
American Poetry, Drama, or Popular Culture
Faculty of Letters, Department of English, Meiji Gakuin University

【Position and Rank】
 Professor, Associate Professor, or Lecturer.

【Content of the Work】
 1.Classes to be taught

 American Literature related Classes, Foundation English Classes.
 Graduate Classes are possible.

【Place of Employment】
 Shirokane Campus, 1-2-37 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8636
 Yokohama Campus, 1518 Kamikurata-cho Totsuka-ku Yokohama-shi Kanagawa, 244-8539

【Starting Date】
 April 1st, 2024

Payment is according to the university compensation regulations.
 Insurance through the private university insurance with pension and employment
 compensation insurance.

 (1) Understanding of our university’s Christian education
 (2) A Ph.D. in a related field to American Literature, or nearly equivalent qualifications
 (3) Sufficient Japanese ability to carry out university duties
 (4) Sufficient English ability to teach classes in English
 (5) Enthusiasm and eagerness to engage in education, research, and other university activities and business
 (6) University teaching experience, or equivalent experience in higher education is highly recommended

Application Materials】
 (1) CV using this university’s format.
 (2) Publications list using this university’s format.
 (3)Three publications in a PDF format. For each one, if the publication is in Japanese,
  please write an English abstract, and if the publication is in English,
  please write a Japanese abstract. The abstract should be on a single A4 size paper. 
 (4)A copy of your diploma for the highest degree obtained.
 (5)A sample syllabus for two classes: “Topics in American Culture”(in English);
  and “Third Year Seminar”(in English or Japanese). One semester with 15 class meetings.
 (6)Two references, including the name, position, and email address.
 *Items (1) and (2) require the applicant to use the university’s standardized forms that can be
 downloaded from this link:

Application Procedure】
 Please send all materials together in one Zip file as an attachment to :

 Please include 「専任教員公募_アメリカ詩・演劇・文化表象_NAME」in the subject line of your email.
 We will send you an email to confirm receipt, so if you do not receive a reply from us within a week
 (excluding weekends and holidays), please contact us.

Application period】
 September 1, 2023, 5:00 p.m. (JST)

Selection Procedure
 1. Review of the materials
 2. Interview

   Department of English, Meiji Gakuin University
 Email: english@ltr.meijigakuin.ac.jp
 ※Inquiries and questions by email please (no phone inquiries).
 Please include 「公募」in the subject line.

*Meiji Gakuin University’s founding spirit of nurturing human character is based on Christian values. The university hopes candidates will understand the spirit of Meiji Gakuin’s educational foundation.
* The retirement age at our university is 68 years old for Professors and 65 years old for Associate Professors and Junior Associate Professors.
