pmjs logs for March 2002. Total number of messages: 54
* Columbia University Seminar (Aaron Skabelund)
* Accession Ceremonies translation (Yumiko Hulvey)
* Electronic version of Senmyoo? (Janick Wrona, Michael Watson, Charlotte von Verschuer)
* Shotoku Taishi, Ippen (David Gardiner)
* new members: Terry Waugh and Hiroshi Araki
* re-translating Sendai kujiki (Niels Guelberg, Michael Wachutka)
* PDA with multilingual display (English & Japanese)? (William Bodiford)
* Genji paperback (Royall Tyler)
* the famous courtesan, Sei Shonagon (Amanda Stinchecum)
* Genji resources on pmjs (Michael Watson)
* new members: Torquil Duthie, Ian Miller, Rieko Kamei
* Questionnaire: Japanese Archaeology (Walter Edwards)
* katakana names (Michael Watson, John Wallace, Lewis Cook)
* Shinbetsu hongi (Susan Burns)
* on non-Japanese names in Japanese (Robin Gill, Lawrence Marceau)
* Tosa nikki query (Denise O'Brien, John Wallace, Lawrence Marceau)
* Rajo-mon, a P.S. (Ivo Smits, John Bentley, John Bentley, Lawrence Marceau, Ingrid Parker)
* Hyakurensho (Hank Glassman, Michael Watson)
* [Nichigai] (Janine Beichman, Michael Watson)
* standardization [of Hokekyo] (Amanda Stinchecum, William Bodiford)
* [novels about pre-modern Japan] (Janine Beichman, Ingrid Parker)
* Competitive Sarugaku (Noel Pinnington, Barbara Nostrand)
* New Short-Term Fellowship (The Japan Foundation)
* Competitive Sarugaku (Noel Pinnington, Lewis Cook, Eric Rath)
* Heian conference announcement (Mikael Adolphson)
* new members: Dennis Hirota, Nicole Fabricand-Person, and Antje Papist-Matsuo
* kofun--tenpyou architecture (Pedro P. Palazzo de Almeida)
* Smallpox in the 11 th. c. and Toribeno (Ingrid Parker, Andrew Goble, Ingrid Parker)
* Japanese Archaeology Questionnaire (Walter Edwards)
* Good job for a recent grad (Karen Brazell)
* Genji materials online (Michael Watson)
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 23:09:59 -0500
From: "Aaron Skabelund" <>
Subject: Columbia University Seminar
Apologies for cross-posting.
The Columbia University Seminar on Modern Japan will be holding its March
Friday, March 8, 2002
Faculty House
West 116th Street
Columbia University
7 pm
Professor Ronald Frank
Department of History
Pace University
comments by
Federico Marcon
Department of East Asian Languages & Culture
Columbia University
Prior to the talk, interested participants can join the group for dinner,
from 6 p.m. for about $10. If interested in coming to dinner, please contact
Aaron Skabelund <> so that we can make the appropriate
We welcome you to come for the presentations and/or the dinner!
Co-chairs, University Seminar on Modern Japan, 2001-2:
Professor Barbara Brooks
History, CCNY
Visiting Professor, EALAC, Columbia, spring 2002
Professor Ronald Frank
History, Pace University
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 16:45:51 -0500
From: Yumiko Hulvey <>
Subject: Re: translation
Does anyone know if Robert Ellwood's The Feast of Kingship: Accession
Ceremonies in Ancient Japan (Tokyo: Sophia University, 1973) has been
translated into Japanese?
I would appreciate your help.
Yumiko Hulvey
Dr. S. Yumiko Hulvey
Associate Professor of Japanese
African & Asian Languages & Literature
431 Grinter Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-5565
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 07:02:27 +0000 (GMT)
From: Janick Wrona <>
Subject: Electronic version of Senmyoo?
Dear pmjs-members,
Does anyone know of an electronic text version of Senmyoo available on-line?
Any help will be much appreciated.
All the best
Janick Wrona
Hertford College
University of Oxford
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 18:41:45 +0900
From: (Michael Watson)
Subject: Re: Electronic version of Senmyoo?
There is a short senmyoo from the year 697 here
This is on a Man'yo site run by Murata Migifumi (Osaka Joshi
(I like the warning on the top page of his site
"Sorry, this page has no English. Please come again after learning
Japanese. Thank you.")
I found this through a google search for senmyoo. I only checked
a few pages, so you might find more, Janick.
P.S. As you may know, Liudmila Ermakova has published on senmyoo
in Russian. Her contact information is here:
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 23:29:28 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: new members
We welcome two new members, Terry Waugh and Hiroshi Araki. I enclose both
the English and Japanese versions of the profile sent by Professor Araki.
Terry Waugh <>
I am currently a student at the University of Sydney, Australia. My areas of
interest include Japanese Buddhist history as well as East Asian medical
Hiroshi Araki <>
Associate professor, Graduate School of Letters, Department of
Japanese Literature, Osaka University
My research is on medieval Japanese literature:
Tsurezuregusa and other zuihitsu, and
setsuwa or setsuwa bungaku, for example Konjaku-monogatari-shu,
Ujishui-monogatari, Shaseki-shu, Kokonchomon-shu.
Other interests include kyougenkigo, waka-dharaani, and
Myoe Dream diary.
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 15:17:24 +0900 (JST)
From: (Niels GUELBERG)
Subject: re-translating: Sendai kujiki
Karl Florenz has a complete translation of the Sendai kujiki
in his _Die historischen Quellen der Shinto-Religion_ (Historical
Sources of the Shinto-religion), published ca. 1910.
In the same work, there is also a partial translation of
the Nihon shoki.
Niels Guelberg
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 07:20:17 +0000
From: "Michael Wachutka" <>
Subject: Re: re-translating: Sendai kujiki
Karl Florenz has a complete translation of the Sendai kujiki
in his _Die historischen Quellen der Shinto-Religion_ (Historical
Sources of the Shinto-religion), published ca. 1910.
In the same work, there is also a partial translation of
the Nihon shoki.
That is not quite correct:
In Florenz's _Quellen_ (published 1919) he has a complete translation of
Kogoshui, Kojiki book 1 and Nihongi books 1-3, as well as extensive
translations from Kojiki books 2+3 and Nihongi books 4-30 wherever the
account is related to religious themes (i.e. not the sections on politics,
court intrigues, love-stories etc.)
Instead, Karl Florenz's _Japanische Mythology_ (1901), mainly a translation
with commentary on Nihongi books 1+2, contains in its appendix excerpts/
fragments from other works related to mythology (such as Kojiki and the
different Fudoki). The ones on KUJIKI are on pp. 275-282. However, they
only briefly give the genealogy of the seven generations of deities.
Greetings to all,
Michael Wachutka
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 22:50:18 -0800
From: William Bodiford <>
Subject: PDA with multilingual display (English & Japanese)?
Dear List members:
I wonder if anyone can recommend a PDA (personal digital assistant)
devise that is available for purchase within the United States, that has an
English-language operating system, and that will display Japanese? I have
heard that some PDAs with Japanese-language versions of the Palm OS are
sold in Japan. What I want, though, is merely to install Japanese software
into an English language PDA so that I can store Japanese addresses and
names in kanji. Does such a beast exist?
Thank you for your suggestions.
