Guidelines for Conferment of Degree (Diploma Policy)
These are basic guidelines for recognition of completion of the doctoral course and the conferment of a degree, indicating that at the time of completion of the course the student has acquired the expected knowledge, ability, standards of behavior, etc.
Guidelines for Formulation and Implementation of Curricula (Curriculum Policy)
These are basic guidelines for the implementation of education, and provide guidelines for the planning of education and the provision of guidance tailored to the student’s specific stage of education, in order to ensure that upon completion of the course the student displays the expected knowledge, skills, and modes of behavior.
Guidelines for Acceptance of Students (Admissions Policy)
These are basic guidelines regarding the acceptance of new students. They are based on the university’s educational philosophy and guidelines, and outline the abilities, ambition, experience and aptitude that we expect of students taking our entrance examination and our criteria for selection of students.
The fostering of individuals who, having acquired a high-level specialized knowledge of English and American literature, Anglophone culture, the English language, and English language education, possess the requisite research ability to proceed to the second half of the doctoral course and undertake research careers, individuals able to flourish in the actual practice of English language education based on a solid foundation of specialized knowledge of English and American literature, Anglophone culture, the English language, and English language education, and individuals possessing the requisite specialized knowledge of English and American literature, Anglophone culture, and the English language to take up professional positions in the field
The fostering of individuals able to function as independent researchers, or, having acquired specialized knowledge based on a foundation of high-level specialized knowledge, able to foster the next generation of researchers
The student has acquired a high-level knowledge of each area of English and American literature, Anglophone culture, the English language and linguistics, and English language education in which they have chosen to specialize, and is able to identify and formulate topics which demand research and analyze and investigate those research topics using specialized methodologies.
The student has further developed the knowledge and research ability acquired in the first half of the doctoral course, and has produced the research outcomes expected of an independent researcher in a specialized field.
We provide classes in various streams of English and American literature and in the study of the English language as elective subjects in order to allow students access to high-level specialized knowledge in the fields of English and American literature, Anglophone culture, English language and linguistics, and English language education. Subjects designed to improve the student’s English language reading ability and paper writing ability are made compulsory subjects in order to assist the student in the completion of his or her Master’s thesis.
Subjects are tailored to enable supervisors to provide research guidance in order to further develop the student’s knowledge and research ability in his or her field of specialization.
We seek students who display the desire and the potential to acquire high-level specialized knowledge and develop research ability in the areas of English and American literature, Anglophone culture, English language and linguistics, and English language education. We will apply the necessary tests in order to determine whether the student possesses the necessary linguistic ability and knowledge for the purposes of research. Applicants with outstanding academic records or who have completed their undergraduate thesis at Meiji Gakuin University will be subject only to an oral examination.
We seek students who display the desire and the potential to acquire high-level knowledge and develop research ability in their field of specialization. We will apply the necessary tests in order to determine whether the student possesses the requisite knowledge and ability to conduct the relevant research.
The fostering of individuals possessing sophisticated discernment and understanding of Francophone and European literature and criticism (Textuality Course) and art and thought (Modernity Course), and who are able to flourish in broad cultural domains
The fostering of individuals with the ability to undertake unique cultural research based on a comprehensive worldview, possessing the ability to express themselves in both Japanese and French, and able to function as independent researchers
The student has acquired sufficient knowledge of the French language, French literature, art and culture, and the literature, art and culture of the Francophone world and of countries and regions with a strong relationship to France, and the ability to understand, consider, analyze, and respond to questions in these areas and to give expression to these responses.
The student has further developed the knowledge and research ability acquired in the Master’s course, has developed a comprehensive insight into the field, and has produced the research outcomes expected of an independent researcher in a specialized field.
We provide compulsory subjects (including thesis guidance) in both the Textuality Course and the Modernity Course in order to ensure that the student possesses the expected knowledge and ability at the completion of the course. The individual courses also feature multiple sessions of focused study as compulsory subjects and seminars focusing on fundamentals as elective subjects. Students are able to complete their degree across the two courses.
In order to further develop the knowledge and abilities acquired by students in the Master’s course, instructing professors lead special seminars and offer special coursework in both courses. First year students are offered practical research exercises in order to introduce them to specialization.
We seek students with the desire and the potential to develop a sophisticated understanding of the French language and a high level of discernment in relation to French literature, art and culture, and the literature, art and culture of the Francophone world and of countries and regions with a strong relationship to France, and who are able to flourish in broad cultural domains. Applicants are required to submit a research plan, and will sit a written test and receive an oral examination in order to verify their basic knowledge in relation to their field of specialization and their linguistic ability (including their ability in their second foreign language).
We seek students possessing the desire and ability to acquire more advanced specialized knowledge in the fields discussed above, and to engage in the personal development necessary to becoming an independent researcher. Applicants must have submitted a Master’s thesis, and will be required to attend an oral examination.
The fostering of individuals with a level of sensitive appreciation of the arts enabling them to consider works of art openly and honestly and understand and enjoy art from diverse cultural, social and historical contexts.
The fostering of individuals who, in addition to detailed study of their area of specialized research, emphasize a balance between specialized knowledge as an expert in specific fields and sensitive artistic appreciation, who respond flexibly and sensitively to the contemporary art scene, and who are capable of being leaders not only in Japanese academia, but also on the international stage.
The student possesses the ability to consider works of art openly and honestly, to understand art from diverse cultural, social and historical contexts, and to express the results of their assessment, analysis and consideration of art works in a logical form.
The student has further developed the abilities acquired in the Master’s course, has produced new research findings, and has displayed the requisite qualities and abilities to function as an independent researcher.
To enable students to gain broad and deep specialized knowledge and an understanding of methodology in the four courses offered (Musicology, Film Studies, Art History and Art Media), we offer small group study workshops and special lectures given by Meiji Gakuin lecturers and extramural lecturers, and we make it possible for students to take subjects from two or more courses at the same time. Separately to this, we also provide guidance in the writing of the Master’s thesis.
We provide special lectures to assist students in further developing the knowledge and abilities acquired in the four courses offered during the Master’s course. Separately to this, we also provide guidance in the writing of the Ph.D. thesis.
We seek students who wish to acquire basic specialized knowledge in and sensitive appreciation of, and the ability to express themselves logically regarding, the fields of film, music, art history and art media, desire to increase those abilities in accordance with a research plan, and wish to contribute to society and the world of academia. Applicants will sit a written test in order to determine whether they possess the requisite basic specialized knowledge and linguistic ability (facility in two languages) to conduct research, will be required to submit a graduation thesis or an equivalent thesis, and will have an oral examination.
We seek students possessing the desire and the ability to acquire more advanced knowledge and more sophisticated writing skills in relation to the areas discussed above, and to polish their appreciation of art while also engaging in the personal development necessary to becoming an independent researcher. Applicants will be required to have submitted a Master’s thesis, will be given an oral examination, and will sit a written test in order to assess their ability in a language other than English.