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Monica Bethe
Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies, Otani University.

Studies on Noh with Karen Brazell: Dance analysis. China-Japan Program, Cornell University, 1982 // No As Performance : An Analysis of the Kuse Scene of Yamamba (Cornell, 1978)

Essays/translations: Monica Bethe, Dale Carolyn Gluckman and Sharon Sadako Takeda, When art became fashion: kosode in Edo-period Japan (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1992) //Amanda Mayer Stinchecum, Patterns and poetry : No robes from the Lucy Truman Aldrich collection at the museum of art, Rhode Island School of Design (Rhode Island School of Design, 1992) // Amanda Mayer Stinchecum, essay in Kosode, 16th-19th century textiles from the Nomura Collection by (Kodansha, 1984) O.P.// Monica Bethe, Decorative designs from nature (Kodansha, 1987) // Kyotaro Nishikawa, Bugaku masks (Kodansha,1978) // Toshiko Ito, Tsujigahana, the flower of Japanese textile art (Kodansha, 1981), etc.

National Noh theater guides (with Richard Emmert and others): Aoi-no-ue, Atsumori, Ema, Fujito, Matsukaze, Miidera, Tenko. [see under Bethe, Monica on]

Richard Bowring
University of Cambridge, UK

* The Diary of Lady Murasaki (Penguin Classics, 1996) [revision of Murasaki Shikibu, her diary and poetic memoirs : a translation and study (Princeton, 1982).]. // Fifty years of Japanese at Cambridge 1948-98 : a chronicle with reminiscences (Cambridge, 1998) // The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Japan (co-editor with P.Kornicki, 1993) // An Introduction to Modern Japanese (2 vols., co-author, 1992) // Historical Fiction of Mori Ogai, ed. Dilworth & Rimer with additional contributions by Bowring (Hawaii, 1991) // Murasaki Shikibu : The Tale of Genji. Landmarks of World Literature. (Cambridge, 1988) [O.P.] // Mori Ogai and the modernization of Japanese culture (Cambridge, 1979)

CURRENT PROJECT: a history of Japanese religions

John Breen
Senior Lecturer in Japanese Studies, Department of East Asia, SOAS, London. Centre for the study of Japanese religions.

Publications 1995-2000
* "Nativism restored, Monumenta Nipponica, 55, 3 (2000).
* Shinto in history: ways of the kami, Curzon Press/Hawaii University Press (edited with Mark Teeuwen), 2000.
* "Introduction: Shinto past and present' (with Mark Teeuwen) in ibid.
* "Ideologues, bureaucrats and priests: on shrines and temples in early Meiji Japan' in ibid..
* 'Heretics in Nagasaki 1790-96' reprinted in S.Turnbull ed., Kakure kirishitan, hidden Christians (2 vols.), Japan Library, 2000.
* "Kaisetsu: doruche etto dekorumu esuto' in Naito Hatsuo, Oka, Chuko Shinsho, 1999.
* "Premodern Japan' in Times atlas of world history, Harper Collins, 1999.
* "The Imperial Oath of April 1868: ritual, power and politics in Restoration Japan' reprinted in Peter Kornicki ed., Meiji Japan: political, economic and social history 1868-1911, London, Routledge, 1998.
* 'Shintoists in Restoration Japan: towards a reassessment', reprinted in Peter Kornicki ed., Meiji Japan: political, economic and social history
, London, Routledge, 1998.
* "Earnest desires: the Iwakura embassy and Meiji religious policy', Japan Forum, 10, 2 (1998), pp. 150-65.
* "Brian Bocking, A popular dictionary of Shinto', Review in Japan Forum (Spring 1998)
* "Japan's imperial paradox: continuity and change', Insight Japan, Special Supplement (May 1998).
* "Japan's postwar paradox: between god and man', History Today, 48, 4 (May, 1998).
* "Public statements and private thoughts: Iwakura Tomomi in Britain and the religious question', International Studies, LSE, Sticerd (1998).
* Japanese in three months, Dorling Kindersely, 1997 (revision of Japanese simplified).
* "Shinto and Buddhism in late Edo Japan: the case of Okuni Takamasa and his school', Current issues in the social sciences and humanities: Hosei
University occasional papers
, vol.14 (1997).
* "The Imperial Oath of April 1868: ritual, power and politics in Restoration Japan', Monumenta Nipponica, 51, 4 (1996).
* Bob Wakabayashi, Loyalism reconstrued Review in Journal of Japanese Studies Summer, 1996.
* 'Accommodating the alien: Okuni Takamasa and the religion of the Lord of Heaven' in P.F. Kornicki and I.J. McMullen eds. Religion in Japan: arrows to heaven and earth, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
* Japan and Christianity: impact and response, Macmillans Press, 1996 (coedited with Mark Williams).
* "Introduction' (with Mark Williams) in ibid.
* "Beyond the prohibition: Christianity in Restoration Japan" in ibid.
* "The Urakami incident', The Japan Society Proceedings, 126 (1995).
* 'Kokugakusha Okuni Takamasa no tenshukyokan: gairaishukyo juyo no ichikeitai', Nihon Rekishi, vol. 568 (1995).
* 'Okuni Takamasa's Shinshin kohoron', (translated and annotated) in Tetsuo Najita ed., Readings in Tokugawa thought, select papers, vol. 9, University of Chicago, Illinois (1995).
* "The Charter Oath: some historiographical reflections', Current issues in the social sciences and humanities: Hosei University occasional papers,
vol.12 (1995).