William Bodiford (
Phone: 310--206-8235; FAX 310--825-8808
Dept. of East Asian Languages and Cultures
290 Royce Hall; Box 951540
Los Angeles CA 90095-1540
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 23:12:17 -0700
From: David Gardiner <>
Subject: Shotoku Taishi, Ippen
I know that Michael Como, now at the College of William and Mary, did
his Stanford dissertation on biographies of Shotoku Taishi, and so he
may have produced or may know of materials in English. His email
address is:
Also, James Foard at Arizona State University has I believe done more
work on Ippen Shonin than just his contribution to _Flowing Traces_
(for example, his Stanford dissertation was on Ippen). His email
address is:
David Gardiner
Colorado College
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 18:53:40 +1100
From: Royall Tyler <>
Subject: Genji paperback
Dear All,
I'm sorry to report that Viking-Penguin has just decided not to have a
paperback of Genji in the bookstores until Dec. 1. My editor wrote:
We are postponing the Penguin paperback editionof GENJI from
September 2002 to January 2003, because it's going to headline a huge
re-launch of Penguin Classics which has just been finalized (and extremely
well funded), and is going to make a great deal of noise starting at the
beginning of the year.
Genji will apparently be the "standard bearer" for the campaign. Later she
says it will be on sale on Dec. 1 this year. She's sure both Viking and I
will benefit, and I have nothing against that, but I know many colleagues
will have been planning to ordering the paperback for fall semester courses.
Royall Tyler
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 08:11:49 -0500
From: "Amanda Stinchecum" <>
Subject: the famous courtesan, Sei Shonagon
On p. E8 of Wednesday's (March 6) New York Times, former star Times film
critic (now become a "literary critic") Janet Maslin reviews a novel
called, A Collection of Beauties at
the Height of Their Popularity, by Whitney Otto. The title is derived
from "Kitagawa Utamaro's images of cortesans from famous geisha houses . .
." This book, however, also follows the format of Makura no soushi, by the
"10th-century courtesan Sei Shonagon . . . "
It appears to be the novelist's conflation of Utamaro's women of the ukiyo
with Sei Shonagon that has led Ms. Maslin astray, but she might havehad an
underling do a little fact-checking. Perhaps I am making a lot of fuss
about not much, but it seems to me that this is symptomatic of much larger
and deeper realms of misinformation and prejudice about Japan.
Perhaps a not too self-righteous letter should be sent to the Times, or
even an Op-Ed piece written.
Amanda Stinchecum
Brooklyn, New York
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 20:26:21 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: Genji resources on pmjs
Announcement of a new addition to pmjs resources:
Lawrence Marceau has contributed a fine chart of Genji chapter titles which
readers will find helpful.
It gives page numbers for chapters in Royall Tyler's translation (not
included in the table of contents, as was noted earlier when I announced a
more modest effort of my own).
Lawrence's chart lists the original Japanese chapter (maki) titles with
historical kana readings in rubi, romanized titles, and English chapter
names not only in Royall's translation, but also those by Seidensticker,
Waley, McCullough, and Suematsu. (The last two translations cover only part
of the work, of course.)
Rubi and diacritics together are a tall order but the web version does open
successfully, if slowly, in Internet Explorer. There are some problems,
mainly aesthetic, for Netscape users.* However you can also download the
same chart in Microsoft Word format and add your own annotations or
The page given above also contains links for other Genji resources, all
announced earlier.
-- my own version of charts of chapters/page numbers in the Tyler
translation (only)
-- web version of Richard Bowring's genealogical chart
If anyone out there has any useful charts or files of interest to members
of this list, do let me know and I will place them online.
Michael Watson
* In making the charts, the original Microsoft Word file was converted
using the "save as html" function. This creates a page in Unicode encoding.
Depending on your browser, you may have to change the "Language Encoding"
(moji code) manually to "Unicode (UTF-8)" or "Universal Alphabet" (UTF-8)."
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 12:35:26 +0900 (JST)
From: (Niels GUELBERG)
Subject: correction & apology
Niels Guelberg
In my last mail, I referred to a collection of translations by Karl Florenz, but this collection
does not, as Michael has pointed out, include a translation of the _Sendai kujiki_. There was one text, not translated by Aston, but it is the _Kogo shuui_ (Gleanings from Old Words), written in 808. Florenz has a remark in his introduction about the _Kujiki_, which has to be excluded from the authentic sources, because the authentic work, written in 620 by Shotoku Taishi, was destroyed by a fire in 645. The extant _Kujiki_ is in his opinion a later fake, which may include some old, authentic material. (Florenz, Historischen Quellen der Shinto-Religion, Goettingen & Leipzig 1919, p. VI: "aber wir haben dieses letztere Werk aus der Reihe der authentischen Quellen auszuscheiden, denn das echte, im Jahre 620 vom Prinzen Shootoku taishi verfasste Kujiki ist 645 durch Feuer vernichtet worden, und das vorhandene gleichnamige Werk ist eine sehr viel spaeter aufgemachte Faelschung, wenn es auch im einzelnen alte gute Materialien
enthalten mag.")
I'm sorry for my mistake, but in my opinion it doesn't matters, if a work was translated before, because every translation is a new interpretation.
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 14:19:00 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: new members
We welcome three new members to pmjs.
Torquil Duthie <>
I am a PhD candidate at Columbia University, currently affiliated with
Waseda. My dissertation is on the early Man'yoshu.
Ian Miller <>
Ph.D. Candidate, Columbia University. Modern cultural and intellectual
Rieko Kamei <>
First year PhD student in Asian Studies at UBC.
P.S. In reference to Niels Guelberg's mail and earlier ones by Niels and
Michael Wachutka--if you have forgotten the context of the "Sendai kujiki"
discussion, you will find the topic was raised originally by
John Bentley, whose comments can be read in the logs for February 24.
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 14:30:47 +0900
From: Walter Edwards <>
Subject: Questionnaire: Japanese Archaeology
Questionnaire: Japanese Archaeology (What Do Western Scholars Want to
To: Western scholars, students, and others interested in
achaeology/Asian Studies/Japan
It is generally well known that archaeology is very active in Japan,
with thousands of excavations conducted annually, and volumes of data
published. At the same time, a frequently heard complaint is that too
little information is available in English, and that Western scholars
remain largely uninformed of what goes on in Japanese archaeology as a
The Japanese Archaeological Association is attempting to improve this
situation. It has established an International Exchange Committee to
consider, among other things, how to increase the output of
English-language information on Japanese archaeology. As a member of
this committee, I have been asked to survey the potential audience about
what kind of information, and in what format, would be most appreciated.
Please copy the questions below into an e-mail message addressed to
Walter Edwards <>, answering as many as
you feel appropriate. The content of your response will be conveyed
to the Japanese Archaeological Association; no personal information
such as names or e-mail addresses will be passed to anyone other
than the recipient of your message.
Thank you very much for any cooperation you can provide.
Walter Edwards
Professor and Chair, Department of Japanese Studies
Tenri University, Tenri, Nara, Japan
(What Do Western Scholars Want to Know?)
Please answer as many questions as you feel appropriate.
1. What kind of materials on Japanese archaeology would you like to see
be made available in English?
<Mark all appropriate categories with an "X" >
journal abstracts
brief site reports
annual reviews of the field
news briefs
other (specify)
2. What period(s) are you interested in for these materials?
<Mark all appropriate categories with an "X" >
Kofun (Old Tomb)
other (specify)
3. Apart from an Internet website, in what medium or format would you
like to see this information available (specify)?
