translations of classical Japanese works
To search by title, use the list of romanized titles
on the left. Diacritics still being added...
Version without kanji. For version with Japanese titles see
titles from A - F / G
- I / J - K / M - N / O - R / S
- / T - Z
A B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K
- M - N - O - R - S - T - U - W - Y - Z
Muromachi tale
Excerpts tr. into French in Pigeot, Michiyuki-bun,
p. 28 etc.
Muromachi tale
"Akimichi" tr. in McCullough, Classical
Japanese Prose, 1990, pp. 499-509.
Childs, Margaret H. "Didacticism in Medieval Short Stories.
Hatsuse Monogatari and Akimichi." MN
42.3 (1987): 253-289.
Aki no yo no nagamonogatari
Muromachi tale
Pigeot, Jacqueline, "Longue histoire d'une nuit d'automne,"
[extract] in Histoire de Yokobue, 1972, pp. 167-172.
Akizuki monogatari
Muromachi tale
Short excerpt tr. in Pigeot, Michiyuki-bun, pp. 339-340.
// Study: Pigeot, Jacqueline. "Du mythe au roman populaire
- Avatars d'une combinatoire narrative dans le Japan du quinzieme
siécle," Journal Asiatique, CCLXIV, 1-2, 1978,
pp. 117-174. [n.s.]
Amakusabon heike monogatari
Romanized version of Heike monogatari (late
16C Jesuit Press)
ed. H. Shinozaki
Amakusabon esopo monogatari
Romanized version of Aesop (late 16C Jesuit Press)
ed. A. Okajima (romaji, kana)
Ariake no wakare
Late Heian monogatari
Khan, Robert Omar. [Book I, part of Book II, most of Book
III] in 'Ariake no Wakare': Genre, Gender, and Genealogy in
a Late Twelfth-century Monogatari. Ph.D. dissertation, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 1998.
Khan, Robert Omar. [Selections] in Stephen Miller, ed., Partings
at Dawn,1996, pp. 21-35.
Asagao no tsuyu no miya
Muromachi tale
Opening tr. in Pigeot, Michiyuki-bun, p. 189.
Atsumori (noh play)
[see noh-trans
page for translation of this noh play and all others]
(kowaka genre)
Araki, The Ballad-Drama of Medieval Japan, 1964, pp.
150-71. Abridged in Brazell, Traditional
Japanese Theater 1998: 295-300.
azuma asobi uta
early genre of song, principally used in Shinto ritual [NKBD
"Suraga Dance" tr. Hiroaki Sato in Sato
and Watson 1981:154.
azuma uta
early genre of "poems from (the provinces) of the East"
examples collected in Man'yoshu, book 14.
Azuma kagami
Chronicle history
Shinoda, M. The Founding of the Kamakura Shogunate, 1180-1185,
with selected translations from the Azuma Kagami. Columbia
UP, 1960 [partial trans. of first five books.]
McCullough, William. "The Azuma Kagami Account
of the Shokyu War." MN 23 (1968):102-55. [Trans.
of book 25, concerning year 1221.]
azuma uta
"eastern songs," 330 of which are collected in
Man'yoshu, vol. 14
and Thwaite 1964: 22.
(ca. 1349)
Historical tale (rekishi monogatari). Account of Ashikaga
Uyenaka, Shuzo. A study of Baishoron, a source for the ideology
of imperial loyalism in medieval Japan. Ph.D. University of Toronto,
1979. [Excerpts]
genre of elegies. (Fr. "poemes funebres")
Ben no naishi nikki
Court diary
Hulvey, Shirley Yumiko. "The Nocturnal Muse: a Study
and Partial Translation of "Ben no Naishi Nikki," a
Thirteenth Century Poetic Diary." Ph.D. Berkeley, 1989.
Forthcoming: Ben
no Naishi Nikki: A Poetic Record of Female Courtiers' Sacred
Duties at the Kamakura-Period Court. Cornell East Asia Series.
ed. H. Shinozaki (GSRJ)
Benkei monogatari
Muromachi tale
Sieffert, Rene. Histoire
de Benkei. Paris: P.O.F., 1995. 95 p.
Poetry collection by Fujiwara no Kiyosuke (1104-1177)
Trans. not known. Title tr. as "Shepherd's Flute Collection"
(Putzlar 1973: 63)
Bungo fudoki
Aoki, Michiko Yamaguchi. Records of Wind and Earth: A
Translation of Fudoki, with Introduction and Commentaries.
Ann Arbor, 1997.
Bunji ninen jugatsu nijuyokka
dazai go-no-sochi Tsunefusa uta awase
Utawase held 1186. Judgement by Fujiwara no Suetsune
Poem and judgement tr. in Pigeot, Michiyuki-bun, p.
Bunka shureishu
second imperial kanshi collection
Bunkyo hifuron
Bodman, Richard Wainwright. "A Study and Translation
of Kukai's 'Bunkyo Hifuron'." PhD Cornell University, 1978.
