Kakuichi Heike titles (McCullough trans/roman)
(a) Kakuichi: J | E | E+R | J+R | J+M
(b) Rufubon: J | J+R | J+M | E+J
maki: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 K (Heike home page)

1.1 Gion Sho^ja (gion sho^ja)
1.2 The Night Attack at the Courtiers' Hall (tenjo^ no yamiuchi)
1.3 The Sea Bass (suzuki)
1.4 Page-Boy Cuts (kaburo)
1.5 Kiyomori's Flowering Fortunes (waga mi no eiga)
1.6 Gio^ (gio^)
1.7 Twice an Imperial Consort (nidai no kisaki)
1.8 The Quarrel Over the Tablets (gaku uchi ron)
1.9 The Burning of Kiyomizudera (kiyomizudera ensho^)
1.10 The Naming of the Crown Prince (to^gu^ dachi)
1.11 Horsemen Encounter the Regent (tenga no noriai)
1.12 Shishi-no-tani (shishi no tani)
1.13 The Matter of Shunkan and the Battle at Ukawa (shunkan no sata, ugawa ikusa)
1.14 The Vows (gandate)
1.15 Petitioning with Sacred Palanquins (mikoshiburi)
1.16 The Burning of the Imperial Palace (dairi ensho^)
2.1 The Exile of the Tendai Abbot (zasu nagashi)
2.2 The Matter of Holy Teacher Yixing (ichigyo^ ajari no sata)
2.3 The Execution of Saiko^ (saiko^ ga kirare)
2.4 The Lesser Admonition (kogyo^kun)
2.5 A Successful Plea for the Lesser Captain (sho^sho^ koiuke)
2.6 The Admonition (kyo^kunjo^)
2.7 The Matter of the Signal Fires (ho^ka no sata)
2.8 The Exile of the Major Counselor (dainagon ruzai)
2.9 The Pine of Akoya (akoya no matsu)
2.10 The Death of the Major Counselor (dainagon no shikyo)
2.11 The Matter of Tokudaiji (tokudaiji no sata)
2.12 The Destruction of the Enryakuji: The Worker-Monk Battles (sanmon metsubo^ do^ju)
2.13 The Destruction of the Enryakuji (sanmon metsubo^)
2.14 The Burning of the Zenko^ji (zenko^ji ensho^)
2.15 Yasuyori's Prayer (yasuyori notto)
2.16 Stupas Cast Afloat (sotoba nagashi)
2.17 Su Wu (sobu)
3.1 The Pardon (yurushi bumi)
3.2 The Foot-Drumming (ashizuri)
3.3 The Imperial Lying-In (gosan)
3.4 An Array of Senior Nobles (kugyo^ zoroe)
3.5 The Building of the Great Stupa (daito^ konryu^)
3.6 Raigo^ (raigo^)
3.7 The Lesser Captain's Return to the City (sho^sho^ miyako gaeri)
3.8 Ario^ (ario^)
3.9 The Bishop's Death (so^zu shikyo)
3.10 The Tornado (tsujikaze)
3.11 An Exchange of Views Concerning a Physician (ishi mondo^)
3.12 The Unadorned Sword (mumon)
3.13 The Matter of the Lanterns (to^ro^ no sata)
3.14 The Transmission of Gold (kane watashi)
3.15 An Exchange of Views with the Dharma Seal (ho^in mondo^)
3.16 The Exiling of the Ministers of State (daijin ruzai)
3.17 The Matter of Yukitaka (yukitaka no sata)
3.18 The Exile of the Retired Emperor (ho^o^ nagasare)
3.19 The Seinan Detached Palace (seinan no rikyu^)
4.1 The Imperial Journey to Itsukushima (itsukushima goko^)
4.2. The Imperial Return (kangyo)
4.3 An Array of Genji (genji zoroe)
4.4 The Matter of the Weasels (itachi no sata)
4.5 Nobutsura (nobutsura)
4.6 Kio^ (kio^)
4.7 The Letter to the Enryakuji (sanmon e no cho^jo^)
4.8 The Letter to the Southern Capital (nanto cho^jo^)
4.9 A Prolonged General Meeting (naga no sengi)
