Michael Geoffrey Watson. Papers and presentations (since 1993).

A curriculum vitae is also available in PDF format (Western style, watson-cv.pdf or Japanese style, watson-gyoseki.pdf). The latter includes papers written before I began to work in Japanese studies. Some talks and lectures omitted here are included in a longer list (watson-talks.html).

This page is in Unicode encoding, and uses macrons (ūō).
Page from: 1996.12.10. Last revised: 2012.01.10.


「中世日本文学における『史記』享受の実際に関する一考察—軍記物語と謡曲におけるその変容—」 河野貴美子・張哲 俊偏 『東アジア世界と中国文化¬−文学・思想にみる伝播と再創』(勉誠社 2012年1月30日), 205-227頁. ISBN 978-4-585-29024-7. [A study of the reception of the Chinese classic Shiji, Records of the Grand Historian, on the medieval Japanese war tales Heike monogatari and the Taiheki and on works for nō theatre including the canonical play Xiang Yu 項羽 and the non-canonical (bangai yōkyoku) plays Hoshi 星 and Yokoyama 横山.]

“‘L’écho des vicissitudes humaines’: The Tale of the Heike through its Translation History,” in La figlia occidentale di Edo: Scritti in memoria di Giuliana Stramigioli, edited by Andrea Maurizi and Teresa Ciapparoni La Rocca (Rome: FrancoAngeli, 2012). ISBN 8856841819. [『平家物語』の初期外国語翻訳について]


“Larger than Life: Canonized Figures in The Tale of Heike and its Reception. Paper read at Forum on “Canonicity and Otherness in the Non-Western Culture,” Research Institute of Korean Studies, Korea University, Seoul, September 30, 2011. (「『平家物語』におけるカノン化された登場人物とその受容」(韓国の高麗大学の民族文化研究所にて行われたフォーラム「非欧米文化圏におけるカノン形成 と他者性」)

“Anonymous Voices and Scurrilous Graffiti: Negative Criticism in Heike Texts.” Paper read at 13th International Conference of the European Association of Japanese Studies (EAJS), Tallinn, Estonia, 26 August, 2011 ((「名も無き声と鄙劣なる落書―平家物語諸本に見受けられる人物批判を中心に―」、欧州日本研究協会、於:タリン大学[エストニア])

“The Possible Worlds of the Taira: Vignettes of Three Generations in Heike Variants.” Paper read at “Loveable Losers: the Taira in Action and Memory, an Interdisciplinary Conference,” Banff, Alberta, Canada, August 14, 2011. (「平氏における可能世界―平家物語諸本における三世代にわたる登場人物の寸描―]、於:バンフ[カナダ]」)

“Medieval Japanese War Tales and their Critical Reception in the West, 1871–1921.” Paper read in Session 115, “Back to the Present: 140 Years of Japanese Studies,” Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Honolulu, Hawaii, March 31, 2011. (「軍記物語の欧米における受容、1871年から1921年までを中心に」、 アジア学会(AAS)、於: ホノルル[アメリカ合衆国]) [abstract]


「欧米における最近の世阿弥芸術論研究—その変遷と翻訳」『能と狂言』第八号(2010年)、22-30頁. [Discusses the reception and translation of Zeami's theoretical writings .]

「『平家物語』外国語翻訳一覧」、大津雄一・日下力・佐伯真一・櫻井陽子編『平家物語大事典』(東京書籍 2010年)、pp. 687–693. [Bibliography of foreign translations of Heike monogatari published in Heike monogatari daijiten, an encyclopedia devoted to that work]

エッセー・シリーズ『古典翻訳の辺縁』1「カルロおじさん 1 『平家物語』を翻訳した人々」『環境管理』 Vol. 46, No. 7 (2010), p. 60;『古典翻訳の辺縁』2, 「カルロおじさん 2 『平家物語』を翻訳した人々」, Vol. 46, No. 8 (2010), p. 59; 『古典翻訳の辺縁』3, 「サウンド・オブ・ベル 1 『平家物語』冒頭文の外国語訳」, Vol. 46, No. 9 (2010), p. 95;『古典翻訳の辺縁』4, 「娑羅双樹」―『平家物語』冒頭文の外国語訳 2―」Vol. 46, No. 10 (2010); 『古典翻訳の辺縁』5 「『平家物語』冒頭文の外国語訳 3」Vol. 46, No. 11 (2010);『古典翻訳の辺縁』6 「『平家物語』の二つの結末」Vol. 47, No. 2 (2011), p. 80。[A series of six short essays concerning translations into Western languages of Heike monogatari.]

