Considering how long I've been studying noh, this is a very short page!

I saw my first noh performance (Dojoji) more than twenty years ago and read many noh plays over the years, but did not begin to study noh singing until 1992. I go to lessons with a Kanze teacher three times a month at a local temple. I passed the elementary stages in 1995 (nyuumon) and gained the jun-kuban menjo in 2000.

Michael Watson, Meiji Gakuin Univ. [ top index ]

on this site (and on the pmjs site)


Only a few links, mainly for those studying noh. To be frank, I now turn straight to google when looking for things on the web, and don't try to bookmark sites as I once did, or to consider maintaining lists of url. These are some sites I have found useful.

I would always recommend that if you do read Japanese and your computer displays Japanese, then check both English and Japanese pages of sites in Japan. They often differ, the J page being more detailed, updated more often, or with more links.

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Michael Watson, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University
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This page added 96/12/101, last revised 2001/04/08