4.10 An Array of Monks (daishu zoroe)
4.11 The Battle at the Bridge (hashi gassen)
4.12. The Death of the Prince (miya no gosaigo)
4.13 The Young Prince Becomes a Monk (wakamiya shukke)
4.14 The Matter of To^jo^ (to^jo^ no sata)
4.15 The Thrush Monsters (nue)
4.16 The Burning of Miidera (miidera ensho^)
5.1 The Transfer of the Capital (miyako utsuri)
5.2 Moon-Viewing (tsukimi)
5.3 Strange Occurrences (mokke no sata)
5.4 The Fast Courier (haya uma)
5.5 An Array of Court Enemies (cho^teki zoroe)
5.6 The Xianyang Palace (kanyo^kyu^)
5.7 Mongaku's Austerities (mongaku no aragyo^)
5.8 The Subscription List (kanjincho^)
5.9 Mongaku's Exile (mongaku nagasare)
5.10 The Retired Emperor's Fukuhara Edict (fukuhara inzen)
5.11 Fuji River (fujigawa)
5.12 The Matter of the Gosechi Dances (gosetsu no sata)
5.13 The Return to the Old Capital (miyako gaeri)
5.14 The Burning of Nara (nara ensho^)
6.1 The Death of the New Retired Emperor (shin'in ho^gyo)
6.2. Autumn Leaves (ko^yo^)
6.3 Aoi (aoi no mae)
6.4 Kogo^ (kogo^)
6.5 The Circular Letter (megurashi bumi)
6.6 The Arrival of the Couriers (hikyaku to^rai)
6.7 The Death of Kiyomori (nyu^do^ shikyo)
6.8 The Man-Made Island (tsukishima)
6.9 Jishinbo^ (jishinbo^)
6.10 The Gion Consort (gion nyo^go)
6.11 The Hoarse Shouts (shiwagare goe)
6.12 The Battle at Yokotagawara (yokotogawara kassen)
7.1 Shimizu no Kanja (shimizu no kanja)
7.2. The Expedition to the Northern Provinces (hokkoku geko^)
7.3 The Visit to Chikubushima (chikubushima mo^de)
7.4 The Battle at Hiuchi (hiuchi gassen)
7.5 The Petition (kiso ganjo)
7.6 The Descent into Kurikara (kurikara otoshi)
7.7 The Battle at Shinohara (shinohara gassen)
7.8 Sanemori (sanemori)
7.9 Genbo^ (genbo^)
7.10 Kiso's Letter to the Enryakuji (kiso sanmon cho^jo^)
7.11 The Reply (henjo^)
7.12 The Heike Joint Petition to Mount Hiei (heike sanmon e no renjo)
7.13 The Emperor's Flight from the Capital (shusho^ no miyako ochi)
7.14 Koremori's Flight from the Capital (koremori no miyako ochi)
7.15 Imperial Visits (seishu rinko^)
7.16 Tadanori's Flight from the Capital (tadamori no miyako ochi)
7.17 Tsunemasa's Flight from the Capital (tsunemasa no miyako ochi)
7.18 Concerning Seizan (seizan no sata)
7.19 The Flight of the Heike from the Capital (ichimon no miyako ochi)
7.20 The Flight from Fukuhara (fukuhara ochi)
8.1 The Imperial Journey to the Enryakuji (sanmon goko^)
8.2 Natora (natora)
8.3 The Reel of Thread (odamaki)
8.4 The Flight from the Dazaifu (dasaifu ochi)
8.5 The Retired Emperor Appoints a Barbarian-Subduing Commander (seii sho^gun no inzen)
8.6 Nekoma (nekoma)
8.7 The Battle at Mizushima (mizushima gassen)
8.8 The Death of Seno (seno^ saigo)
8.9 Muroyama (muroyama gassen)
8.10 The Tsuzumi Police Lieutenant (tsuzumi ho^gan)
8.11 The Battle at the Ho^ju^ji (ho^ju^ji kassen)
9.1 The Matter of Ikezuki (ikezuki no sata)
9.2 The First Man Across the Uji River (ujigawa no senjin)
9.3 The Battle at the Riverbed (kawara gassen)
