studies in Western languages of classical Japanese
Studies of many works are listed on the translation
page. The present page contains entries for those works that have
been the object of relatively more research: Genji
monogatari / Heike monogatari
/ Ise monogatari / Kojiki
/ Konjaku monogatari / Kokinshu
/ Man'yoshu / Utsuho
monogatari. More entries will be added. Each entry ends with
a link to the corresponding entry on the translation
Work in progress: comments, suggestions welcome. For version
with kanji see
Genji monogatari
Kamens, Edward. Approaches
to Teaching Murasaki Shikibu's the Tale of Genji (1994)
Harper, T. J. "Genji Gossip." New Leaves,
1993, 29-44.
McMullen, James. Genji gaiden: The Origins of Kumazawa
Banzan's Commentary on The Tale of Genji. Oxford:
Ithaca Press for the Board of the Faculty of Oriental Studies,
Goff, Janet. Noh drama and The Tale of Genji. Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1991.
Gatten, Aileen. "Death and Salvation in Genji Monogatari."
New Leaves, 1993, 5-27. // "The order of the early
chapters in The Tale of Genji." HJAS 41.1
(1981): 5-46. // "The secluded forest: textual problems
in the Genji Monogatari." Ph.D. University of Michigan,
1977. // "A wisp of smoke: scent and character in The
Tale of Genji." MN 35.P (1977): 35-48.
Bowring, Richard. Murasaki Shikibu: The Tale of Genji.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Field, Norma. The Splendor of Longing in the Tale of Genji.
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987.
Shirane, Haruo. The Bridge of Dreams: A Poetics of the
"Tale of Genji". Stanford: Stanford University
Press, 1987.
Stinchecum, Amanda Meyer. Narrative Voice in the Genji
Monogatari. Illinois Papers in Asian Studies, Vol. 5. Urbana,
Ill.: Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Illinois,
1985. // "Who tells the tale? "Ukifune": a study
in narrative voice." MN 35.4 (1980): 375-403.
see also entry on translation
Heike monogatari
McCullough, Helen Craig. The
Tale of the Heike. Stanford: Stanford University Press,
1988. Front and back matter, pp. 1-22; 439-489. See in particular
Appendix C "The 'Heike' as Literature."
Arnn, Barbara Louise. "Medieval fiction and history
in the Heike monogatari story tradition." PhD. Bloomington,
Indiana University, 1984. 229 p.
Butler, Kenneth Dean. "The birth of an epic: a textual
study of the Heike monogatari." PhD diss. Cambridge,
Mass., Harvard University, 1964. // "The Heike monogatari
and the Japanese warrior ethic." HJAS, 29, 1969.
pp. 93-108. // "The textual evolution of the Heike monogatari."
HJAS, 26, 1966.
Other references to add. For now see heike
page (Watson)
see also entry on translation
Ise monogatari
Bowring, Richard. "The Ise monogatari: A Short
Cultural History." HJAS 52.2 (December 1992): 401-480.
Okada. Figures of Resistance. 1991. [Chapter 5]
Marra, Aesthetics
of Discontent. 1991. [Chapter 2]
McCullough, Helen C. Ise monogatari. Stanford: Stanford
University Press, 1968.
Vos, Frits. A Study of the Ise-monogatari with the text
according to the Den-Teika-hippon and an annotated translation.
2 vols. 'S-Gravenhage: Mouton & Co., 1957.
see also entry on translation
Wehmeyer, Ann, trans. Kojiki-den
[Motoori Norinaga] Book 1. Cornell University East Asia Papers,
Number 87. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1997. [Commentary]
Tomimura, Hitomi. "Positioning Amaterasu: A Reading
of the Kojiki," The Japan Foundation Newsletter 22.2
(July, 1994): 12-17.
Cranston, Edwin A. A
Waka Anthology: Volume One: The Gem-Glistening Cup. Stanford:
Stanford University Press, 1993. [annotations to kiki kayo,
poems from Kojiki and Nihon shoki]
Brownlee, John S. Political Thought in Japanese Historical
Writing from Kojiki (712) to Tokushi yoron (1712). Waterloo,
Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1991.
see also entry on translation
Kokin wakashu
Harper, T. J. "Norinaga on the Translation of Waka:
His Preface to A Kokinshu Telescope" in Hare, Borgen
and Orbaugh, The Distant Isle (1996): 205-230. [On Motoori
Norinaga's Kokin wakashuu tookagami, 1797]
Okada. Figures
of Resistance. 1991. [Chapter 3]
McCullough, Helen C. Brocade
by Night: "Kokin Wakashu" and the Court Style in
Japanese Classical Poetry. Stanford: Stanford University
Press, 1985.
Lindberg-Wada, G. Poetic Allusion: Some Aspects of the
Role Played by Kokin Wakashu as a Source of Poetic Allusion
in Genji Monogatari. Japanological Studies 4. Stockholm: University
of Stockholm, 1983.
Konishi, Jin'ichi, trans. Helen McCullough. "The Genesis
of the Kokinshu Style." Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
37.1 (1978).
Makoto Ueda, Literary
and Art Theories in Japan. 1967. Reprinted Michigan,
1991. Chapter 1 (on kana preface).
Brower, Robert H., and Earl Miner. Japanese
Court Poetry. Stanford Studies in the Civilizations of
Eastern Asia. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1961. [&
Ceadel, E. B. "The Two Prefaces of the Kokinshu."
