
1 Main Counter
This is the main reception for users.
- User information and advice
- Lending and returning books
- Requests for materials in closed stacks
- Information and reception for non-MGU visitors
- Requests to use Individual Research rooms
- Requests to borrow laptop computers
2 Media Booth
This area lets you browse video, audio and Internet information together, which is a useful resource for compiling reports. You can use the library’s audio and visual materials.
3 Newspaper Corner
This area features the current month’s editions of major Japanese and foreign newspapers and the previous year’s editions of the four major Japanese newspapers in reduced format (Asahi, Mainichi, Yomiuri and Nikkei). Earlier editions are located in the closed stacks.
4 Group Study Room 1
This room is available for groups to study together, or prepare presentations, while using library books and other materials.
5 Course-Related Books
This is a collection of materials designated by faculty members for student courses. They are kept in alphabetical order according to the academic department and faculty member name. Books in designated corner must be used only within the library.
6 Group Study Room 2
This room is equipped with wall whiteboards and BIG PADs for group study and preparation of presentations.
You can search our library's collection.
8 On-demand Printers
You can print from your PC or smart phone after setting up the devices. To use these printers, you need a MAIN account issued by Information Technology Center. There are two printers on the 2nd and 5th floors.