5. How would you describe your occupation? [For statistical purposes
<Mark the appropriate category with an "X" >
researcher/educator (university level)
educator (primary/secondary level)
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 12:15:48 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: katakana names
Where does authority lie when establishing the "correct" katakana form of
names of non-Japanese?
Version with Japanese characters here: katakana
For common-as-mud names like "Michael Watson" or "Lewis Cook"(sorry
Lewis!), the "owner" of the name has little choice but to follow the usual
Japanese ways of rendering common personal names and surnames. But in other
cases, I wonder.
The reason I ask is that I'm just finishing up the "de aru" form of a talk
I gave at a Handai symposium organized by Ii Haruki (I was impressed to see
how many of you had sent in written papers).
Discussing the work of the late Helen McCullough, I wrote her name
as I have always heard it pronounced, but Fukuda Hideichi writes it
in a survey of Western work on GUNKI (in Kajiwara Masaaki, _Gunki bungaku
to sono shuuen_, Kyuko shoin, 2000, p. 275).
When I asked Professor Fukuda about this a number of years ago, he said that
William McCullough wrote it this way. Can anyone confirm this?
A great variety of katakana forms are found on Webcat to represent *other*
authors called McCulloughs --and surely none with the W.H. and
H.C.McCullough's command of Japanese.
--- (David McCullough, makaruu)
-- (Coleen McCullough, makurou)
Those of you with a "V" (or German "W") in your names have presumably
hesitated over whether to go with H-gyou (B-) or"U chon chon". Webcat was
my authority to find how Paul Varley writes his name. A translation of
"Japanese Culture"(Nihon bunka shoushi) came out under the form:
[ (Vaaree, in other words U chon chon). But would it be
completely wrong (or rude to Paul Varley) to write it as I would
(mis?)pronounce it in Japanese: (Baarii)
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 20:33:44 -0800
From: John R Wallace <>
Subject: Re: katakana names
I do think Fukuda's rendition is closest to the way I generally hear her
name pronounced. Mack Horton probably knows exactly how she wrote her name.
It would be interesting to know if she and her husband agreed on what
katakana to use for their last names. I have a similar problem with Wallace
[Woreesu or Woresu]--both have been used for people who have made it
into history books and reference works).
John Wallace
Dept. of Asian Languages
Stanford University
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 21:00:26 +0900
From: "Lewis Cook" <>
Subject: Re: katakana names
I'd second Fukuda's version of "McCullough"here without hesitation
(and would avoid "makarou" even if it were closer to the American
pronunciation, which it isn't, to my ear).
[Ruisu kukku] (common as mud?)
pmjs readers may wonder why I don't just use katakana here. The reason is that pages in "Western encoding" can be indexed and searched with the service now used whereas pages in Japanese encoding cannot.
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 21:36:55 +0900
From: Charlotte von Verschuer <>
Subject: Semmyo
Does anyone know if Robert Ellwood's TheFeast of Kingship: Accession
Ceremonies in Ancient Japan (Tokyo: Sophia University, 1973) has been
translated into Japanese?
Yumiko Hulvey
Here is a full translation with comments of the Semmyo:
Zachert, Herbert, Semmyo - die kaiserlichen Erlasse des Shoku-Nihongi,
Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1950. About 170 pages.
Today's online version of the Asahi announced that
Professor Kate Wildman Nakai, Sophia University / Editor,
Monumenta Nipponica, is one of three recipients of the 14th
Watsuji Tetsurô Prize, for her book, _Arai Hakuseki no
seiji senryaku: Jugaku to shiron_ (University of Tokyo
Congratulations, Kate!!!!!!
Charlotte von Verschuer
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 09:39:58 -0600
From: Susan Burns <>
Subject: [Shinbetsu hongi]
I'm seeking information about the (I believe) early Heian work, Shinbetsu hongi, as well as the text itself. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Susan Burns
University of Texas at Austin
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 11:30:02 -0500
From: "robin gill" <>
Subject: on non-japanese names in japanese
Dear PMJS members, with or without names in Japan:
Almost twenty years with a Japanese publisher specializing in translated books gives me a bit of first hand perspective on how things are done when it comes to names.
When I wasn't certain of the pronunciation, I asked the author; but thename that was settled was not necessarily closest to the "correct"sound for three reasons:
Precedence. Even names less common than "Michael" or "Lewis"often have been translated. If the author has been done by someone else and is known, one has no choice but to abide by it. I don't know if Groucho's autobiography (which I saw at Tuttle-Mori) ever sold, but chances are that if it did, Groucho was "Gurucho'ed," for he has been Gurucho in Japanese as long as Beverly Hills has been beaverly! If science cannot undo the insulting Didus Ineptus for said peaceful bird, what can editors do?
Euphony. This may surprise some of you, but on a number of occasions when there was no precedence, the closest approximation was not used because the editors and the eigyo-bu thought it was "kimochi warui"(sorry, if I had a good memory you'd get examples) which is anargument one cannot argue against, so a more kako-ii version was chosen! If your name --- or that of someone you are introducing--- is not yet established in Japan, you might consider this beforechoosing the katakanification.
Native Sense. If it were me, I'd put the "bo" after the "ka"rather than after the "ra" in the Japanized"McCullough," for, if I am not mistaken, there is a slight accent on the second syllable and we should be going for the sound sense rather than the letters (in English "ou" is not long). But Japanese will do it as they will do. I ended up telling the Japanese editors to ask me for the sound (auditorily repeated) and makeup your own minds, for what is katakana is plainly Japanese!
There is one additional problem, pmjs members who have not established a name in Japan might bear in mind. Be certain no one else has thesame name as yours! In my case, an English theologian who happens to be a prolific writer shares "Robin Gill," so my books are hopelessly mixed with Christian writings on the net and in all the library catalogues! A middle initial would have prevented this.
robin d gill
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 12:08:07 -0500
From: Lawrence Marceau <lmarc...@...l.Edu>
Subject: Re: on non-japanese names in japanese
I believe that NII (National Institute for
"Informatics") is charged with creating name
standardization, not only with katakana words from the
"west," but also with kanji terms shared with China, Korea,
I don't believe they've been entirely successful,
however, as we've seen from Webcat searches...
Lawrence Marceau (francophone [marusoo], not Americanized
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 16:35:52 -0500
From: "Denise O'Brien" <>
Subject: Tosa nikki query
While theTosa nikki is often seen as foundational to the development of Japanese prose narrative, is there any evidence that it was read by theauthor of the Kagero nikki or by Murasaki Shikibu and her contemporaries? There are allusions to Ki no Tsurayuki's poems in the Kagero nikki, the Izumi Shikibu nikki, the Eiga monogatari, Murasaki's nikki and the Genji, and Sei Shonagon refers to him by name atleast twice in the Pillow Book. But, there don't seem to be any references to the Tosa nikki, even in the allusions to poems (which are from other sources). It is, of course, possible for a text to be influential without it being directly referenced but I'm curious to know what the group
thinks or knows of the Tosa nikki's availability or reading history in the decades after it was written.
