Mar 29 2021

Initiatives and requests regarding Meiji Gakuin University measures for preventing COVID-19 infections

With the goal of allowing everyone to safely utilize our facilities, the University is conducting initiatives for the prevention of airborne and contact infections. For these initiatives to succeed, it is vital that every individual follows them. We extend our sincerest wishes for your cooperation in helping us to prevent new infections.

For those visiting the University campus
•Please measure your body temperature before coming, and do not enter the campus if the result exceeds 37.5 °C. There are contactless thermometer stations set up in buildings throughout the campus, so please make use of them as needed. Locations are as follows.
Shirokane Campus: Main Building, first floor, near the guard station; Main Building, second floor, in front of Room 1255; Building 2; Building 3; Pallet Zone; Faculty Lounge
Yokohama Campus: Clara Lounge; Library; Faculty Lounge
•Please always wear a facemask while on campus.
•In addition to handwashing facilities, we have provided hand sanitizer stations, so please use them.
•Please avoid crowds, enclosed spaces, and close contact. Please strive to maintain social distancing of at least two meters from other people.
•Please never engage in conversations or group dining without wearing masks.
•While on campus, please record through memos, etc., where and when you were on campus, and who you came into contact with.

During your time on campus
All gates and entrances at the Shirokane and Yokohama campuses and the Takanawa Building will be open as usual. Please note that guards may stop you if you are not wearing a mask when you try to enter the campus.

•Frequent hand washing and sanitizing
After you arrive at campus, please use restrooms or handwashing stations to wash and sanitize your hands. Note that as part of our efforts to prevent infections, we are forbidding use of restroom hand dryers. Handwashing locations are as follows.
Shirokane Campus: Main Building basement, near the first-floor Information Center; Main Building, first floor north entrance; Main Building second floor south, next to Academic Affairs; Main Building third floor, north and south; second floor, PZS clubroom area
Yokohama Campus: Clara Lounge; International Lounge; Building 9, first floor; Building C, floors 1–3

•Maintaining social distancing
We have affixed signs, etc., as guidelines for maintaining social distancing throughout the campus, on benches, student lounges, at reception desks, etc.

Classrooms used for face-to-face instruction will have capacity limits approximately one-third that in normal times. We have provided on-campus classrooms for waiting or participating in online classes. Note that we have modified spring semester 2021 campus timetable to allow students and faculty to avoid rush hour. 

Please refrain from conversation while eating. Dining rooms, shops, food trucks, etc., will also be performing thorough measures for preventing infections so that you can safely utilize them. 

Please be careful between classes and during periods in which you have no classes, as becoming incautious and changing environments heightens risk of infection. Facilities such as libraries and student lounges on both the Shirokane and Yokohama campuses will be performing thorough measures for preventing infections so that you can safely utilize them.

Note that there may be changes to these measures as the situation develops. Please see news listings on the University website for the latest information.