Karel Fiala
Fukui Prefectural University, Japan.

Bledy mesic k ranu : milostna poezie stareho Japonska ["Pale Morning Moon (=Ariake no tsuki): Love Poetry of Old Japan] (Prague, 1994) // Translation of Heike monogatari into Czech: Pribeh rodu Taira (Prague, 1993). ISBN 80-204-0361-2 // Traditional and modern in Japanese literature and language [editor-in-chief] (Prague, 1993) // "Gengogaku kara mita "Heike monogatari maki 1" no seiritsukatei" Nichibunken Forum, 28, 1991 //A bi-planic approach to Japanese semantics : generative description of the post-predicative modification (Charles University, 1972)

CURRENT PROJECT: My main project now is "Nihongo no toogo koozoo to zyoohoo koozoo" (ca. 400 pp., to appear in Febr. 2000). Contains chapters on the structure of Heike Monogatari and on use of particles in Manyoosyuu. My second project is a translation of Genji monogatari into Czech

Norma Field
Dept. of East Asian Languages & Civilizations at the University of Chicago

*The Splendor of Longing in the Tale of Genji (1987) is out of print at amazon but said to be available at B&N. Among recent publications (all pbk. editions): The Comfort Women : Colonialism, War, and Sex (1999, co-editor); From My Grandmother's Bedside : Sketches of Postwar Tokyo (1997); The Emptiness of Japanese Affluence (co-author, 1996); In the Realm of a Dying Emperor/Japan at Century's End (1993)

Kai Nieminen

major publications

13 collections of poetry (abbreviated)

Essays & articles:

Keigo-ilmaisujen syntaktiset funktiot (The Syntactic Functions of Keigo-expressions), in Vesterinen (ed.) Japanologia 86, 1. Suomen Japanin-tutkimuksen symposio, Jyväskylä 1988

Ikuisin kauneus on hetkellistä (The Most Eternal Beauty is Ephemeral), in Venkula (ed.): "Ajatuksen voima", Edistyksellinen tiedeliitto 1990

Japanin kieli ja kirjallisuus (The Language and Literature of Japan; ca. 150 p.), in Fält, Nieminen, Tuovinen, Vesterinen: "Japanin kulttuuri", Otava 1994

A Hearty Appetite for Japanese Literature, Japanese Book News number 8, Fall 1994

