Noh plays that have not been translated into English are the focus of this list.
This page supplements the following online lists:
noh-trans - all plays in the repertory, as well as other plays that have been translated (alphabetical order):
noh-aiueo - less detailed checklist of plays in the repertory (gojûon order)

I have cast the net wide, including:
(1) Bangai kyoku 番外曲 - plays not in the performance repertory of any of the five schools. As there are potentially thousands of plays in this categories, I have concentrated on several hundred plays available in the major anthologies and/or included in Takemoto 1995, a list of plays mentioned in older sources.
(2) shinsaku - 新 作 - "new compositions"that have been accepted into the repertory of at least one school.
(3) plays that are still included in the repertory of one school but no longer performed
(4) plays only performed by a single school, particularly schools other than Kanze 観世 (i.e. Hôshô 宝生, Komparu 金春, Kongô 金剛, and Kita 喜多).
(5) plays which have not been translated into English since 1950. A brief bibliography is given for more recently translated plays. For fuller entries, including information about authorship, translations into other languages, texts, and see noh-trans. The Western-language bibliography is also on that page. A Japanese bibliography is given below.

The following conventions are used to distinguish plays:
Titles in bold: plays in the repertory. The schools performing them are listed.
Titles in bold italics: Bangai kyoku.
Titles in italics: Alternative titles for plays. See other title for main entry.

Abbreviations: "in rep." (in repertory of at least one of the schools). (E) English translation, (€) translation in another European language, (J) Japanese electronic text or printed edition, (A) authorship/attribution.

In the case of categories (3), (4), and (5) there is overlap with the other online lists, but in general this page covers rarer plays excluded from those lists. As I add information, I am giving priority to plays relevant to my interest in the reception of Heike monogatari into noh. Gojûon order is adopted here as it makes it much easier to cross-check with Japanese sources. While it is of course possible to search the page by clicking the あいうえお links below and then scrolling down, it will usually quicker and easier to locate a specific play by searching with the browser's FIND function for the Japanese or romanized title (generally written without hyphens, long vowels marked with circumflex). [More on titles.]

-- Michael Watson <watson[at]>
under construction: 2006.11.04 










English-language bibliography

        Standard abbreviations have been used for the following journals.
        BEFEO = Bulletin de l'École Française d'Extrême-Orient
        HJAS = Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies [at JSTOR]
        MN = Monumenta Nipponica [url][at JSTOR]
        TASJ = Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan

Individual JSTOR links are given for those who have access through a subscribing institution.             The links are to electronic files in pdf format that can be read on screen or downloaded.

For author date references see English-language bibliography on noh-trans page.
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Bibliography (Japanese language)
This covers only (a) text editions and (b) secondary literature (link) which are cited in the checklist or notes. Web links are to the Webcat page which provides further bibliographical information in Japanese.

(a) original text editions, in order of abbreviations used in entries.
Abbreviations follow those used in Takemoto 1999 (see p. 55) except in cases of series like NKBT or NKBZ where Western scholarship has standard abbreviations.

Kokumin = Furuya Chishin, ed. Yôkyoku zenshû. 2 vols. Kokumin bunko kankôkai, 1911.
古谷知新編 『謡曲全集』上下 (国民文庫刊行会)
[Unannotated edition. Most, perhaps all, of the texts in volume 1 are still in the repertory and available in more recent additions, but volume 2 is a useful edition as a supplement to KYS above, as it prints a large number of bangai nô from two Edo collections, the three-hundred play collection of Jôkyô 3 (1686) and the four-hundred play play collection of Genroku 2 (1689). When reading texts in the larger, annoted KYS collection (see above), it is worth comparing the text given here, as there are textual differences.  See comments on edition in Nogami, Nôgaku zensho, 3:236-7.)
* Takemoto 1995 abbreviates 『国民』.

KYS = Haga Yaichi and Sakaki Nobutsuna. Kôchû Yôkyoku sôsho. Three vols. Hakubunkan: 1913-15; reprint Rinsen shoten: 1987.
芳賀矢一・佐佐木信綱校註 『校註謡曲叢書』 (博文館、複製:臨川書店)
Annotated edition of a total of 548 noh texts, including several hundred bangai plays. Convenient for reference also in that plays are given in gojûon order of title (as written in historic kana). Vol. 1:  あーこ,  Vol. 2:  さーと, Vol. 3:   なーを. A few plays are given out of order at the end of vol. 3 (補遺).
* Takemoto 1995 abbreviates 『叢書』.