9.4 The Death of Kiso (kiso no saigo)
9.5 The Execution of Higuchi (higuchi no kirare)
9.6 Six Battles (rokukado no ikusa)
9.7 The Array of Forces at Mikusa (mikusa seizoroe)
9.8 The Battle at Mikusa (mikusa gassen)
9.9 The Old Horse (ro^ba)
9.10 First and Second Attackers (ichi ni no kake)
9.11 The Double Charge (nido no kake)
9.12 The Assault from the Cliff (saka otoshi)
9.13 The Death of Etchu^ no Zenji (etchu^ no zenji saigo)
9.14 The Death of Tadanori (tadanori saigo)
9.15 The Capture of Shigehira (shigehira ikedori)
9.16 The Death of Atsumori (atsumori no saigo)
9.17 The Death of Tomoakira (tomoakira saigo)
9.18 The Flight (ochiashi)
9.19 Kozaisho^'s Suicide (kozaisho^ minage)
10.1 The Parade of Heads (kubi watashi)
10.2 The Lady-in-Waiting at the Imperial Palace (dairi nyo^bo^)
10.3 The Retired Emperor's Edict to Yashima (yashima inzen)
10.4 The Reply (ukebumi)
10.5 A Statement of Precepts (kaimon)
10.6 The Journey Down the Eastern Sea Road (kaido^ kudari)
10.7 Senju-no-Mae (senju no mae)
10.8 Yokobue (yokobue)
10.9 The Book of Ko^ya (ko^ya no maki)
10.10 Koremori Becomes a Monk (koremori no shukke)
10.11 The Pilgrimage to Kumano (kumano sankei)
10.12. The Suicide of Koremori (koremori no jusui)
10.13 The Three-Day Heiji (mikka heiji)
10.14 Fujito (fujito)
10.15* The Imperial Journey to Mount Ko^ya (ko^ya goko^)
11.1 Reverse Oars (sakaro)
11.2 Katsuura Beach and O^zakagoe Pass
o^zakagoe Pass (katsuura tsuketari o^zakagoe)
11.3 The Death of Tsuginobu (tsuginobu saigo)
11.4 Nasu no Yoichi (nasu no yoichi)
11.5 The Dropped Bow (yumi nagashi)
11.6 The Battle at Shido (shido kassen)
11.7 The Cockfights and the Battle at Dan-no-ura (toriawase dannoura kassen)
11.8 Distant Arrows (to^ya)
11.9 The Drowning of the Former Emperor (sentei minage)
11.10 The Death of Noritsune (noto dono saigo)
11.11 The Sacred Mirror Enters the Capital (naishidokoro no miyako iri)
11.12 Swords (ken)
11.13 The Parading of the Heike Along the Avenue (ichimon o^chi watashi)
11.14 The Mirror (kagami)
11.15 The Matter of the Letters (fumi no sata)
11.16 The Execution of Fukusho^ (fukusho^ kirare)
11.17 Koshigoe (koshigoe)
11.18 The Execution of the Minister of State (o^itono kirare)
11.19 The Execution of Shigehira (shigehira no kirare)
12.1 The Great Earthquake (daijishin)
12.2 The Matter of the Indigo Dyer (konkaki no sata)
12.3 The Exile of the Taira Major Counselor (hei dainagon no nagasare)
12.4 The Execution of Tosabo^ (tosabo^ kirare)
12.5 Ho^gan's Flight from the Capital (ho^gan no miyako ochi)
12.6 The Matter of the Yoshida Major Counselor (yoshida no dainagon no sata)
12.7 Rokudai (rokudai)
12.8 Hase Rokudai (hase rokudai)
12.9 The Execution of Rokudai (rokudai kirare)
The Initiates' Chapter (nyo^in shukke)
K.1 The Imperial Lady Becomes a Nun (o^hara iri)
K.2 The Imperial Lady Goes to O^hara (o^hara goko^)
K.3 The Imperial Journey to O^hara (rokudo^ no sata)
K.4 The Matter of the Six Paths (nyo^in shikyo)
K.5 The Death of the Imperial Lady ()