Regards, Denise O'Brien
Department of Anthropology
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA
FAX: 215-204-1410 E-Mail:
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 14:11:19 -0800
From: John R Wallace <>
Subject: Re: Tosa nikki query
Imanishi Yuchiro "'Watakushi'no ichi: Tosa nikki, Kagero nikki"in 9-10
seiki no bungaku, vol. 2 of Iwanami koza: Nihon bungaku shi (Iwanami shoten,
1996), 69, claims that the writer of Kagero is unaware of Tosa. I thinkhe
may well be correct. The larger issue of how disconnected the major Heian
memoirs seems to be from one other, not necessarily in their ideas and their
points of view but in their lack of specific references (save Murasaki's
comments in her journal about Izumi and Sei Shonagon), suggests something
though I'm not quite sure what. My instinct is to hypothesize that first,
nikki were of such low status that there was little value in alluding to
them and second that nikki indeed had very limited distribution. Though
claims that Kagero was meant for only one person (as a letter to a relative)
or the same for Murasaki Shikibu nikki (as meant to be gifted to Shoshi
alone) seem overdrawn, it is not hard to imagine limited distribution and
control of the text, probably by the writer's family. That Sarashina nikki
clearly has picked up a number of themes from Kagero might indicate that it
was being more freely distributed a couple of generations after its writing
but, on the other hand, Sarashina's writer is related to Michitsuna no haha
so, again, the text may still be circulating primarily along family lines or
individuals associated with the family.
John Wallace
Stanford University
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 02 13:34:28 +0100
From: Ivo Smits <>
Subject: Re: Rajo-mon, a P.S.
Dear all,
with my students I happen to be reading the story in "Konjaku
monogatarishuu" (29:18) of the robber who climbed the second story of
Rajoumon and found an old woman pulling the hair out of her mistress'
This leads me to two queries/remarks, as a postscript,to the Rajou-mon
thread earlier.
1) as Bob Borgen remarked earlier in this discussion, the 12th-century
"Konjaku" contains several stories in which Rajoumon is presented as
still standing. Should we read these as historical fiction, if we assume
(as the evidence certainly suggests) that the gate was never rebuilt
after 980?
BTW, it seems that there was an abortive attempt to re-rebuild the gate
in 1004 (Nihon kiryaku, Kankou1.uruu9.5, and Mido kanpakuki,
Kankou2.9.10, according to Kokushi daijiten)
2) getting back to the question that set off the whole discussion ("Would
the Tokaido leave from the Rasho gate or at the (I think it would be)
Sanjo gate?"), the Konjaku story tells how the robber is hiding inside
the gate (ground floor) because there are so many people on Suzaku
Avenue. Then he hears how travelers from Yamashiro Province arrive from
the other side of the gate, so he hides upstairs.
In other words, in this story Rajou-mon really functions as the main
entrance for travelers coming from the east of the capital. Is this at
all reliable information?
And and extra point, but not one that really bothers me, is that Konjaku
glosses have "Rasei-mon" rather than "Rajou-mon": or "Rashou-mon".
Indeed, vol. 14 of "Kokushi daijiten" says that "Rasei" was the official
designation, that "Rashou" was its "informal name" (zokushou ëèÃ) and
that only in the middle ages did "Rashou-mon" became the generally
accepted pronunciation.
Best wishes,
Ivo Smits
Leiden University
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 07:17:05 -0600
From: "John R. Bentley" <>
Subject: Re: Rajo-mon, a P.S.
Just a small note about this extra point.
And and extra point, but not one that really bothers me, is that Konjaku
glosses have "Rasei-mon" rather than "Rajou-mon": or "Rashou-mon".
Indeed, vol. 14 of "Kokushi daijiten" says that "Rasei"was the official
designation, that "Rashou" was its "informal name"(zokushou ëèÃ) and
that only in the middle ages did "Rashou-mon" became the generally
accepted pronunciation.
Assuming the gate was completed in the early to mid Nara era, the
name would have likely been based on the Chang'an dialect
(of Late Middle Chinese) of Chinese. This results in Rasei-mon.
Likely, people later read the characters in the more nativized,
earlier readings (so-called Go'on).
The idea of 'official' or 'informal' is, in my opinion, a rather
misdirected explanation of what is probably nothing more
than a simple linguistic phenomenon.
John Bentley
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 07:32:26 -0600
From: "John R. Bentley" <>
Subject: Re: Rajo-mon, a P.S.
Sorry if my first posting was vague.
My comments were directed to the
Kokushi daijiten and not Professor
John Bentley
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 09:27:49 -0600
From: "John R. Bentley" <>
Subject: Re: Rajo-mon, a P.S.
Sorry to keep repeating myself.
Professor Smits reminded me that Heian-kyou
wasn't built in the Nara period. I am under the
impression (correct me if I'm wrong) that the
Rashou gate (or its concept) is originally Chinese,
so Heijou-kyou may have already had it.
At any rate, the kan-on reading is what I
wish to draw attention to, and the fact that
the populace in general probably kept the
older Go-on reading.
Sorry for the confusion.
John Bentley
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 12:05:53 -0500
From: Lawrence Marceau <lmarc...@...l.Edu>
Subject: Re: Tosa nikki query
I wouldn't be surprised if Murasaki Shikibu had not had
access to Tosa nikki, but I have always assumed that she had
read, and been profoundly struck by, Kagerou nikki. A
cursory glance at Japanese reference books reveals that
Japanese scholars believe that Kagerou nikki "strongly
influenced" Genji monogatari. As Konishi in volume 2 of his
History notes, Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shounagon were both
related by marriage to the author of Kagerou nikki, and it
is not unlikely that they both read the work in some form or
Lawrence Marceau
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 15:13:27 -0500
From: Lawrence Marceau <lmarc...@...l.Edu>
Subject: Re: Rajo-mon, a P.S.
2 very small points and a question:
1. The earliest edifices of Heian-kyou were indeed planned
and constructed during the Nara period. I believe the South
Gate was one of the earliest built, even though it did
indeed collapse (several times).
2. Heijou-kyou (the Nara Capital) also had a
Rajou/Rashou/Rasei Gate, albeit on a smaller scale, I
suppose, than the later structure.
Therefore, John Bentley's assertion of a pronunciation
that approximated that imported from Chang an (Middle
Chinese) seems reasonable, with later shifts due to
alternative pronunciations as they appeared from other parts
of China in the 9th century.
I neither have a copy of Kokushi daijiten nor a Middle
Chinese dictionary at hand, but would the pronunciation be
the same whether the character were that for "life/draught
beer" (sei, sheng1) as it would be if the character were
"walled city/castle" (jô/shiro, cheng2)?
Lawrence Marceau
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:30:14 -0500
From: Hank Glassman <>
Subject: Hyakurensho: was Tosa nikki query
While we're on the subject of who might or might not have read what,
I'd like to ask what people think the breadth of readership for the
late 13th/early 14th C. kanbun history text _Hyakurenshou_ would have
been in the late medieval or early Edo period. The text was not
printed until the nineteenth century, but what kinds of people might
have had access to hand-written copies? Any thoughts?
thanks in advance,
Hank Glassman
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 15:47:28 -0600
From: "John R. Bentley" <>
Subject: Re: Rajo-mon, a P.S.
Lawrence Marceau wrote,
2 very small points and a question:
I neither have a copy of Kokushi daijitennor a Middle
Chinese dictionary at hand, but would the pronunciation be
the same whether the character were that for "life/draught
beer" (sei, sheng1) as it would be if the character were
"walled city/castle" (jô [shiro], cheng2)?
According to Pulleyblank's Lexicon of Reconstructed Pronunciation
in both Early Middle Chinese (EMC) and Late Middle Chinese (LMC)
there is a difference.