Huokauksia verhojen takaa (Sighing behind the curtains; on Murasaki Shikibu's Genji monogatari), in Salokannel, Juhani (ed.) "Kirjojen kirja", Otava, Helsinki 1995

Lumen kuiske (Whispering snow; on Tanizaki Jun'ichirô's Sasameyuki,) in Salokannel, Juhani (ed.) "Kirjojen kirja", Otava, Helsinki 1995

Watashi no deatta Nihon bungaku, in Sekai no naka no Nihon bungaku, Dai nikai Kokusai bunka kôryû shinpojiumu hôkokusho, Toyota shi kokusai kôryûkyôkai 1995

Med alla kryddor. Om Banana Yoshimotos och Kenzaburô Ooes prosa (Seasoned to Taste. Reflections on Banana Yoshimoto's and Kenzaburô Ooe's novels), Finsk tidskrift 2-3 1996 (translated into Swedish by Marina Hamberg)

- translations from Japanese:
Bashô: Genjûanki, prose poems, Parnasso 3/1973
Inoue, Yasushi: Aru gisakka no shôgai, short stories, Otava 1975
Inoue, Yasushi: Poems, Parnasso 8/1975
Ishikawa, Takuboku: Hateshinaki giron no ato, poems, Kulttuurivihkot 5/1975
Kaikô, Takeshi: Natsu no yami, novel, Tammi 1977
Okura: Poems from Man'yôshû, Parnasso 8/77
Kenkô: Tsurezuregusa, anecdotes & aphorisms, Tammi 1978
Murasaki Shikibu: Genji monogatari 1-3 (transl. poems only), Otava 1980-83
Bashô: Oku no hosomichi & other travel diaries, Tammi 1981
Mishima, Yukio: Kamen no kokuhaku (chapter of a novel), in Shôsetsu, Otava 1983
Ishikawa, Takuboku: Poems, Runous 1/1984
Bashô: Genjûan no ki and other haibun, Tammi 1984
Natsume, Sôseki: Kokoro, novel, Tammi 1984
"Rakasta sinä vain", collection of kouta love songs, Tammi 1986
Konjaku monogatari 22,8 (with an essay), Parnasso 1/1987
Sei Shônagon: Päänaluskirja (Makura no sôshi 1, 133), in Sana ja ruokokynä anthology, Weilin+Göös 1988
Shiga, Naoya: Sielunvaellus (Tensei), in Sana ja ruokokynä anthology, Weilin+Göös 1988
Murasaki Shikibu: Genji monogatari vol. 4, novel, Otava 1990
Tanizaki, Jun'ichirô: Sasameyuki, novel, Tammi 1991
Hearn, Lafcadio: Kwaidan, stories, Love Books 1991
Ihara Saikaku: Unten teillä kirkastunut päälaki (Yumeji no sakayaki); Toivoton rakkaus rasiassa (Shûshin wa hakoiri no otoko); Kotonsoittoa maalaismajassa (Ishiusu hikubeki hanyû no koto), short stories, in "Miesten kesken", Otava 1993
Mishima, Yukio: Marttyyri (Junkyô; a short story, in "Miesten kesken", Otava 1993
Alfred Birnbaum & Riku Kanmei: Zenin viikset ja häntä (Zen for Cats), aphorisms, Tammi 1993
Japanese poems, anecdotes & aphorisms in "Itämaisen elämänviisauden kirja" (Anthology of Oriental wisdom, ed. Pertti Seppälä), WSOY 1994
Yoshimoto, Banana: Kitchen (Kitchin), Otava 1995
Ooe, Kenzaburô: M/T ja kertomus Metsän ihmeestä (M/T to mori no fushigi no monogatari), Tammi 1995
Yoshimoto, Banana: N.P. (N¨P), Otava 1996
Dazai, Osamu: Tsugaru - kulkija käy kotona (Tsugaru), Basam Books 1996
Kawabata, Yasunari: Kämmenenkokoisia tarinoita (Tenohira no shôsetsu), Tammi 1998
Ikkyû: Riehaantunut pilvi (Kyôunshû), Basam Books 1998
Ryôkan: Suuri hupsu (Taigu Ryôkan), Basam Books 2000

