Heike monogatari and related material
Selected bibliography in Western languages

bibliographies: Japanese | romanized | Western
Important works on the Heike has only just begun to appear in English. This page hasn't been revised since 1996. When I look at it now (2001), I realize what a jumble it is...

Akamatsu, T. (1967). "The Prototype of the Heike-Monogatari." Proceedings of the 27th Congress of Orientalists. Ann Arbor, Harrassowitz. 555-556.

Araki, J. T. (1964). The Ballad-Drama of Medieval Japan. Berkeley, University of California Press.

Arnn, B. L. (1984). "Medieval Fiction and History in the Heike Monogatari Story Tradition." Ph.D. dissertation. University of Indiana.

Aston, W. G. (1972). A History of Japanese Literature. New York, 1899; reprint, Rutland, Vermont, and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle.

Bertin, L.-E. (1894). Les Grandes Guerres Civiles du Japon: Les Minamoto & Les Taira--Les Mikados & Les Siogouns. Paris, Ernest Leroux.

Blacker, C. (1985). "The Exiled Warrior and the Hidden Village." Folklore 95:2: 139-150.

Blomberg, C. (1994). The Heart of the Warrior: Origins and Religious Background of the Samurai System in Feudal Japan. Sandgate, Folkestone, Kent, Japan Library.

Borgen, R. (1991). [Review of McCullough 1988, The Tale of the Heike.] JAOS 111(1): 123-4.

Brown, Delmer M., and Ichiro Ishida, trans. 1979. The Future and the Past: a translation and study of the Gukansho, an interpretative history of Japan written in 1219. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Butler, K. D., Jr. (1964). "The Birth of an Epic: A Textual Study of the Heike monogatari." Ph.D. thesis. Harvard University.

Butler, K. D. (1966). "The Heike Monogatari and Theories of Oral Epic Literature." Bulletin of the Faculty of Letters. The Seikei University [Seikei daigaku bungakubu kiyo] 2: 37-54.

Butler, K. D. (1966). "The Textual Evolution of the Heike Monogatari." HJAS 26(5): 5-51.

Butler, K. D. (1967). Seikai no jojishi kenkyu to HK no ichi. Nihon koten kyoshaku zen chushaku sosho geppo 5. Tokyo, Kadokawa.

Butler, K. D. (1969). "The Heike monogatari and the Japanese Warrior Ethic." HJAS 29: 93-108.

Chalitpatanangune, Marisa (1987)."Heiji Monogatari": a Study and Annotated Translation of the Oldest Text. Ph.D.thesis, University of California, Berkeley. [based on Yomei-Gakushuin version]

Farris, W. W. (1992). Heavenly Warriors: The Evolution of Japan's Military, 500-1300. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press.

Friday, K. F. (1988). Hired swords: the rise of private power in early Japan. Stanford University.

Friday, K. F. (1988). "Teeth and Claws: Provincial Warriors and the Heian Court." MN 43(2): 153-185.

Geddes, W. (1987). "The Courtly Model: Chomei and Kiyomori in Jikkinsho." MN 42(2): 157-166.

Goto, S. and M. Prunier (1930). Episodes du Heike monogatari. Paris, Ernest Leroux.

Gundert, W. (1929). Die japanische Literatur. Wildpark-Potsdam, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion.

Hare, T. B. (1986). Zeami's Style: The Noh Plays of Zeami Motokiyo. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press.

Harris, O. (1937). Japanese Tales of All Ages. Tokyo, Hokuseido Press.

Hasegawa, T. (1967). "The Early Stages of the Heike monogatari." MN 22: 65-81.

Hull, M. S. (1984). Mujo: The Japanese understanding of and engagement with impermanence. Ph.D. thesis. University of Hawaii.

Joly, H. L. (1908). Legend in Japanese Art; a description of historical episodes, legendary characters, folk-lore, myths, religious symbolism, illustrated in the arts of Old Japan. London, John Lane.