[sei] sheng1 EMC SiajN LMC Sa:jN
[jô (shiro)] cheng2 EMC dziajN LMC SHiajN
[Note, S =voiceless retroflex fricative, N = velar nasal, H =
glottal fricative]
To the Japanese in the Nara era these may have been
pronounced almost identical. Old Japanese does not allow
voiced initials, other than in loans. I assume the gate was
pronounced something close to rajiau in Nara, but I'm
speculating off the top of my head here.
If the word had 'life' in it, it might have been pronounced
something close to ra-siau. Notice that velar nasals in
Chinese always go to -u in Japanese.
Not sure if that helps.
John Bentley
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 12:42:33 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: Re: Hyakurensho
There is certainly evidence that Hyakurenshou (also read Byakurenshou) was used in the Edo period. It was one of over a hundred historical sources consulted by the Mito compilers of the "Sankou Genpei Jousuiki" as part of the "Dainihonshi" project. Their annotated edition was completed in 1702 (Genroku 15) but not published until 1731 (Kyouhou 16). See introduction to _Shintei genpei jousuiki_ (vol. 1, p. 31), ed. Mizuhara Hajime (Shinjinbutsu Oraisha, 1988).
The Hyakurenshou is *not* thought to be one of the historical sources used by the writers/editors of the Heike itself. See the short but usefularticle by Masuda Takashi in Ichiko Teiji, ed., _Heike monogatari kenkyujiten_ (Meiji Shoin, 1978), pp. 480-1. Masuda mentions that the title Hyakurenshou did not become attached to the work until "Kindai" (when and by whom is not mentioned).
[In the introduction to her SHUNKI translation, Francine Herail translates the title as "Notes cent fois polies"--literally "onehundred polished sheets of notes"?]
Study on the Hyakurenshou itself seems to focus on what sources were used byits compiler(s)--its relation to earlier historical "tsuushi"(how do we translate that?) and kanbun diaries--rather than onits possible diffusion or influence. By the sound of things,the work was not widely read. (There is only one extant manuscript copy.)
I've sent Hank a list of eight articles on Hyakurenshou--thanks to the Nichigai service that I find so useful these days.
Michael Watson
The Rajomon/Rashomon is a topic that we can't exhaust!
Our earlier discussions can be read here:
--pmjs editor
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 22:07:11 +0900
From: janine <>
Subject: [Nichigai]
Michael, could you explain a little more about the Nichigai service. I
followed the link but it seems that to even get an introductory explanation
one needs to download a 700 kb file. Surely I must be missing something, but
that's all I can find. I think I tried a free trial of this a few years ago,
and it was quite helpful, but pretty pricey if one wanted to continue after
the free trial. It would be great if it were free but that seems unlikely.
Thanks, Janine
Postscript by editor (2002.04). The Nichigai service is discussed ins an excellent introduction to
The Use of Japanese Electronic Databases in North American Libraries by Kristina Kade Troost (Duke University). If this page on the AAS site has disappeared, see pages at ATJ
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 09:30:54 EST
Subject: Rajoo-mon
For purely selfish reasons, I have been so pleased with the continued
interest on Rajoo-mon (Rashoo-mon, Rashomon, Razeimon). Prior discussions
here about when precisely the gate existed were important for me because I
was readying for publication a novel which features the gate in the 11th
century (early).
I have no problem with the concept of a series of disasters and
reconstructions. Japanese building methods and materials make this likely
and possible. I, too, relied heavily on the evidence in Konjaku-monogatari
for a later existence of the gate.
However, Robert Borgen's reference to Michinaga hauling away the foundation
stones to use in a temple he was building gave me pause (a wonderful book
about Sugawara no Michizane, by the way. I bought it and wish I had known it
earlier). That is so like Michinaga. Presumably this happened in 1023.But
Michinaga's Hoojoo-ji was finished in 1019. I did not notice any temple
projects in 1023, but perhaps the Tsuchimikado mansion was under construction?
Everything considered, I still lean towards continued reconstruction of the
gate because of Konjaku-monogatari. It seems to me that negative evidence
(nobody else mentions the gate after 1023?) is not proof that it wasn't
Please keep the comments coming. In fact, anything pertaining to the
appearance of Heian-kyo in the early 11th century is greatly needed and
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 10:44:22 -0500
From: "Amanda Stinchecum" <>
Subject: standardization
I am involved in a long-term translating project for a Japanese museum,and am having some problems with titles of well known texts.
Is the Princeton Companion to Classical Japanese Literature the standard reference for English titles, and for romanization of Japanese titles,or is it regarded as out of date or in some other way unsatisfactory? Is there another reference generally used not only by scholars but by publishers and editors for this purpose?
Could someone tell me what is the accepted romanization for the short title of the Lotus Sutra--is it Hokkekyou or Hokekyou, and is one used by one group of scholars and the other by another?
Amanda Stinchecum
Brooklyn, New York
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 15:57:06 -0800
From: William Bodiford <>
Subject: Re: standardization of Hokekyo
Dear Amanda Stinchecum:
Pronunciation of Buddhist terms indeed resists all attempts at standardization. Frequently thepronunciation depends on lineage affiliation or even on affiliationto subgroups within lineages. Fortunately that is NOT the case in regards to the Lotus Sutra. The standard pronunciation is: Hokekyou (normally romanized as: Hokekyo). When used in reference to something other than the sutra, though, the word frequently ispronounced "hokke" (as in Hokke-e, Hokke genki,Hokke hakkou, etc.).
I hope this helps.
.......William Bodiford
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 13:21:36 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: Nichigai database
Janine Beichman asks about the Nichigai database. This allows one to search for publications in Japanese journals. It has very good coverage of university kiyou (so far I have only failed to find a known article in the period covered, 1975 to present).
It is possible to pay for a private subscription, as Janine noted, but access through one's university library is the norm in Japan. I go to a link on my university home page, and so can Janine
Note that users must access the database from inside their university LAN, but there is a simple (and legal) way around this so that one can log on from home (details to anyone who is interested--it involves changing the "proxy" settings and using one's university login ID and password).
Search by word in title, part or all of author's name, or by journal title is possible. I use this to get bibliographies of all journal articles sorted by author and date.
For an example I looked for "Lotus Sutra" (in English). Two premodern-Japan related hits included:
These two reference contain the ISSN of the journal. This is the speediest and surest way to check if the journal is held (1) in my own university library, or (failing that), (2) by which other universities in Japan. In the second case, I email the details to my librarian whoobtains a photocopy for the cost of postage and copying.
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 23:46:45 +0900
From: janine <>
Subject: [novels about pre-modern Japan]
Ingrid's mention of her novel reminds me: recently Shelley Mydans died. She was a
prisoner of the Japanese, along with her husband the photographer Carl Mydans,
during World War II (they both worked for Life magazine). Among her other
accomplishments were several novels, one about her experiences as a prisoner, and
the other, called The Vermilion Bridge (published in 1980 by Doubleday), about 8th
century Japan. I am curious as to whether anyone on the list has read that novel
and if so whether they could tell us how accurate it is, and I'm wondering if you
have read it Ingrid, and what you think of it. Is there perhaps a "line" of
writers in English who have written novels about ancient/medieval/pre-modernJapan
and feel related to each other?
And many thanks to Michael for the further information on Nichigai.
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 07:42:23 +0900
From: "Noel John Pinnington" <>
Subject: Competitive Sarugaku
Does anyone know of any studies that consider in detail the nature and
sites of performance competitions, particularly those among sarugaku
troupes, in the medieval period?