- drama translations:
nô-plays Kiyotsune & Aoi no ue, Zeamiza program pamphlet 1982
kyôgen-play Bôshibari, Zeamiza program pamphlet 1982
nô-play Hagoromo, Hôshô-ryû program pamphlet 1985
kyôgen-play Kaminari, Hôshô-ryû program pamphlet 1985
nô-play Kumasaka, Oulu Municipal Theatre 1988
nô-play Kantan, in "Minä itse kahdeskymmenesensimmäinen", Otava 1989
Mishima, Yukio: Sado kôshaku fujin, Turku Municipal Theatre 1987
nô-play Aoi no ue, in "Jumalia sankereita demoneja", VaPK 1987
kyôgen-play Urinusubito, in "Jumalia sankereita demoneja", VaPK 1987
Betsuyaku, Minoru: Toire wa kochira, Lilla Teatern theatre 1989
Four kyôgen (Suzukibôchô, Oba ga sake, Honekawa, Neongyoku), Jurkka theatre 1991
Betsuyaku, Minoru: Ikakeshigomu, Jurkka theatre 1991
Mishima, Yukio: Aoi no ue, a modern nô-play, Jurkka theatre 1991

- radio drama translations (all broadcasted by Finnish Radio):
Kapea tie pohjoiseen, dramatization based on Oku no hosomichi, 1983
Kurashima, Sei: Kizuna, 1983
Setouchi, Harumi: Yoru no koe, 1983
Tsushima, Yûko & Tamaki, M.: Chôji, 1983
Ooka, Makoto: Adashino, 1983
Yamamoto, Kiyokazu: Fudaraku no kishibe, 1983
Insect Musicians, a radio feature of prose and poetry, 1990

Eric Rath

I am assistant professor of premodern Japanese history at the University of Kansas.
Ph.D. Dissertation: "Actors of Influence: Discourse and Institutional Growth in the History of
Noh Theater."Ý(1998, University of Michigan, Department of History).

Selected Publications

Books: Theater of Memory: The Ethos of Japanese Noh Ý(in progress)

"Chanters at the Gates: Ritual Performance Among Medieval Japanese Outcasts." Medieval and Early Modern Rituals: Formalized Behavior in the East and West, ed. by Joelle Rollo-Koster (Brill, July 2001).

"The Aesthetic is Political: Translation and Introduction to Tada Tomio's The Well of Delusion." Out of Japan: Rereading Colonialism Past and Present. Ed. by Jennifer Robertson. (University of California Press, 1999?). Ý A modern noh play dealing with the problem of brain death and organ harvesting from the dead patient's perspective.

Articles: "From Representation to Apotheosis: Noh's Modern Myth of Okina." Asian Theatre Journal" (Forthcoming). ÝA history of the "ritualization" of the dance Okina and its place in noh discourse as noh's supposed "origin" and Other.

"Legends, Secrets, and Authority: Hachijo kadensho and Early Modern Noh." Monumenta Nipponica 54.2 (Summer, 1999).

Book Translations:

Kasaya Kazuhiko, The Origin and Development of Japanese-Style Organization. Kyoto: Nichibunken (forthcoming, 1999).Ý This work, by a historian of early modern Japan, traces elements of modern social and political organization back to the structure of Edo period domains.

Ivo Smits
Centre for Japanese and Korean Studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands.

Selected publications (apart from articles and translations in Dutch):

"Song as Cultural History: Reading Wakan roeishu (Texts)" and "Song as Cultural History: Reading Wakan roeishu (Interpretations)," in: MN 55: 2 and 55: 3 (2000).