Kitagawa, H. and B. T. Tsuchida (1975). The Tale of the Heike. Tokyo, Tokyo University Press.

Koike, K. (1941). "Kusonoki Masashige. Auszuege aus dem Taiheiki." MN 4(1): 133-165.

Kominz, L. (1983). "Ya no ne: The Genesis of a Kabuki Aragoto Classic." MN 38(4): 387-407.

Kondo, S. (1984). Japanese Military History: A Guide to the Literature. New York and London, Garland Publishing, Inc.

Kubota, Y. (1985). "Un itinerario nel fantastico, L'Onzoshi Shimawatari." il Giappone 25: 35-66.

L'vovoi, I. (1982). Povest' o dome Taira. Perevod s staroiaponskogo i predislovie I. L'vovoi. Moscow, Khdozhestvennaia Literatura.

McCullough, H. C. (1959). The Taiheiki: A Chronicle of Medieval Japan. New York, Columbia University Press.

McCullough, H. C. (1964-1965). "A Tale of Mutsu." HJAS 25: 178-211.

McCullough, H. C. (1966). Yoshitsune: A Fifteenth-Century Japanese Chronicle. University of Tokyo Press and Stanford University Press.

McCullough, H. C. (1988). The Tale of the Heike. Stanford, Stanford University Press.

McCullough, H. C. (1994). Genji & Heike: Selections from The Tale of Genji and The Tale of the Heike. Stanford, Stanford University Press.

McCullough, W. H. (1964). "An Account of the Shôkyû War of 1221." MN 19(1-2, 3-4):

McKillop, B. C. (1970). "In Memoriam A. L. Sadler." Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia 7(1-2): 3-4.

Meech-Pekarik, J. (1976). Taira Kiyomori and the Heike Nokyo. Harvard University.

Meech-Pekarik, J. (1985). "Death of a Samurai." Apollo 121(February): 108-113.

Minobe, S. (1982). "
The world view of Genpei jôsuiki." JJRS 9(2-3).

O'Neill, P. G. (1973). "A Michiyuki Passage from the Taiheiki." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London XXXVI Part 2: 359-367.

Rabinovitch, J. N. (1986). Shômonki: The Story of Masakado's Rebellion. Tokyo, Sophia University Press.

Reischauer, E. O. and J. Yamagiwa, Ed. (1951). Translations from Early Japanese Literature. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard-Yenching Institute Studies XXIX.

Renondeau, G. (1957). Histoire des moines guerriers du Japon. Paris, Melanges publies par l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises.

Roth, R. J. (1982). "Ataka: the Structure of a Dramatic Noh Play." Journal of Asian Culture VI: 162-181.

Ruch, B. (1976). "Kakuichi's complaint; Homer and the Heike hazards." Japan Interpreter 11(2):

Sadler, A. (1921). "The Heike Monogatari." TASJ 49 (1).

Sadler, A. L. (1918). "The Heike Monogatari." TASJ 46 (2).

Sadler, A. L. (1928). The Ten Foot Square Hut and Tales of the Heike: Being two thirteenth-century Japanese classics, the "Hojoki" and selections from "The Heike Monogatari". Sydney, Angus & Robertson Limited.

Seidensticker, E. G. (1957). "Review of Yoshikawa Shin-heike monogatari, trans. Uramatsu (1956)." Japan Quarterly 4(2 (April-June)): 255-256.

Shinoda, M. 1960. The Founding of the Kamakura Shogunate 1180-1185 with Selected Translations from the Azuma Kagami. New York: Columbia University Press.

Sieffert, R. (1978). Le Dit des Heike. Paris, Publications Orientalistes de France.

Sieffert, R. (1988). Le Dit de Hogen; Le Dit de Heiji. Paris, Publications Orientalistes de France.

Sieffert, R. (1988). "The Tale of the Heike. Japan's long-running medieval saga." The Unesco Courier [English edition] 38 (August): 24-25.