Winning competitions is an important topic in Zeami's Fushikaden, where
they are called tachiai. This term can mean simultaneous performance -
usually of Okina - and also alternating performance of different plays.
Fushikaden seems to be referring to the second type, although Sarugaku
Dangi relates two cases where an actor was laughed at doing the first
type, implying that it too was done with a competitive spirit. Records
of kanjin sarugaku in the 14th and 15th century have only one troupe, so
they cannot have been competitive. Zenchiku writes about about
Yoshimitsu having leading performers appraised and criticized, so there
seems to have been an arena where they were compared separate from their
ritual duties at Kasuga-Kofukuji.
Nogaku Genryuko has little to say on the topic, neither does Iwanami
Koza: No Kyogen. If anyone knows anything about this topic, I would be
grateful for pointers.
Noel Pinnington
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 21:02:12 -0500
From: Barbara Nostrand <>
Subject: Re: Competitive Sarugaku
I am also generally interested in premodern theatre including sarugaku-Noh
and Kowakamai. I would like to learn about performance competitions in
any theatrical form. In short. If you have an answer, to the original
question, please cc. me as well. Thank you very much.
Barbara Nostrand
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002
From: The Japan Foundation
Subject: Re: New Short-Term Fellowship
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Japan Foundation is pleased to announce our new Short-Term Research
Fellowship which will allow established scholars the opportunity to conduct
intensive research in Japan for periods of three weeks to 60 days.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in this new opportunity,
please download an application from our website at
[Full announcement here.]
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 23:22:50 -0500
From: "Lewis Cook" <>
Subject: Re: Competitive Sarugaku
Dear Prof. Pinnington,
An important and interesting topic, yes; perhaps the reason for no replies is not lack of interest but lack of data. How much can be known about the early history of noh or sarugaku, given the nature of the sources, after all? Not at all my field, but have you read Matsuoka Shinpei (_Utage no shintei_, etc.)? Might be something there apropos your query.
Lewis Cook
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 10:01:26 +0000
From: Mikael Adolphson <>
Subject: Heian conference announcement
Invitation to Conference
"Centers and Peripheries in Heian Japan"
Place: Barker Center, Harvard University
12 Quincy Street; Cambridge, Massachusetts
Date: June 11-13, 2002
Students, scholars and anyone interested in Japan's Heianage are
invited to attend an inter-disciplinary conference, sponsored by the Edwin
O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University and the
Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University, which features
presentations by seventeen scholars in addition
to eight respondents from the United States, Japan and Europe.
The focus of the conference is on the first three centuries of the Heian
period (794-1086), which saw the consolidation of aristocratic authority in
Kyoto, the emergence of powerful court factions and religious institutions
as well as important adjustments in the Chinese-style system of rulership.
It was also a period of fertile innovation and epochal achievements in
literature and the arts. In our studies of these and other aspects of the
period, the theme of "center and periphery" will be used as a way to find
common ground for inquiries into various disciplinary fields and theoretical
perspectives. "Centers and peripheries" can refer to geographical or
spatial relationships, but may also suggest various dynamics in, among and
between institutions and collectives, clans and families, social classes,
and gender groups.
The conference, which is a collective effort to offer newapproaches,
bridge disciplinary divides, and stimulate new research, is organized by G.
Cameron Hurst III, Professor of Korean and Japanese History at the
University of Pennsylvania; Edward Kamens, Professor of Japanese Literature
at Yale University; Joan Piggott, Associate Professor of Japanese History at
Cornell University; Mimi Hall Yiengpruksawan, Professor of East Asian Art at
Yale University; and Mikael Adolphson, Assistant Professor of Japanese
History at Harvard University.
Registration: Pre-registration is required by May 6. Please send your
name, institutional affiliation (if available), mailing address (department
or home), email contact, intended dates of attendance (including the dinner
on June 13) to Stacie Matsumoto at Please specify
"Heian Conference Registration" in the subject line.
Inquiries: Please direct general inquiries to Stacie Matsumoto at, or via mail at Department of East Asian Languages
and Civilizations, Harvard University, 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA
02138, USA. Questions regarding specific conference content may be directed
to Professor Mikael Adolphson (now on sabbatical in Tokyo) at
Mikael S. Adolphson
Assistant Professor, Japanese History, Harvard University
Stacie K. Matsumoto Co-organizer and Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University
"Centers and Peripheries in Heian Japan"
Conference Schedule (June 11-13, 2002)
Barker Center, Harvard University
Tuesday June 11, 2002
Continental Breakfast and Registration
Welcome Address
Andrew Gordon
Professor of Japanese History, Harvard University
Director of the Edwin Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies
Mikael Adolphson
Assistant Professor, Harvard University
Panel One: The Political Center and Its Peripheries
"How Did a Regent Lead the Court: Centers and Peripheries in the Regency of
Fujiwara no Tadahira"
Joan Piggott, Cornell University
"The World of the Heian Noble"
G. Cameron Hurst III, University of Pennsylvania
"Women and Men in Heian Japan"
Fukuto Sanae, Saitama Gakuen Daigaku
"Futile Warlords: Provincial Rebellion in the Mid-Heian Age"
Karl Friday, University of Georgia
Mikael Adolphson, Harvard University
Martin Collcutt, Princeton University
Janet Goodwin, Aizu University (Emerita), Japan
Panel Two: Center and Periphery in Heian Literature
"The Way of the Literati: Chinese Learning and Poetry in mid-Heian Japan"
Ivo Smits, Leiden University
"Terrains of Text in mid-Heian Court Culture"
Edward Kamens, Yale University
"The Exilic Condition in Heian Japan"
Richard Okada, Princeton University
Mimi Hall Yiengpruksawan, Yale University
Esperanza Ramirez-Christensen, University of Michigan
Coffee Break
Viewing of Harvard Law School's Japanese Collection
Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Panel Three: Religious Centers and Peripheries
"Buddhism and the State in the Early Heian Age: Diversity and Integration"
Mikael Adolphson, Harvard University
"The Heart Sutra and the Power of Healing in Heian Japan"
Ry°ichi Abe, Columbia University
"Pilgrimage and Power in Heian Japan"
David Moerman, Barnard College
Joan Piggott, Cornell University
Jacqueline Stone, Princeton University
Panel Four: Artistic and Cultural Paradigms in the Heian Age
"The Buddhist Transformation of Japan in the Ninth Century: The Case of
Eleven-headed Kannon"
Samuel Morse, Amherst College
"The Emergence of Raigo-zu in Heian Japan"
Yoshimura Toshiko, Kanda University of International Studies
"Chinese Traders, Kyoto Aristocrats, and the Transmarine Factor in the
Formation of Medieval Japanese Culture"
Mimi Yiengpruksawan, Yale University
Edward Kamens, Yale University
Elizabeth ten Grotenhuis, Boston University
Coffee Break
Viewing of Heian-Related Objects at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts
(The Boston Museum of Fine Arts will be open until 9:45pm)
Thursday, June 13, 2002
Registration and Continental Breakfast
Panel Five: Foreign and Domestic Peripheries in the Heian Age
"JÙjin's Travels from Centers to Centers with Some Peripheries in Between"
Robert Borgen, UC Davis
"Cross-Border Traffic on the Kyushu Coast, 794-1086"
Bruce Batten, Obirin University
"Climate, Farming, and Famine in Early Japan"
Wayne Farris, University of Tennessee
"Life of Commoners in the Provinces; the Owari gebumi of 988"
Charlotte von Vershuer, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, IVe Section,
G. Cameron Hurst III, University of Pennsylvania
Peter Bol, Harvard University
Dr. Detlev Taranczewski, Bonn University, Germany
Concluding Discussion
Remarks by Professor Hotate Michihisa
Historiographical Institute, The University of Tokyo
Coffee Break
Dinner at the Harvard Faculty Club
(RSVP required)
Note: The Sackler Museum will hold a special exhibit from its Japanese
collections available to all participants throughout the conference.