「中世日本文学における『史記』享受の実際に関する一考察――軍記物語と謡曲におけるその変容――」(The Reception of Shiji in Medieval Japanese Literature: Transformations in War Tales and Nō Drama) [abstract] 中国北京市北京師範大学 2010年9月26日

Organizer and Chair of Roundtable “Medieval Japanese War Tales and their Reception.” The Fourteenth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ). Waseda University, Tokyo, June 19, 2010.

“Light Snow’ and ‘The Dew Prince’: Genre-Bending in Seventeenth-Century Noh.” Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Philadelphia, March 27, 2010.


“‘L’écho des vicissitudes humaines”: The Tale of the Heike through its Translation History.” Lecture given as part of Workshop “Tales of the Heike: Variation, Canonization, and Translation and ‘Japan’s Epic,’” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 8, 2009. A revised version was also given as a public lecture at Hope College, Michigan, November 18, 2009.

“‘L’écho des vicissitudes humaines’ (shogyō mujō no hibiki): Early Western Reception of Buddhist Themes in Heike Monogatari,” New England Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (NEAAS), Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. October 3, 2009.

"Songs of Chu on All Sides (四面楚歌): The Chinese Dynastic Histories in Medieval Japan." Paper delivered in the panel "Japan, China, Elsewhere: Literary and Cultural Interplay in Pre-modern and Early Modern Japan" (日本、中国、およびその他:中古・中世・近世日本における文学的、文化的な相互作用). JSAA-ICJLE 2009 International Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 13, 2009. Revised and expanded versions of this paper were given as a conference paper in University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 7, 2009, and as an invited lecture at Binghamton University SUNY, New York, December 4, 2009.

「『平家物語』外国語訳の限界と可能性」 「軍記・語り物研究会」45号
“Heike monogatari gaikokugoyaku no genkai to kannōsei,” Gunki katarimono kenkyūkai 45 (March 2009), pp. 3–17. [Discusses translations of Heike monogatari, including excerpts translated into French by François Turrettini in 1871.]

“Regenerating the Canon: One Hundred New Nō Plays,” in New Horizons in Japanese Literary Studies: Canon Formation, Gender, and Media [Japanese title: 越境する日本文学研究]. Edited with Introduction by Haruo Shirane. Benseisha: 2009, pp. 37–39 (English), 41–43 (Japanese).

書評 Book Review of David T. Bialock, Eccentric Spaces, Hidden Histories: Narrative, Ritual, and Royal Authority from The Chronicles of Japan to The Tale of the Heike (Stanford University Press, 2007). Monumenta Nipponica 64:2 (2009), 384–386.


Keynote address: "Heike monogatari gaikokugoyaku no genkai to kanōsei" (『平家物語』外国語訳の限界と可能性), Gunki monogatari kenkyūkai symposium "Gunki monogatari kenkyū no kokusaika ni mukete" (軍記物語研究会シンポジウム「軍記物語研究の国際化に向けて」) , Waseda University, Tokyo, August 25, 2008.

"Narrative Transformations, Sutra Stones, Human Sacrifice, and Divine Intervention at Tsukishima." Twelfth Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Salento University, Lecce, Italy.  September 24, 2008.

"Juei sannen (1184) no Genpei sōran wo egaita bangai kyoku" [Non-canonical nō plays concerning the Genpei battles of 1184] in Studies on Japanese Language and Culture from an International Perspective, ed. Jang Wei. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2008, pp. 479–488. (「寿永三年(1184)の源平騒乱を描いた番外曲」 『日本语言文化研究  日本学框架与国际化视角』 张威編 [北京] 清華大学出版社)

“Patterns of Human Sacrifice in the Ballad-Drama Tsukishima (‘Artificial Island’)." Paper read in conference “Illustrating the Dharma: Popular 
Buddhism in Medieval Japanese Fiction." University of Colorado. Boulder, Colorado. May 16, 2008.


"Yōkyoku honyaku no rekishi" [History of Noh Translations], Nogami kinen Hōsei daigaku nōgaku kenkyūjo, ed. Nō no honyaku: bunka no honyaku wa ika ni site kanō ka. Nijūichi seiki COE kokusai Nihon kenkyū sōsho 8, Hōsei daigaku nōgaku kenkyū sentā, May 2007, pp. 103-128.