Siegmund, I. (1978). Masu-kagami, Shokyu no Ran, Gotoba. Bonn, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet.

Spohr, C. W. (1967). Gempei: the civil wars of old Japan. Chicago, privately published.

Stramigioli, G. (1967). "Hogen Monogatari, Parte II, Parte III." Rivista degli Studi Orientali XLII: fasc. II, 121-181; fasc. IV 407-453.

Stramigioli, G. (1973). "Preliminary Notes on Masakadoki and the Taira no Masakado Story." MN 28(3): 261-293.

Stramigioli, G. (1975). "Heiji Monogatari, Parte I." Rivista degli Studi Orientali 49(III-IV): Volume 49 Fasc. III-IV.

Stramigioli, G. (1977). "Heiji Monogatari, Parte II." Rivista degli Studi Orientali 51(I-IV):

Stramigioli, G. (1979). "Masakadoi ni kansuru nisan no mondai teiki." Bungaku :

Stramigioli, G. (1979). "Masokadoki." Revista degli Studi Orientali 53(1): 1-69.

Terretti, V. (1987). " Realta storica e immagine letteraria del Jokyu no Ran." Giappone 27:

Turrettini, F. (1873-5). Heike Monogatari; recits de l'histoire du Japon au XIIme siecle. [vol. 1] Atsume gusa. [vol. 2] Histoire des Taira tiree du Nit-pon Gwai-si traduit du Chinois. Geneve, H. Georg, Libraire-Editeur.

Uramatsu, S. (1956). "review of Yoshikawa Eiji's A New Tale of the Heike." Japan Quarterly 3(2): 241-243.

Valenziani, C. (1893). La Mort d'Atu-Mori. Episode de la Bataille d'Iti-No-Tani. Iti No Tani Futa Ba Gun Ki Kumi Uti No Dan. Geneve. [Translation of scene from puppet play by Namiki Senryu (1695-1751).]

Varley, H. P. (1967). The Onin War: History of its Origins and Background, with a Selective Translation of The Chronicle of Onin. New York and London, Columbia University Press.

Varley, H. P. (1974). The Age of the Court Nobles; The Age of the Military Houses. An Introduction to Japanese Civilization. New York and London, Columbia University Press. 52-75.

Varley, H. P. (1990). "The Tale of the Heike. Approaches to the Asian Classics." New York, Columbia University Press. 298-309.

Varley, H. P. (1994). Warriors of Japan as Portrayed in the War Tales. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.

Watson, B. (1959). "Kiyomori and the Memory of the Past." Japan Quarterly 6(3): 356-360.

Watsuji, T. and U. (. ). Hirano (1971). "Japanese Literary Arts and Buddhist Philosophy." The Eastern Buddhist (n.s.) IV(1): 88-105.

Wheeler, P. (1964). Tales from the Japanese Storytellers. New York, Japan Society.

Wilson, W. R. (1971). Hôgen monogatari: Tale of the Disorder in Hôgen. Tokyo, Sophia University Press.

Wilson, W. R. (1973). "The Way of the Bow and Arrow: The Japanese Warrior in Konjaku monogatari." MN 28(2): 177-233.

Wolff, U. (1987-1988). "Rakushu: Spott- und Protestgedichte in den gunki monogatari des japanischen Mittelalters." OE 31(5):

Yamashita, H. (1976). "The Structure of "Story-telling (Katari) in Japanese War Tales with Special Reference to the Scene of Yoshitomo's Last Moments." Acta Asiatica 37: 47-69.

Yoshida, K. (1984). Tanrokubon, rare books of seventeenth-century Japan. New York, Kodansha International.

Yoshikawa, E. (1956). The Heike Story. Translated from the Japanese. New York/ Tokyo, Alfred A. Knopf/Charles E. Tuttle Co.

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Michael Watson, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University
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