Considering how long I've been studying noh, this is a very
short page!
I saw my first noh performance (Dojoji) more than twenty
years ago and read many noh plays over the years, but did not
begin to study noh singing until 1992. I go to lessons with a
Kanze teacher three times a month at a local temple. I passed
the elementary stages in 1995 (nyuumon) and gained the
jun-kuban menjo in 2000.
Michael Watson,
Meiji Gakuin Univ. [ top index ]
on this site (and on the pmjs
- noh
in translation: checklist
- titles
in Japanese of currently performed noh plays
- photograph of me at Kuraki Noh
Theatre for annual performance
- translation of the play
Kogo (小督) [Watson 1997]
- a peek at my jun-kuban menjo
(準九番免状). I hope this is not a breach of school tradition!
The certificate is signed by the 26th head of the Kanze school,
Kanze Kiyokazu, and means that I'm allowed to study all but a
few dozen of the 230+ plays in the Kanze repertoire. You can
see how many more I've still to learn by looking at this list.
Only a few links, mainly for those studying noh. To be frank,
I now turn straight to google
when looking for things on the web, and don't try to bookmark
sites as I once did, or to consider maintaining lists of url.
These are some sites I have found useful.
I would always recommend that if you do read Japanese and your
computer displays Japanese, then check both English and Japanese
pages of sites in Japan. They often differ, the J page being more
detailed, updated more often, or with more links.
- 謡曲三百五十番集入力
- project to input the 250 noh plays
- electronic texts of more than 200 plays now available
- Electronic
Text Initiative (Virginia Univ.)
- Now the largest WWW collection of noh texts in Japanese and
in English translation. Translators include Pound, Waley and
Tyler. (E/J)
- English
Noh index (Paul Atkins, Montana State University)
- alphabetical list of titles, information about available
English translations, advice about Japanese editions.)
- Theatre
Museum (Waseda University)
- 演劇博物館 = Engeki Hakubutsukan
- The
Nogami Nogaku Research Institute, Hosei Univ. (English)
- Noh masks (iijet)
- 国立能楽堂自主公演予定表
- schedule of performances at National Noh Theatre
- Noh
(Kanazawa) (English)
return to: top index
Michael Watson, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin
address of this URL:
This page added 96/12/101, last revised 2001/04/08