"A Slave’s Wit: Early Japanese Translations of the Life of Aesop,"  The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, fourth series, vol. 20 (2007), pp. 1-22.    

"Noh fit for a Bunjin: The Collection of 'One Hundred Plays'" Position paper read at Roundtable "New Horizons in Japanese Literary Studies I. Canonization and Popularization: Reconfigurations of the Past." The Eleventh Asian Studies Conference Japan, Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo. June 23, 2007.


キリシタン版と書 天草版『平家物語』と『エソポのハブラス』『国文学:解釈と教材の研究』特集:安土桃山レネッサンス、2006年10月号, pp. 62-72. ["Kirishitanban to sho: Amakusaban Heike monogatari to Esopo no fabulas." Kokubungaku. Tokushū: Azuchi Momoyama Renaissance (October, 2006), pp. 62-72]「

"Glossary of Characters" (pp. 171-194), "Bibliography" (pp. 195-208) in The Tales of the Heike, translated by Burton Watson, edited by Haruo Shirane (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006).

「寿永三年 (1184)の源平争乱を描いた番外謡曲」(Bangai noh depicting year 1184 of the Genpei War) [Plays concerning Tomoe-gozen and related characters, and the battle of Ichi-no-tani]. 
清華大学日本言語文化国際(中国 北京 清華大学外国語学部 日本言語文化研究所主催) (Conference presentation at International Japanese Studies Forum, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, May 27, 2006.)

"Premodern Texts on Page and Screen." Presentation given in panel on "The Future of Basic Textual Research in Classical Japanese Literature," Eleventh annual meeting of the Asian Scholars Conference Japan (ASCJ), International Christian University, Tokyo, June 24, 2006. [Session 11 - Abstract (PDF)]

"Spirits of the Drowned: Sea Journeys in Bangai Noh from the Genpei War." Paper read in panel "Fantastic Journeys in Muromachi Fiction and Drama," Association of Japanese Literary Studies (AJLS), Josai International University, Tokyo, July 1, 2006. [Expected date of publication in proceedings: summer 2007.]

「謡曲翻訳の歴史」("The History of Noh translation") 法政大学国際日本学研究集会「能の翻訳を考える—文化の翻訳はいかにして可能か—」(International symposium on the translation of noh, Hosei University Center for International Japan-Studies, Tokyo). December 16, 2006.


"Yoritomo’s shrine by the sea: the narrative function of place names in the bangai noh Tsurugaoka," in Paul S. Atkins, Davinder L. Bhowmik, and Edward Mack, eds., Landscapes Imagined and Remembered, Proceedings of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies, vol. 6 (Seattle: University of Washington, 2005), pp. 61-75. [TOC]

"Japanese Narrative." Entry in David Herman, Manfred Jahn and Marie-Laure Ryan, eds, Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory (London, New York : Routledge, 2005), pp. 265-266. [info]

"Electronic databases for antiquarians? Extra-repertory noh play texts in the digital performing arts world." GloPAC - Singapore Workshop on a Japanese Performing Arts Resource Center, National University of Singapore, June 24, 2005.

「地中海の漂泊者イソップー伊曾保物語の比較文学的考察ー」("Aesop's travels about the Mediterranean: Isoppo monogatari from a comparative perspective"). 第50回国際東方学者会議 [50th International Conference of Eastern Studies] Symposium V, 漂泊者の文学 (Japanese Literature of Wandering and Itinerancy), May 20, 2005. [program]

"Kurikara otoshi 倶利伽羅落 (The Fall from Kurikara): Translation and Study." Paper given at "Translations and Transformations: The Heike monogatari in Nō" Conference, Washington University at St. Louis, 28 March, 2005
"Outside the canon: bangai noh plays on the Genpei War" (源平争乱に題材を採った謡曲—番外曲を中心に—). Talk given at East Asian Studies Colloquium, Princeton University, 24 February, 2005; Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University, 3 March, 2005.

