December 20, 2017
General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department
These Use Guidelines set forth the purposes of operation of the social media accounts operated by the Meiji Gakuin University General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department (the “General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department”), the content of posts, matters of note, and other related matters. The management and operation of social media accounts shall comply with these “Social Media Account Use Guidelines.”
Purposes of Operation of Social Media Accounts
The purposes of operation are to broadly disseminate information on the activities of Meiji Gakuin University (the “University”) through social media and to raise the brand value of Meiji Gakuin University by increasing awareness of those activities.
Details and Confirmation of Information to be Disseminated
Information will be posted taking into account the attributes of each social medium. Posted information may be seen as statements made on behalf of the University, and therefore, postings shall be made appropriately by ensuring the transparency and accuracy of information and giving due consideration to users.
Compliance Matters Regarding the Use of Social Media
The General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department shall observe the Guidelines for the Use of Social Media (Faculty, Staff and Students, etc.) and comply with the following provisions when managing and operating social media accounts.
- Legal compliance
The General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department shall comply with the laws of Japan, as well as the laws of other countries and international law depending on the circumstances.
- Observance of human rights and ethics
The General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department shall not infringe on the human rights of others, commit any acts against public order and decency, or defame or make discriminatory statements or posts about specific individuals or groups.
- Protection of intellectual property
In the event that information is transmitted, the General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department shall be careful in the handling of documents, images, music, logos, and software, etc. to thoroughly ensure that there has been no infringement of copyrights, design rights, image rights, or trademarks, etc.
- Protection of personal information
The General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department shall be fully aware of being “unable to completely delete information once it has been transmitted,” which is one of the dangers of Social Media, and shall strive to protect personal information.
- Duty of confidentiality and protection of confidential information
The General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department shall not post or publicly release confidential information or information that carries a duty of confidentiality.
- Transmission of correct information
The General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Department shall not transmit false information, and shall strive to transmit information that is based on fact. Furthermore, if it is learned that transmitted information contains an incorrectness, an apology shall be issued as necessary and the information shall be promptly corrected.
Operation and Alteration of These Use Guidelines
The General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Division is responsible for the operation and alteration of these Use Guidelines. The content of these Use Guidelines may be changed as appropriate for the future state of Meiji Gakuin Social Media.
Inquiries concerning these Use Guidelines
General Planning and Development Office, Public Relations Division: 03-5421-5165