Department of International Business

Department of Economics
Department of Business Administration
Department of International Business

Experiencing international business in a variety of languages and regions produces managers ready for the global arena

International business develops in an ever-changing economic environment by overcoming differences in language, values, and political systems. Our courses cultivate international communication skills and the basic academic abilities needed to understand the issues faced by companies in the context of global markets, enabling students to acquire the competencies required to flourish in such a dynamic setting. The Department seeks students willing to display initiative in the increasingly borderless world of international business.

Department of International Business

Key Features of the Department of International Business

Point 01
Specialized business courses plus a foreign language program produce graduates who can thrive on the global stage

Together with specialized classes in business, students choose from a diverse offering of classes aimed at improving their foreign language skills from their first year onwards, including English for Business Communication, e-learning, Reading Course in Foreign Languages, and Field Study (the latter two classes improve comprehension of international business in foreign languages). As a rule, all students study abroad during their second year.

Point 02
Diverse cross-cultural programs such as overseas internships

The goal of the Department’s many overseas learning programs is to develop students’ abilities to think for themselves and reach their own conclusions through the research they conduct while abroad. Among these are a study abroad program focused on learning from the global business environment and an international internship program that provides opportunities to apply classroom learning in the real world.

Point 03
A foreign exchange program for all second-year students polishes language skills and provides international business exposure

As a rule, all students study abroad, heading to approximately eighteen partner schools in regions ranging from Europe and the United States to Asia. This is an opportunity for dynamic, first-hand learning about international business through market studies on a different theme at each partner school. When they return to Japan, the students prepare and present reports on their findings.

Point 04
A balanced curriculum of economics, business administration, and accounting/finance

The curriculum is comprised of three fields integrating economics and business administration. In their second year, students learn the basics of all three fields in a balanced curriculum of specialized classes. Starting in their third year, in addition to exercises and other classes, they select more specialized classes from the three fields on the basis of their future career plans.

Program Structure

From their first year, students participate in small-group seminars of about twenty students to acquire basic academic skills. In their second year, they learn thinking and problem-solving skills in specialized classes in the three fields, and all students study abroad in the fall. In their third and fourth years, students choose an area of interest from among the three fields of study in which they engage in the practical study of international business. Students explore their field of specialization through a curriculum that allows them to acquire both theoretical and practical skills.


Preparatory courses for a safe and effective overseas study experience

Preparations for Study Abroad

From the first year onwards, the entire faculty of the Department of International Business provides support regarding the skills the students gain by studying abroad, preparations for a safe overseas study experience, and the language skills and useful expertise they will need.

Gaining necessary English skills on the job

English for Business Communication

With a focus on the business workplace, students learn the four core language skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Lectures held entirely in English help students to acquire more practical communication skills.

Where Our Graduates Are Now(2021-2023)