Jun 15 2023

We have created a prayer space in Building 10 on the Yokohama Campus

We have created a prayer space in Building 10 on the Yokohama Campus. This space is available for reservation by persons affiliated with Meiji Gakuin University. There are no requirements related to religious affiliation. The prayer space is located on the first floor of Building 10, which also houses the IC International Center Commons. We hope it will be used by currently registered students, full-time exchange students, ISP exchange students, and others.


  1. Location: IC International Center Commons, 1st floor, Bldg. 10, Yokohama Campus
  2. Authorized users: Registered Meiji Gakuin University students, full-time exchange students, ISP exchange students, Graduate School students, faculty and staff. (Note: This facility cannot be used by persons not affiliated with the University.)
  3. Usage times (times during which the International Center desk is open): 9:20–11:45 and 12:30–16:00 on Monday–Friday while classes are in session and during exam periods (including holidays on which classes are held).
  4. Reservations: Reservations are for 15 or 30 minutes per session. Make reservations by emailing, telephoning, or directly coming to the International Center.
  5. When water is needed, use the multipurpose restrooms on the 1st floor of Bldg. 10.


■Reservations: International Center (E-mail: cicet@mguad.meijigakuin.ac.jp* address for reservations only)
■Other inquiries: Yokohama Administration Division (E-mail: shomu@mguad.meijigakuin.ac.jp)