Meicho = Nonomura Kaizô , ed., Yôkyoku sanbyakugojûshû (Nihon meicho zenshû kankôkai, 1928)
野々村戒三校訂『謠曲三百五十番集』日本名著全集刊行会 . Base text for the UTAHI electronic text. References to this edition have been omitted when a link is given to the UTAHI site.
* Takemoto 1995 abbreviates 『三五』.

Mikan = publications by Tanaka Makoto 田中允編 in Koten bunko 古典文庫.
  1. Tanaka Makoto, ed. Bangai yôkyoku 番外謡曲. Koten bunko vol. 33, 1950.
    Abbreviated here as Tanaka, Bangai『番外』 in Takemoto 1995.
  2. Tanaka Makoto, ed. Zoku bangai yôkyoku 続番外謡曲. Koten bunko vol. 57, 1950. 
    Abbreviated here as Tanaka, Zokugai『続外』 in Takemoto 1995.
  3. Tanaka Makoto, ed. Mikan yôkyôshû 未刊謡曲集. 31 vols. Koten bunko, 1963-1978. 
    Abbreviated here as Mikan, with vol. number, 『未刊1〜31』in Takemoto 1995.
  4. Tanaka Makoto, ed. Mikan yôkyôshû zokuhen 未刊謡曲集続編. 22 vols. Koten bunko, 1963-1978. 
    Abbreviated here as Mikan-zoku, with vol. number, 『続1〜14』in Takemoto 1995.
Note that no. 1 and 2 above are sometimes catalogued together as 続番外謡曲 (正), 番外謡曲(続) and referred to in the literature as sei and zoku. Volumes of the series, nos. 3 and 4, must be located among other Koten bunko editions. See Webcat links or local library catalogue for vol. numbers. [Webcat][Webcat-3][Webcat-4]
* The collection includes Bangai kyoku from early manuscripts and printed texts as well as plays written in the twentieth-century. Some volumes arrange plays in gojûon order, others follow the base text. Multiple editions of the same play are included. There are no headnotes and no list of roles, but each volume begins with brief notes on plays, mainly textual. See the final three vols. of series for indices to all plays in series.

NKBS 40-41
= Yokomichi Mario and Omote Akira, eds. Yôkyôkushû. 2 vols. Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei 40-41. Iwanami shoten, 1960, 1963. 横道萬里雄・表章  『謡曲集』上下 日本古典文学大系 岩波書店. Plays arranged by author (attributed), or period. An electronic text for scholarly use has been produced by NIJL (国文学研究資料館).
* Takemoto 1995 abbreviates 『大系』.

NKBZ 33-34 =  Koyama Hiroshi, Satô Kikuo, Satô Ken’ichirô, eds. and trans. Yôkyokushû. 2 vols. NKBZ (Shôgakukan, 1973-75). 小山弘志・ 佐藤喜久雄。 佐藤健一郎校注・訳『謡曲集』上下日本古典文学全集 小学館 Arrangement by play: by play category (type).
* Takemoto 1995 abbreviates 『全集』.

Shinhyaku = Sasaki Nobutsuna, ed. Shin'yôkyoku hyakuban. Tokyo: Hakubunkan, 1912, reprint Kyoto: Rinsen shoten, 1987. 38+440 pp. 佐佐木信綱著『新謡曲百番』博文館(臨川書店)
 [Webcat (1912 ed.)(reprint)]
* Takemoto 1995 abbreviates 『新百』.

Shinpen NKBZ
= Koyama Hiroshi and Satô Ken'ichirô, ed. and trans. Yôkyôkushû. 2 vols. Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshû. Shôgakukan, 1997-1998. [Vol. 1. includes Okina, Takasago, Oimatsu, Tamura, Yorimasa, Kiyotsune, Izutsu, Nonomiya, Matsukaze, Yuya, Saigyô-zakura... [ADD REST], Vol. 2 includes: Hyakuman, Hanagatami, Semimaru, ujito, Kinuta, Dôjôji, Shunkan, Danpû, Kurotsuka, Momojigari, Funa Benkai ... [ADD REST].]  Base text is Kan'ei 6 (1629) Kanze school text (寛永卯月本). ADD REMAINING PLAYS, SERIES VOL. NOS.

