Jun 21 2021

Regarding the University entrance ceremony for 2020 incoming students on 17 September

The university entrance ceremony for 2020 incoming students, which had been postponed, will be held on 17 September 2021 (Friday) at Yokohama Campus.

We will hold this in-person entrance ceremony while thoroughly implementing the infection prevention measures described below. With apologies, we ask that guardians kindly refrain from entering the University on this day, instead watching the ceremony in a live broadcast and a streaming video that will be provided on a later date (see Port Hepburn for the URL and other details).

We hope that this entrance ceremony will provide you with a new perspective on your University life. Note that participation is entirely optional; no students are required to attend.

■ Entrance ceremony for 2020 incoming students
・Location:Yokohama campus
・Date:17 September 2021 (Friday)
Faculty of Letters, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Faculty of Economics, Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of International Studies, Graduate School of International Studies
Faculty of Sociology & Social Work, Graduate School of Sociology, Faculty of Law, Graduate School of Law, Graduate School of Business and Law, Faculty of Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology

■ Notes and cautions
•The ceremony will be held in the chapel and broadcast to classrooms. Undergraduate students will view the ceremony from classrooms while performing infection prevention measures.
•Details regarding classroom allocations by faculty and department will be posted to Port Hepburn once they are decided.
•Because there are relatively few graduate students, they will be allowed to attend the ceremony in the chapel.
•Attendance is limited to incoming students in the 2020 school year; their guardians and other guests will not be permitted.
•Note that the campus cafeteria will not be operating on the day of the ceremony.
•Students other than incoming students in the 2020 school year will not be allowed to gather for celebratory events or to enter the campus. However, registered students will be allowed to enter campus for purposes other than attending the ceremony (extracurricular activities, etc.).
•All attendees will be required to wear facemasks, to sterilize their hands when entering and leaving attendance sites, and to measure body temperatures as necessary. You will not be allowed to enter campus or participate in the ceremony if you have a fever (37.5 °C or higher). Ceremony site doors will be left open for ventilation.
•Live broadcast and streaming videos of the ceremony will be provided at a later date. See Port Hepburn for the URL and other details.

Note that the above details may be altered due to changes in the current situation. In that event, we will post notifications to the University website and Port Hepburn.

For inquiries, contact the Yokohama General Affairs Division:shomu@mguad.meijigakuin.ac.jp