

開催日 1月12日 土曜日
時間 15:30~18:00
会場 明治学院大学白金校舎 本館10階大会議場
主催 明治学院大学国際平和研究所
参加費  無料
事前申し込み 不要
講師とタイトル: 1.Tilman Ruff 氏 (医師、メルボルン大学教授、IPPNW(核戦争防止国際医
"Towards the Oslo Conference on Inhumanity of Nuclear Weapons in March"

2.松岡智広 氏(社会的責任投資(SRI)アナリストJapanese for Peace 、メルボル
発表内容「ウラン輸出拡大を図るオーストラリア 資源産業と動きと政策の変遷」
”Fueling Fukushima and Fueling Future Nuclear Disasters: Politics and
Economy of Australian Uranium Mining Industry”
その他 講演や質疑応答で、英語で行われる部分については通訳が入ります。
問い合わせ:TEL 03(5421)5652 / FAX 03(5421)5653
E-mail: prime@prime.meijigakuin.ac.jp
英訳全文 Public Lectures hosted by PRIME (International Peace Research Institute
Meiji Gakuin University)
"Revisiting the Nuclear Question: Voices from Australia, a major uranium
exporting country that has no nuclear power plant"
Time:15:30 - 18:00, Saturday, January 12th
Venue: 10th Floor Conference Room, the Main Bldg., Shirokane Campus, Meiji Gakuin University

Lecture 1 "Towards the Oslo Conference on Inhumanity of Nuclear Weapons in
Presented by Tilman Ruff, Associate Professor, The University of Melbourne,
Co-President of IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of
Nuclear War)

Lecture 2 ”Fueling Fukushima and fueling future nuclear disasters: politics
and economy of Australian uranium mining industry”
Presented by Tomohiro Matsuoka, Investment Analyst (Socially Responsible
Investment), Japanese for Peace (Melbourne based peace organization)

Translarion is provided for lectures and interactions that are presented in English.
For further information,
International Peace Research Institute, Meiji Gakuin University

