the full list of play titles, as it includes plays for which an entry has not yet been created.

Furukawa Hisashi, ed. Kyôgenshû. 3 vols. Nihon koten zensho. Asahi Shinbunsha, 1953-6.

NKZ 1 三番叟 - 福の神 - 連歌毘沙門 - 恵比須毘沙門 - 若菜 - 餅酒 - 昆布柿 - 筑紫奥 - 末広がり - 墨塗 - 萩大名 - 入間川 - 鴈盗人 - 靭猿 - 今参 - 秀句傘 - 文蔵 - 二千石 - 痺り - 富士松 - 寝音曲 - 清水 - 栗焼 - 抜殻 - 附子 - 狐塚 - 真奪 - 宝の槌 - 鬮罪人 - 止動方角 - 素袍落
NKZ 2 縄綯 - 千鳥 - 木六駄 - 武悪 - 伊文字 - 八幡前 - 引敷聟 - 二人袴 - 包丁聟 - 法師が母 - 川上座頭 - 金岡 - 座禅 - 鈍太郎 - 塗師 - 岡太夫 - 髭櫓 - 伊呂波 - 鱸包丁 - 伯母が酒 - 水汲新発意 - 腹立ず - 花折新発意 - 布施無経 - 泣尼 - 名取川 - 宗論 - 蟹山伏 - 柿山伏 - 犬山伏 - 膏薬煉 - 鍋八撥 - 煎物 - 昆布売 - 合柿 - 伯養 - 丼礑 - 茶【カギ】座頭 - 月見座頭
NKZ 3 連歌盗人 - 花盗人 - 瓜盗人 - 三人片輪 - 茶壷 - 仏師 - 金津地蔵 - 文山立 - 悪坊 - 比丘貞 - 庵の梅 - 腰祈 - 枕物狂 - 今悔 - 朝比奈 - 餌指十王 - 節分 - 半銭 - 神鳴 - 鴬 - 八句連歌 - 居杭 - 米市 - 業平餅 - 鹿ぞ啼く - 鬼争 - 見物左衛門 - 唐人子宝 - 楽阿弥 - 鉢叩

Prepared by Michael Watson <watson[at]k.meijigakuin.ac.jp> (Meiji Gakuin University, Yokohama)
Added to the PMJS site: 2006.08.26.