
Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University,
Public Advertisement for Faculty Position Opening in “Comparative Culture”

Recruitment Contents

【Teaching Responsibilities】
 The successful candidate will be expected to teach “Comparative Culture” and a few other humanity lecture courses.
 S/he will also conduct seminars and guide undergraduate thesis projects.

【Position and Rank】
 One full-time (tenured) position at the Professor, Associate Professor, or Lecturer level.

 1) A Ph.D. is required, or the candidate must have attained an equivalent level of knowledge and research experience.
 2) The candidate who expected to teach “Comparative Culture” should be able to deal with Japanese culture and
  Japanese society as well, although a comparison is allowed to be done from any specialized point of view.
 3) It is preferable that the candidate can offer an off-campus field studies course and/or a lecture mainly in Japanese
  as well as in English.
 4) The position is open to applicants of any nationality, but they are required to have a high level of Japanese
  proficiency that allows them to conduct administrative work in this language.

【Place of Employment】
 Meiji Gakuin University Yokohama Campus

【Starting Date】
April 1st., 2022, or September 1st., 2022 (negotiable)

 As per Meiji Gakuin rules, in addition to the salary, the university provides a pension plan and allowances
   for specific needs and administrative duties.

【Application Materials】
1. Curriculum Vitae with attached photo.
 2. List of publications. (Please circle three publications you have produced in the last ten years that are most relevant
  to the position’s area of specialization. Indicate the most important publication with a double circle.)
 3. Single copies of the circled publications, each with a summary of 600-1,000 characters in Japanese,
  or 400 words in English.
 4. An outline and syllabus in Japanese for an undergraduate course on “Comparative Culture”
  (1-2 pages, A4 size paper, 30 class sessions of 90 minutes each).
 *All materials must be submitted on A4 size paper.
 *Items 1 and 2 require you to use the university’s standardized forms.
 *Submitted materials will not be returned to applicants.
 *The provided personal information will only be used for the purpose of this search.
 *Use the Western calendar for all year dates.
 ●Please download the university’s standardized forms from this link:

【Selection Process】
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to Meiji Gakuin Yokohama Campus for an interview and a demonstration class.
 The interview will be held in late June or early July.

【Application Deadline】
Applications must arrive by May 31st., 2021(Mon.)

【Address for Application Submissions】
Professor Abe Kohki
 Dean, Faculty of International Studies
  c/o Yokohama General Affairs Division, Meiji Gakuin University
  1518 Kamikurata-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi,
  Kanagawa  244-8539  Japan
 *All of the above materials must be sent in one package that is marked on the front with “Application for International
  Faculty Member Position (Comparative Culture)” in red letters.

【For Further Information】
Please contact the Faculty of International Studies.
 E-mail: kokusai@mguad.meijigakuin.ac.jp

 *Meiji Gakuin University’s founding spirit of nurturing human character is based on Christian values.
     The university hopes candidates will understand the spirit of Meiji Gakuin’s educational foundation.

