In the Graduate School of Arts and Letters, our aim is to achieve a comprehensive grasp of the status and necessary directions for humanity via the study of a diverse range of expressive acts. The scope of this study is not restricted to literature sensu stricto, but extends to all the many means that humanity has used in its ongoing questioning of its own nature throughout its long history, including culture, art and thought. The goal in the Master’s course is to develop the student’s ability to conduct research based on a broad perspective and a foundation of deep knowledge and to foster their abilities as a specialized professional in their field; in the Doctor’s course, the goal is to foster the ability to conduct independent research in their specialized field and to function in high-level specialist positions. We seek to develop individuals whose abilities are not constrained by narrow specialization, but who are capable of deploying comprehensive and boundary-crossing abilities supported by broad interests and knowledge.
Major of English Literature | Major of French Literature | Major of Art Studies
The student has developed a broad perspective and acquired deep knowledge in each area of the language, culture, art and thought in which they have chosen to specialize, and has acquired specialized research ability enabling them to analyze and consider relevant research topics.
The student has further developed the knowledge and research ability acquired in the Master’s course, and has acquired comprehensive insight that is not constrained by narrow specialization, producing research outcomes demonstrating abilities as an independent researcher.
Major of English Literature | Major of French Literature | Major of Art Studies
About the guidelines for conferment of degree (Diploma policy)
These are basic guidelines for recognition of completion of the doctoral course and the conferment of a degree, indicating that at the time of completion of the course the student has acquired the expected knowledge, ability, standards of behavior, etc.
Based on the Guidelines for Conferment of Degree, in the Graduate School of Arts and Letters curricula are formulated to display a balance while respecting the particularity of each major, in order to ensure that students acquire a broad perspective and deep knowledge without focusing exclusively on their field of specialization.
Master’s course
We seek to formulate a balanced curriculum and offer effective Master’s thesis guidance to ensure that the student will develop a broad perspective and deep knowledge in each area of the language, culture, art and thought in which they have chosen to specialize, and will acquire specialized research ability enabling them to analyze and consider relevant research topics.
Doctor’s course
We seek to offer effective Ph.D. thesis advice in order to provide a foundation that will enable the student to further develop the knowledge and research ability acquired in the first half of the doctoral course, and at the same time to acquire comprehensive insight, enabling them to flourish as an independent researcher.
About the Guidelines for Formulation and Implementation of Curricula (Curriculum Policy)
These are basic guidelines for the implementation of education, and provide guidelines for the planning of education and the provision of guidance tailored to the student’s specific stage of education, in order to ensure that upon completion of the course the student displays the expected knowledge, skills, and modes of behavior.
In both the Master’s and Doctor’s courses, we seek students who display the desire and the potential to acquire high-level specialized knowledge and develop research ability in each relevant area. We will apply the necessary tests in order to determine whether the student possesses the requisite knowledge and ability to conduct research in the relevant fields encompassed by the respective courses.
About the Guidelines for Acceptance of Students (Admissions Policy)
These are basic guidelines regarding the acceptance of new students. They are based on the university’s educational philosophy and guidelines, and outline the abilities, ambition, experience and aptitude that we expect of students taking our entrance examination and our criteria for selection of students.