"Reading, writing, rewriting: the sociology of texts in premodern Japan." Panel organizer and chair. Premodern Literature section of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Vienna, September 1, 2005.  http://www.univie.ac.at/eajs/sections/abstracts/Section_3b/3b_2.htm

「源平の争乱を描いた番外謡曲」(The depiction of the Genpei War in bangai noh). 法政大学大学院 能楽研究所 エクステンション・カレッジ公開講座「世界の中の能ー能が伝える日本の美ー」(Lecture in series organized by the Institute for Noh Studies, Hōsei University Graduate School). October 7, 2005. http://www.hosei.ac.jp/gs/info/05/0927/0927.html


"Theories of Narrative and their Application to the Study of Heike monogatari" in James Baxter, ed., Observing Japan from Within (Kyoto: Nichibunken kenkyū, 2004), pp. 91-122. 

「海外における日本文学研究の現状と問題−中世文学研究を中心に」、伊井春樹編『国際化の中の日本文学研究』 国 際日本文学研究報告集一 (風間書房 2004), pp. 18-31. ["Kaigai ni okeru nihon koten bungaku kenkyū no genjō to mondai." in Ii Haruki, ed. Kokusaika no naka no Nihon bungaku kenkyū. Kokusai nihon bungaku kenkyū hōkokushū 1. (Kazama shobō, 2004), pp. 18-31.]

  「日本古典文学翻訳データベース」(緑川真知子共著) 伊井春樹編『日本文学 翻訳の可能 性』 国際日本文学研究報告集2 (風間書房 2004),  pp. 263-316. ["Nihon koten bungaku hon’yaku database." Co-edited with Midorikawa Machiko. Nihon bungaku: hon’yaku no kanōsei. Kokusai nihon bungaku kenkyū hōkokushū 2. Tokyo: Kazama shobō, 2004, pp. 263-316.]
[Extensively revised version of the "alphabetical bibliography of translations of classical Japanese works up to 1600" <www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/~pmjs/trans/index.html> with notes in Japanese. (The database has continued to be revised, and now is called "Premodern Japanese texts and translation.")]

Oral presentation: "Men at war in medieval: honourable and dishonourable flight from battle" (given at conference entitled "Masculinity, Patriarchy and Power" <url> , April 6, at Southampton University, UK). The paper forms part of a joint research project on gender at the Institute of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University. (「前近代と近代社会におけるジェンダー、身体、セクシュアリティの考察」コーディネーター:合場敬子).

Oral presentation: "Simplified Translations of the Jesuit Mission to Japan." An abbreviated version was given at the Second Tsinghua-Lingnan Translation Symposium ("New Dimensions of Translation Studies"), June 5, at Lingnan University, Hong Kong, while a longer paper was given at the Asiatic Society of Japan <url>, Tokyo, on June 21, 2004.

"A Slave's Wit: reading early Japanese versions of Aesop." FIT Fourth Asian Translators' Forum: "Translation, Cognition and Interdisciplinary Studies," Tsinghua University, Beijing, October 29, 2004. [清華大学、北京]   

Oral presentation: "Yoritomo's Shrine by the Sea: Narrative Functions of Tsurugaoka Hachimangu." Paper in panel "A Sense of Place: Medieval Visions of Kamakura in the Heike monogatari and Beyond." Association for Japanese Literary Studies Thirteenth Annual Meeting: "Landscapes Imagined and Remembered." University of Washington, Seattle, October 22, 2004. [Published in 2005.]

"Noh heroics: how non-canonical plays represent men at war." PMJS kenkyūkai, SOAS, University of London, U.K. 23 December, 2004.


"A Narrative Study of the Kakuichi-bon Heike monogatari." D.Phil. thesis, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, 2003. xii+323 pages. [table of contents] (博士論文 オックスフォード大学東洋学部)

「欧米における日本古典文学研究の近況」『文学・語学』全国大学国語国文学会編、第175号、2003年2月、pp. 143-6. [Survey of recent studies and translations in the field of classical Japanese literature in Europe and North America. Published in Bungaku Gogaku, no. 175 (Feb. 2003).]

"How Giō saves her father's life: innovations to the Giō legend in bangai ." Paper given at 9th Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Warsaw, Poland, Aug. 28, 2003.

"The Right Tool for the Job: The Application of Narrative Theory to Japanese Literature" (国際日本文化研究センター 第5回日本在住外国人研究者シンポジウ Observing Japan from Within 内側から見た日本—在住外国人研究者の視点, 京都) [Talk given in symposium at Nichibunken, Kyoto, Sept. 9, 2003. Published in 2004.] 


