2024年9月入学 入学式・オリエンテーションの予定表(日本語版) →こちらをクリック ※7月26日更新
※やむを得ず欠席した場合は、後日、主催部署の窓口で指示を受けてください。 (欠席の事前連絡は不要です。)

Schedule for the Entrance Ceremony and Orientation for September 2024 Enrollment(English) →Click here ※Updated on Jul. 26
※Please be sure to attend each event and explanations because they are very important.
※If you are unable to attend, please follow the instructions at the office of the organizing department at a later date.  
 (You don't have to inform us of your absence in advance.)

横浜キャンパスの案内図/Campus Map →Click here
