Michael Watson (Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University)
マイケル・ワトソン (明治学院大学・国際学部

PDF files of some of my publications. Click on a link to download a files. These files consist of page scans (graphic images) apart from the top page containing the bibliographic reference and other information given below.

L’écho des vicissitudes humaines’: The Tale of the Heike through its Translation History,” in Andrea Maurizi and Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca, eds., La figlia occidentale di Edo: Scritti in memoria di Giuliana Stramigioli, pp. 151–171. Rome: FrancoAngeli, 2012. Spirits of the Drowned: Sea Journeys in Bangai Noh from the Genpei War,” in Eiji Sekine, ed., Travel in Japanese Representational Culture: its Past, Present, and Future, pp. 141–154. Proceedings of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies, Vol. 8, Summer 2007.
謡 曲翻訳の歴史、野上記念法政大学能楽研究所(編集)『能の翻訳–文化の翻訳はいかにして可能か–』21世紀COE国際日本研究叢書8、法政大学国際日本学研究センタ– 2007年5月、pp. 103–128
A Slave’s Wit: Early Japanese Translations of the Life of Aesop,”The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, fourth series, vol. 20 (2006), pp. 1–22
Yoritomo’s Shrine by the Sea: The Narrative Function of Place Names in the Bangai Noh Tsurugaoka,” in Paul S. Atkins, Davinder L. Bhowmik, and Edward Mack, eds., Landscapes Imagined and Remembered pp. 61–67. Proceedings of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies, vol. 6 (Seattle: University of Washington, 2005).
Modes of Reception: Heike Monogatari and the Nō play Kogō,” Kokusaigaku kenkyūno. 16 (May 1997), 275–303
Genre, Convention, Parody, and the Middle Style: Heike monogatari and Chaucer,” Poetica 44 (December 1995), pp. 23–40

Keywords: Comparative literature, genre, narrative, literary style and language; Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Heike monogatari (The Tale of the Heike), Genji monogatari (The Tale of Genji); epic topoi and formulae (“dressing the hero,” “naming one’s name”); parodies of martial tales such as Aro monogatari, “The Tale of the Crow and the Heron.”
キーワード: 比較文学、ジェンル論、文体(スタイル)、ジェフリー・チョーサーの『カンタベリー物語』、『平家物語』、『源氏物語』、エピック(叙事詩)のトポス(「名のり」、「其日の装束」)、『烏鷺物語』等の軍記物語のパロディー物 。

W. G. Aston, Japanese Studies, and the Heike Monogatari,” Kokusaigaku kenkyū, no. 12 (March 1994), pp. 25–43.

W. G. Aston's Annotations to the Rufubon Heike Monogatari,” Kokusaigaku kenkyū, no. 11 (March 1993), pp. 17–59

Transcription and discussion of annotations by W. G. Aston in his copy of The Tale of Heike. His annotations cast light on his treatment of the work in A History of Japanese Literature.
Twentieth Century Sensibilities and Heian Expectations: Recent English Studies of Genji Monogatari,Kokusaigaku kenkyū 2 (March 1988), pp. 99–103.

Review of two studies: (1) Haruo Shirane, The Bridge of Dreams: A Poetics of  The Tale of Genji (1987)  (2)  Norma Field, The Splendor of Longing in the Tale of Genji (1987).
English title of journal: International and Regional Studies. ISSN 0918-984X. Faculty of International Studies,  Meiji Gakuin University (Yokohama, Japan)

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