Bunsho soshi
Araki, James. "Bunsho Soshi: The Tale of Bunsho, the
Saltmaker," MN 38:3 (1983).
Rumpf, Fritz. Japanische Volksmaerchen. Jena, 1938.
Bussokuseki no uta (bussokuseikika)
Mills, Douglas E. "The Footprints of the Buddha."
Journal of the American Oriental Society 80.3 (July-Sept.
1960): 229-242.
see Princeton Companion [hereafter PCCJL] p.
byobu uta [byobu no uta]
genre of poems written to accompany screen paintings. PCCJL
p. 31.
Discussion in Pigeot, Michiyuki-bun, 93-103 ("poemes
pour paravents")
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O - R - S - T - U - W - Y - Z
"Bamboo Grove Notes" by Sogi, 1476
Chiteiki (982)
Watson, Burton. "Record of the Pond Pavilion,"
in Japanese
Literature in Chinese, vol. 1. New York: Columbia UP,
1975; pp. 57-64.
Dong, Donald D. Yoshishige no Yasutane, Chiteiki. MS 26
(1963): 445-53.
see PCCJL entry for Yoshishige no Yasutane
Genre of poem with alternating lines of five and seven syllables.
Typical of Man'yoshu, but found in later collections (e.g.
Kokinshu, book 19).
Dainihonkoku hokekyo genki
Dykstra, Yoshiko K. Miraculous
Tales of the Lotus Sutra from Ancient Japan. U of Hawaii
Press, 1984.
Dainihonshi 1657-1906, see part
Eiga ittei
"The Style of Composition," 1274, by Fujiwara
Brower, Robert H. The Foremost Style of Poetic Composition:
Fujiwara Tameie's Eiga no Ittei. MN 42 (1987):
Eiga monogatari
McCullough, Helen C., and William H. McCullough. Tale
of Flowering Fortunes: Annals of Japanese Aristocratic Life
in the Heian Period. 2 vols. Stanford, California: Stanford
UP, 1980.
Hurst, G. Cameron, III. "Michinaga's
Maladies." MN 34.1 (1979): 101-112.
Engi shiki
attrib. to Fujiwara Tokihira (871-909)
Bock, Felicia G. Classical
Learning and Taoist Practices in Early Japan, with a translation
of Books XVI and XX of the Engi-Shiki. Occasional Paper No.
17, Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State Univ., 1985. // "The
Enthronement Rites: The Text of Engishiki, 927."
MN 35 (1982): 307-37. // Engi-shiki : procedures of the Engi
Era. Monumenta Nipponica monograph. 2 vols. Tokyo: Sophia
University, 1970-1972. REV: Hurst MN 28 (1973).
// "Engi-shiki: ceremonial procedures of the Engi era, 901-922."
PhD dissertation. Berkeley, University of California, 1966.
Ellwood, Robert S. The Feast of Kingship.
Accession Ceremonies in Ancient Japan. [**] REV. Bock, MN
28 (1973).
See Norito for Donald Philippi's
translation of Engi shiki, book 8.
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S - T - U - W - Y - Z
Prose genre: "topographies" (PCCJL p. 148),
"geographical treatises"
Bungo fudoki, Harima
fudoki, Hitachi
fudoki, Hizen fudoki,
and Izumo
fudoki (all references gathered here]
Aoki, Michiko Yamaguchi. Records of Wind and Earth: A
Translation of Fudoki, with Introduction and Commentaries.
Ann Arbor: Association of Asian Studies Monograph Series, 1997.
[OP / AAS]
Story of Urashima tr. in Naumann, Zauberschale, 1973,
Florenz, Karl. Japanische Mythologie. MOAG (1901):
282-308. [Trans. of short passages]
Fubokusho / Fubokuwakasho
Kamakura waka collection (1310?) compiled by Fujiwara
Fugashu / Fugawakashu
17th imperial anthology. ("FGS"). "Collection
of Japanese Poetry of Elegance"
36 poems tr. in Brower and Miner, JCP, 1961.
Fukan zazengi (1227)
"General Advice on the Principles of Zazen" (Dogen)
Yokoi Yuho. Master Dogen. An introduction with selected
writings. New York,1976.
Dumoulin, Heinrich. "Allgemeine Lehren zur Foerderung
des Zazen von Zen-Meister Dogen." MN 14 (1958-9).
Masunaga Reiho. Introduction to Hukanzazangi...
Tokyo, 1956.
Fukutomi soshi
(Muromachi-period otogizoshi)
Fushimi in nakatsukasa naishi nikki
diary (1292)
ed. M. Shibata under prep. (Yomeido bunko)
Fuyoshu / Fuyowakashu
"The Collection of Wind-Blown Leaves" (mid-Kamakura
collection of poems from monogatari)
fuzoku uta (genre)
Heian court song to accompaniment of wagon [PCCJL
four songs tr. Hiroaki Sato in Sato and Watson 1981:155-6.
next page
WORK IN PROGRESS. Last update: 2002/02/23
Contributions and feedback most welcome. Acknowledgements
Michael Watson <>
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