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 18:53:10 +0000
From: John Breen <>
Subject: FW: SOAS Post-doctoral Fellowship in Japanese Religions
Dear Colleagues
Please forward this announcement to other lists and individuals ad lib.
Many thanks
Brian Bocking
University of London
Department of the Study of Religions
Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions
CSJR Post-doctoral Fellowship in Japanese Religions, 2002-3
Salary: UK Pounds 21,815 inclusive (further pay award pending)
Vacancy No: 02-46
Applications are invited for the one-year CSJR Postdoctoral fellowship in
Japanese religions (any area) to be held at SOAS from September 2002.
The main purpose of the fellowship is to enable the holder to bring his/her
recently completed PhD thesis to publication during the year. In addition,
s/he will contribute up to 3hrs teaching per week and organise a symposium
in his/her speciality. The Fellow will have access to appropriate study
facilities and will be a member of the Department of the Study of Religions,
of the Staff Common room and of SOAS Library. It is expected that the
successful candidate's doctorate will have been awarded no earlier than
September 1999.
Benefits include 30 days annual leave plus statutory and bank holidays and
membership of USS pension scheme.
For informal enquiries about the fellowship, please contact Prof. Brian
Bocking, Chair, Centre for the study of Japanese Religions, SOAS, Russell
Square, London, WC1H 0XG, UK.
An application form and job description may be obtained from the Human
Resources Department, School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh
Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG (Tel: 020 7898 4134; Fax: 020 7898
4129. e-mail address:
Application forms should be accompanied with: a curriculum vitae (to include
a list of publications); an abstract/summary of the applicant's doctoral
thesis; a clear statement of the candidate's academic plans for the
postdoctoral year.
No agencies.
Closing date for applications: Tuesday 30 April 2002
Interviews to be held during May/June 2002
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 09:38:54 +0900
From: "Noel John Pinnington" <>
Subject: Competitive Sarugaku
I apologise for inadvertently posting a private reply to the list. My
peevish remark was just blowing off steam (tenure pressure).
Thank you for your suggestions, Prof. Cook and others privately. There is a
well-known essay by Kato Shuichi in Zeami Zenchiku (NKST) that discusses the
role of competition in the development of poetic and dramatic criticism, and
particularly its impact on Zeami's thought.. It was an important stimulus
for me long ago, but I wanted to be more precise about what occasions
actually were competitive, without re-inventing the wheel, so to speak (I
suspect that it only had a significant impact on troupes' fortunes for a
limited period.) There is in fact a good deal of evidence, it just needs
some laborious work.
For those who were kind enough to show an interest in the Dengaku book,
it is Iida Michio's Dengaku Ko: dengaku mai no genryu, Rinkawa Shoten, 1999.
The author enjoys being provocative - calling Kannami a dengaku actor, for
example. His remarks about dengaku and competition are rather limited -
he refers to the right and left guards being in charge of dengaku at various
regular performances at court, states that they competed, and links this to
the awase traditions. The book is full of interesting readings of dengaku
traditions, however.
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 19:11:11 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: new members
We welcome three new members to pmjs:
Dennis Hirota, Nicole Fabricand-Person, and Antje Papist-Matsuo.
Dennis Hirota <>
Professor, Asian Studies, Chikushi Jogakuen University.
Research interests in Buddhist thought and Japanese arts and aesthetics
(chiefly no, renga, and chanoyu), Japanese Pure Land Buddhist traditions.
Publications include Wind in the Pines: Classic Writings of the Way of Tea
as a Buddhist Path (Asian Humanities Press, 1995); No Abode: The Record of
Ippen (rev. ed. University of Hawaii Press, 1997); Tannisho: A Primer
(Kyoto: Ryukoku University, 1982); Shinran: An Introduction to His Thought
(with Yoshifumi Ueda; Kyoto: Hongwanji International Center, 1989); Plain
Words on the Pure Land Way: Sayings of the Wandering Monks of Medieval Japan
(Ichigon hodan; Kyoto: Ryukoku University, 1989); The Collected Works of
Shinran (head translator; Kyoto: Jodoshinshu Hongwanji-ha, 1997); Toward a
Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism (editor; SUNY Press, 2000).
In Japanese: Shinran: Shukyo gengo no kakumeisha (Hozokan, 1998).
Nicole Fabricand-Person <>
Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D. Princeton
University, (June 2001) in Japanese Art and Archaeology). My field of
research is early medieval Buddhist art. Publication: "Demonic Female
Guardians of the Faith: The Fugen Jurasetsunyo Iconography in Japanese
Buddhist Art" in Barbara Ruch, ed. Engendering Faith: Women and Buddhism in
Premodern Japan. Michigan (forthcoming).
Antje Papist-Matsuo <>
I work and teach as a research associate at the newly established
department of East Asian Art History at the Fine Arts Institute at the
Freie Universitaet Berlin. Currently I'm doing research on the typological
development of negoro lacquerware as topic of my PhD thesis (advisor Prof.
Roger Goepper, Cologne). I'm also interested in the applied arts of Edo
period and Japanese art after WW II (Gutai and later).
(entries on Japanese lacquers, ceramics, prints and sword fittings):
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin/Preussischer Kulturbesitz (Hrsg.), Museum fuer
Ostasiatische Kunst Berlin, Muenchen/London/New York 2000. (English version
Museum of East Asian Art Berlin, Munich/London/N.Y. 2001).
(with Khanh Trinh)
"Modernes Maezenatentum. Klaus Friedrich Naumann und das Museum fuer
Ostasiatische Kunst, SMPK, Berlin", Ostasiatische Zeitung, Neue Serie, Nr.
1, Fruehjahr 2001, S. 8-21.
"In neuem Glanz. Ein schwarz lackierter Speisebehaelter mit
Perlmutter-Dekor aus dem fruehen 18. Jahrhundert", Ostasiatische Zeitung,
Neue Serie, Nr. 2, Herbst 2001, S. 25-34.
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:16:21 -0600
From: Eric Rath <>
Subject: Re: Competitive Sarugaku
Dear Noel,
I just saw your posting about competitive (tachiai) sarugaku performances, and I recalled that the New Years (utaizome) performances for the Muromachi and Tokugawa shogun had a competitive dimension among the troupes that participated especially in the Tokugawa period when thefour Yamato troupes alternated in their performances of noh, with two (plus the Kita) performing for the shogun each year. The finale of these performances in the Tokugawa period was always Yumiya tachiai in which the three leaders of the noh troupes participating danced simultaneously. (This is depicted in an 18th century painting by the noh performer Fukuo Morikatsu (Sesshin), iemoto of the Fukuo school of waki), which is in the collection of the Kanze family. Contemporary records describe how the actors and their troupe's received rewards after their performances. I am not sure whether these were customary or based on an evaluation ofthe performance itself.
