
Tenured Position in Applied Linguistics/Sociolinguistics and EFL
The Department of International Studies, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University 

【Position and Rank】  
    One full-time (tenured) position with the rank of Professor, Associate Professor or Junior Associate Professor.

【Place of Employment】 
  Meiji Gakuin University’s Yokohama Campus, with occasional duties at the university’s Shirokane Campus.

【Starting Date】  
    April 1st, 2024

    As per Meiji Gakuin rules, in addition to the salary, the university provides a pension plan and allowances for specific needs and administrative duties.

【Duties and Teaching Responsibilities】  
    The successful candidate will be asked to teach courses in Japanese entitled “Applied Linguistics” and “English Language Education” both relevant to language-related issues in global society and based on theories and practices in the field of English Language Education. The selected candidate will also be expected to teach courses of EFL, seminar and graduation project in Japanese.

   (1) The candidate must have a Ph.D. or have attained an equivalent record of achievement and ability. 
 (2) The candidate is expected to be specialized in Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, or English Language Education with published research on relevant fields.
 (3) The candidate should have sufficient experiences in EFL education and proficiency in curriculum development for English Language Education Programs. 
 (4) The position is open to any applicant regardless of nationality or first (native) language, but candidates should have a sufficient level of Japanese proficiency for education and routine administrative tasks.

【Application Materials】
 (1) Curriculum Vitae.*
 (2) List of academic and educational publications.* (On the list, indicate your most significant publication with a ◎ mark by the title. Indicate two other important publications with a 〇 mark). The three works should be closely related to the areas of Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, or English Language Education.
 (3) Copies of the three works indicated in (2). In addition to the abstracts (ca. 200 characters for each publication) to be included in (2), i.e., the list of academic and educational publications, provide a ca. 700-character summary in Japanese for works published in Japanese. For works published in English or any other non-Japanese language, provide a ca. 250-word summary in English.
 (4)Two syllabi in Japanese: One for the “Applied Linguistics (Languages and Society)” course, and the other for the “English Language Education” course. Meiji Gakuin’s class periods are ninety minutes long. Both courses meet 30 times a semester. 
 (5) An essay on the applicant’s aspirations and vision for English Language Education Program and its curriculum development inherent to Faculty of International Studies at Meiji Gakuin University (ca. 2,400 characters in Japanese or ca. 1,000 words in English).
 (6) Names and contact information of two academic referees who are familiar with the candidate’s academic skills and abilities, including their affiliation, position, and email address.

 *Items (1) and (2) require the applicant to use the university’s standardized forms that can be downloaded from this link:
 Format the other documents for A4 sized paper. Convert all files to pdf and compress them into a single zip file with “the applicant’s last name_first name.zip” as the file name.Submitted materials will not be returned to the applicants. All materials will be strictly protected and used only for the selection process and will be discarded after the process is completed.
Use the Western calendar for all dates.

【Application Submission Method】
Email the documents, i.e. the zip file as an attachment to the below address using “English Language Education_the applicant’s name” as the title of the email. Please email to inform us of your intent to apply in case that it is unavoidable to send the application materials separately*.The email message should be addressed to Dean Aoi Mori, Faculty of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University.

【Email Address for Submitting Materials】

The applicant will receive an email confirming the receipt of the documents. If you do not receive one within a week, please resend the email.

* As a rule, the application materials will be accepted as a zip file. Only in the case that they cannot be attached to an email, they may be sent by postal mail.

【Mailing address】
 Faculty of International Studies Office
 Meiji Gakuin University
 1518 Kamikurata-cho, Totsuka-ku
 Kanagawa 244-8539, JAPAN

【Submission Deadline】
    All application materials must arrive by Sunday July 9, 2023, 11:59 pm (JST).

【Selection Process】
 1. The first review round will be completed by the beginning of September 2023.
 2. Candidates placed on the shortlist and selected for the second round will be asked to come for an interview (and as necessary also a demonstration lecture) scheduled for September 23 (Sat./holiday) 2023. They will be notified by email by approximately September 5, 2023.

* Interviews will be conducted on either the Meiji Gakuin’s Yokohama Campus or the Shirokane Campus (Tokyo). In accordance with university regulations, the university will reimburse the candidates’ travel expenses. For those residing overseas, we plan to conduct an online interview.

【Contact Information】
 Faculty of International Studies Office
 Meiji Gakuin University
 1518 Kamikurata-cho, Totsuka-ku
 Kanagawa 244-8539, JAPAN

For further inquiries about the application, please e-mail the Faculty of International Studies Office (Email: kokusai@mguad.meijigakuin.ac.jp). Please note that we will not be able to contact you during the university’s summer vacation period (August 9-16, 2023), and we will contact you after August 17.

*Meiji Gakuin University’s founding spirit of nurturing human character is based on Christian values. The university hopes candidates will understand the spirit of Meiji Gakuin’s educational foundation.
* The retirement age at our university is 68 years old for Professors and 65 years old for Associate Professors and Junior Associate Professors.