Asia Major 7.1-2 (1955): 40-51.
see also entry on translation
Konjaku monogatari [trans]
Tonomura, Hitomi. "Long Black Hair and Red Trousers:
Gendering the Flesh in Medieval Japan." American Historical
Review 99.1 (Feb. 1994): 129-54.
Kelsey, W. Michael. Konjaku Monogatari. Boson, Twayne
Publishers, 1982. 174p.
Kobayashi, Hiroko. The Human Comedy of Heian Japan: A
Study of the Secular Stories in the Twelfth-Century Collection
of Tales, Konjaku Monogatari. East Asian Cultural Studies
Series, No. 19. Tokyo: 1979. 359p.
Smith, Robert, "On Certain Tales of the Konjaku Monogatari
as Reflections of Japanese Folk Religion," Asian Folklore
Studies, 25 (1966): 221-33.
Wilson, William Ritchie. "The Way of the Bow and Arrow:
The Japanese Warrior in Konjaku Monogatari," MN, 28 (1973):
177-233 [12 tales from Book 25 + 1 from Book 23]
Ciapparoni La Rocca, Teresa. "The relationship between
Akutagawa's Ochomono and Konjaku monogatari shu."
PhD diss. Rome, Universita degli Studi di Roma. 1976.
Kelsey, W. Michael. "Didiactics in art: the literary
structure of Konjaku monogatari-shu." PhD diss. Bloomington,
Indiana Univ., 1976.
Kelsey, W. Michael. "Konjaku Monogatari Shu :
Toward an Understanding of Its Literary Qualities." MN
30.2 (summer 1975): 121-150.
Mills, D. E. "Medieval Japanese Tales Part I."
Folklore 83 (winter,1972): 287-301 and Folklore
84 (spring, 1973): 58-74.
Brower, Robert H. "The Konzyaku monogatarisyu
: An Historical and Critical Introduction, with Annotated Translations
of Seventy-eight Tales." Ph.D. dissertation. Michigan, Ann
Arbor, 1952.
Plutschow, Herbert. Chaos
and Cosmos: Ritual in Early and Medieval Japanese Literature.
Leiden: Brill, 1990.
Ebersole, Gary L. Ritual Poetry and the Politics of Death
in Early Japan: Princeton University Press, 1989.
Levy, Ian Hideo. Hitomaro and the Birth of Japanese Lyricism:
Princeton University Press, 1984.
Doe, Paula. A Warbler's Song in the Dusk: The Life and
Work of Otomo Yakamochi (718-785). Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1982.
Chu, Harold Sung. "A structural analysis of Manyoshu
poems 1520-2, 892-3 and 800-1." MN, 25-1 (1970):
See also entry on translation
Otogizoshi [genre]
[listed by title]
Skord, Virginia. Tales of Tears and Laughter: Short Fiction
of Medieval Japan. Honolulu: Hawaii University Press, 1991.
Childs, Margaret H. "Chigo monogatari: Love Stories
or Buddhist Sermons?" MN 35.2 (1987). // "The
influence of the Buddhist practice of sange on literary form:
revelatory tales." Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
14.1 (1987): 53ff.
Ichiko, Teiji. "Otogi and Literature." Acta
Asiatica 4 (1963): 32-42.
Genenz, Kay J. Otogizoshi: Probleme der mittelalterlichen
japanischen Kurzprosa unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung ihrer
sprachlichen Merkmale und ihrer Bedeutung fuer die japanische
Sprachgeschichte. MOAG. Vol. 80. Hamburg: Gesellschaft für
Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, 1979.
Mulhern, Chieko Irie. "Cinderella and the Jesuits: An
Otogizoshi Cycle as Christian Literature." MN
34.4 (1979): 409-447.
Araki, James. "Otogi-zoshi and Nara ehon: A Field of
Study in Flux," MN 36:1 (1981).
ed. M. Shibata under prep. (KNBT)
Taketori monogatari
Okada, H. Richard. Figures
of Resistance: Language, Poetry, and Narrating in The Tale
of Genji and Other Mid-Heian Texts. Durham and London: Duke
UP, 1991. [Chapters 1-2]
Marra, Michele. The
Aesthetics of Discontent. Hawaii: Hawaii UP, 1991. [Chapter
Return to translation entry
Marra, Aesthetics
of Discontent. 1991. [Chapter 5]
Return to translation entry
Tsurezuregusa (Yoshida Kenko)
Chance, Linda H. Formless
in Form: Kenko, 'Tsurezuregusa,' and the Rhetoric of Japanese
Fragmentary Prose. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1997.
Marra, Aesthetics
of Discontent. 1991. [Chapter 6]
Return to translation entry
Tsutsumi chunagon monogatari
Marra, Aesthetics
of Discontent. 1991, 63-9 [on "The Lady Who Admired
Vermin" Mushi Mezuru Himegimi]
Return to translation entry
Utsuho monogatari
Nakamura, Shin'ichiro, Un
autre grand roman de l'époque de Heian: L'Utsuho-monogatari,
1994, Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose.*
22 pp.
Mueller, Marie Jacqueline. "The Nature and Origins of
Realism in "Utsubo monogatari"." Ph.D.
diss. Columbia, 1982.
Fujikawa, Fumiko M. C. A Study of the Dates and Authorship
of the Tale of the Hollow Tree. Hamburg: Gesellschaft für
Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, 1977.
Keene, Donald. "The Hippolytus Triangle, East and West."
Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature XI (1962).
[on incest motif of Tadakoso and stepmother]
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