For the Muromachi period, look at the texts Nenju joreiki, Ouchi mondo, Sogoozoshi and denju moshitsugiki, which are all in the same volume of Gunsho ruiju, vol 22 (bukebu). I wrote about Edo period utaizome in chapter 7 of my dissertation: "Actors of Influence."
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 17:48:06 -0500
From: Pedro P Palazzo <>
Subject: kofun--tenpyou architecture
First of all, sorry for cross-posting...
I am researching for a dissertation on Japanese architecture from the late
Kofun period/early Asuka through the late Nara/(possibly) early Heian
period. Can anyone point me to bibliography (in Japanese, English, French,
German or Italian) on the subject? I am trying to develop especially on
the relationship between Chinese, Korean, and earlier and later Japanese
Buddhist temple layouts (to this day I have found no single convincing
theory on the ejection of the pagoda from the main temple grounds) and on
its influence on Shinto architecture. If someone could add a significant
source on secular architecture of that time I would be delighted to
include such a strand in my research as well.
Thanks to all,
Pedro P. Palazzo de Almeida
University of Maryland
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 14:40:59 EST
Subject: Smallpox in the 11 th. c. and Toribeno
I need help!
In 1020 there was another smallpox epidemic in Heian-Kyo. Even the young
Go-Ichijo was infected. I need information about how such an epidemic would
have been handled by the authorities, and what role Toribeno would have
played in the disposal of bodies.
I am aware of Wayne Farris' research ("Government Medical Policy and
Identification of the Disease" in his book on Population and Epidemic
Disease), but his dates are considerably earlier, and treatment and
management may have changed. I assume from the documents cited that orders
would have been posted for the instruction of the population. At the gates?
What other steps (than medication) would have been taken? Isolation hospitals
existed, but would isolation have been enforced as in Europe for the plague?
Is it reasonable to assume that Buddhist clergy would have undertaken healing
and burial duties? Would a general amnesty have dumped prisoners on the
streets, or would they have been forced to assist in the emergency?
As for Toribeno, the cremation ground outside the capital (it is also
referred to as a cemetery (?): Would a major epidemic not have stretched
resources enough to resort to mass burial, or to create other cremation
sites? What was Toribeno like? Were there permanent buildings there? Grave
I would be very grateful for any information or source references (in
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 13:57:54 -0800
From: "Andrew Goble" <>
Subject: Re: Smallpox in the 11 th. c. and Toribeno
The quickest guide would be to look at the McCullough translation of Eiga
monogatari (Tale of Flowering Fortunes); the work covers that period, there
are many instances of epidemic, and the notes provide a wealth of
You might also check Cappy Hurst's Monumenta Nipponica article from 1979
(vol 34), Michinaga's Maladies.
Andrew Goble
Head, Department of Religious Studies
Associate Professor of Japanese History
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 00:43:22 +0900
From: Walter Edwards <>
Subject: Japanese Archaeology Questionnaire
On 12 March 2002, I submitted to this and several other
lists a questionnaire titled "Japanese Archaeology (What Do
Western Scholars Want to Know?)".
I have received 66 valid responses, many with carefully
thought out comments. I wish to hereby express my
appreciation to those respondents for their kind
A summary of the results of the survey is posted at the
following URL, for those who may be interested. This is the
information that I will pass on to the Japanese
Archaeological Association, after translating it into
Walter Edwards
Professor and Chair, Department of Japanese Studies
Tenri University, Tenri, Nara 632-8510, Japan
tel 81-743-63-1515 fax 81-743-62-1965
Dept Home Page:
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 13:24:29 EST
From: Ingrid Parker <
Subject: smallpox in Heian-kyo
My thanks to Andrew Goble and Alex Bay for their suggestions where to find
information. I should have said that I had already checked A TALE OF
FLOWERING FORTUNES, but the other sources are most welcome.
Thank you both.
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 15:06:24 +0900
From: Karen Brazell <>
Subject: Good job for a recent grad
Does anyone know a good recent grad or M.A. student who would like to live and work in Kyoto for a couple of years? If so, please send them the following job announcement. I am teaching at KCJS this year and would be happy to answer any questions a potential job applicant might have.
Karen Brazell
PROGRAM ASSISTANT: The Stanford Japan Center (SJC) seeks a Program Assistant for its two educational programs: the Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies (KCJS) and Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation. Candidates should have native-level fluency in English, a strong command of Japanese, skills in a variety of computer applications, and an aptitude for working with college students. Previous experience in Kyoto is a plus. Principal responsibilities are (1) assistance to students from American universities studying at the SJC, (2) projects involving web and computer skills and (3) assistance to the Director and staff in the conduct of the programs. The Program Assistant (1) advises students on everyday matters, helps them find extra-curricular activities and otherwise integrate into the society, and facilitates student projects, (2) participates in web development, intermediates between SJC technical specialists and students, and prepares reports, newsletters and other materials requiring command of computer applications such as Microsoft Office, Page Maker, Photo Shop and Dreamweaver or GoLive, and (3) assists the Director and staff in planning group activities (orientations, trips, speakers, receptions), drafting/editing materials, and initiating new projects. The position offers significant scope for original contributions and creativity of the Program Assistant. The SJC provides technical training. This is a one year position (renewable by mutual agreement for a second year), beginning by mid-August, 2002. There is time for the Program Assistant's individual academic or culture pursuits, which the SJC will endeavor to facilitate. Salary is Y300,000/month, with normal benefits, a housing subsidy of Y40,000/mo and a travel and baggage allowance.
Please address inquiries and send materials (a c.v. and cover letter) to Professor Terry MacDougall, KCJSS/SCTI Director, (, or Ms. Fusako Shore, KCJS Program Officer and Academic Coordinator, ( or to either c/o Stanford Japan Center, 52-2 Hoshojicho Okazaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8333. We will begin evaluating applications by 26 April, 2002, but will continue accepting applications until the position is filled.
Karen W Brazell
Goldwin Smith Professor of Japanese Literature and Theatre, Cornell University
Visiting Professor, Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies
52-2 Okazaki Hoshoji-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8333, Japan
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 12:58:02 +0900
From: Michael Watson <>
Subject: Genji materials online
Royall Tyler has very kindly made available both a table of contents for
his Genji translation, and a finding list of characters. The latter is a
nine-page document listing characters alphabetically from "Akashi no Amagimi "
to Yugiri, "listed wherever possible by Japanese designation, and
identified, with their English appellations and the chapters in which they
appear." It should be very handy for teachers and students alike, not to
mention general readers.
I have added the materials to "pmjs resources" in two formats, as Word 98
documents and as web pages. All corrections or suggestions should be sent
to Royall off-list (he is currently at The ".doc"
versions should be readable by any flavour of Microsoft Word for Mac or
Window--let me know if there are any problems
There are links on the top pmjs page
under "new or revised pages" and with more explanation on the resources page
If you have bookmarked any of the Genji-related material already here, I'm
afraid you'll find that I've moved a few files about, but I have corrected
the links on the resources page. Let me know if you have any trouble navigating the site.
Michael Watson
pmjs footer
"Marriage, Rank and Rape in The Tale of Genji"
by Royall Tyler is available online in
_Intersections_ (Murdoch, Australia)
Issue 7 " Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Japan"
ASCJ - Asian Studies Conference Japan
June 22-23, 2002
abstracts now online
See the list of all 32 panels now at