Department of Law
Department of Current Legal Studies
Department of Political Science
For understanding the rights and roles of consumers, there is consumer law; for understanding law concerning corporate activity, there is corporate law; and for understanding laws and policies concerning protection of the global environment, there is environmental law. These laws are considered as a group of laws related to the present day, and personal computers are used actively for this study so as to develop appropriate judgment and information utilization skills for the era of informatization.
In this department, we develop information processing and information origination skills in the department’s basic course cluster, special seminars, and other such courses, while also building a foundation for learning law with the foundational law course cluster. Taking this as their foundation, students pursue studies in the three cutting-edge and practice-oriented law course clusters.
There is a disparity between consumers and corporations in terms of information volume and negotiating power, so we study the legal system in order to protect the interests and realize the rights of the consumer. Giving careful thought to the interests of the consumer is useful, in a corporation, for treating customers properly, and in public administration, for taking citizens’ views into account.
These courses are for study of the various laws, international treaties, and foreign laws that determine the rules for corporate activities, which support the economy. The rules in Japan and other countries that were created so that corporate business today would be conducted fairly and actively make up the cluster of laws referred to as corporate law.
Given an understanding of the mechanisms of environmental destruction, these courses are for study of the social and international rules for protection of the global environment. We have also created a course on Environmental Science for learning about the mechanisms of the natural environment and the influences of human activity. This aids in considering questions about the framework of environment-related laws.
We provide an abundance of courses held in small groups, including the department basic course cluster and special seminars, in which care can be precisely matched to the individual student.
The curriculum also includes the Consumer Law Seminar, Consumer Law Practice, and an abundance of other such practically-oriented courses taught by faculty members who have a wealth of experience as practitioners.
We keep required courses to a minimum and arrange offerings so that students can select courses that will be practically useful for their individual future goals. At the same time, we also provide model course enrollment patterns as a reference for course selection.*
* We have model patterns for consumer sector candidates, corporate candidates, environmental sector candidates, civil service candidates, law school candidates, and international affairs candidates.