 57   = Nishino Haruo, ed. Yôkyoku hyakuban. SNKB (Iwanami, 1998)
西野春雄校注 『謡曲百番』 新日本古典文学大系57
Arrangement of plays is traditional, beginning with Takasago. Edition of Kan’ei 7 (1630) woodblock edition.

SNKS = Itô Masayoshi, ed. Yôkyôkushû. 3 vols. Shinchô Nihon Koten Shûsei. Shinchôsha, 1983-88. 伊藤正義校注 『謡曲』新潮古典集成(新潮)Arrangement of plays: gojûon order. Text based on Kôetsu utaibon. Detailed annotation, supplementary notes.
* Takemoto 1995 abbreviates 『集成』.

Taikan = Sanari Kentarô, ed. Yôkyoku taikan. 6 vols. (Meiji Shoin, 1930-31).
佐成謙太郎著『謡曲大観』(明治書院). Arrangement of plays: gojûon order of titles (as written in historic kana). All plays accompanied by introductory matter, headnote annotation, and modern Japanese translation (paraphrasing somewhat freely, but helpful).
* Takemoto 1995 abbreviates 『大観』.

Tanaka, Bangai; Tanaka, Zokugai (see entry Mikan above).

Yôkyoku 250banshû = Ôtani Tokuzô, ed. Yôkyoku nihyakubanshû sakuin. 2 vols. [text and concordance]. Kaidai sakuin sôkan 6. (Akaoshôbundô, 1988).
大谷篤蔵編 『謡曲二百五十番集索引』 (赤尾照文堂)
Arrangement of text: by play type. Concordance in one volume, with play/page/dan reference to the unannotated text of 253 plays in the second volume. The text also contains small black-and-white photographs of performances. For reference rather than reading (the text of the plays is also somewhat muddy), but extremely useful. The concordance is well arranged and clearly laid out. 

Zensho = Nogami Toyoichirô and Tanaka Makoto, Yôkyoku shû, 3 vols. Nihon koten zensho (Asahi Shinbusha, 1949-1957). 野上豊一郎解説・田中允校注 『謡曲集』上中、田中允校注 『謡曲集』下. 日本古典全書(朝日新聞社).  Annotated text of 133 plays edited from manuscripts and moveable-type (kokatsuji) edition. Arrangement: play category. For further details see short-list (PDF).
* Takemoto 1995 abbreviates 『全書』.

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(b) secondary-literature in Japanese (mainly encyclopedic sources)
See above for text editions.

Maruoka Kei, ed. Nishino Haruo. Kokin yôkyoku kaidai. Kokin yôkyoku kaidai kankôkai, 1984. Revised edition with additional notes by Nishino Haruo. 
丸岡桂著 西野春雄編 『古今謡曲解題』(古今謡曲解題刊行会 1984)

Nishino Haruo and Hata Hisashi, ed. Nô kyôgen jiten. Heibonsha, 1999 (revised ed.).
西野春雄・羽田昶編 『能・狂言事典』 新訂増補(平凡社)

Nishino 1999 = "Nôkyokumei" 能曲名 (pp. 10-163, with additions 438-443) in above work. Entries for plays in gojûon order compiled by Nishino Haruo. A basic, up-to-date source.

Nishino 2003 = Nishino Haruo et al., ed., "Nôgaku kankei gaikokugo bunken mokuroku" 能楽関係外国語文献目録 in Nogami kinen Hôsei daigaku nôgaku kenkyûsho 野上記念法政大学能楽研修所, ed. Gaikokujin no nôgaku kenkyû 外国人の能楽研究 (Hôsei daigaku kokusai Nihongaku kenkyû center, 2003).