With Leonard Blusse and Willem Remmelink, ed., Bridging the Divide: 400 Years The Netherlands-Japan, Leiden: Hotei Publishing, 2000. ISBN: 907482224X <>
Also a Dutch edition (Bewogen betrekkingen. 400 jaar Nederland-Japan, Hilversum: Teleac/NOT, 2000) and a Japanese edition: Nichiran koryu yonhyaku-nen no rekishi to tenbo, Tokyo: Nichiran Gakkai, 2000.

With M. Forrer, Marcia Yonemoto, and J.J. Witkam, Staatsgevaar of sierobject: Japanse kaarten uit de Siebold-collectie [Danger to the State, or Adorning a Plate: Japanese Maps in the Siebold Collection of the Leiden University Library], exhibition catalogue, Leiden: Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden, 2000.

"The Poet and the Politician: Teika and the Compilation of the Shinchokusenshu," MN 53: 4 (1998).

"Poets in their Place: Reflections on Poetic Salons in Early Medieval Japan," The Medieval History Journal 1: 2 (1998).

"The poet and the demon: A Kuniyoshi print and its inspirations," Andon 60 (1998).

"Reading the New Ballads: Late Heian kanshi poets and Bo Juyi," in: Stanca Scholz-Cionca (ed.), Wasser-Spuren:
Festschrift fur Wolfram Naumann zum 65. Geburtstag
, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1997.

The Pursuit of Loneliness: Chinese and Japanese Nature Poetry (Stuttgart: Steiner, 1995). ISBN 3515066683.

"China as Classic Text: Chinese Books and Twelfth Century Japanese Collectors" [working title], an essay for a volume edited by Andrew Goble on Japan's technological, medical and intellectual contacts in East Asia, 1100-1600; // With Michel Hockx, ed., Literature/ Theory/ China/ Japan [working title]. Offered to Curzon Press. In preparation.

Alison Tokita
Japanese Studies Centre, Monash University, Melbourne.

Major published works
1999 Kiyomoto-bushi : narrative music of the Kabuki theatre. Basel : Barenreiter, 1999. 400 p. (Studien zur traditionellen Musik Japans ; Bd. 8)
NOTE: Summary in English and Japanese; bibliography (p. [279]-290), discography (p. [291]-292) and indexes. ISBN: 3761814690

1999 "Itchu-bushi kara tokiwazu-bushi e: katarimono no ongakuteki hen'yo to renzokusei (From itchu to tokiwazu: musical change and continuity in Japanese performed narratives)" Nihon Kenkyu (Japanese Studies), No. 19, 53-78.

1999 Michiyuki to Nihon Bunka: Geino o chushin ni (The Michiyuki in Japanese Performing Arts) Nichibunken Forum Pamphlet. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies (21 pages).

1997 "Katarimono no Ongaku Bunseki" (Musical Analysis of Performed Narratives), Iwanami Koza: Nihon Bungakushi (The Iwanami Japanese Literary History), Vol. 16, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 299-321.

1996 "Mode and Scale, Modulation and Tuning in Japanese Shamisen Music: The Case of Kiyomoto Narrative". Ethnomusicology (Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology, USA) 40, 1, 1-33.

1996 Nihon dento ongaku ni okeru katarimono no keifu - senritsukei o chushin ni (The Narrative Tradition in Japanese Music: The Changing Role of Melodic Patterns). Nichibunken Forum Pamphlet. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies (42 pages).

1996 "Towards a History of Japanese Narrative Music". Kyoto Conference on Japanese Studies, October, 1994, Vol. 3, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto and The Japan Foundation, Tokyo, 233-244.

1996 "Anne Boyd and Asian music: the formation of a composer". Japan Review Number 7, 1996, 185-198.

1996 "The Influence of Japan on the Music of Barry Conyngham" in Language and Cultural Contact with Japan. Occasional Paper of the Japanese Studies Centre, Monash Asia Institute, Melbourne, 101-120.

