To all undergraduate and graduate students at Meiji Gakuin University, and their families:
In view of the continuing spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Meiji Gakuin University has made the following decisions in order to protect the health of students, faculty, staff and all those connected with the university:
1. The entrance ceremonies for the new academic year, due to be held in the Shirokane and Totsuka chapels in the first few days of April, are hereby cancelled, along with the departmental guidance sessions and other events scheduled for the opening week of the spring semester. The entrance ceremony and guidance lectures will instead be videoed and distributed online. Details of when these videos will be made available will be announced shortly on the university’s website.
2. The start of classes is hereby postponed at least until Monday April 20. There may be a further extension until Monday, May 11.
3. The decision on whether or not to make the further postponement to May 11 will be posted on the university’s website and elsewhere, no later than Friday, March 27.
4. Regarding the graduate school, the entrance ceremony is cancelled, but guidance will be carried out on the dates and times stated in the university’s annual schedule, with due precautions being made to avoid the risk of infection.
5. We will make a further announcement on or after Monday, March 16 regarding foreign travel by faculty and staff and our treatment of visiting exchange students and Meiji Gakuin students studying abroad.
The above measures have been decided upon following careful examination of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social conditions it has brought with it. Regrettably, we do not see an improvement that might justify the gathering of large numbers of students on campus to participate in ceremonies or classes at this time, and have therefore taken these steps to avoid the risk of further spreading the virus.
We request your understanding for the measures we have taken and hope for your continued support for our endeavors to provide an excellent education in a safe environment.
Yasuo Matsubara, president
Leo Murata, president-elect
Meiji Gakuin University
March 13, 2020
※ If you have any questions, please send email to the following address: