
Final Lecture of Professor Watson (GTS)/ワトソン先生最終講義

開催日 Friday June 24th, 5th Period|2022年6月24日(金)5限
時間 17:00-18:30

Room 823 (Bldg. 8, 2nd floor), Yokohama Campus, Meiji Gakuin University
明治学院大学横浜校舎 8号館2階 823教室

主催 Faculty of International Studies|国際学部

Professor Emeritus Michael Watson retired from the GTS Department in March 2022. 
His final lecture was postponed due to Covid-19 however, we are delighted to let you know that it will be held on the following date.
Due to  COVID-19 measures those wishing to attend, please RSVP your attendance through the following URL (HERE) by June 22nd.


Date:  Friday June 24th, 5th Period (17:00-18:30)
Room:  823 (Bldg. 8, 2nd floor), Yokohama Campus
*Please register from HERE.


Title: "Reading War: Historicity and Fictional"

Summary: Every day we are witnessing a major military conflict in Europe, one that is also a fiercely fought information war. The history of the war in Ukraine is yet to be written. How will it be recalled in the future? Whose voices will be heard? Which incidents will be remembered? Which aspects downplayed or forgotten? In this lecture, I will reflect on what we can learn from classic literature and drama about how wars have been retold, re-enacted, and re-interpreted.

The lecture will be given in English, but with slides in Japanese and English.


Faculty of International Studies|国際学部