Nogami Toyoichirô, ed. Nôgaku zensho. 7 vols. Tokyo Sôgensha, 1979-81 (revised ed., orig. published 1942).  野上豊一郎編 『能楽全書 』(創元社)  [Volume 3 has several useful lists: "Yôkyoku kyokume sôran" (pp. 235-279) indentifies editions of plays, while "Honyakukyôku ichiran" by Nishino Haruo (pp. 328-316) lists translations Unlike the present checklist, it includes early journal publications and Russian translations.]

Takemoto Mikio and Hashimoto Asao. Nô kyôgen hikkei. Gakutôsha, 1995.
竹本幹夫・橋本朝生編『能・狂言必携』別冊國文学 NO.48 (學燈社)

Takemoto 1995 = Nôsakuhin zenran" (pp. 53-120) edited by Takemoto Mikio in above work. This is a compact guide to plays in gojûon order, including information not given in the corresponding list in Nishino 1999, such as the date when a play is first mentioned, as well as the standard modern edition. More bangai plays are included.
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play types (nôgara 能柄):
1) waki-nô mono 脇能物 or uimemono 初目物, usually translated as "god plays";
(2) nibanme-mono 二番目物, second-category plays, or shura-mono 修羅物, "warrior plays";
(3) sanbanme-mono 三番目物, third-category plays, or kazura-mono 鬘物, "wig pieces" or "woman plays" (although the protagonist is not necessarily a woman);
(4) yobanme-mono 四番目物 "fourth-category plays" (a large and varied group), many of these are genzaimono 現在物 "plays of a miscellaneous or contemporary character"; and
(5) gobanme-mono 五番目物, fifth-category plays, or kiri-nô 切能 "concluding plays."
(Translation of some terms follows Keene 1990 [1966], 21, and Tyler 1992, 13).

Distribution of plays by type is very uneven. One standard collection of 253 plays in the repertoire lists Okina first, then 42 waki-nô, 16 shura-mono, 47 sanbanme-mono, 97 yobanme-mono, and 50 gobanme-mono (Nonomiya Keizô, Yôkyôku nihyaku gojû banshû [Akao Shôbundô, 1978]).
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Electronic texts
Texts and translations of thirteen plays have been made available through the Japanese Text Initiative sponsored by the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center and the University of Pittsburgh East Asian Library. In many cases, several translations are available for one play. Translators: Susan Matisoff, Fenollosa/Pound, Marie Stopes, Royall Tyler, Paul Varley, and Arthur Waley. For copyright reasons the Japanese text is based on Yôkyoku Hyôshaku, ed. Owada Tateki (Tokyo: Hakubunkan, 1907) [Webcat: 謡曲評釋 / 大和田建樹著 (博文館, 1907-1908), 9 vols.], an edition used by Waley and other early translators. For details see:
[Aoi no ue, Aya no tsuzumi, Hagoromo, Izutsu, Kagekiyo, Kumasaka, Matsukaze, Nonomiya, Sekidera Komachi, Semimaru, Sotoba Komachi, Takasago, Tsunemasa.]
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 The UTAHI Hangyô bunko (半魚文庫) site has sponsored a long-term project to digitize the text of an edition of the 253 plays. As of October 2006, only a small number remain to edit. A selection of the non-canonical plays are now being edited. Entries and links will be added as they appear.

The base texts are:
(1) Nonomura Kaizô , ed., Yôkyoku sanbyakugojûshû (Nihon meicho zenshû kankôkai, 1928)
(2) Nonomiya Keizô , ed., Yôkyoku nihyaku gojû banshû (Akao Shôbundô, 1978) 2 vols. This edition was revised by Ôtani Tokuzô 大谷篤蔵 and contains a concordance in the second volume.
        野々村戒三校訂『謠曲二百五十番集』赤尾照文堂 Webcat.

Details of the project and information about the texts and how they should and should not be used are given on the hanrei page. In a nutshell: free to use but not to sell, best used for SEARCHING rather than reading. The individual plays can be accessed on a page that also indicates the stage of editing reached. The entire corpus can be searched using a single page--with patience you can copy it all to a single word processor file but it comes to over 2000 pages in Word.
If you have mojibake problems with UTAHI texts, switch to "Japanese (EUC)" encoding. Mac OSX "Safari" users will note a problem with the display, but the strike-through disappears if you copy and paste the text into another application.
compiled by Michael Watson (Meiji Gakuin University). <watson[at]>
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