To: Registered students and their guardians
As previously described in our notice “Regarding University measures related to preventing off-campus COVID-19 infection clusters,” we set Thursday April 15 to Thursday April 29 as an observation period, during which we are taking special measures to confirm whether COVID-19 infections are spreading due to sources on our campuses.
As of Monday April 26, we thankfully have confirmed no such event.
However, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has declared a state of emergency for the period from Sunday April 25 to Tuesday May 11, so we will be extending our on-campus observation period to cover those dates, with the same measures in place.
During this time, students will be allowed to remotely participate in classes at their own discretion. No special applications are required to do so.
We will notify you if the state of emergency is extended. Once the state of emergency has ended, we will return to the class formats used before the observation period, so please be prepared.
We still plan to hold the entrance ceremony for students entering in the 2020 school year, scheduled for Tuesday May 4 on the Yokohama campus, under thorough infection prevention measures. See here for details.
Meiji Gakuin University
27 April 2021