1995 "The Application of Western Narrative Theory to Japanese Musical Narratives" in The Force of Vision (Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the International Comparative Literature, Tokyo 1991). Volume 3, Section IV Powers of Narration, 60-67.

1995 "Katarimono no sekai" (The World of narrative music) Nichibunken No. 13, International Research Center for Japanese Studies 1995, 31-33.

1995 Review Gamo Satoaki et al. (eds.) Nihon no ongaku, Ajia no ongaku in Toyo Ongaku Kenkyu (Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music) Number LX August 1995, 96-100.

1995 Editor of Representations of Women in Japanese Cultural Forms. Melbourne: Japanese Studies Centre. Introduction, i-iv.

1995 "The image of the yujo in Japanese musical narratives in the Edo period (1600-1867)". Representations of Women in Japanese Cultural Forms. Melbourne: Japanese Studies Centre, 1-20.

1994 "Week 8: Japan". In Open Learning Study Guide: Popular Music of Australia and Asia. Edited by M. Kartomi and P. Heyward.

1994 "Kaigai ni okeru Nihon ongaku kenkyu: eigo-ken" (A report on Japanese music research in English-speaking countries). In Toyo Ongaku Kenkyu (Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music) Number LIX August 1994 (112-115).

1994 "Tokiwazu-bushi no ongaku bunseki: itchu-bushi to no hikaku o chushin ni" in Okinawa Ongaku no Shinso to Hyoso) The Deep and Surface Strata of Okinawan Music): Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music. Naha: Toyo Ongaku Gakkai Okinawa Shibu

1994 Japanese Music Archive: Catalogue. Melbourne: Japanese Studies Centre.

1992 "Kiyomoto-bushi no ongaku bunseki: katari no shodan o chushin ni shite" (A musical analysis of kiyomoto-bushi, focussing on narrative sections) in Geino no Kagaku (Studies in the Performing Arts, Journal of the Tokyo National Research Institute of Cultural Properties) no. 20 (143-206).

1991 "Japanese influence on contemporary Australian composers" in Tradition and its Future in Music: Report of the SIMS 1990 Osaka, edited by Y. Tokumaru et al. Tokyo and Osaka: Mita Press (465-473).

1991 "Kabuki dance form and its relation to the structure of narrative music", edited by Australia-Japan Research Centre, Australian National University. Papers of the Seventh Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia.

Other relevant publications
1989 The Narrative Tradition in Japanese Music: Kiyomoto-bushi as an accompaniment of Kabuki Dance. Ph.D. Thesis submitted to Department of Japanese Studies at Monash University.

Kiyomoto-bushi: Narrative Music of the Kabuki Theatre. Monograph in the Kassel Baerenreiter series "Studien zur traditionellen Musik Japans" (general editor Robert Gunther).

"Tokiwazu, Kiyomoto and other Narratives" a chapter in the Garland Press Encyclopedia of World Music Volume 9: East and Inner Asia Volume: JAPAN (edited by Bell Yung and Yoshihiko Tokumaru).

"Orality, Structures and Meanings: Japanese Musical Narratives", Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur

"Patterning in Japanese music", Musicology Australia.

"The reception of the Heike Monogatari in three musical narrative traditions, focussing on the Atsumori episode" in Reception in Genji and Heike Monogatari. Edited by Michael Watson. Melbourne: Japanese Studies Centre.