「『平家物語』のナラトロジーー覚一本を中心にー」(時田アリソン・薦田治子編『日本の語り物 : 口頭性・構造・意義 』  国際日本文化研究センター, 2002)(日文研叢書 = Nichibunken Japanese studies series 26 . 国際日本文化研究センター共同研究報告). "Heike monogatari no narratology: Kakuichibon wo chushin ni" [The naratology of Heike monogatari, with focus on the Kakuichi variant] in Alison Tokita and Komoda Hiroko, eds., Nihon no katarimono, kōtōsei, kōzō, igi, Kyoto: Nihon bunka kenkyu center, 2002.

ワトソン・マイケル「英語圏における日本中世文学の初期受容−掛詞の翻訳を中心に−」 『中 世文学』第47号 "Eigoken ni okeru Nihon chūsei bungaku no shoki juyō: kakekotoba no honyaku wo chūshin ni." ["Early Reception of Medieval Japanese Literature in the English-speaking World, with special emphasis on Kakekotoba (Poetical Word Play)."] Chūsei Bungaku 47 (June 2002), pp. 13-19.

「海外における日本文学研究の現状と問題−中世文学研究を中心に−」(伊井春樹編、『大阪大 学国際日本文学研究集会 「国際化の中の日本文学研究ーその課題と方法への模索ー」』、2002, pp. 13-21) [On recent work in English on medieval Japanese literature. Published in 2002 in proceedings and in 2004 in book form.]

Discussant for Lili Selden,"Mystery, Suspense, and Horror in the Ukifune Chapters"] ("Tale of Genji" conference, Stanford University (ディスカッサント、「源氏物語シンポジウム」、スタンフォード大学、カリフォルニア州) (April 26, 2002)


Monumenta Nipponica 56.2 (2001), pp. 292-294. Book reviews of: Word-Processing Technology in Japan: Kanji and the Keyboard. By Nanette Gottlieb. Curzon Press, 1998. 219 pages. Hardback 40.00 sterling. Denno kokubungaku: intanetto de hirogaru koten no sekai 電脳国文学、インターネットで広がる古典の世界. Ed. Kanji Bunken Joho Shori Kenkyukai 漢字文献情報処理研究会 (Sema Masayuki 瀬間正之, Tanimoto Sachihiro 谷本玲大, Ouchi Hidenori 大内英範, Okada Yuriko 岡田百合子). Kobun Shuppan, 2000. 286 pages. With CD-ROM. 3360 yen.

平成十三年度 中世文学会春期大会公開シンポジウム「外から見た中世文学」 群馬県立女子大学。Panelist in symposium on "Medieval [Japanese] literature seen from abroad," Chusei bungakkai shunki taikai (Association of Medieval Literature, Spring Conference), Gunma Prefectural Women's College, 26 May, 2001. Expanded version of paper published in Chūsei bungaku, no. 47 (June 2002).


"Multiple voices and views: narration in the Tale of the Heike." Paper read at the Association for Asian Studies, San Diego, 10 March, 2000 (Panel 59 "Three National Epics: China and Japan," organizer Moss Roberts)


Review of George W. Perkins, The Clear Mirror: A Chronicle of the Japanese Court during the Kamakura Period (1185-1333) (Stanford University Press, 1998), Monumenta Nipponica 54.3 (1999), 405-408.

「チェンバレンとアストン」第44回国際東方学者会議、粂川光樹司会セミナー「日本文学 西・東—明治10年代を中心に」、1999年6月5日
Conference paper on early translations of noh by Chamberlain and Aston (44th International Conference of Eastern Studies, Tokyo, 5 June, 1999). For panel organizer's summary see Kumekawa Mitsuki, "Seminar I: Japanese Literature in the 1880's: East Meets West," Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies, No. XLIV (1999), 121-123.

"Warriors Rewarded: "Kimi no go-on" in Gunki Monogatari." Paper read at The Third Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ)  in the panel "Warriors and Authority in Kamakura Japan" organized by Ethan Segal (Stanford University), Ichigaya Campus, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan, June 26, 1999.


国際日本文化研究センター共同研究会「日本の語り物 - 口頭性・構造・意義」 1998年11月14日 *"Narratology of the Kakuichi version Heike Monogatari," paper in Japanese given at the Nichibunken project workshop on "Katarimono, performed naratives in Japan: orality, structures, meaning," November 14, 1998. [This paper was published in  Alison Tokita and Komoda Hiroko, eds., Nihon no katarimono, kōtōsei, kōzō, igi, Kyoto: Nihon bunka kenkyū center, 2002. The research project was organized by Alison Tokita (Monash University).]

"Women's Experience of War at Ichi-no-tani," paper given at "Twenty-eighth Medieval Workshop: Courtesan & Nun in Europe and Japan, The Function of the Woman Writer between Feudal and Courtly Society," University of British Columbia, September 19, 1998.

「『平家物語』の絵画化—プリンストン大学蔵『平家物語』絵本を中心に—」(山下宏明編『平 家物語—批評と文化史』、軍記文学研究叢書巻七、汲古書院、1998年、277-298頁)
"The Pictorialization of Heike Monogatari and the Princeton Illustrated Heike monogatari," paper in Japanese published in Yamashita Hiroaki, ed., Heike Monogatari: Hihyō to Bunkashi, vol. 7 of series Gunki Bungaku Kenkyū Soshō (Tokyo: Kyūkō Shoin, 1998): 277-298.


"Intertextuality in Heike Monogatari and its Reception in Nō," paper given at the 8th Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Budapest, August 28, 1997.
Organizer and chair of the session.

"Modes of Reception: Heike Monogatari and Kogō," paper given at the Cornell Summer Symposium on "Presenting Tales of the Heike in Medieval Japan," August 16, 1997.

"Modes of Reception: Heike Monogatari and the Nō play Kogō," International and Regional Studies [Meiji Gakuin University], issue 16 (May 1997), 275-303.
Available online: excerpt from article, and full transcription and translation of play.

『平家物語』櫻井陽子監修、ワトソン・マイケル英訳、CD-ROM 二枚、FUJITSU-SSL1997 年。
Heike Monogatari, set of two CD-ROM's, edited by Sakurai Yoko and translated by Michael Watson, Tokyo: Fujitsu, 1997.
Some 50,000 words of textual material introducing the work and its cultural reception. Includes some twenty passages translated from the original.


クロニクルからナラティヴへー『平家物語』と『アルビジョワ十 字軍の歌』『平家物語 研究と批評』山下宏明編(有精堂)1996年6月 pp. 195-218.
"Chronicle to Narrative: Heike monogatari and La Chanson de la Croisade Albigeoise," paper in Japanese published in Heike monogatari kenkyū to hihyō, ed. Yamashita Hiroaki (Tokyo: Yūseidō, 1996), 195-218.

"The Heike Monogatari and its Reception: The Narratology of Illustration," paper given at the Association for Asian Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, 12 April, 1996. [Organizer and chair of the session, translator of two of the other papers]


"Genre, Convention, Parody, and the Middle Style: Heike monogatari and Chaucer." Poetica 44 (December, 1995), 23-40.

「プリンストン大学図書館蔵『平家物語』について—絵を中心に—」(軍記・語り物研究会 第 291回例会)1995年9月24日
"The Illustrated Heike Monogatari in the Gest Oriental Library, Princeton University," paper given in Japanese to the Gunki katarimono kenkyūkai. Tokyo, 24 September, 1995.

マイケル・ワトソン 緑川真知子共著「世界文学 としての平安文学ー欧米における研究の現在ー」(『東アジアの中の平安文学』論文平安文学2、後藤祥子・鈴木日出男・田中隆昭・中野 幸一・増田繁夫 編(勉誠社)1995年5月25日 pp. 208-229)
"Heian literature as world literature: recent trends in Western studies." Paper in Japanese co-authored with Midorikawa Machiko in Higashi Azia no naka no Heian bungaku, ed. Gotō Shōko et al. (Tokyo: Benseisha, 1995), 208-229.


"W. G. Aston, Japanese Studies, and the Heike Monogatari." International and Regional Studies 国際研究, no. 10, Meiji Gakuin Review 509 (February 1993), 25-43.
*Excerpt online.

"W. G. Aston's Annotations to the Rufubon Heike Monogatari."  International and Regional Studies 国際研究, no. 11, Meiji Gakuin Review 522 (March 1993), 17-59.
*Excerpt online

For earlier publications and talks see watson-gyoseki.

In publications in Japanese, my name sometimes appears as マイケル・ワトソン and sometimes as ワトソン・マイケル. The difference of order causes problems for database searching. Non-Japanese kōhai, the moral of this is: decide on your preferred order and stick to it!

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Michael Watson, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University
e-mail to: watson[at]k.meijigakuin.ac.jp
address of this URL: http://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/~watson/ronbun/biblio.html