Conference papers and other lectures over the last five years
January 21 1999. "Issues in the research of Japanese traditional music outside Japan". Nagoya University of Fine Arts and Music // November 13 1998. "Structural analysis of musical narratives". Nichibunken, Kyoto // September 30 1998. "Buddhist popular preaching and the development of secular musical narratives in Japan". Asian Studies Association of Australia, University of New South Wales // June 13 1998. "Japanese musical narratives and Shotoku Taishi". Hakuho Women's College // May 15, 1998. "Opening address for Research Project on Japanese musical narratives: theoretical frameworks and methodologies". Nichibunken, Kyoto. // February 22, 1998. "Takemitsu and Australia: Australia as Takemitsu's Other". Takemitsu Memorial Symposium, University of Sydney. // August 28, 1997. "Variation and improvisation in gidayu-bushi: a detailed analysis of Goten no dan". 8th Conference of European Association for Japanese Studies, College for Foreign Trade, Budapest. // July 9, 1997. "Gidayu-bushi and orality". Tenth Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Conference of Australia, University of Melbourne. // July 10, 1996. "The Atsumori incident in three performance genres" AAS, La Trobe University. // May 4, 1996. "The michiyuki in Japanese performing arts" JAWS, Santiago di Compostela. // April 11, 1996. "Reception of the Heike Monogatari as performed narrative" on panel "The Heike Monogatari and its Reception". Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies,Inc., Hawaii. April 11-14, 1996. // October 27, 1995. Second World Conference on Oral Literature ("Oral Literature and the Academy"), University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. "The Legacy of Japanese Musical Narratives". // June 15, 1995. Thursday Seminar, International Research Center for Japanese // Studies. Kiyomoto-bushi "Sanja Matsuri": katarimono no koto-sei to bungaku-sei (Kiyomoto Sanja Matsuri: oral and literary characteristics of a musical narrative). // April 19, 1995. British Association for Japanese Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, England. "Relations between text and music in the musical recitation of the Heike story, in the light of theories of oral composition." // April 15, 1995. Joint presentation to Gakugeki Gakkai and Heike Biwa Kenkyukai, Waseda University, Tokyo. "Chuseiteki katarimono (heikyoku) to kinseiteki katarimono (gidayu-bushi) no kasanaru tokoro to kotonaru tokoro ni tsuite: rekishiteki kenkyu no kokoromi to shite" (A comparison of a medieval musical narrative (heikyoku) and a early modern musical narrative (gidayu-bushi: historical perspectives in musical analysis). // April 11, 1995. Nichibunken Forum, Japan Foundation, Kyoto. "Nihon dento ongaku ni okeru katarimono no keifu: senritsukei o chushin ni" (The narrative tradition in Japanese music: the changing role of melodic patterns). // October 18, 1994. Kyoto International Conference on Japanese Studies. "Towards a history of Japanese narrative music: Practical and Methodological Problems". // September 1, 1994 Department of Music , Monash University, "Historical change in Japanese musical narratives through analysis of the extant repertoires: from Itchu to Tokiwazu" // December 1993 Annual Conference of the Tooyoo Ongaku Gakkai (Society for Research in Asiatic Music), Naha, Japan, "Tokiwazu-bushi no ongaku bunseki - itchu-bushi to no hikaku o chushin ni" (The Musical Analysis of Tokiwazu musical narrative: a Comparison with Itchu musical narrative) // October 1993 Fourth Women in Asia Conference, University of Melbourne, 1-3 "The Image of the 'playgirl' in Japanese musical narratives in the Edo period (1600-1867)" // July 1993 Japanese Studies Association of Australia, University of Newcastle "Patterning in Japanese Culture: the Dynamics of Melodic Patterns" // July 1993 Musicological Society of Australia, University of Queensland "The Logic and Anti-logic of Notation Systems in Japanese Music" // July 1992 "Anne Boyd's Encounter with Asian music: the formation of an Australian composer" Ninth Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, University of New England, Armidale // January 1992 "The Importance of Japanese Music in the Development of Four Australian Composers" (in Japanese) at the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties. // December 1991 "The Current State of Japanese Music Research and Teaching in Australia" (in Japanese) at Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo, Department of Japanese Music. // August 1991 "The Application of Western Narrative Theory to Japanese Musical Narratives." The Thirteenth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), Tokyo. // July 1991 "Kabuki Dance Form and its relation to the structure of narrative music" Seventh Biennial Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia, ANU Canberra. // January 1991 "Japanese Culture and Australian Music" (in Japanese) in the Department of Japanese Studies Public Lecture Series (Bunka Koenkai).

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